[cvg54]'s diary

412304  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-11-13
Written: (7175 days ago)
411361  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-11-12
Written: (7176 days ago)

001: Name: Alice
002: Nickname(s):Alice, Bone Justice, Parka... it goes 4ever on! They're all stupid names that my brothers gave me... well, except for Dory. Benny gave me that one.
003: Country of living:Ame-dee-ca... (if you watch that 70s show... you'll understand...lol)
004: Birthdate:04-10-90
005: Hair Length: More than shoulder... I think...
006: Eye color:I dunno. The I.D. place says black, but no one has their eyes completely black, 'cause only aliens have them all black.
007: Shoesize:5 1/2 in USA, 5.0 in the UK, 38.0 in Europe, and 24.5 in cm.
008: School/work:L-O-C-K-E!!! First year! Whee! As for work... I'm a cashier!
009: You smoke:Negative
010: Hobbies:Reading, writting, going out, Elftown, talking on the phone, and friends.
011: Brothers/Sisters:Well, my parents say we're related....
012: Relationship:I am married to Eddy Frank Montoya
013: Piercing(s): Three, and possibly more....
017: Nicest person you met this year: That's hard....
018: Person you rather not have met this year: *shrugs*
019: Who would you like to meet: That's hard too.
020: Who do you admire most: No one.....
021: Most sexy person(s): Well... there's Eddy.... and that's basically it.::giggles::
022: Favorite Pyjamas: The pink ones my mommy gave me... they're striped with the colors from the Trix yogurt. They're nice. And soft.
023: Favorite Car: 2004 Mustang or Ford Focus.... 2004. ::sighs:: So beautiful.
024: Favorite Movie(s):LOTR (all 3), Shrek 1 and 2, Finding Nemo, Titanic, Forrest Gump, Devil's Advocate, Night of the Living Dead, and lotsa more.....
025: Favorite Music: All music is nice and funny... I can get to like all music if I just listen to it... except for rap and hip-hop. I'm like allergic to it.
026: Favorite City(s):My fair Oaxaca and Mexicali... and Marina del Rey
027: Favorite Plush:Unavailable
028: Favorite Perfume/aftershave:I really don't know.
029: Favorite Magazine:Plenty (Blender, Organic Style, YM, Seventeen, Cosmo!Girl, Rolling Stone,Teen Vogue....)
030: Favorite sound:Babies!
031: Favorite TV-series: Call me a nerd, but I hate T.V. So there.
032: Favorite Writer:Too many to mention...
033: Favorite Nickname: Alice
034: What is on your mousepad:Requested object not found.
035: What all is under your bed:I'd rather not look....
036: Favorite color:Green, Yellow, Red, Orange, Marmalade, Periwinkle...
037: Favorite Song ever:"Running Away"- by Hoobastank
038: Favorite song at this moment: Lots ;)
039: Favorite food:PIZZA!!!!!!
040: Favorite class in school:This semester would be: Modern Dancing and PC class.
041: Favorite drink:Hi-C and that one drink... I think i't s called "Welch's Peach and White Grape." And Tropicana Orangeade
042: Lucky number:Cuatro!
043: What do you think is greatest about yourself: I am who I am... so there's things that are hard to say.
044: What deodorant do you use: Secret, Pink Shimmer
045: Favorite shoes:Vans and Chucks
046: What time do you go to bed on weekdays:B4 9
047: What word do you use most:'Yeah'. Oh, and 'Fuck'.
048: Most romantic moment in your life:Well... there's lots, but I'll go with the time that I.... you know something? I can't decide...
049:Most embarrassing moment in your life:*giggles* Well... there's lots, too.. I'm pretty clumsy... but I think I'll go with the time I fell with the desk to the ground of my Algebra 1 class in 7th grade... just to reach a pencil! Or how about the time I was trying on a dress at Robinson's May and I couldn't take it off 'cause it was too tight and I needed my mom's help to unzipper it but she was laughing her ass off? Or how about when... you know what? I'll stop.
050: You spend your time rather inside or outside: Sadly, inside. Not that I like to.
051: What do you do in the weekends: Study, go out, music.
052: What class in school you dislike most:They're all o.k.
053: Your Breakfast:Cereal, either Apple Jacks, Chex, Rice Krispies, or Honey Bunches of Oats. And when I'm lucky, McDonalds. But when I'm really lucky, Denny's.
