[the Indigo]'s diary

111588  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2003-12-12
Written: (7514 days ago)
Next in thread: 119099

sakkaku here. issues here as well. (we come as a combo. would you like fries and a coke with that? sorry ameros, i just had to say it). just had a big, fat, lovely conversation with my friend about apricots, crapricots, grapes, peaches, spiced peaches, and the whole darn fruitcake with a cherry in the middle (if you dont know what im talking about, please ask me o.O) it was quite entertaining. i also listened to ikari and infidelitys love sing in their 'choir'. twas quite scary. i do think that i was exposed to one 'jingle' too many.
inquiring about lost loonie. tis small, metal and canadian. please report back if found! (my coin collection isnt complete without it!!!)

110072  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-12-08
Written: (7518 days ago)

i do believe that we had a jolly old time at the rich-peoples mall playing jazz music to SOLs (snazzy old ladies) of which Ameros Rithlowne and I are going to adopt so they can buy us all the cows in the world. i love that place now, its like a cross between southwest and costco. oh yeah! also, they had these lovely tables with FOOD all over them. additionally, when opening my mouth to eat a meatball, my bracket rubberband snapped and flew gracefully through the air into ameros's coffee. we had an even jollier old time over that. i think that ameros giggled himself into obilivion.

109411  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-12-06
Written: (7520 days ago)
Next in thread: 109424

yeah...i am now going to write my jaded poem

"Jaded" (<---oh yeah)

corruption has grasped me
it gushes into my icy heart filling me with contempt;
utterly jaded
i am invisible to you
you cannot see me through this two-way mirror
whisps of mist circle my eyes as i stare into obivivion
utterly jaded
i fell off the world last when it turned
i float in a sea of barrenness
burned by the stars on one side
frozen by the shadows on the other
my eyes are tarnished with scarlet
crimson blots stain my hands
this world has driven me out
and i am utterly jaded

oh yeah!!! i managed to say utterly jaded three times!!! arent you proud of me? ^.^

109249  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-12-06
Written: (7520 days ago)

uhhhhh....hmmm....oh! *snaps fingers*
as of tonight, it is my duty to get Ameros Rithlowne off his lazy buttocks and go jogging with me!!!
*giggles evilly*
i learned a new word! jaded. isnt that SOOOOO cool? im gonna use it in another one of my lovely fatallistic poems!

 The logged in version 

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