[cvg54]'s diary

562028  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-26
Written: (7095 days ago)

562027  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-26
Written: (7095 days ago)

Aries & Scorpio

When Aries and Scorpio come together in a love match, it can be the kind of relationship where they both wonder how they ever managed apart. Both Signs love power and they can achieve just about anything -- as long as they learn to share the spotlight. Scorpio is very focused; once they set their sights on Aries, Aries is most likely powerless to resist! Scorpio has a deeper and more complex devotion to this relationship than does Aries.

These two Signs tend to engage in heavy, heated arguments. Their connection is highly passionate and often argumentative, because both partners have jealous tendencies. Scorpio tends to be more patient, but is also more possessive than Aries -- and can lash out (with that Scorpion sting!) when their feelings get hurt. Despite their differences in emotional involvement, both partners love risk and taking chances; this is not a boring relationship! Aries and Scorpio can have lots of adventures together. They may have trouble understanding one another -- Aries is a true extrovert, totally up-front and open, while Scorpio is more inward, emotional and, at times, manipulative. Sometimes a truce is necessary to keep things running smoothly!

Aries and Scorpio are both ruled by the Planet Mars (Passion), and Scorpio is also ruled by Pluto (Power). When two people with Mars's energy come together, it's like two soldiers on a battlefield -- they're either allies or deadly enemies. Mars also represents passion, so Aries and Scorpio tend to have an exciting time together (both in the bedroom and out of it!). Arguments are normal in such a challenge-oriented couple -- and making up is definitely something to look forward to! Pluto adds extra intensity to this dynamic.

Aries is a Fire Sign and Scorpio is a Water Sign. These two elements can be a great combination if they work together, combining emotion and physical action to get things done. Scorpio is a strategist, and can help Aries slow down and learn how to plan battles before jumping into them. Aries teaches Scorpio to let go and move on when their efforts are thwarted. However, Water can also put out a Fire, and Scorpio's tendency toward emotional manipulation has that effect on Aries -- it's too much Water dampening Aries's enthusiasm. Conversely, too much Fire makes Water evaporate away; when under emotional stress, Scorpio can become vindictive. It's essential for Aries and Scorpio to work together, not against one another.

Aries is a Cardinal Sign and Scorpio is a Fixed Sign. Aries can teach Scorpio about spontaneity -- doing things just for the experience, rather than always having an agenda in mind. Scorpio can help teach Aries to stabilize and finish things rather than always jumping into new projects without completing what's already on the table. When they can understand that they're both loyal and devoted to one another, they can both be the boss -- Aries as the initiator and Scorpio as the emotional leader.

What's the best aspect of the Aries-Scorpio relationship? The power of their combined forces. They're both winners and they won't give up, making theirs a relationship that never settles for second best.
561172  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-25
Written: (7096 days ago)

What a wonderful weekend... from one simple action, to a bucket full of worriness and guilt... whatever God wants. That's all I have to say.

561169  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-25
Written: (7096 days ago)


561160  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-25
Written: (7096 days ago)



Damn Stacy!~! She made me fall in love with this manga!!!
552126  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-15
Written: (7106 days ago)

What GALS really mean when they type in....*

- Blue -- I'm feeling' HORNY

- Pink -- SEXY!

- Red -- I LOVE YOU!

- Green -- Feelin' a little CRAZY!

- Orange -- I'm HAPPY

- Yellow -- SAD!

- Purple -- Feelin' Girly

- Aqua -- Moody

***What she REALLY means when she says...

- I don't like you. (But she still flirts with you) -- I LOVE YOU!

- Call ya tomorrow. -- I AM NEVER CALLING YOU AGAIN!

- Like the shirt. -- It would look better on my boyfriend.

- Don't leave me. -- I WANT YOU!

- I like your new hair-cut. -- YOU ARE TOTALLY HOTT!

- I like your pants. -- I'd rather be in them with you.

***What she means when she touches you...

- On the Leg -- I want you bad!

- On the face -- I want to make-out!

- The Arm -- Hold My Hand!

- The Neck -- I want a kiss!

