[night-siren]'s diary

825937  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-18
Written: (6558 days ago)

so hmmm.... matty broke up with his "love" once again. what the crudd. whatever though, im done with him. im done with everyone bla balb ablablalbalblablblalala whine whine. well im done with people until i find a different set of people. sure the punks are fucking fun and hilarious but i just need something different aswell. punks are fun and dirty and drunkass loud boys but i hate the women., they are mostly slutty groupies. disgusting and just disgusting.

825000  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-07-16
Written: (6560 days ago)

well.. tonight was the night i would have been with matty... the second guy in my entire life i have ever had feelings for. and you know why im not there right now, clinging to him and telling him how much i feel for him??? cuz i cant go. i just cant. he is in love with his ex still. she just barely talked to him and hes all edgy and shit. i know he feels for me too but it would never be the same. so that's it. i wont talk to him ever again. infact i dont think ill ever have feelings for a man again. matty was something youd never wanna let go of unless theres some underlying stuf (ex too horny maybe)

but yeah... so thats about it folks. i am honestly fearing my sexuality right now.

824042  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-07-13
Written: (6562 days ago)

aaaaah karina lombard is sexxxyy though shes like what 36?! SO WHAT OK BROWN POWERRRR TO THE MAX (aww max is cute too)

haha anyways. so i have a thing with a guy at work. well i dont work with him. but he comes thru drive thru every fucking day. i even know what he orders now. we know eachothers name. well he saw my nametag and i hate when ppl say my name cuz they look at my "tag" (aka boob)....anywho haha i just wanted to see what he'd say i was like wow its hot out... and he was like "yeah i know u are" and went really red and drove away. haha hes cute. ill have to do something about that.

and oomgggg i might just get a car soon!!! a pink one!!! milage sucks but hey it;ll still run and shit. i think i really want it. it was hilarious when i went to get her number i handed her a sheet of paper and was like... "im interested..." and she paused and i was like ABOUT THE CAR. shes not hot. anywhoooo

so im kinda scared guys. i dont think i will have many more boyfriends in my life. its really scary. sure ive said it before butt... i cant even stand guys touching me at all or even looking at me. im miserable and fucking confused about it!!! thats why i am moving to calgary and forgetting all the fuckups in my life (aka boyfriends). so yeah. hell i dont even talk to any exs...... well one tries to talk to me but i didnt really date him.. i kissed him umm once and dated him umm once. i just dont like overpowering guys at all. and he liked to be in control. so yeah BANG dead goodbye dude.


822342  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-11
Written: (6565 days ago)

so... today my dad installs a fan in my room. its sweet. but the thing is he let my sisters cat in my room and she jumped on my geckos cage.... and broke half of it. ARGH! so now there are like 20 crickets creeping around. well i caught most of them but the big smart ones are loose and they scuttle sooo fucking creeeeepily!! and i bet anyting ones gunna hide in my shoe again!

also my room is being overtaken by tiny red ants. i dont know where the fuck they are coming from! AUGHHHH!!!!!

and also my room has about five huge spiders in it. haha the pains of having a tropical environment for a room!

other than that i am seriously reconsidering every whining bit about wanting a man. i seriously.... really dont need one. not to marry and all that fucking bullshit. anyways...

sooo LAAAAAAAA i bought the first season of the L word. i am in love with this show. <3 it costed 80 bucks and the guy at the front looked at me after that like i just said i was suicidal. it was the weirdest reaction i have ever seen. hahaha.

i am also gettin sick of people being homophobes and shit. some flamboyantly DRESSED guy came to drive thru today and this stupid girl was telling everyone about how he was a homo and he was sittin right there waitin for his food. infact, he didnt even act gay. he was metro sexual. i totally bitched her out. like... why point out people for their sexual preference or even assume so just by a tiny flick of a hand? would i be a lesbian if i crossed my legs like a man?! like seriously. i could go on for ages about that.... seriously. ARGH. im sure they all think im a flaming lesbian by how i talk. like one woman was like "women are nothing. they just hold the family together" and i got pissed about that too. how can you talk down your own gender? i am over that stupid stuff. we are all horrible in the same fucking way. sure im just blabbing to myself right now but i wish people would just fuck off about gender differences. sure i have opinions that some people take the wrong way, but i dont hate men. i dont hate women. i dont hate anytihng. i just hate how fucked up the world is, even to the extent that you hate someone for their sexual preference just because you dont undersrtand it or find it "icky". for fucks sakes people!!!!

