[the Indigo]'s diary

119202  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-12-31
Written: (7495 days ago)

these are my two lists i made while in wyoming:


-anything other than blond hair (occasional exception)
-green or blue eyes (hazel is welcome as well)
-soft lips (yay for chapstick!)
-fuzzy hair ^.^
-oval face
-normal or muscular body
-not too short (please!)


-funny/sense of humor
-likes animals
-runs/does sports


-cant live without a dog
-men (most)wear cowboy boots/hats
-women cook
-women sew, do photobooks, homey stuff like that (except for me)
-have a particular liking for jeans
-appreciate good food (not always the fancy stuff, usually cafe, bakery, etc.)
-have a sense of humor
-make fun of each other
-enjoy watching an occasional football game (i blame the superbowl)
-wears plaid (maybe that's where the obsession came from)

113500  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-12-16
Written: (7510 days ago)

there has been yet another request for dan xuan spring from Sir Funki Munki. if i had more story, i would post it, but alas, there is no more...o.O but, if you would still like to request it, then thats fine with me ^.^

i will be putting up my other story next. it doesnt have a title, so feel free to make your imput, on it as well as Spring, and leave it in my guestbook

113498  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-12-16
Written: (7510 days ago)

there has been a request for more (im sorry if i cannot offer the coke...)soo...here is Dan Xuan Spring, continued:

“Haruki.” The mistress responded, looking to her resting pad.
“If you may, could you be so kind as to come with me to the shrine?”
She sighed “I suppose. Xuan, I would like that tea when I get back, please.”
I mustered a small smile “Yes, mistress.”
The sensei caught my eye and smiled, and I felt I could do no better than to look down to the creaking wood panels in response, blushing intensely.
I heard footsteps, the creaking of the dying porch, and the screen door being slid open and closed.
Taking in the scent of wild cherry blossoms that veiled the silky aroma of the incense, I walked to the back door, which led to the sugar cane fields, where the Tojima boys usually worked, except for this day, which their father, the house’s sen’in***, said that they were free to do what they chose.
As I walked along the rows of yellow-brown stalks, I breathed in the fresh air, and remembered.

“Dan Xuan Spring, hm?” An elderly man, shortened by the pull of the earth, head             
bald and bushy white eyebrows raised in curiosity commented, apparently surprised at a commoner holding such a fine, nearly royal name, one almost worthy of China’s very empress.
“Yes. Now may I trade this rice for your tankan or not?”
He looked at me from under the cover of his eyebrows. “Alright, but I’ll only take half of what you offer. Such a pretty young girl deserves much more than what she is getting.” I looked down and blushed crates of moshi as I reached out the hand bearing the cotton bag of the grain. The man poured some into a basket, then added my tankan to the bag.
“Thank you!” I yelled as I hurried on my way away from the fruit stand, tracing my steps home. Being only fourteen, and having been graced with great beauty at my birth, I had grown used to comments from the locals I happened to interact with.
Opening the bag as I walked, I drew it to my face and took a deep breath, the oranges nearly filling my stomach already. My fascination with Japanese culture had grown to the point that I had memorized several words in the language, enough to almost speak fluently enough for conversation.
I swung my home’s wooden door ajar and skipped to the kitchen, where my mother was cooking rice for supper over our small fire.
“Mama, look! I brought tankan!” I exclaimed, bringing up the orange so she could see. She looked up to me and smiled. “Thank you. We can have it with dinner tonight.” I closed my eyes and smiled, rubbing my stomach “Sounds good!”
“And, Spring,” She started, straightening herself and smoothing her threadbare cotton clothes “Your father and I have decided that it is time that you go off on your own to work for your own money. We don’t have much, but the most we could do is send you to Japan. You would find better work there than here.”
I stood grounded for seconds, staring into her. I had supposed that it was time that I would leave my family; take one burden from their back, but I had never thought to prepare myself for it. My mind had been blown to pieces, and was being carried away by the wind.
“Yes, Mama. When will I leave?” I hesitantly whispered, my heart drumming frantically. “We can send you on the ship in a week’s time.”
I looked down and blew out my used air in attempt to tame my heart.
“Yes, Mama.”

