[night-siren]'s diary

711326  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-12-07
Written: (6878 days ago)

hmm lets see i got a magazine today. MCR is great. die all u fuckers who think its cool to hate My Chemical ROmance! anyone who just doesnt like them for them is ok. *dances down stairs* ....hmmm what else... i got a new fish today xD one of the tetras i had died, also my shark did when i was in brooks.... i was sooo sad!! he was my first in this big ten gallon tank i have. i still have my puffer... im gunna post a pic of him i think. :D

710800  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-12-06
Written: (6879 days ago)

i realized something.... in a few years i bet ANYTHING if the shit that i have with guys keeps happenin i am SOOO goin lesbo. ahaha i swear i have some of the "symptoms" anyways... like really. >_>; i duno if i can do it though, i still think guys are hot, and i would never become butch, or want some butch lady either (they are usually if not always...fat.) but gawd i love talkin to guys, they dont talk about what they do, they talk about funny things or interesting things not.. "I went to the bar lastnight and omg i was there with billy bob and we ran allover and i slept at two" they talk more about how they almost died or actually ask me about myself XD i love guys. but i duno, i can totally see me going lesbo. all u phobes, die! :)

just....love sucks, i totally give up. i will never ever love a guy again. lol, seriously. it cant happen, since im not good enough etc etc and am a bitch etc etc and what have ya.

well, im done ranting. see ya later whoever reads these! XD

709132  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-12-03
Written: (6882 days ago)
Next in thread: 709147

hmmmmmmmm u kno, a random thought.... what would i even miss if i died, like really? :) im not emo, just *shoots self*


709020  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-12-02
Written: (6882 days ago)

mood_annoyed a bit
music_alexisonfire - accidents!

hmmm this one dude i told i was bi to is sending me profiles of "emo" girls....ewww they look preppy and poserish (aka half the warped tour crowd this summer)...grosssssss!!!!!!! hes so fucking stupid. hes like oo heres a brunette for you... choke on a tater tot and die!!

other than that i realized that in my whole life ive only been emotionally attatched to like two people outside my family (if even them....lol) its interesting... one was a girl, one was a guy. hm. i guess i wont be attatched to anyone anytime soon. ahahahaha whatever. i gotta let go. its so hard!! *gets drunk*

im excited about the christmas work party, hopefully my friend can come down as my guest :D and we'll get drunk and do kareoke!! im so gunna take some piccehs. :)

708429  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-12-02
Written: (6883 days ago)

u know what i slept all day. there goes my paycheck and my upgrading ahaha i was supposed to get my void cheque today and also hand in some of the school work shit i got done. oooo well i got tomorrow i guess.

708025  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-12-01
Written: (6884 days ago)

work fun, i am gunna burn a cd of my punk muzik for someone at work... go spreadin the word! :)

707424  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-11-30
Written: (6885 days ago)

its only been my second day at work but i must say it again... i luv work so far XDDD i just love hearing random peoples stories they tell me, even if its just for three minutes or so. like really i talk to everyone like i know them, so they do the same. i get dirty looks until i open my mouth. :) weird huh!!! everyone KNEW i liked punk/metal music. once i said it they were like YAAAA, yaaa. :D :D :D wheeee sucess money and ummm....sex?? i might go to the christmas party too on the tenth (since i duno if i will have 40 bucks to spend to go to the hat to stand for three hours then go back home.....lol)

cheeeeerrs anyone who reads this! *high fives jason*

706768  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-11-29
Written: (6886 days ago)

mood_ content!

first day of work and i talk to basically everyone! XD i think im gunna get along and work just fine there, i screw up when stupid old ladies are like OOOOOOO UR DOING A GGGRREEAAATTT JOOOOBBBBBB and everyone kept telling me how great my personality was. haha im such a fake arent i ;)

706096  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-11-28
Written: (6887 days ago)

aaahhaaaaaaah omg im banned from deviantart for telling a random person one of my exes (the last one i dated... FUCKFACE DIE VIKEDAL DIE) um yes i told the random person he was impotant so now i am banned for a day. hahahah weird.

math is so hard to take at home! i soooo cant get the fucking word problems, i suck hard core at those.

work tomorrow! :D

704906  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-11-26
Written: (6889 days ago)

music_death by stereo - death conspiracy

wheeee i went to brooks and hung out with my bestest friend ever for about two hours. it was fun, i tried some of his sexy food and we messed around. ya it's good to see him, since i have nobody else in brooks to visit! *smites certain people who live there* but yessssss i might get to spend like two days with him if he forces his parents to take us the the Hat :) wheee finally something fun. i have nobody here lmao. the loser that did stalk me finally shut up once i told him i'd never ever have sex with him in my whole life. hahahaa :D wade is such a loser.

704197  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-11-24
Written: (6890 days ago)

upgrading has officially begun! YESSSSSSS!!!!!!! and i start work monday. and im goin to brooks friday. i'm gunna make it after aaalllllll....*kicks dad in face*

703888  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-11-24
Written: (6891 days ago)
Next in thread: 703891

i could say it, but i wont;
i feel it, but i shouldnt.


i duno what to do, i wish i wasnt such a weird person when it comes to these unresolved feelings. die heart die! eat a tater tot and choke!!!! </3 ok im fine now.

