[night-siren]'s diary

774390  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-04-08
Written: (6662 days ago)

hmmmm... do do dooooooooo well i didnt get my vacation pay.. apparently it was in my other cheque like i suspected. thats kinda crappy!! I NEED A JOB AAIIIEEEE!!! i might work at this cruddy trailor place that pays like 10.70 or a baker place that doesnt pay much but thats fine with me money is muthafuckin money. :D

sooooo this guy really wants to date me. i think he thinks we're an item cuz i slightly held his hand so i wouldnt lose him at this club place. crap! hahahah! well... i mean hes really nice and he liked me for like... years (and hes easy on the eyes :P !) but i just dont wanna commit. i just wanna have fun. its hard cuz sometimes i get lonely and when you just want fun things dont get better for you. its just a spurt of fun then bam back at home alone. well i duno hahaha being drunk fixes everything (and kills my brain severely!)

but ya hmmm well the one guy i kissed on valentines is talking to me again, hes been depressed lately and now hes all "ooo lets hang out bla bla bla talk to you tomorrow heart heart flower" geez since when are drunks extra affectionate.. wait that can be alot of times (look at me for example). but yeah, hes so cocky but hes so sexy hahahaha id hang out with him but id never date him, thats for sure. im kinda glad i moved here... i met lots of sexy guys. hahahahah! (and one sexy girl...shes damn mufukin cute!! but whatever.. that'll never happen, i dont think i'll ever get a girl but she came close. she held my hand lots and blushed a lot teeheeeee (music note within brackets)).

but yes... thats my umm.,.... speech of today for anyone who even read this. lol.

772480  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-04-02
Written: (6668 days ago)

argh ok two guys like me. one was my bathroom stall incident (for you that know about that.... lets se...uhhh jason?) but yeah, and the other is a guy that liked me since grade ten. its a pain cuz i like SOMEONE ELSE (well i like mister bathroom stall incident too but yeah....) it makes me feel bad though cuz the other guy...mark (not 33 year old mark) came here just to do something with me. i doubt anyone else would drive 2 hours just to do that....well except matt, my bestest friend in the world. ho ho ho.

771861  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-04-01
Written: (6670 days ago)

well... my boss...well ex boss rules. apparenlty i was fired right and he filed it as me quitting. YEAH!

well other than that im a hermit lately. im avoiding everyone cuz i duno im a sellout. hahahahahhh..,.... yeah dying alone is in my favour. hahah.

770713  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-29
Written: (6672 days ago)

i made a plan... im leavin for trinidad as soon as i can! (aka next summer when im done school) YEAHHH!! hopefully its not so horrible i want to leave right aways. maybe it will be great and i wont have to come back hahahh yes i will live off coconuts and ummm hurricanes and german people taking over the mutha fuckin beaches! ya its true. thats friggin retarded. i mean give up being nazis get ur own damn beaches!!!!!!! >: \

770307  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-29
Written: (6673 days ago)

hmm i havent written in here for a while....well let's see whats new for you imaginary people that read this.. (slaps jason who reads my journals on every site DONT U GAH>>>>>) anyhow.... well hmm i lost ma job, no biggie. im happy cuz now i can focus on school and shit. im so bored though. i hate not having a car. i would soo do more stuff cuz half my "punk" friends dont drive either! damn defying the rules.. etc. well they are the shit though. but yeah... iduno. im kinda lonely. blah! thats my extent of my rantin vent feelings time. well whatever. im meant to be alone i think, and thats fine with me. FUCK EVERYTHING WAH WAH WAH WAAAHHHHH (cuts self with boiled egg) nah im fine (aka jason dont even....lol.)

760037  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-08
Written: (6694 days ago)

why do people keep other people on msn but not talk to them? whats the point really?!? can someone tell me this.................>_>

759495  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-03-06
Written: (6695 days ago)

whoah the string version of atreyus songs are lovely, go listen now! its brilliant!

756514  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-01
Written: (6701 days ago)

music - metric - dead disco (they rule FUCK OFF)
mood - bored, worried about my gecko ITS LIGHT DIED O GODDD

ya... i got a day gecko. it was only calm when it was taking a shit. o god. haha. i have like three bite makrs from just puttnig it in the tank GODDD! it was a good deal tho. saved me like 50 bucks or something (that i spent at bps last night) haha boston pizza was interesting really.... i hit on a waitress it was great XD and then i wrote my number in the chocolate of our desert~ ya im a loser but who cares im not gunna see them again. we even dissed smoe bitch we went to school with and she was like three feet away listening. take that moustachio!

im alooonnee aahh matt went to medicine hat and everyone else doesnt matter cuz well theres only two girls here i sorta talk to but they arent really even friends (hello theyre girls ok)

but lethbridge is starting to be fun. im making friends. wheeeeeeeeeeeeee and more friends wehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee becca isnt a loser in this town (flips off all of brooks for shunning me and moosejaw...cuz im just fucking shunning them)

ya we called a few of them the other night too, that was interesting. it was great pissing them off though. haha nnyyaaahh moosejaw is shit ok!!! why couldnt i be like this back then. im sure id have umm interesting friends rather than nerdy moosejaw friends... and umm well fuck brooks i dont care about them as much haha the preps there can all burn in hell (i also called one a bitch last night hehe)


752209  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-02-22
Written: (6708 days ago)

haha tonight was fun. i got a new friend yey! blair. he's funny, and totally my type of person. he came back to the store to give me his number. speaking of fate hey invisible people!!

hes crazy... we started racing some dude on the roads home and we went up to fucking 160 i encouraged it! lol! i was like KILL HIIIMMM and we followed him to a store and chatted and we were all niec and once he drove away we were like LOSER nnyyaahh and drove away. it was fuunn. and i played pool!