-end angry liberal speech-

haha fuck liberals!

821631  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-07-09
Written: (6566 days ago)

aah i cant wait to go to brooooks. well just to see matt. i mean everything else about brooks sucks. im sure we wont be able to do the fun stuod things we always do. i bet the cops are everywhere now. lots of crime and shit goin down in that town. woo for rhyming!!

anyways.. i had a dream i had boob cancer! how fun (music note)

820880  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-07-08
Written: (6568 days ago)

mannn im so glad im not like every other girl. fuck. went to a show tonight that i miht add was fucking kick ass, and he like asked me.... sooo are you a groupie or dating one of these guys?? cuz i was with two guys. fuckin hilarious. i was just like NO JUST FRIEND. and i eneded up gettin his number. hilarious. i mean geez i just was being nice i didnt wanna shack upwith mr super talented guitarist. i mean hes 26 thats not bad but im not an easy slut. haha. theyre comin back though and i bet hes gunna call me and shi! hahaha. good stuff. he just reminds me of brody and yes i still like the stupod man whore. makes me feel bad! SNIFF! (slams door in bitches face)

820763  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-07-08
Written: (6568 days ago)

y'know, the three people that read this, im not unhappy but i just feel empty. like sure i have friends and they invite me out, call me, do stuff with me.. but i just am stopping there. like i close myself off almost. i dont even know why... but it sucks cuz id like to know people care. but when i hear it i think theyre bullshitting me outta pity.

(bought new lesbian pants)

oh well. hahahaha.... ok they arent lesbian but i can dream!

819863  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-07-06
Written: (6570 days ago)

lalalalal L WORDDDD. ok its a great show alrightttttt! i hate how it takes like a whoole fucking day to download an episode but whatever. im scared...... the very first butch on the show is cute. well not HOT but i think shes cheek pinchy cute and i usually like kinda slighty um girlier girls. bah! oh well. (talked to her on myspace) LALALALAAH!

819287  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-07-05
Written: (6571 days ago)

so there was this girl that i was sorta friends with. and she was crazy and really creepy. and she dated my friend justin. then she suddenly became part of my circle of "friends"...i dated a stupid fuck face and after i broke up with him he dated her. thats when i stopped talkin to her.

so she came by matts workplace last month, and said stuff about me and how she thinks i hate her and how she misses stuff.... yeah......

and today i find out she died. she was missing two weeks... i iddnt know this part. but wow... shes.....dead. thats the second person i know who has died.. and im sure it was a fucking terrible death. wait third... my grandmother died a fucking terrible death too. i feel bad about it. i hate death. sure we werent best buddies but we did go thru the car accident of '05 together, it was hilarious.

so yeah.... r.i.p ashton, though youre dead and cant read this... but i really hate how she prolly died... at the hands of some stupid guy....and dumped off at a lake.... fuckkkkk

818979  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-04
Written: (6572 days ago)
Next in thread: 818988

KARMA UPDATE! haha omg this is so great. ok so u guys know brody the guy i thought i would own one day but kinda rethought it (im sure he slept with over 100 girls... if not 200... haha jk... but he's been around and back a LOT...so yeah) anyways... so one night at a show i was soo planning on hooking up with him (we had a thing...) and yeah he kinda sold me out for some loose easy slut who also slept with his roomate the same night. gross. anyways.... soooo...after that....

he is being evicted from his place! MAHAHAHAHAHA karma rules. it really does. i cant wait to see what else happens to people who sell me out / do shit to me!!!!