054: What do you really dislike to eat:onions! Ewww!
055: Pets: Mushu, Shasha, Rocky, and three chickens.
056: Laugh or Dream:Laugh. Dreaming is nice, but after all, they're just dreams. If they came true, well, then, that's different.
058: Fast or slow: Depends on what the ocasion is and calls for.
059: You prefer being alone or have a relationship:I like to be alone, 'cause I'm a weirdoe and I think that I annoy people, but life calls for companionship... so, I'd say relationship.
060: Simple or complicated:Complicated! Easy things are boring.
061: Cremate or Buried when dead:Buried. I'd like the ants to become my best friends.
062: Sex or Alcohol: A healthy mix of both ;)
063: Stay up late or go to bed early:Stay up late. Watching the sun rise is so nice.
064: Light or dark:A balance of both
065: Speak or Silence:What the circumstances dictate.
066: Tall or small :Small is better!
067: News paper:Gray, smelly, and trash.
068: Hug or kiss:Both are delicious. And nice.
069: Happy or Sad:Happy. Sad is like the color grey. I don't really like dead colors.
070: Life or Death: There's nothing more wonderful than life.
071: Gig or Disco:Both, if possible
072: Left or Right:Right Handed! Yeah!
073: Sausages on top, or on the side:Sausage is sausage...
074: Dark/ red/ Blonde:I hate blondes, red-heads are burned out... so I'd go with brunnettes/dark.
075: What would you ask God if you could ask him 1 single question:Is it really you?
076: You believe in reincarnation:Yes. In my next life, I will be a man and I will be a slut.
077: You believe in Aliens:Hello?! #1 X-Files Fan???
078: When you die, what will be your last words: "Took longer than what I thought..."
079: Does true love exist:How can it not? What idiot is making these questions up???
080: How many kids would you like to have: Dos-Violeta and Arturo.... unless we go for more... then 4, Violeta, Arturo, Eddy, and Alucema
081: What is the one thing you can't stand:Lots of things are irritating, but the top three are loud annoying noises, nosy people, and waiting.
082: Best feeling:Being full of everything... (Like full on love and full on food...)
083: Worst feeling in the world:Oh there are so many... like regret, loss, and anger. And sadness, too.
084: What are you afraid of:Losing people and not having told them what they mean to me.
085: Are you an emotional person:Sadly, yes. I am.
086: Do you ever cry during a movie:Depends... at the theatre, no. At my house, yes.
087: Your goal in life:To leave a mark on life like it left one on me.
088: What was the promise you made to yourself at new years eve:I don't make promises that I know I won't keep, especially when I'm half drunk.
089: Favorite art-artist:Robert, my bro. ::sighs:: Such an imagination.
090: As what animal would you like to reincarnate:Panda! They're so cute, fat, and furry! ^_^
091: What is the most beautiful part on the male body:My mother would not approve of this question, nor of my answer.
092: Most original place to ask your love to marry you:In outer space! And under the ocean! ^-^
093:What do you think of Elftown:It's all good...
094: Is there something you miss about Elftown: My dear friend [Andrei]
095: Where did you get this question list:The last person that had it... I think it was [Nosferatu].
095: Besides elftown, what do you do most on your PC:Games, e-mailing friends, and music. I love music.
096: Is there a question you missed in this all:I think not
097: Favorite Actor:Gael Garcia Bernal and Keanu Reeves
098: Favorite Actress:Miranda Otto and that one chinese Actress
099: Favorite Animes:Sailor Moon,Yu-Gi-Oh... and thats it
100: Favorite Mangas:Isn't that the same thing???
102: What super power do you wish to have:Invisibility and super speed.
103: Your gender:FEMALE
104: Straight/gay/BI:Straighter than this pencil.
105: Single:I was... but not anymore. Single people are so nice.
106: Want to be:A sexy, sexy man-slut in my next life.
107: Age you act:Depends on what is required ;D
108: Age you wish you were:0
109: Your height:Rather not say...
110: Happy with it:No! I can't reach certain places, nor can I look over people's heads.
111: The color of your hair:Black and brown and red. I dyed it like three times.