541632  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-04
Written: (7117 days ago)

Wow.... Monday is here... whee! Let's see.... I am quite happy with the fact that I'm here and that Eddy is too. <Luv him> I am so happy... and I keep reading his most recent letter...

<On the outside>
To:My Vieja
From:Your Viejo

Hi baby,
Um... I really don't know what's gonna happen on your Birthday. You said that you wanna tell your parents... are we? Cause to tell you the truth, I'm scared. I have nothing to hide, really, but I really want them to accept me and I don't want them to say that if you got late to your house or you do something wrong I don't want them to say that I'm the influence upon that. Your friends, too. I don't think they will like me, don't know why but meh. If you want to tell them, tell me how we are gonna tell them ok, baby? I missed you so much, it was boring and I felt lonely and I hate my hair. I hope your weekend was much better and the pictures were nice. I really feel like I haven't been there for you and if it is that way, I'm so sorry. I wish things could be better. I just think that as time goes on when we aren't together our love will fade and one day there will be someone else and I don't want that. I don't want to lose the best thing in the world. I'm sorry; I'm just being stupid. We'll talk about your parents, well, if you want to, ok? Well, baby, I'm in my 1st period right now so I have to go.
                   From your Eddy.
I love you.

538608  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-01
Written: (7120 days ago)

What can I say? There is nothing left inside of me, other than him. I love him to death, yet no one sees this. I don't know if this love is unrealistic, nor impossible. All I know is that I am willing to give him all that I can and I'm willing to change so much for him. I am willing to face everyone and oppose everyone just for him. I don't know why. But this love, this whole thing is so different from everything else. It's like one of those natural phenomenas that you can't quite grasp nor understand. All I know is that I am finally happy with someone and that is Eddy Frank Montoya, the man of my hopes and dreams. I can't love another, not the way I love him. That's quite impossible and unrealisitc, just like so many other things are. And I don't care on what the world says, because I love him. I love you Eddy and that's something that no one can change, not even me. I can't change it, I won't change it, not for anything or anyone in this world. Te amo.

538601  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-01
Written: (7120 days ago)

I miss him like crazy... maybe not as bad as before, but still... it's like a longing to be with someone so deep and strong that you can't help but feel hopelessly lost...

538599  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-01
Written: (7120 days ago)


538583  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-01
Written: (7120 days ago)



Jeeves is a nice guy.

Tinky, too.

535412  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-03-29
Written: (7123 days ago)

It's 10:54 And I Have No Idea On What Time We're Supposed To Get Outta Here. It's A Banked Day... Whoopee... But I Am Feeling Down, Instead OF Being Happy. I See Him So Happy Without Me... Eddy Came To School Today, Which Is Weird, But Nice. But I Saw Him With Friends. Boy, Was He Happy. And He Wasn't Even Going To Come! He Was Gonna Go To H/P With His Nice Little Buddies To Buy Guitar Crap. I Don't Know If I Should Be Mad Or Happy. My Life Sucks.

535398  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-03-29
Written: (7123 days ago)

The Ten Commandments For Teens
1.Thou shall not sneak out while parents are asleep. (Why wait?)
2.Thou shall not steal from Kmart.(Everyone knows Walmart has bigger selections.)
3.Thou shall not get arrested for profanity.(We all know destruction has a bigger affect.)
4.Thou shall not do drugs. (Alcohol lasts longer.)
5. Thou shall not steal money from Mom. (Grandma has more.)
6.Thou shall not get into fights.(Why not start them?)
7.Thou shall not think about having sex.(Like Nike says, "Just do it!")
8.Thou shall not strip in class.(Hooters pays more.)
9.Thou shall not use the finger for profanity.(Two fingers look better.)
10.Thou shall not skip class.(Just take the whole day off.)

534456  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-03-28
Written: (7124 days ago)

Wow.... month numero dos... Me and Eddy have been together for two months now. And he's not here to celebrate it with me! (stupid termites! damn bastards!) :( This day has been going so slow and dull... I don't know what to make of it. I mean, it's like everything's so wrong... and I miss Eddy so much... I'm going crazy here! I never knew that this was how it felt to love and miss someone... I am so foreign to this feeling, it's so new. ::sighs:: Me so lonely...