other than that i have found some new eps of the l word lalalalaaaaah! hot! i love the show ok! well except how dana left alice for her ex except the part that alice gets cracked out on meds.... ok shaddup im sure nobody else on here has even heard of the L word. hahahahahaa

814932  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-06-27
Written: (6579 days ago)

omg i might be moving to calgary for sure now! im stoked. ive been so bored i need to move to a bigger city. i got an offer (and guess who from, the guy i totally heart... then again he knows and i duno what he thinks but i dont think i have to worry)

bt yeah!!! i might just go to U of C or ACAD to begin with until i get enough money. not toooooooo too sure. but im so stokedddddd!!!! and matt will prolly move in too, it would be such a fun time!! two matts in one house for three or four years, what else coudl i want?? haha

but damn matty (boy i like) is goin to suicide girls party this weekend, i wish i was going. omg there are hot lesbians. BAH! i wish iw as there, id so steal one... maybe... XD oh well

anywhoooooo off to bed

814894  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-06-27
Written: (6579 days ago)

hey kids. i just got a mohawk. and i feel so damn fine. haha not overly but hey whatever. my MOM actually did it for me. she was so mad and sad doing it but she knew i hearted it and it was great. the sides arent too short, i spike it. its so fun. i kinda wish i was a guy so i could have short spikey hair. XD WOOOOOP!!!!!!! fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!!! i feel so great cuz tehre are like NO girls (and only like one guy i know) with a mohawk. its awesome. everyone else shaved theirs off, so i feel even better about it. WOOPAH!

812764  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-06-23
Written: (6583 days ago)

holy crap i cant get this one song outta my head by this band in medicine hat. bloody 'ell!!

so ive been doing lots of thinking lately, and i think i actually have fallen for that damned asshole in calgary! BAHHH!! hes just dorky and funny and has good hair (thats essential) oh yeah and he doesnt like strippers (HUGE turn off!!)

and whee i might check out unearth saturday last minute, even if i have to take the fucking bus. its going to be worth it. i wanted to see all that remains for almost 2 years now!!!!

AND, and. i thought about something else with a certain someone and his gf who thinks i want him and such. id just wanna be friends atleast. cuz now that i think about it that was like 3 years ago and things have changed (aka he can find better and im not a spazzy emo bitch anymore) like we're adults now, and three years is a big step. .... so yeah!!!!

other than that i think everyone in medicine hat hates me. its hilarious. all over my observation about guys and how LOTS of em have hidden schedules. face it, it's true. :P cuz ive met a lot of guys, and about 70 percent of em are like that. ah well!

hmmm other than that theres a murderer that lives about four blocks away from me!!! and they say hes still a threat and may repeat his actions. thats so fun to hear. (gets gun)

haha whee my gecko just did a really big poop. and barked at the other gecko i have in there. hehehe.

811574  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-06-21
Written: (6585 days ago)

waka waka waka waka waka waka waka wakaa waka waka look im wasting ur time wakka wakka waakkka PAC MAN!!


im frustrated. there are too many nice guys around here. and they're all taken. it makes me smile that they arent hot girls though. thats what good guys are though.. tehy dont go for looks. well except matty, damnit. if i lived in calgary it would be me not that blonde girly girl! BAH!!!! ill just steal in him july and never let him go back. pft. i wsssh.

then theres jay, hes like the nicest guy in the world. i dont LIKE like him. but seriously i havent met a guy so fucking laid back and fun. geez.

why am i sharin this? i duno!

some of em here are a waste of time. like one guy who NEVER calls anyone but shows up with different people. and he hasnt only done this to me. hahahaha. oh well. hes fun when theres lots of ppl around but we dont even talk one on one outside of work really. meh!

what else do i wanna share with u people who prolly havent even read this far about my stupid bullshit.... well uhh... i have..... CANCER! not really but close. (sends happy flowers to everyone who hates me) haha HATE ME I LOVE IT!