703607  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-11-23
Written: (6891 days ago)

mood_ annoyed, but content
music_none atm

holy fuck my dad is being a prick. :S ok so i try the mohawk look and he hasnt talked to me for like four days. lmao, talk about being a tard. sure hes antisocial but now he wont even go in the kitchen when im there. haha.....wtf.

sooooo i start work monday! hurrah! huzzah and such! im gunna be on cashier and such, so it'll be good to finally have some experience (rather than old skool cash register in brooks).

703316  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-11-23
Written: (6892 days ago)

hmmmmmmmmm im excited, i start work thursday or sometime after that, and i decided on my first tattoo!! excitedness plus! :D im gunna get a snake (or if i find a better dragon design) on the outter part of my leg, above my ankle (not sure how to explain!) im gunna get it when i get my surplus cheque, and my friend and possibly my sister are gonna get tats aswell, fun stuff! im stoked! and tomorrow i get my things for the correspondance upgrading shit. i'll need some help if there's any math nerds out there!

other than that im startin to think my love life is over hahaha. seriously the only guys interested just wanna u know, have sex or something. not many guys ive dated were different but some werent as creepy about it thats for sure. i miss normal dating!! ARGH!! why did i have to be such a bitch lol... ooooooo well. maybe i'll find this person elsewhere, i just cant get my mind off things. BLAHHHHH EMO EMO EMO! *hits head* >_<!

702590  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-11-22
Written: (6893 days ago)
Next in thread: 702594

ooooooooooooooooooooow my ovaries :(

701834  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-11-20
Written: (6894 days ago)

ATREYU IS RECORDING ANOTHER CD YEY!!! *waits six months* that means they'll prolly be comin to canada again! im excited! but have nobody to go with! wait.. I DO! YEY!

yaa for anyone who wastes their time readin these, um thanks for caring if there's any of you (besides jason of course, who reads everyones journals NOW DONT YOU BUDDY.) if it even means u care if youre reading this. cheers imaginary internet ppl!

701453  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-11-20
Written: (6895 days ago)

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i might finally get a job by the 28th!! wooop long enough to get me a nice lap top so i can study in school next year. sweet arse! well study and take notes and chat and yeah....not have to go to the computer lounge haha.

blaaahhh! that is all.


701026  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-11-19
Written: (6896 days ago)
Next in thread: 701124

mood__ annoyed but content
music_ none at the moment...............

my computer keeps crashing SOMEONE HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! lol. and my dad doesnt help, he doesnt fucking listen and he puts his discs in the comp and kills it. lol. i get so mad when ppl dont listen. but thats ok, im always angry these days. im a grandma after all!


699904  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-11-17
Written: (6898 days ago)

mood - angry

ok its the time where i get angry (can i make it anymore obvious *throws blood everywhere* ) but fuuuckk there are tooo many fucking emo ppl who talk about dying and dont even mean it. i mean if u talk avbout dying for like ten fucking years or something, theres soething wrong there, dont fuck with life and fuck with death. either way, what happens happens. if i die tomorrow, cheers! if not, i live another pointless day. whatever.

fuck where is my person, wheres the one that actually cares, wheres that person that would do anything for me and not fucking lie and not fucking whine and not fucking pretend just for something. wheres my person that puts me before themselves. will i ever find this person? i doubt it. like really, ive always been close to last on everyones list. it sucks.

aha dont take much of this personally anyone, i just use this journal to complain, since nobody else listens lol

698854  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-11-15
Written: (6900 days ago)

mood - content
music - under the bridge, red hot chili peppers

im happy sorta today ;D i saw my friends in brooks. it was nice, we took some weird pics i am such a camera whore! but then again the high will fade and i'll start thinking about things i miss, but oh well. it was fun though, sadly i was only there for two hours or so. my friend got a nipple piercing though! it was cute how he wanted to surpise me with it XD it was so neat to watch! it went really fast too, he didnt even bleed. i guess nipple dont really bleed do they?


697696  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-11-13
Written: (6902 days ago)

im just ranting for my own good, dont bother reading (THIS MEANS YOU ESPECIALLY JASON dont ask me about it hahaha its pretty straight foreward anyways..) e_e;;;

well ive been told once again by another person that they dont care. im getting sick of hearing this shit. i already know nobody cares. and if they do, they only feel obligated to. like really, fuck, im not special to anyone really. im just some replaceable emo bitch. *smile* it isnt a great feeling when people constantly want to undermind me and lie to me and humour me and blaaahhhh and nobody really is here for me anymore. like im constantly alone, i cant even get a job and pretend to be nice to customers. all my moosejaw friends turned into cunts (i realized how horrid lots of them are) and then half the ones in brooks quickly replaced me with the newest girl dating the last prick i did. nobody looks back and says "hmm i miss her" or anything like that. i do it all the time, and maybe once in a while i'd like to know ppl care, but this isnt a request or anything (jason u arent supposed to be reading this..so dont tell me u care everyday ok dear? lol... or anyone for that matter..... lol)

i just feel like crap, im such a loser and u know what ive always been one. i likek being odd though, but having nobody care sucks. i dont fit in anywhere hell i'll never have a band, thats one thing ive wanted to do for a looong time (definately not to be a pretty singer... *pets brody*) but whatever i dont have enough friends to do that even. im just friends for a bit then dumped off replaced and forgotten (or i do it to them...mel and justin and hmm a few others hahaha). it sucks!! im not an attention whore but gawd ive been keeping in my feelings long enough. nobody cares to hear what i say, so i just say it here. (hopefully NOBODY {this means u jason} is reading this...lol)

anyway i ranted enough for today.

 The logged in version 

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