112: Happy with it:Yes, although it won't stay in place.
113: Left/right/ambidextrous:Right... didn't I answer this already?
114: Your living arrangement:House... room, alone.
115: What's your job:Student from 8-2:50, cashier from 3:30-8:00
116: Piercing:Already answered! >.<
117: Obsessions:Many things... candy, Eddy, pizza, and more candy.
118: Do you speak another language:French and Spanish, although my French sucks a lot and Spanish, well... it's getting there.
119: Have a favorite quote:"Life is a piece of cheese... it's delicious at times, yet can be pretty stinky at others." (I made it up! Yeah!)
120: Do you have a WebPage:Nah! And if I did, it would probably be: www.youresuchamoronifyourevisitingthispage.com
121: Where Do you live in the moment:My house... aka 9306 S San Pedro street Los Angeles, CA 90003
122: Do you consider yourself tolerant of others:At times...
123: Do you have any secrets:I'm human, am I not?
124: Do you hate yourself:Why shouldn't I?
125: Do you like your handwriting:Yeah!Better than most.
126: Do you have any bad habits:I'm human am I not?
127: What is the compliment you get most from people:That I am funny and sweet and nice and caring and honest and smart.
128: If a movie were made about your life, what would it be called:'These Nuts In Your Mouth'- Produced by Elena Serrano.
131: Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool: Never.
132: Are you a loner:Sometimes, when I choose to be.
133: If you were another person, would you be friends with you:OF COURSE!!! I'd love me! (Well, if I wasn't 'me')
134: Are you a daredevil:Yup!Life is a risk! Take it or lose it!
135: Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself:Lotsa things.
136: Are you passive or aggressive:Aggressive with my bros, passive with everyone else.
137: Have you got a question:To ask whom?
138: What is your greatest strength and weakness:Strength:Myself..... Weakness:I'll keep that on hush-hush mode.
139: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be:Depends on a few things...
140: There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose:Creativity. Why? Well, I have love, beauty is out of the question... so yeah.
141: How do you vent:Huh? Don't only A/C's do that?
142: Do you think you are emotionally strong:No.I am too weak, and that's bad.
143: Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life:Not being as happy as I should be. Or grateful.
144: Do you think life has been good so far: It's had it's ups and downs.
145: What is the most important lesson you've learned from life:Hmm.... good question...
145: What do you like the most about your body:Heh-heh... that's a joke, right?
146: And least:Hmm, possibly everything.
147: Do you think you are good looking:No, not at all.
148: Are you confident:At times, when I choose to be.
149: What is the fictional character you're most like:Aragorn ^-^ from LOTR... we're secretive and humble. Not to mention brave. And weird.
150: Do people know how you feel:I hide my feelings 2 much... so..no.
151: Are you perceived wrongly:Doubt it!
152: Smoke:No.
153: Do drugs:Not yet. I mean, not at all.
154: Read the newspaper:Yes, but only the comics.
155: Pray:Yes
156: Go to church:No... sadly, that's the truth.
157: Talk to strangers who IM you:I have no IM.
158: Sleep with stuffed animals:Of course!
160: Talk to people even though you hate them: Of course, we all do.
161: Drive:Not as of yet. I first need a motor vehicle.
162: Like to drive fast:Hell yeah!
163: Like your voice:No...
164: Hurt yourself:Lotsa times, on purpose and by accident. I think bruises are cool.
165: Been out of the country:Yes, only to Mexico.
166: Eaten something that made other people sick:lol....
167: Burped:No duh!
168: Been unfaithful:Never... I hate people who cheat.
169: Been in love: I AM in love... and lemme tell ya, I'ts the best feeling in the world, to see someone in a way that only you know... and it makes it special because it's with the leat expected person...
170: Done drugs:Yeah, is it a crime?
171: Gone skinny-dipping:I'm not skinny!
172: Had a surgery:Yes, when I was six. But not plastic surgery... although I need one...
173: Ran away from home:Yes, twice.
