[Vynnie]'s diary

130233  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-01-23
Written: (7448 days ago)

Today was extreamly tiring, confusing, and great. Somehow it was great. I really don't understand why it was.

Debate class is somewhat fun, but boring at the same time. People say I might make a good lawyer someday if I decide to (which has a 1% chance of happening). I actually signed up for drama but for some reason they put me in debate. I don't know... maybe its destiny or something. -shrug-

I drew an awesome pic of an angel yesterday and as soon as i can get my paws on a scanner, i think i may scan it.
I'll decribe the angel as best as i can:

A side view of the angel is shown on a piece of paper. Her eyes are gently shut, and her mouth is curled into a somewhat amused, but at the same time confused smile. her wings are folded inward, one on each side, shielding her. Her wings are big and feathery. framing the picture is a drawing of a ribbon. Her hair is very short.

I dare not show it to Inari, because it resembles her greatly and I don't know what she'd say or think or do if she saw. It's hanging in my locker, though, and if she sees it, so be it.

Anyway ive got to get going now. toodles.

128619  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-01-19
Written: (7451 days ago)

I feel strange. Awkward. I'm losing myself totally. I thought I was one person and now I'm another. I look at myself two years ago and say "Man I was dumb and closed minded..." but if I looked at myself this year from last year's point of view, I'd probably hurl all over the floor.

Its unbelieveable how much I've changed scince Jan 19th, 2002. My vocabulary has broadened. I've changed my religion. I broke up with nick which devistated me. I now have 9 scars which will probably never heal unless I buy some of that special cream for. I know more scars will appear. I've changed my sexual preferance. my favourite colour is no longer sky blue, but black. That's nearly opposite...

If I walked out on the street and told someone I used to be a sweet little innocent Christian girl, they'd laugh and make fun. I don't know why all these changes have occured... Maybe I'm just discovering myself more.

Enough sob story.

I still quiver from two nights ago. I've never felt this nervous feeling before. I'm not one to feel this<i> nervous.

I feel guilty as well... I think I should have waited until she was at least over him. I've confused her. I don't know how she'll act tomorrow at the ice skating rink. I'm excited, yet I dread it.

My feelings are all mixed up right now. I think I don't know how to feel. I feel so much... I'm in overload. If one more feeling thing comes up, I might shut down. But what is the definition of "feelings"?

a : an emotional state or reaction <had a kindly feeling toward the child> b : plural : susceptibility to impression : SENSITIVITY <the remark hurt her feelings>

I see... But I still don't understand why.
Missing: </i>

127360  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-01-17
Written: (7454 days ago)
Next in thread: 127370, 127694

Okay... Here I am... I'm going to do something very very very very very (maybe) dumb... but its easier for me to let her read this than for me to have to tell her stright up. I don't know if this is worth writing here... I don't want to ruin our friendship. I don't want her to act differently around me. So Ten, I'm sorry... but I think... I like you. You know those boys always gathered around you during English? I don't blame them for wanting to be with you... You're funny, smart, nice, pretty, a great artist, and everything else that I can't be and never will be... Its hard to hide my feelings for you. I'm not the type of person who would hide feelings from someone she cared for... But it was different this time. You're straight. When I first met you, I was somewhat confused. I asked inside my head "Is she an angel?" Over the last year, I've gotten to know you. I've answered the question which changed my sexual preferance in october of last year. "Yes" was my answer. A simple word could only mean so much if it has feelings behind it. If you don't feel the same way about me, I understand fully. This might have come as a shock to you, or maybe you've read me better than I think you have. Heck... Maybe you have feelings for me, too...
I didn't tell you sooner because I didn't (and I still don't) know what your reaction will be. I figure this: You're open minded and definately not homophobic, so why not give it a shot? Look at me... babbling on and on... I know I'm lame. I'd better let you ponder...

124847  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-01-12
Written: (7459 days ago)

The truth can harm
The truth can heal
But what am I to
Carry it's message?

What am I to harm?
To heal?
What am I?
A lie.

A lie so thick
you can taste it.
A lie so soft
you can feel it.

What stories do I speak?
What wars have I caused?
I murdur.
I kill.

Such a lie
as myself
is not made
for healing.
or hurting.
but covering.
not revieling.

I'm small
and white.
But I'll grow.
watch me.

I'll grow
to be big
and black,
I will.

But once
I was told
"what hurts
can also heal"

So I must have some sort of use...

 The logged in version 

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