[Leara]'s diary

798338  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-05-26
Written: (6699 days ago)

I just wanted to say that I want this car. 2006 Lexus IS 250. Black.


795629  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-05-21
Written: (6704 days ago)
Next in thread: 797247

The DaVinci Code, though very long, was pretty good. I'd like to watch it again...Mr. Hot Albino freaky monk Silas was sexy. XD Maybe thats just my deranged taste though...I found him quite hot...I want to read the book now even more...all the historical and religious stuff was also put together well, it's something I will probaly try to buy when it's released. My only probaly was that I was already tired when I went, so I couldn't enjoy it as much while thinking 'PLEASE END NOWWWWWWW...WANT SLEEP.' Also, the theatres seats are really small, I think I hit the guy next to me's foot a few times, since in that tiny seat he was sitting with his legs WIDE open...invading the space infront of me. I have to keep moving around, wasn't comfortable at all. Might be a good thing, if it was comfortable, I probaly would have fallen asleep since I had been up before 8 that morning. >.> Movie didn't get out till 12, and the horizon was still light outside. >.> We have almost 17 daylight hours right now. @_@ Blah.

769707  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-03-28
Written: (6758 days ago)

Oh, I forgot to mention that I met the illustrator Roger Garcia, he does the illustrations for Bathroom Book of Canadian Trivia( http://www.lonepinepublishing.com/cat/0-9739116-0-3 ), super cute stuff. He was working on some cool stuff too. <3 That was the highlight of my day. XD

768496  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-03-26
Written: (6760 days ago)

My brother ordered a few anime series tonight, and asked if I wanted to get anything while he was ordering, but I needed to look through, cause I didn't want to spend much...he said get Angelic Layer, but it was out of my budget, so he's paying some, and I'm giving him the money in installments. XD Sweet sweet boxed set. ^^ Yay Clamp-ness. And this is the brother that never buys me anything, must be in a good mood. O.O

768254  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-03-25
Written: (6761 days ago)

Edmonton....rocks. I bought a bunch of manga, finished two series that I had the first three volumes to...and I got....Sakura Microns. *happies* First time I've seen them, had to get some. I have 7, and they gave me a discount because I'm a student, good thing, $50 in pens sounds a little much. >.> I got a graphics pen, a 005, 02, and 05 pen, and a white, silver, and gold pens that look wicked. I wanted to get watercolors but it was getting pricey. My dad mentioned something about maybe going down in the next few weeks, but he probaly wasn't serious, but if he was...there are clothing stores on white ave. I have to check out, since the only places we had time to go into were the art store and chapters...I asked if they had copics, they didn't, but she said some other place may have had them. I think everyone in the group found stuff they wanted in that art store, it was wicked....they had really good prismacolors....but getting a 12 pack didn't seem worth it, I'd want a larger pack then that...but the 12 pack was $20 and the 78 pack was $95. >.>

766311  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-03-21
Written: (6765 days ago)

Ok. So, I have a midterm tomorrow I have to get some studying done for, as well my flying egg contrapion has to be done tomorrow morning, not to mention the 6-8 page paper thats due at 7 tonight, which the writing process isn't even started, so thats going to be late, and I'll have to write it all tomorrow because I leave at 8:30 thursday morning to go to Edmonton with others in the art department for a field trip, not returning till probaly 10 friday night...so i also need to find time to sleep. >.> And figure out what I'm going to wear. ;P Need to remember to make sure camera and cell phone are charged, need to find my camera case @_@ I'm going to die.

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