[Barak_the_Blade]'s diary

896221  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-01-08
Written: (6354 days ago)

This morning I woke
to the sound of her wings
They beat out my name
with the song that she sings

I opened one eye
to sneak a quick peek
Perched on a leaf
I saw what I seek

Sun light for hair
and gossamer wing
dew drop of dress
the spirit of spring

The chill of the morn
bit cold on my skin
but seeing her face
warmed me within

She noticed my eye
and giggled with bell
then winked back to me
as fairy dust fell

I called out her name
as I lay in my bed
but as quick as she came
my dear fairy fled

I rubbed at my eyes
as I stared at her leaf
had she really been there
her stay was so brief

I wispered good-bye
and hoped she would hear
"thank you sweet one"
and wiped my last tear

896220  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-01-08
Written: (6354 days ago)

Through fields of green
past sky's of blue
With passion and love
dances the Muse

Sharpness and Spirit
guide her swift soul
Even the man in the moon
she will control

With only a look
she captures your heart
Like paint on a canvas
she emulates art

She carries with her
your deepest desire
Your lust can not capture
this flame O'the fire

So let her run freely
through your daily life
She'll smold out the pain
and banish the stife

A luminary of Dreams
and fantasy is she
The Dancer that influences
the tides of the sea.

896219  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-01-08
Written: (6354 days ago)

Peering over the edge of reality
The wind of change rushes past
Blowing thoughts of you out
Into eternity where they will last

Closing my eyes to forget
Tears stream down the cheeks of pain
Clenching fist of rage
I feel my muscles begin to stain

The power is staggering
I bear down and resist the force
My toes grip the rock for stability
On my shoulders settles the remorse

WHY? cries my soul
WHY? scrapes my dreams
WHY? shatters my skull
WHY? my lips scream

My legs give up hope
My body surrenders completely
Defeat broods over my head
Death comes to me sweetly

But hope is never lost
And euphoric memories remain
Angelic light pierces through
And banishes the bitter pain

Floating sensations encompass
Pleasure flows throughout
My spirit is lifted to freedom
My essence is freed from doubt

For you have never left
You've carried me all the way
And with your pressence here
You've brought hope for a new day

896216  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-01-08
Written: (6354 days ago)

Ingredients of Halloween

Cats of black
and skin of green
these are the colors
or our halloween

Pointy noses
with warts galore
goblins night out
with trouble in store

Broom sticks and kettles
cause witches delight
beware the full moon
on this darkest night

Spookies and spells
ghost on the prowl
Nightmarish creatures
werewolves that howl

Pumpkins and beggars
line every street
with little white bags
they call for a treat

Mystical brews
that stir in the pot
beware little tricksters
lest you get caught

The Morn brings "All Saints day"
when things should be clean
But tonight is for fun
because it's Halloween

787792  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-05-04
Written: (6603 days ago)

I have passed the test, and I am now deemed worthy to be known as an Enchanter. In the war between good and evil, Enchanters take the side of the noble and good. I am gifted with the elemental plane of Air.

Nearly always in good heart. These Wizards are users of pure and good magic only. Thoughtful, reserved, and extremely introspective, the Wizard is devoted to self-enlightenment and sees the study of magic as the key to spiritual awareness. The Wizard enjoys nothing more than spending long hours contemplating the mysteries of the universe and attempting to become more in touch with his inner self. The Wizard is not necessarily a student
of religion or philosophy he seeks an awareness that can only be found intuitively. The Wizard is by no means a reluctant magic-user. In fact, the Wizard believes that the casting of each spell and the acquisition of each new magical technique brings him closer to perfect awareness. The mental discipline necessary for the mastery of magic is the perfect compliment to self-knowledge.

Your powers are highly attuned to the elemental plane of air. Storms and the powers of the winds come at your beck and call. Sometimes a magic user tuned to the elemental plane of air has the power to fly at will, and infuse his living body with the powers of his element. Often mages of air will build their strongholds or magical dwellings in high places such as mountain tops or flying citadels high above the earth where they can be close to their element. Some of the more powerfull spells in your arsenal include Lightning Bolt, Desert Twister, and Divine Wind.

129761  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-01-22
Written: (7437 days ago)
Next in thread: 361171, 883730

Once again the day draws to a close, and a new one begins. And like
every day for the past several months, my mind thinks of nothing else
besides you. I can't help the longing that aches deep within my chest. 
The steady rhythm of my heart pounds out your name. It's all I can
hear, nothing else matters as of late. A whirlwind of aphrodisia swirls
inside me every time I think about what we have shared. My obession with
you drives me to write these letters. They call to me like a ghost in
the darkest night. I am powerless to the sound of your voice, the
thought of your touch, the feel of your breath, and the burning of your
skin against mine. I know that you probably don't feel as strongly as I
do, but I must let you know what is happening to me. The mere mention
of your name sends me into a feverish crave to at least see you. To at
least let my tired eyes witness the glory of your company. I must
sound like a madman, doting over you with such a ferocity. But my soul
will not let me write anything less than what I'm truly feeling inside. 
My whole being wants you more with each passing second. Like Romeo who
longs to see his love and wonders with all his heart and soul why he
can't just be with his Juliet. I to have longed to find the reason that
we must use the confides of the night to cover our passions. I know
that it would never work out for us, but I crave to know what kind of God
would keep such desire apart due merely to the reasons of society. How
would we look to the outside? Two people who have betrayed. One a
lover and the other a dear friend. Sometimes I feel a deep shame for what
I have done, but the yearing I feel for you over shadows all thoughts
of regret. Will we ever be able to openly share our feelings? Who
knows? But in the mean time I want you to know that interest turns to
wanting, wanting turns to desires, desires turn to needing, needing turns
to lust, lust turns to passion, and passion turns to love. I'll leave
you with those words. Do with them as you will. 

