[MageyDePink]'s diary

436280  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-12-06
Written: (7125 days ago)

John has read all of this diary.
I am slightly scared because I can't remember what I've written in it.
He said it was 'interesting....and cool.' this probably means I've insulted him at some point/talked about how much I fancy someone else before we were going out or written somethin in criminating.
This means I shall have to check shortly.

Today is Sammies Birthday.
Happy Birthday Sammie!

That's it.

434004  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-12-04
Written: (7128 days ago)
Next in thread: 434073

So today I went to stroud to go shopping for christmas, I hate christmas.
Its so commercial, over rated, greedy. etc.

But anyway, I got presents for nosh and moon, john got me my present, I know what it is and its beautiful. But I can't have it til chrimbo and have to act surprised when i open it., I haven't witten it so then I might forget for real then it will be a genuine surprise.
I'm a bit daft. Yes.

Speaking of I'm, I'm also hungry.
And bored.
I. Am. Bored.
And moon is not online, last time a sent psycho waves they worked, I'll try again....

Moon, this is the voice of the mysterons, we know you can hear us earthling. We are commanding you to go onto the interweb and chat to bob because she is one bored mofo and you love her. Also buy her lots of chocolate because she is hungry.

That should work.... only time will tell.

431965  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-02
Written: (7130 days ago)


Bloody hell its cold. I left my mittens at nosh's house to make it worse.

Guess what i did this moirning? Made a dirty greast hole in the bum of my favourite jeans, NO not because i have a fat arse, because they are my favourite jeans and wear them alot and they wore out. I am gutted.
I've been wearing nikkis trousers all day, which are considerably larger than me so they've been falling down all bloody day and I'm pretty sure Mr Wallis saw my underwear....

431305  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-12-01
Written: (7130 days ago)


My lovely


You see, I was what I liked to call an 'unromantic' - dramatically opposed to anything remotely slushy, soppy or gross.
And now everytime he says "I love you" I go all funny and I melt.
Damn him.

I wouldn't swap him for the world though....
428896  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-29
Written: (7133 days ago)
Next in thread: 429015

Ofsted weeks begins....

We had a structured drama lesson, a fun french lesson and i enjoyed key skills....

tis not normal.....

And theres no one online to talk to, sucks, wheres moon when you need her??

428266  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-11-28
Written: (7133 days ago)

Theres nothing better than spending an entire day with your closest friends, family and boyfriends doing all the things you like to do, smiling, laughing, joking....

That is NOT what I did today.

I did, however, have John round which was rather cool. We uh.. watched a film, well John did, I was being dead annoying, poking, prodding, being myself..!
Then, after constant nagging from John, we went in the hot tub, then got out and watched 'the life of brian'.

ofstred inspections start tomorrow, this means I shall have to do my work or else my teachers will either get really horrible or be disappointed and accuse me of letting them down.
I really hopee that an inspector comes in to 7l4s classon tuesday, i help out there, im sure they'd love to see hoe mrs atherton handles them...

427077  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-11-27
Written: (7135 days ago)

oh and also, martyn let me reverse the audi off the driveway.
Anyone who has seen the audi will appreciate how bloody scared i was. Martyn wasn't even in the car to take over if i cocked up, he was on the phone to his mother.
It was the scariest thing i've ever done because its really powerful and I'm only used to driving a little ford Ka.
I didn't kill it though, which was good news.

427072  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-11-27
Written: (7135 days ago)

Like my new individual house?
I wrote it myself. Moon copied.

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha my evil plan is almost complete
We went to ikea a few weeks ago and bought pasta bowls and I've wanted to use them ever since. Now we have no plates left, they're all in the dishwasher and i didn't turn it on! This means we have to eat tea out of the pasta bowls .
i win.

427003  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-11-27
Written: (7135 days ago)

Its funny. For years i've been like There are no decent blokey 'nockers (guys who go to rednock for those who aren't down with the lingo) and i have been perving over marling boys for quite a while.
I now have my own marling guy.
Fate is a weird and twisted thing. Is it not?

Speaking of John, I bought his chrimbo present, this makes me good. I actually want one of my own but I don't have enough space in my room for one. Sadly.
Though it would be a bit sad if John and I had matching ******************s in our rooms. (BTW John if you're sleuthing, the amount of *'s does not refer to the amount of letters in the name of the present)
I don't even think he reads my diary so I'm safe but I won't write it just in case...

Right, break over, back to my media studies essay.
"Is the gender representation in fawlty towers stereotypical?"

426131  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-11-26
Written: (7136 days ago)

Roxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanne you don't have to put on that red light....