811467  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-06-21
Written: (6585 days ago)

new feesh pics!

810991  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-06-20
Written: (6586 days ago)

well, i ran into a guy i met a long while ago and he wants to hang out. i guess im not THAT annoying. hes an awesome funny drunk stoner kid. lmfao.

anyways, i got some new fish. pygmy puffers and the green spotted puffers i had before, except i also got a new tank. mind aswell piss away money while im not paying rent and shit... prolly wont be movin out til im done school. eh why not? whatever. if i even make it to next year (dramatic music plays)

yeah fuck you. hahahah (who? i dont know, anyone whos lookin at this and rollin their eyes? why does anyone even read this fuckin journal?!?!)

810402  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-06-18
Written: (6587 days ago)

hey i did some research about the cyst on my head and shit. my mom has problems with cysts, and so did her mom and her mom and so on. grandma died of the brain anhurism. and tehy had cyst problems. and i looked up the brain thing. yeahhh. it goes for every other generation. so that means my grandma had the bleedin brain thing and i might too, since i have the cyst on my brain. no threat my ass. i kinda hope it happens. im sick of my pointless life. yeah shaddup im being "emo" but if everyone you knew were a shitload of sellouts and you were of no value to anyoen im sure ud hate your life too.

im sooo sick of my life!! sure theres some perks but behind my lil smiles and fun i was still miserable. everywhere ig o im miserable, and nobody gives a shit about me. its about time i realized this huh?

like sure i know lots of peoeple here and even in calgary, but if i died im sure some of em would be like meh and shrug it off. i close myselff off from people. they never get ot know the real me. thats why., tehy even said so, im hard to read, and they never know what im really thinking. i just cant take pretending to be happy anymore. theres nothing to smile about. nothing. the future for me isnt going to be anything exciting either. so what the fuck ever.

im done even trying anymore.

809521  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-06-17
Written: (6589 days ago)

new fast and the furious..............

go watch it, BITCHES!

oh yeah and x men still rules. FUCK U!

:) :) :)

my summer is ruined - car accident results in me never seeing my friend for a looooooooooong time, fuck. haha. looks like i'll just have to hang out with the non non punk guys and sit and get drunk and thats about it. tsk. i liked goin to Ice (dance club) and picking up rugby players! SNIFF

809069  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-15
Written: (6590 days ago)

even though some people are asses to me, i know karma is good to me. i have like a longer list now. and so what if the things would happen even if the other things didnt, i think karma = they deserved it. let's see nowwww starting from the beginning...

boy calls me bitch for some reason - house burns down
boy calls me loser for not dating him - family buisiness gone
boy disses me and is an asshole - dies of overdose
boy dates girl right after kinda leading me on - his 300 dollar camera is stolen
sister is all "distant" and does a lot of things to piss me off for the last time - computer is DEAD! MUAHAHAHAAH! (i love my lap top)
let's seeeee what elseeeeeeeeee.... OH friend backstabs me and his final girl love sells him out

what eeellssseee!

i can't think of anymore right now, but hopefully some moe things come up. thats what i love about people being idiots to me, something most definately will happen to them... like this one guy i dumped got really really realllly fat. hahaha....hot.

oh come ooonn im sure theres more!....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

oh yeah the gracie thing where she threatened me, got jailed and sued.... hahaha thats the best one! i hope someone else is an asshole to me soon so i can watch them fuck up. a guy at work is going to have the next becca-karma attack, im excited. (gets him gired and ruins his life) ... i wanna really ruin peoples lives. i duno why. haha i just wanna be evil for like a week and see how good it feels. la la laaaa (music note)

808479  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-15
Written: (6591 days ago)

it stormed hard core last night. i heard there was a touchdown somewhere. wooooop!

im sick of the people i live near. I WANNA MOVE! im so used to moving and meeting lots of people then moving and doing it again... (moves to calgary)......(crack whore shoots becca)........(idiots cheer in the distance) hahahaha YEAH I SAID IT

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