I went shopping!!with my friend bridget ^^ And I gots chocolate!!!!!
One of my friends it mad at me why?....... well i don't know he said that if i didn't know then not to ask but I really don't know what i could have done to make him mad....I believe he's giving me the silent treament or cold shoulder or some thing like that...
I wish people would just say what they want to say and not care of what others migt think, yeah it could hurt some one, but wouldn't it be better to say the truth than to keep living in a lie......?
More leves of cute and hot!!!
2.super cute
3.uber cute
4.cute hottie
6.mega hot sexy
9.ultra sexy
10.the sexy god
11.the god
12.the sex god
13.the uber cute sweet sex god!
14.drop dead hotness of teh gods!
15.The Roberts
16.JOHNNY DEPP!!!!!!!!!<(^-^)>
JHONNY DEPP!!!!!!!!!!
Leves of cute and hot^^
1. cute
2. super cute
3. cute hottie
4. hot
5. ultra hot
6. the god
7. the sex good!
Okay I don't hate all boy just a few...........
I TOTALY HATE ALL BOYS!!!! well except for adam and my bother and daddy and my uncles..... OKAY ALL MOST ALL BOYS!!!!!
up dating the chocolate list^-^
1) it will always be there.
2) it sweeter!
3) it will never call you fat
4) it can't talk at all...
5) it will never cheat on you
6) if any thing pisses you of you can eat it^.^
7) it will never get mad at you
8) it will never hurt you
9) it loves you very much
10) it will always be your friend no matter what!<(^-^)>
Well in the invents of that last 24 hours I found out that a lot of people have a lot problems. Most have to do with some one they liked or with some thing they wanted, in either way the people that have to be like by some one are very stupid and shallow. Just be happy with yourself stop making your life so horrible and be happy with who you are and can be. Stop think that you need some one to make you happy. The only way you'll ever be happy is if you are happy with whom you are and until then you won't be completely happy with any thing. For the people that want some thing, COME ON!!! Its not like you can't save up your money and buy it yourself shut up quit spending your money on stupid things like 300 dollar pair of shoes! And save the money you get and buy what ever it is that you wanted and if can't do that. Get a job! In any case this people need to stop being bitchy and live fucking life to the fullest you only have so much time to live and if your wasting it on annoying people with your stupid problems! If can't seem to do that, then you are a big stupid moron that only thinks about his/her self and has no respect for the rest of the world.
6 reason why chocolate is better than boys
1) it will always be there.
2) it sweeter!
3) it will never call you fat
4) it can't talk at all...
5) it will never cheat on you
6) if any thing pisses you of you can eat it^^
why do people have to make there life so complicated?
why do people have to make there life so complicated?
Bored and bored........ I have a good question why did my grandma ask me, why I don't have a boyfriend? why dose she even care? since when do I need a boyfriend to validate my life or my existents in this world? I very capable of doing things for myself and I don't need a boyfriend ..... not like I could get one any way . so O well^^
A quien interese?
Por este medio presento formalmente mi renunsia ser
He decided que aceptar nuevamante las
de Un niño de 8 años.
Quiero ir a McDoald’s creyendo que es un restarant
Quiero navegar barquitos de papel en un charco y
piedras en un estanque
Quiero pensar que los M&M’s son mejores que el
porque te los Puedes comer.
Quiero jugar futbol en el recreo y pintar con
acuarelas en la clase
Quiero acostarme en la rama de un arbor y poner un
puesto de limonada en un dia caluroso
Quiero regresar al tiempo en que la vida era simple
Cuando solamente me preocupaban los colores, las
tablas de multiplicar y las canciones de pre-kinder
Pero eso no te molestaba, porque no sabias y no te
Cuando solo conosias la felisidad porque no habias
descubierto lo que te altera y te irrita
Quiero pensar que el mundo es justo Que todos son
honrados y Buenos
Quero pensar que todo es possible
Cuando pensabamos que lo peor ue podia pasar era que
Pusiran en el equipo le los niños,
O que el juego de kickball te toco patear de ultimo
Quiero ignorar la complejidad de la vida y
por las cosa Pequeñas que te ofrecen
Quiero que regresen los dias en que la lectura era
divertida y la musica sana
Cuando la television se usaba prar el reporte de
noticias y el progarma de la familia
Quiero caminar en la playa y pensar an la arena
mis dedos y la Concha mas linda que me pueda
Quiero pasar la tarde escalando arboles y montando
Quiero vivir una vida simple otra vez
No quiero que mi vida consista en que la computadora
trono, montañas De trabajo o notisias deprimentes
No quiero que consista en la escasez de dinero, las
facturas del doctor, chismes, enfermedades o la
de un ser querido
Quiero creer en el poder de una sonrisa, un abraso,
una palabra Amable, la verdad , la justisia , la
los sueños
La imaginacion, el avance de la humanida y un muñeco
de nieve…
Asi que , aqui esta mi chequera, las llaves de mi
auto y mis tarjetas de credito
Officialmente renuncio a ser adulto.
Y si quieres saber mas de esto, tendras que
“ tu!” “la tienes!”