Yes. I hate media studies, really really really. I have just made the most stupid presentation ever known to the history or power point presentaitons. I shall give up and do Englo instead I wager.

425872  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-11-26
Written: (7136 days ago)

wow, the school filtering system is actually letting me go on my diary.
Im bored, mt drama coursework is due in in about half an hour and i have half a paghe to do and i have no idea what to write.
The room is scarily quiet.
I wish moon or nosh or someone was here, i'd be less bored at least...


425136  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-25
Written: (7137 days ago)

Well I did it. Finally told Amy and dave I'm not working with them for Media Studies.
Well, its always me coming up withthe ideas, and we hardly get any work done really. Plus, althought I didn't really want to make it personal, Amy's always bloody miserable, usually because someone said somehting that a normal person would consider to be a fair comment. And dave... well, I don't like being constantly touched all the time. Even with John, I can't have him touching me all the time, its nothing personal towards the person i just don't like it. And when you have a boyfriend and someone else is being grossly flirtacious with you its a little annoying, it makes the tips of my fingers itch just thinking about it.
So yeh, did that. Now I'm working with [argosuperman] don't ask where his username came from, I don't honestly have a bloody clue!
MORE people joined elftown from Rednock1 We shall soon have a whole empire!
rednock goers 'r' us will soon rule the world!!!! Well Eltown anyway, not that we have plans to, there'll just be soooooo many of us!
Crazy shiznit.
I went driving to Gloucester for the first time, Jim says i have a 'heavy right foot', yeh i have a need for speed what can I say?! I was born to be a racing driver, I just haven't had the right chances. Sadly I have to contend myself with watching races, and top gear. So yeh, according to Jim I have to wear ballet shoes next lesson.

He sort of fuelled it though, there was another learner behind me and he said: "Lianne, if you dare let Gordon overtake you, you're walking home" my right foot was happy.

423103  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-11-23
Written: (7138 days ago)
Next in thread: 423886

Its my dad and Pip's 2nd Wedding Anniversary.
Happy Anniversary.
Pebbles, our 2 month old kitten died.
Everyone's crying, well except dad and luke, I cried earlier, but I'm keeping busy. Its all sniffles and miserability here I'm afraid.
I didn't spend enough time to get really attached to her, not living with my dad half the time but shes was a rather cute bundle of fluff, if a bit bitey. She will be missed, to say the least, but now she's in the garden, so she can decompose and become part of the flower bed.
See? Her spirit lives on in the daffodils. So when spring comes we can thanks plebby for a pretty garden.

Thanks Plebs.

417383  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-18
Written: (7143 days ago)
Next in thread: 417516


Hello, I think I made Amy cry earlier....
We were in media studies and she was in a bad mood (when is she not?) and when she is in a bad mood everyone must know about it.
"I wish i was dead."
"I hate this lesson."
"Grrr rungroeroghd grugh"
"Can someone kill me?"

Its actually quite annoying, so i sent her a message saying: Why are you never happy?
Then she reeled off a load of reasons and I managed to find ways to combat them all. Then she started tlaking about her dad's birthday, nan's funeral a few years ago and her dead uncle and started crying.
Now usually I would have sympathy but she does it so much its driving me insane.
Am I cold hearted?
Am I a bitch?
Someone please tell me then maybe I can go to church and repent my sins.

417041  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-18
Written: (7144 days ago)

My anaconda don't want none
unless you got buns hun!
Yeh i like big butts and i will not lie....

I don't really so be quiet.

I'm at my house and you are not. I find this funny.
I'm hungry....

415881  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-11-17
Written: (7145 days ago)

today i kept getting the feeling i was going to sleep for an hour then waking up.
when i sleep in the day i get really hungry and my face swells up. although no swollen face as yet i have been feelig sooo hungry and i have no idea why!
crazy huh?!

The air outside smells sickeningly fresh. fresh air is nice, but not when its so fresh you which you could be sick just to unpurify it a bit.

Its horrible.

414821  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-11-16
Written: (7146 days ago)
Next in thread: 414837

u have the rite 2 b wiv John.....but make sure how other people feel....and another thing....Charlie suggested that i should split u 2 up and i said No....so he said ok....let them rot.....but NOW....i wish i did say yes......

Grrrrr......i hate u all...........i hate you and i fucking hate john.....that sick fucking bastard..

That was Matt, John's cousin, who is apparently in love with John. I don't give a fuck who knows it now because that little shit bag has gone too far.
I've had enough of apologising to him, I've had enough of being bullied by him and Charlie.
I. Am. Fed. Up.

What to do about this, I'm not entirely sure.
Plotting murders is going a little to far methinks, nice idea though.