174: Played strip poker:I wish I knew how to play poker!
175: Gotten beaten up:There was no referee to tell.
176: Been picked on:Tsk, yeah right!
177: Been on stage:Lotsa times... it's so funny to do so...
178: Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath:If I did, I was too drunk to know...
179: Slept outdoors:Yes! Its fun!Except when frogs get in your sleeping bag...
180: Thought about suicide:Who hasn't?
181: Pulled an all-nighter:Yuppers!
182: If yes, what is your record:I think 3 days straight...
183: Gone one day without food: Two days, actually. But it's not 'cause I'm anorexic or nothin'. There was no food!
184: Talked on the phone all night:Yes!!!! It was with Eddy... from 12:19 until 6:16 am.... that was wonderful...
185: Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex?:OF COURSE!!!!!! (My cousin, my brother, my nephew...)
186: Slept all day:Tried to, but failed miserably
187: Killed someone:Thats my own business.... j/k!
188: Made out with a stranger:Hell no!
189: Had sex with a stranger:WTF?
190: Thought you're going crazy:Cuando no?
191: Kissed the same sex:Yeah... I kiss my mommy when she drops me off at skool.
192: Done anything sexual with the same sex:Do I look gay or something????????
193: Been betrayed:Yes, haven't we all?
194: Had a dream that came true:Im hoping....
195: Broken the law:No...er...No
196: Met a famous person:Maybe famous to someone else.
197: Have you ever killed an animal by accident:Sadly, yes... a fly....
198: Stolen anything:Not anymore! ^-^
199: Been on radio/TV.:Yes!
200: Been in a mosh-pit:If I only knew....
201: Had a nervous breakdown:All the time
202: Considered religious vocation:Yeah.
203: Been criticized about your sexual performance:Well, Elena wonders if I'm straight or not...
204: Bungee jumped:No.
205: Had a dream that kept coming back:Yes.
206: Believe in miracles:They do exist...
208: Astrology:Sometimes.
209: Magic:Yes.
210: God:Yes.
211: Satan:Without good there is no evil and vice-versa
212: Santa:He's fat and old... I hate him 'cause he never gave me anything for Christmas... my parents did...
213: Ghosts: They're cool and creepy...
214: Luck:I am pretty lucky.. hell, I got with Eddy! You can't get luckier than that!
215: Love at first sight:Has happened!
216: Yin and Yang:I'm the good one... is it yin?
217: Witches:Well, there's my sister and her friends...
218: Easter bunny:It's pretty cute... I like him 'cause he gives eggs... but he mosta stole 'em 'cause bunnies don't lay eggs... do they?
219: Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever:Yeah, but people don't like seeing that.
220: Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow:Rainbow? Gold? Where!?
221: Do you wish on stars?:Sometimes
222: Do you remember your first love?:Yes. It was Felipe Hernandez. And that's so sad.
223: Still love him/her:Nope! Not at all. Not one bit. We're just friends.
224: Do you consider love a mistake:Never that.
225: What do you find romantic:Love
226: Turn-ons:wow.... ::giggles:: That'll take a while...
227: Turn-offs:Lies, criticism, politics.
228: Do you base your judgement on looks alone: Never!
229: If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel:Confused!
230: Do you prefer knowing someone before dating him or her or going "blind":Knowing him! Ewww... I mean, a blind date? Sounds cool, but I think I'll pass.
231: Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out:Yup! I really do!
232: Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive:Maybe unattractive to someone else......
233: Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: Hmmm... I've never bothered to ask...
234: What is best about the opposite sex:Everything, but guys are complicated creatures... they're nice and sweet... but can be jerks, too.
235: What is the worst thing about the opposite sex:They think they're better and tougher...
236: What's the last present someone gave you:A smile and a hug.
237: Do you consider your significant other hot:Hell yeah! Eddy is fucking sexy!
238: What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy standing on the sidewalk: Think about cookies.
239: Favorite weather:Rain!!! ^-^ I don't really like the sun...
240: Astrological sign:Aries!!! :)