“Aah!” I cried, a searing pain suddenly shooting through my foot. It tingled and burned with such ferocity like no twig could have caused. I glanced down to my ankle to discover a two yard long Habu clinging to my achilles tendon. I reached over and snapped part of one of the sugar cane off and lashed out at the snake with it, beating it down. Slowly, its grip loosened, until its carcass lay in a heap of bloody pulp.
Collapsing onto the ground, I gripped at the flesh above the wound so hard that I thought I would cut myself. Then, bending my spine into a u shape, I sucked at the wound twice over. Spitting out the last of the cursed blood onto my assailant’s body, I loosened my grip and sat in the dirt, an irony taste strong my mouth, and my heart beating wildly from loss of blood.
Getting up, I limped back to the house, leaning on the protrusions of sugar cane   along the way. My ankle throbbed, and fresh blood had seeped out of the openings in my skin.
I found my way through the slide door, and collapsed onto the tiles of the center room.
The world was spinning around me, and my only choice was to close my eyes and wait for it to stop. 

I was swirling in a vortex of nothing. The clouds were my lullaby, and the wings of angels were my quilt. My eyes were closed, but I could still see. A voice! A voice as close as a heartbeat called out to me.
“Spring, wake up.” My eyes were opened to unveil the sensei shaking my shoulder gently. “Are you tired? What’s wrong?” I waited a moment for my eyes to clear. A throbbing pain in my ankle reminded me of my troubles. I swallowed, taking a deep breath through my nose as I shifted my weight in order to sit up.
“A Habu bit me.” I smiled weakly “It is okay. I am fine now.” He smiled “That is good to know. Why don’t you wait to catch your breath before you get up.” With that, he rose and left the room, leaving me with the sen’in, who had been watching us.
“A Habu, hm?” He looked at me playfully “It seems someone was wandering in the fields again.” I smiled “I was feeling homesick, that’s all.” He nodded in agreement and sympathy “Hard to believe that it has been two years since you came here, isn’t it. And remember Haruki’s accomplishment? That was only a few months after you arrived, you know.” He grinned cattishly and gave me a wink.
I only smiled, trying not to encourage the old man.
“Oh!” He exclaimed, getting up “There is also something that I would like to give to you.” He rapped his knuckles on his head. “I finally remembered. It seems this old mind is wearing down.”
He left for a minute or so, rustling through something in the room just off of the one I sat in. Later, he emerged, holding a linen kimono. The design of an elegant dragon twisted around meticulous weavings of cherry and plum blossoms.
I reached out to touch the blue sash, feeling the finest silk. Running my hand over it, I shook my head “I cannot take this.”
He smiled, as if he knew I would say that “But you have to. Or else I will make Haruki sleep at his great-grandmother’s house for a while.”
I laughed, ringing like a bell “When you put it that way…” Smiling, I took the kimono into my arms

Come suppertime, I served seasoned potatoes and beef served on rice, and ended with one piece of moshi per person. It was hard to keep up with cooking the meal, though, for living in a house with seven males meant that there was to be nothing left over.
I could see the sen’in, and felt happy for him. His wife had passed away some four years ago, and when I had come two years after her death, he was still in mourning for her loss. His children, though made up for her absence, and kept him from being all too lonely those four years, though he took special care of his daughter, Kaori, for she was the only female presence in his life. Until I had come along, at least.
For his kindness, I was able to work for pay as a maid for him, and now can talk to me as if he were my own father, but more like if he were my brother.
What’s more, he kept my presence hidden from the neighbor, Yotsuya. Being a nasty voyeur, he would have certainly had his sight set for me, at the risk of sounding vain.
He learned to keep me away from outside exposure when I had caught the eye of one particular criminal who had a quite interesting story behind him.

To be continued…(though im not really going to be working on it for a while...)