413805  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-15
Written: (7147 days ago)

I can't beleive i just wrote that much about school council and NYP.

413804  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-15
Written: (7147 days ago)

Hello, My name is Bob and I have the most exciting life ever.

I have been spending the last 15 minutes looking at Vending machines for the Sixth Form Block.
Wahoo baybee.
Boring, you may think, but this isn't any old vending machine, oh no. 'The Green Machine' stocks only healthy, organic food for very low prices! It also has some sort of chip in it that alerts the owners when it runs out of orange juice and stuff.
Funky eh?
Whats more, this isn't actually my job, its Dom's but I was reading my 'Student Council Hand book for Secondary Students' and had to take a look. I dunno if Dom's read his yet.
So yeh I read my hand book cover to cover, impressive eh? Its actually pretty good. Suggests training for council members like bowling and pizza and treks in the country side which I think is a wicked cool idea. Rednock Council members are funky monkeys you know.
I am not actaully being sarcastic, for once.

his is how sad i am, I get psyched about the bloody school council, maybe I should be locked up or something....
Oh yeh, Marsh is running for Youth MP and has recruited myself, Frino, Rachel Jackon, Dom and Kenny as his 'attractive, intelligent' campaign crew.
He wanted good looking people so people would vote, and he wanted me because I am 'politically minded' apparently. So if everyone in Gloucestershire is as narrow minded as dear marshy he's on to a winner.
What i find hilarious is that a few people in the student council think he's a complete arse and so Justine (hater of marsh) has decided to also run for youth mp.
This could lead to hilarious results, especially as I am half tempted to vote for Justine even though I'm on Marsh's campaign team.
Nah thats mean, marsh called me attractive, intelligent and politically minded, flattery gets you everywhere.

412861  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-11-14
Written: (7148 days ago)

Drama courseowrk is sucking.
Big stylie.
For my cosutme and make up I didn't draw stuyff but copied picture of celebrities that I imagine would look like the character from the interweb.
Thats not cheating is it?
I bloody hope not.

412719  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-11-14
Written: (7148 days ago)
Next in thread: 412760

last night I went for a meal to celebrate my mother's coming of old age. I can't actually remember how old she is, which is probably a good thing for my mum because I might think she's younger than she actually is.
I ame none of the sense.
Anyway. last night there wa sa rather good looking waiter (yeh I know I have a boyfriend who I love very much but as my nan says "There's no harm in window shopping unless you get your credit card out." It makes sense in a round about way.)
So yeh good looking waiter, who went to serve the table next to us and annpounced "Heeeeeeeeeres mushrooms!" Me and nik cracked up and we quoting him all night then!
Also , for some reason all the dirty plates piled up in front of me, so mr waiter man came to pick them up and I wanted to smile but I have mint stuck in my teeth so mum abd well everyone was taking the mick and I was getting redder and redder and giggling. So Mr good looking waiter man probably though I fancied him or something.
Something else happened but i can't remember what.

My mum said I deserve to be fat. Yesterday I ate:-
One small chicken supreme pizza
1 chocolate sundae
3 pieces of cheesy garlic bread
Roast lamb Shank with mint and honey sauce
Duchess Potatoes
Chips dipped in remainder of mint and honey sauce
Chcolate fudge cake with vanilla ice cream.

I am a pig. Really.
And today I have eaten a large bar of nestle double cream chocolate and I'm having roast lamb again!
I'll be 23 stone when I go to school tomorrow and everyone will bully me and stuff.
I'm bored, and want moon to be online because she, at least, is mildly entertaining.
I could ring John, but can't be bothered.
I could tidy my room, but i did that this morning and had the shock of my life. There was so much fluff and cat hair (all breezer's) that I could actually make another cat.
Instead I threw it away. My desk is now organised, with my diddy english and german dictionaires alongside my dictionaire francais massif. My fishes now have a clean house and I decded to make a mobile so they can have something to play with. Martyn asked me who they'd call, he's dumb, he knows I mean a hangy mobile with toys on. I also want a bubbleator so finnigan can be like that fish of finding nemo who loves the bubbles.
Dreams... all dreams.
The time is 16.53.
With any luck Moon will have a five o' clock flash of inspirado to do computery stuff then she can come online and talk to me.
I doubt it though.

I could make good use of my time by playing with my 'Hazard Perception Disk' so I can do my theory test soon. But I can't be bothered. I'm also rather thirsty.
Halleluja! Nic just logged on this means entertainment for at least five minutes. One of theo's mates logged on too. yippee!
Come on Mooners..... think bob on interweb.
You miss me and really want to talk to me.....
*sends psychic waves*

 The logged in version 

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