525514  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-17
Written: (7134 days ago)

Hey baby, I am so sorry about the phone call thing please forgive me it's 3:19 am and I can't sleep so I'm gonna write about how much I love you why?..... well, maybe cause you ask me, so I'm going to try my best to tell you Okay? Okay Alice, there are times when I think I'm not worth your time because you are like a flower and I'm just a thorn, your life and your values are more important than my own life because no one can make me as happy as you do sometimes I can't show it, but I am grateful to be with you my lady, no one else can calm me down or set me free only you, only you can make the remaining days of my life valuable cause in the end I will know that I had the greatest soul next to me and that no one else can grasp. It doesn't matter if I get in problems with others as long as I'm good with you because I'm yours, your slave, your everything.
    Whatever happens I will always love you even if one day your love that you gave to me starts to drift away, if you fall for another I will know that it is for a reason my fault who will know but all I want from him is to treat you the way I would love to do. Give everything that you wish anything from Love, to the majestic sun. I'm not saying I don't want to, but maybe there will be one thing you really want and it will kill me to see that I can't give that item to you. I'm willing to let you go, I'm willing to sail to the sea, I'm willing to catch the sun and to hold the moon, I'm willing to drown in my own mist, I'm willing to walk the remains of the earth, I'm willing to fall in complete darkness where the shadows crawl, I'm willing to suffer the greatest pains because I love you and no one can change that.
    Though sometimes I seem to be afraid of everyone taking you away from me the times I felt that maybe it was to good to be true you came for me and made me feel wanted, needed, made me feel like an important piece of existence, told me things that I thought no one would tell me and that's why I hope that no one can make you feel the way I make you feel because then I know that it would be all over. Maybe the only thing I can give you is my heart but I'm really going to try and give you the best that I can give and I'm sorry if I fail in anything or if I make you blue and I know I sometimes seem selfish but having someone like you my love I would love to keep you in a place where only I can go just you and me I know I'm not as fun as others like your friends and if you get tired of me when we get married I would understand I know I'm not exciting or out going all I can say I'm sorry if I'm not Price Charming, I Love You Alicia Mejia. Now and Forever, I promise because Forever DOES exist.
     From your Eddy .

525187  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-17
Written: (7135 days ago)


525185  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-17
Written: (7135 days ago)


Starring: Kevin Conroy, Mark Hamill 
Synopsis: After his parents are murdered at the hands of a mugger, Bruce Wayne vows to devote his life to fighting crime under the guise of Batman. 
Quality: 10 / 10 
Genre: Animated Action 
Length: 22 minutes 

Episode List

Season One:
101 - On Leather Wings
102 - Heart Of Ice
103 - Feat Of Clay, Part 1
104 - Feat Of Clay, Part 2
105 - It's Never Too Late

106 - Joker's Favor
107 - The Cat And The Claw, Part 1
108 - The Cat And The Claw, Part 2
109 - Pretty Poison
110 - Nothing To Fear

111 - Be A Clown
112 - Appointment In Crime Alley
113 - P.O.V.
114 - The Clock King
115 - The Last Laugh

116 - Eternal Youth
117 - Two-Face, Part 1
118 - Two-Face, Part 2
119 - Fear Of Victory
120 - I've Got Batman In My Basement

121 - Vendetta
122 - Prophecy Of Doom
123 - The Forgotten
124 - Mad As A Hatter
125 - The Cape & Cowl Conspiracy

126 - Perchance To Dream
127 - The Under-Dwellers
128 - Night Of The Ninja
129 - The Strange Secret Of Bruce Wayne
130 - Tyger, Tyger

131 - Dreams In Darkness
132 - Beware The Gray Ghost
133 - Cat Scratch Fever
134 - I Am The Night
135 - Almost Got 'Im

136 - Moon Of The Wolf
137 - Terror In The Sky
138 - Christmas With The Joker
139 - Heart Of Steel, Part 1
140 - Heart Of Steel, Part 2

141 - If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich?
142 - Joker's Wild
143 - His Silicon Soul
144 - Off Balance
145 - What Is Reality?