As always you are forevermore in my thoughts

Your Romeo

129759  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-01-22
Written: (7437 days ago)

Teaching me to feel, lust takes over my skin
Fingers play in lovelyness, now it's time to begin
Your breath plays tricks upon my face
Everything I do feels out of place
I look into your eyes and yearn for your touch
It's overwhelming the feeling is just to much
I reach out to you hoping you will accept
My mind is racing my heart is pacing
It's in my soul that your love is kept
Sweet lullabys dance inside my head
Lust pulls me down I'm held by a mere thread
But when it breaks I can not resist
Your lips drift to mine sending shocks down my spine
At that moment you're the only reason I exist
My hands pull at your hips
My tongue tastes your lips
My desire builds like a fire
My head spins like a spire
Reaching straight to the sky
My soul begins to cry
I feel your touch
I want you to much
I can't keep it straight
I feel it's to late
You've taken over my heart
Nothing can keep us apart
The lighting from above
The cry of the dove
Minor nuances in contrast
To the love that always lasts
Neverending seems so strange
Except when I think of you, I know it will never change

As Always I leave you with all my best for it is all I have to give

129758  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-01-22
Written: (7437 days ago)

How do you begin the perfect letter? No words can TRULY express how I
feel. I've often wondered throughout my life if I would ever try to
write the perfect letter. I knew that if I ever did try, that it could
only mean one thing. I had met the perfect person and I wanted them to
know how I felt. Not that a letter could ever substitute for physcial
conformation, but it would be a good start.
   So, I write you this letter hoping to give you a small taste of
what I feel every second of every day since the very begining. I hope it
doesn't come out to sappy. Wish me luck...here goes.

My dearest Dove
   I call you my dove because on the first night that we talked over
the computer, you flew into my heart on alabaster wings and perched
there. You have remained in my heart making it your home. You have
unknowingly created a spot inside me that will forever be yours. I know
that it has only been a short time, but in that short amount of time you
have stirred inside me a great fervor. I have felt just a small splash
of emotions. Emotions that I had forgotten existed. And it has been
enough to turn my soul upside down.
   I'll be completely honest with you. These things scare me to the
core of my being. I can see this ending badly if caution is not
exhibited. I fear just by telling you what I'm feeling inside may be enough
to frighten you. But alas, it's a chance that I have decided to take. 
I hope that my words do not push you away. Please remember above all
else that I would do anything to please you. That is where you have
taken me...to the point of giving up everything to make you happy.
   I know that you are in a unique time in your life and that even
the thought of being burdened with knowing that I feel this way is not
ideal for you. But I feel that you must know, at least as much as I can
explain, how I feel.
   When I see you, my heart leaps to the front of my chest. It feels
your presence and wants so badly to be near your heart. It pounds out
of my chest trying to get to you. I've tried to hold it back, but I
fear I won't be able to contain it much longer. For my heart is much
stronger than I am. I can't control it's passion. 
   When you look at me with those coruscating eyes, my breath betrays
me. It pulls deep within my lungs and refuses to let me breath any
further until I bring you close. Only then will it come forth from my
mouth. Only when it is able to breath you in and feel your sweet ardor
will it give in and let me feel the euphoric feeling of life and passion.
   When you let my hands touch your angelic skin they become
captivated. The creamy embrace of your skin won't let them come back to me. I
have to struggle with every fiber of my soul to bring those hands back
to me...I scold them for their small betrayal. But in reality I long
to feel you beneath those very same hands. My fingers ache to feel you.
   Sometimes life isn't fair, and this is one of those moments where
we learn that wanting something really bad just doesn't make it so. 
Cause if it did, we'd all learn to want a little harder. I can already
want quite vigorously. I guess what I'm trying to get at is that no
matter what happens just always know that at this time in MY life, I want
nothing more than to be with you...and I'm sorry if that's to serious
for you, but there you have it. Let me know what you think, please. 
I'm going to cut myself short here, although I could write all night if
given half the chance. As always I am....

Forever Your Perch

129757  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-01-22
Written: (7437 days ago)

Do you remember the first night?
Like a dream it swims in my head
Everything felt so perfectly right
As I sat there next to you on the bed

The room was spinning around me
But I could still see you there
I let my hands roam free
As they pushed aside your hair

Exposing your sublime bare skin
My fingers felt deep into your soul
I could feel the heat that was within
My mind was trying to gain control

But my heart was over ruling the contest
My lust could not be held at bay
My passion was on a conquest
I had to have you, it was the only way

So I leaned in and swallowed hard
Waiting for you to pull from me
I closed my eyes and went on gaurd
But it never happened, you let it be

My lips touched as gently as I could
And I breathed a sigh of relief
I started to wonder if I should
But that thought was very brief

For if I shouldn't then you would have said
But you didn't utter a word
Instead you leaned close to my head
And you let me fly free as a bird

So I let loose all the emotions I had hid
And I felt them being returned to me
All this time I thought you would have forbid
But alas you let my ecstasy run free

And now it seems you feel the same
And I thank God that I let myself go
For deep inside me burns the flame
If it wasn't for you then it could never grow

So yes, I remember that first night
It will live eternally in my mind
Every thing was so perfectly right
We will always be entwined

At least in my heart

 The logged in version 

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