750236  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-02-18
Written: (6712 days ago)

aahh i duno anymore, i want a guy that'll treat me well, i want a guy to be mine and mine alone.. this guy doesnt want to go serious, i respect that. but i want someone to call my own. it's been long enough.

i just want to be happy again for real damnit. those years arent coming back.

(emo becca cuts arm off)

748864  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-02-15
Written: (6715 days ago)

happy valentines day you fuckers!!! :D wow i almost got picked up today at work by a guy i talked to for like half an hour straight about nothing. it was funny. hes cool though. i sure have a funny way of making friends though!

but yaaaa i think ive decided im taken for now. well i kissed him. so ya.... i think you gotta consider it then. tonight was funny, i met his friends, and theyre great! one guy they call the wild card is fucking hilarious, i think we're gonna get along good.

hmmm other than that... i broke the shelf in the till at work! GO ME IM HARD CORE BABI!

and other than that.. ten days til i see my best friend ever im so happpyyy!

748237  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-02-14
Written: (6716 days ago)

music - some oldies song i hear at work all the time
mood - wheee!

becca's going to see the boy i met at the concert again haha i think we might become an item. he's cute. he has a funny haircut now though. not mike tho, ive known him for like two years or something now. this guys name is greg. he plays bass. actually, so does mike. and so does the cute guy i got to kiss me on the cheek. haha wheee im a bassist sex fiend now!!!

but seriously greg started air drummming and it reminded me of things omggg it gave a weird reaction though (i got excited)! hahahahahahha

well.............happy valentines day you fucking pieces of lovely shit! have a good one!

745905  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-02-09
Written: (6721 days ago)

if any of you didnt catch it on my front page.... im on myspace now!!


MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA! i have two punks, a band a .... umm guy and some other guy!

744677  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-02-06
Written: (6724 days ago)

la la la laaaa she aiiirrr humped mee and i got to piicckk her uuuppp aahh i love liking girls :D!

741452  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-31
Written: (6730 days ago)

aaaaaa i think the crushes i have on girls are gettin better and better... wooop! the one i like now kissed a girl (on the mouth) right infront of everyone... HOT! o ya and licked her face.. aahhhhh!! *rapes chair* aah aah aah aahhh !!

740699  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-01-29
Written: (6731 days ago)

aaaaaaaaaa last night was soo fun goin to that punk show whee local bands are the best!! just as good as the popular ones i'd say. too bad there wasnt a big enough place though. o well! it was soo funn!!! i high fived teh bartender and got free drinks all night! YAAA! he was like hey... cheers. and gave me a free shot.. then kept sending rye and cokes my way. sooo nice. and of course becca got her kinky action (as in raping someone in bathroom stall)....and what else.. hmmmmm hung out with my buds.. i have a few here in deathbridge now. woot!!!

im happy i finally had some fun and damn i must add i love my red hair (fuck any of you who disagree or disagree and call me ugly just to be cool) LOSERS!

k im good. still hittin on that girl at work.. it is fun. its even more fun making it realllly obvious. :D


740277  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-01-29
Written: (6732 days ago)

tonight just could be the night..........

738129  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-01-25
Written: (6736 days ago)

wow a new record....! i was in a good mood for about two days! WOO GO ME.......................*punches hole in fridge*

736599  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-01-22
Written: (6739 days ago)
Next in thread: 736623

music - call me - blondie (OLD SKOOL ALL THE WAY)
mood - betttter!

hmm i finally went out tonight. it was fun. saw underworld 2... soooo good i was turned on half the movie :D but that's just me.. and my infatuation with dark hair and bright eyes *pets angry vampire lady and gets lawsuit* but yaaaaaaa it was neat seeing an old sorta friend that i hit on in grade ten!! we get along good, and his girlfriend is nice, i dont know if she liked me or not (girls are toooo fake to tell!)

but yaaaaa i duno. work is gheyy now. i think im starting to hate everyone there but my ally, who is leaving soon... ah ah ahhhh *sniffles* i try, but u know what, fuck them. im gunna leave soon, due to ummm let's say... uh... school! YEAH SCHOOL!!!! haha hard core \m/_

other than that im thinkin of gettin a boyfriend soon (like hell i'd get a girlfriend EMO SIGH) but ya... i need that something. its like a friend but you get extra affection. haha im not lookin for love.. love is for SUCKERS>.. U HEARD ME IM TALKIN ABOUT YOU!!!! hahaa...not sure whoooo though.


734644  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-19
Written: (6742 days ago)

the end is the beginning............. who knows, i might end up on mars.

733626  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-17
Written: (6744 days ago)

music - trashed lost and strungout by children of bodom
mood - kinda annoyed

wow i was happy for about three minutes there. my fucking sister, the one thats a year older than me, is a fucking bitch. i renounce my relation to her!! i even said it to her i was like "i dont know you." and that was that.

fuckkk tho omg i cant wait to leave lethbridge idont see myself meeting too many people here. ahhh im a loner maybe i'll never fit in, that is fine. whatever. ahahh im dying young anyways so i mind aswell not care that im alone now! RIGHT!!!




*buys cyanide*

:) have a nice day.

 The logged in version 

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