146 - The Laughing Fish
147 - Harley And Ivy
148 - The Mechanic
149 - The Man Who Killed Batman
150 - Zatanna

151 - Robin's Reckoning, Part 1
152 - Robin's Reckoning, Part 2
153 - Birds Of A Feather
154 - Blind As A Bat
155 - Day Of The Samurai

156 - See No Evil
157 - The Demon's Quest, Part 1
158 - The Demon's Quest, Part 2
159 - Read My Lips
160 - Fire From Olympus

161 - Shadow Of The Bat, Part 1
162 - Shadow Of The Bat, Part 2
163 - Mudslide
164 - The Worry Men
165 - Paging The Crime Doctor
Season Two:
201 - House & Garden
202 - Sideshow
203 - Avatar
204 - Trial
205 - Harlequinade

206 - Bane
207 - Second Chance
208 - Riddler's Reform
209 - Baby-Doll
210 - Time Out Of Joint

211 - Harley's Holiday
212 - Make 'Em Laugh
213 - Batgirl Returns
214 - Lock-Up
215 - Deep Freeze

216 - The Terrible Trio
217 - Showdown
218 - Catwalk
219 - A Bullet For Bullock
220 - The Lion And The Unicorn
525184  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-17
Written: (7135 days ago)

Happy Saint Patricks Day!

522153  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-03-14
Written: (7138 days ago)

Today is the beginning of a new school year. I refuse to ditch anymore.Friday was an o.k. ditching day, but I just think that it could've been funner. I missed Elena, but being with Beto and Eddy made the day nice. I am still shocked about what Beto told me... it went something like this: "If I wasn't so stupid and if it weren't for Eddy, I'd go out with you.... you're cool and you're not bad-looking." Can you belive it? 'Cause I sure can't! I mean... at some point, yes, I did like Beto. Not a lot. Just enough to perhaps cry for him. I mean, everyone knew; I made it pretty obvious... (Raul said, "Yeah... you were always looking at him...") l guess I never said anything because I was scared he would say "no." When I told him that Jessica liked him, he said, "I don't date anyone that is my sister's age or younger." His sister is, I think, 16.... It's hard to imagine what would happen if we were going out... It probably wouldn't have lasted... I see Beto as a brother, not a boyfriend. I am forever grateful that he sees me as a good buddy... he's awesome and I'll always appreciate what he's done for me. It was thanks to him that me and Eddy are together... and that's something that will always be with me. Because Eddy is the love of my life and there's no one on Earth like him... and that's what I love about him, that he's so different from everyone else... I hate everyone else, I hate humans... but he's not one of them...

521735  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-03-13
Written: (7138 days ago)

Whee, today is Sunday! :) That means that tomorrow I will be able to see Eddy!!!! HOORAY!!!! ::huggles herself:: I cannot believe this... yesterday (well, more like today) me and Eddy were on the phone from 12:45 am until 4:45 am!It was nice. And, before that... he had sent me the most amazing email ever! And with a song to download, too! ("Lento" by Julieta Venegas) ::sighs:: I got the pick of the bunch! ::sings::
*ser delicado y esperar/dame tiempo para darte todo lo que tengo.../

Te amo, Eddy!

I really and truly do.
518433  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-10
Written: (7142 days ago)

Okay, I only have 4 minutes before lunch time... yes, I know that I said that I was going to try to write in here everyday, but the thing is that I am working on a wiki page right now.... For The Man I Love.... it's just for Eddy 'cause I absolutely love him with all of my heart and I can't be without him.... uh, mental note... the notes that are on this diary for 3-9-05 were typed during 5th period... we were late for 5th <me and eddy> and he had a computer pass, so we came here, to Mrs. Ramirez class, and started typing to each other, pretending to be working on our reports for beavers... ::sighs:: I don't think I'll ever get over this, the whole relationship I mean... i'ts so different and special. I think that I've found the love of my life.... and I am forever grateful....

 The logged in version 

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