[cvg54]'s diary

465971  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-01-07
Written: (7116 days ago)

Okay, so I saw the O.C. and it was HOT! But I can't write much 'cause my fingers are numb! *blows on fingers to warm 'em*

465408  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-01-06
Written: (7116 days ago)

Dear Diary,
  It gets me so mad that people look down on me just cause I'm a damn girl. I wish I was a guy.

465406  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-01-06
Written: (7116 days ago)


464062  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-01-04
Written: (7118 days ago)


I love The Lone Ranger!

I wish I had been born in those days so I could have seen the show.... he he....I can imagine being on the phone with Vala and saying, "I'm watching the lone ranger!"
464058  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-01-04
Written: (7118 days ago)

I can't wait until I come out as a dama in Adri's 15. OMG! How awesome! Even Peter is gonna be a chambelan! (But, not mine!) :) I kinda got hurt when Whats-His-Face said he wasn't going to be in it.... how sad. Guess I'll have to take someone else. :( Not what I had in mine.... Oh well. I don't understand why I just can't accept the fact that it was never meant to be. *sighs* Erik is right. lol... "There plenty of fish in the sea." How cute. I thought guys had no art or creativity for things like that. Meh. It's funny how Erik and Vala always prove me wrong when it comes to guys! 

463732  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-01-04
Written: (7118 days ago)

<img:http://www.petakids.com/fp/calendar_january.gif> I LOVE MONKEYS! I LOVE MONKEYS! (Thats why I love Peter and James, lol...)

460005  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-30
Written: (7123 days ago)

This sux, this sux..... Oh man, this sux! I am so not feeling right right now....

460004  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-30
Written: (7123 days ago)

Dear Diary,
   Is it wrong to like one of your best guy friends?

459778  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-30
Written: (7124 days ago)

Hottest Guys Ever!

*Douglas Robb
*Orlando Bloom
*Gael Garcia Bernal
*Diego Luna
*Daniel Estrin
*Conor Oberest
*Billy Martin
*Leonardo Di Caprio
*Oscar de la Hoya
*Billy Joe Armstrong

I think that's it. Nah! I'll keep hunting....
459774  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-30
Written: (7124 days ago)

I Love You, Hoobastank!

*exhales* Sorry, had to get that off my chest.

459772  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-30
Written: (7124 days ago)

I read this on Benny's lighter and I HAVE TO REMEMBER IT!

"I don't have a foul mouth, I just like to say 'Fuck' a lot."

459770  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-30
Written: (7124 days ago)

They say money can't buy happiness. It can't. But it does buy you the things that make you happy!

459765  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-30
Written: (7124 days ago)

I hope to marry someone like Douglas Robb. I'll be happy then.

459763  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-30
Written: (7124 days ago)

When I grow up, I hope to have kids. If I do, they'll be named any of the following:

*Rupeto <lol.... IM KIDDING>

Actually, let's skip boys cause boys names are all.... basically the same.

*Mary Lou
*Lou Anne
*Casimira <lol.... I'm being ridiculous now, aren't I?>

459759  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-30
Written: (7124 days ago)

I fucking hate this. This stupid Launcher, I mean. OMG! The lasagna we did was gross. I think I will throw up. Lol... actually, it was okay. Hopefully Erik likes it.

459756  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-30
Written: (7124 days ago)

I wish I could be pretty. Then maybe Douglas Robb one day might call me cute or something. But then, maybe not. I'm happy the way I am. Imaginate, if I was pretty, my dad would keep me locked up even more! No freakin' way!

459755  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-30
Written: (7124 days ago)

Sometimes, I really hate them, my parents. They make me so miserable....

459752  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-30
Written: (7124 days ago)

Okay, so, right now, I'm kinda pissed 'cause the stupid Yahoo! Launcher didn't work. On the Hoobastank video. What a bee. Ah, well, doesn't matter, CAUSE I HAVE THEIR DVD! Take that, Launcher! Oh my God, oh my God.... I am so happy that this year is almost over! It was a great one! Why? Well... I, uh... huh.... why was this a good year? Now that I think about it, it was a BAD ASS year! Lol... I think I sound so weird when I say bad words! It's like, I'm not meant to cuss! Okay, new year's resolutions are:
*I won't ask a guy out. (again.)
*Oh yeah, I'll try to cook more often.
*I'll do better on my job hunt.
*Oh! I'll stop bugging Vala.
*And Erik, too.
*Not Felipe, 'cause I love him like that.
*I'll spend more quality time with Tubby, 'cause I seem to enjoy myself more when I am with him.
*I'll be nicer to Fabby and James and Peter.
*I'll grow more plants, maybe even a tree.
*I will try tofu, which I hear is quite tasty.
*I won't go fishing. I'll stop my dad from doing so.
*I'll participate more with PeTA and get Vala and Peter to help me.
*I'll adopt a kitten! And this time, NO ONE is getting near it! Everytime those folks do, my kitten ends up missing or hurt.
*I'll even go vegan. Totally vegan.

What else? Did I forget anything? Nah! And if I did, I'll add it later!

458122  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-12-28
Written: (7125 days ago)
453752  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-23
Written: (7131 days ago)

What I want for Christmas
*More life
*More time with Tubby
*More time with my family
*A Ken doll!
*That big bear at Sam's Club
*Cds by: Hoobastank, Green Day, BSB, Nsync, Selena, Shakira, Juanes, and the new one from Cradle of Filth!
*An All-Black Chuck (notice I said "An")
*New glasses
*A piercing
*A sweater from Hot Topic
*A carpet
*More PETA stickers
*A tat
*More cds
*Anything with Hoobastank
*Thats about it....

448609  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-12-17
Written: (7136 days ago)

*thinks about all her stupid problems while 'Change Your Mind' by the killers plays in her head.*

Merry Xmas ya Jerks

 The logged in version 

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