113490  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-12-16
Written: (7510 days ago)
Next in thread: 113492

heres a little bit of my lovely story Dan Xuan Spring:

I stood in the doorway, whose rotting wood creaked and groaned as it tried to hold me up. Water from washing our thin linen clothes skittered into the air as I waved goodbye to the rest of the cantankerous Tojima family males. Only one looked back, slightly waving his hand, as if it were a nuisance to do so, then turned back and joined in the illicit conversation.
Shaking my head for the worry that wracked my brain of what they might be up to the coming day, I turned back to the paneled floor and found the sensei’s, or teacher's sister sitting on a pad on the floor. Smoky wisps of incense coming from the ostentatious cedar holder swirled around her chestnut skin as she bowed her head.
“Mistress?” I asked quietly. “Yes?” Her eyes remained closed.
    “The boys have left.”
“That’s good to know.”
“Would you like some tea? Or maybe even a small bit of sake?”
A minute grin traced her lips, and her eyes opened “Tea would be fine, thank you.”
“Kaori?” A young alto voice vibrated the air. My head was turned in the direction of the sensei, who was, by appearance, only a year or two older than me. I was timid; too shy for my own good, which resulted in my blushing in his presence, and stammering like a fool, if I could speak at all.
“Haruki.” The mistress responded, looking to her resting pad.
“If you may, could you be so kind as to come with me to the shrine?”
She sighed “I suppose. Spring, I would like that tea when I get back, please.”
I mustered a small smile “Yes, mistress.”
The sensei caught my eye and smiled, and I felt I could do no better than to look down to the creaking wood panels in response, blushing intensely.
I heard footsteps, the creaking of the dying porch, and the rice paper door being slid open and closed.

if you would like more, please ask o.O

111588  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2003-12-12
Written: (7514 days ago)
Next in thread: 119099

sakkaku here. issues here as well. (we come as a combo. would you like fries and a coke with that? sorry ameros, i just had to say it). just had a big, fat, lovely conversation with my friend about apricots, crapricots, grapes, peaches, spiced peaches, and the whole darn fruitcake with a cherry in the middle (if you dont know what im talking about, please ask me o.O) it was quite entertaining. i also listened to ikari and infidelitys love sing in their 'choir'. twas quite scary. i do think that i was exposed to one 'jingle' too many.
inquiring about lost loonie. tis small, metal and canadian. please report back if found! (my coin collection isnt complete without it!!!)

110072  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-12-08
Written: (7518 days ago)

i do believe that we had a jolly old time at the rich-peoples mall playing jazz music to SOLs (snazzy old ladies) of which Ameros Rithlowne and I are going to adopt so they can buy us all the cows in the world. i love that place now, its like a cross between southwest and costco. oh yeah! also, they had these lovely tables with FOOD all over them. additionally, when opening my mouth to eat a meatball, my bracket rubberband snapped and flew gracefully through the air into ameros's coffee. we had an even jollier old time over that. i think that ameros giggled himself into obilivion.

109411  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-12-06
Written: (7519 days ago)
Next in thread: 109424

yeah...i am now going to write my jaded poem

"Jaded" (<---oh yeah)

corruption has grasped me
it gushes into my icy heart filling me with contempt;
utterly jaded
i am invisible to you
you cannot see me through this two-way mirror
whisps of mist circle my eyes as i stare into obivivion
utterly jaded
i fell off the world last when it turned
i float in a sea of barrenness
burned by the stars on one side
frozen by the shadows on the other
my eyes are tarnished with scarlet
crimson blots stain my hands
this world has driven me out
and i am utterly jaded

oh yeah!!! i managed to say utterly jaded three times!!! arent you proud of me? ^.^

109249  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-12-06
Written: (7520 days ago)

uhhhhh....hmmm....oh! *snaps fingers*
as of tonight, it is my duty to get Ameros Rithlowne off his lazy buttocks and go jogging with me!!!
*giggles evilly*
i learned a new word! jaded. isnt that SOOOOO cool? im gonna use it in another one of my lovely fatallistic poems!

 The logged in version 

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