410031  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-11
Written: (7177 days ago)

Shrek 2 rox my sox off!

410022  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-11
Written: (7177 days ago)



It's Puss in Boots...
410020  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-11
Written: (7177 days ago)

hi people
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hi people
hi people
hi people
aint this cool

410016  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-11
Written: (7177 days ago)

____60_8__  88_______________88__8_09____

410005  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-11
Written: (7177 days ago)

Gotta remember this...

409972  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-11
Written: (7177 days ago)

Writing... it brings out the best in me.....

408009  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-11-09
Written: (7179 days ago)



405328  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-11-07
Written: (7181 days ago)

If I was a profession I'd be: An obstetrician, of course!
If I was a country I'd be: Tahiti or Mexico
If I was a ocean or body of water I'd be: the Amazon River
If I was a piece of candy I'd be: definitely sour Skittles
If I was a famous building or piece of architecture I'd be: the Eiffel Tower
If I was a store I'd be: Target or Hot Topic
If I was a brand of shoe I'd be: Vans
If I was a bad habit I'd be: Nail biting
If I was a swear word I'd be: Fuck
If I was a ice cream flavour I'd be: Rainbow
If I was a disease I'd be: the cold
If I was a board game I'd be: Monopoly or Clue
If I was a feeling I'd be: Love
If I was a president I'd be: Bill Clinton
If I was a war I'd be: WWII
If I was a city I'd be: Los Angeles
If I was a colour I'd be: green
If I was a celebrity I'd be: Liv Tyler
If I was a movie I'd be: "The Two Towers."
If I was a brand of toothpaste I'd be: Colgate
If I was a business I'd be: Business?
If I was a currency I'd be: the hundred dollar bill
If I were a month, I'd be: April or August
If I were a day of the week, I'd be: Tuesday
If I were a time of day, I'd be: 12 o'clock... lunch time!
If I were a planet, I'd be: Mars or Neptune
If I were a sea animal, I'd be: a blue lobster
If I were a direction, I'd be: east
If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be: loveseat
If I were a sin, I'd be: a lie
If I were a liquid, I'd be: water
If I were a tree, I'd be: maple or oak
If I were a bird, I'd be: raven or hummingbird
If I were a tool, I'd be: a screwdriver
If I were a flower/plant, I'd be: daffodil or tulip
If I were a kind of weather, I'd be: rain or hail
If I were a musical instrument, I'd be: drums or piano
If I were an animal, I'd be: a panda
If I were a vegetable, I'd be: carrot or celery
If I were a sound, I'd be: music or an echo
If I were an element, I'd be: fire
If I were a car, I'd be: Mustang
If I were a song, I'd be:"Como Dueles En Los Labios"- MANA
If I were a book, I'd be: LOTR or Stargirl or Speak
If I were a food, I'd be: pizza or cheeseburger
If I were a material, I'd be: a pencil
If I were a taste, I'd be: sweet
If I were a word, I'd be: sweetheart
If I were a body part, I'd be: the eyes
If I were a facial expression, I'd be: thoughtful
If I were a shape, I'd be a: rhombus
If I were a number, I'd be: 04
If I were a band, I'd be: Hoobastank
If i were a mythical creature, I'd be: Athene or Aphrodite

404317  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-11-06
Written: (7182 days ago)
Next in thread: 404445

This is fucking hilarious!!!!

The 7 most Important men in a woman's life

1. The doctor...because he says "Take your clothes off"
2. The dentist...because he says "Open wide"
3. The hairdresser...because he says "Do you want it teased or blown?"
4. The milkman...because he says "Do you want it in the front or the back?"
5. The interior decorator...because he says "Once its in you'll love it"
6. The banker...because he says "If you take it out too soon you'll lose interest"

*and the most important man in a woman's life
7. The HUNTER because he always goes deep in the bush...shoots twice...and ALWAYS eats what he shoots!

403374  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-11-05
Written: (7183 days ago)

Wanna see what this does... I love to experiment...

403256  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-11-05
Written: (7183 days ago)

Hoobastank Glory!!!

403247  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-11-05
Written: (7183 days ago)

I'm thinking about him again.... after I promised myself not to. And now, I feel so stupid, y'know? Que hago?

403246  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-11-05
Written: (7183 days ago)



398416  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-01
Written: (7187 days ago)

*Bora Bora & Moorea, Tahiti
*Bali (Indonesia)
*Seoul (South Korea)
*Stanley (Falkland Islands)
*Molokai (Hawaii)
*Ferringhi Beach (Penang)
*Port Isaac (Great Britain)
*Rangiroa (Polinesia)
*Cancun (Quintana Roo, Mexico)
*Puerto Rico
*Puerto Escondido
*Bucharest (Romania)
*Athens (Greece)
*Berlin, Switzerland (Germany)
*Sicily, Rome, Venice, San Marino, (Italy)
*Madrid (spain)
*Oslo (Norway)
*London (United Kingdom)
*Cassis (France)
*Tegucigalpa (Honduras)
Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

I wanted to go to all these places before I died... now it's too late... I won't be able to go to any. I don't have anything left...... me... why?</i> Missing: </i>

397278  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-01
Written: (7188 days ago)


397257  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-01
Written: (7188 days ago)


The lead singer of Chevelle is soooooooo hot! Watch him and the musiq video "Vitamin R" and drool!
397255  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-01
Written: (7188 days ago)


397252  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-01
Written: (7188 days ago)


397247  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-01
Written: (7188 days ago)

Happy pear! Happy pear! Happy pear! Happy pear! Happy pear!
 The logged in version 

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