[the Indigo]'s diary

466305  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-01-08
Written: (7116 days ago)

   The chill of near winter cold pinched and bit at my skin. It was January, the earlier days in the month. Though, cold as it was, the icy, melancholy dusk gave an almost comforting cover of peace and mystery; the sky was the color of the royal blue eyes hidden in the body next to me. Them and the sky had a strange, stained glass-like quality, as though they held deep in them a church more grand than the weathered architecture of the British Isles.
   The two of us sat in the silence on top of the frozen, yellow grass and weeds, watching a string of traffic hug the curves of a hill further down then their ridge, the miniature cars' lights flickering and glowing like small, golden Christmas lights.
  We had been friends for so long now. But soon, he would go off to college in Massachusetts, a dream of his he worked overtime ever since elementary school to achieve. I would stay behind in my native state, and wait until another year finished until i could take the wings of the blackbird in our backyard and fly away. There was half a year left, only half a year, until i looked inside his frosted window once again, only to find his room was vacated.
  I leaned against him. As he put my arm around me, and I cried. Bitter, tired, and isolated.

464109  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-01-05
Written: (7119 days ago)

HOLY CRAAAP!!! Kien Nguyen is such an awesome author ^^ dont know how to pronnounce his name, though -.- go read his books!! NOW!!!! >_<

464108  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-01-05
Written: (7119 days ago)

tasting blood is like licking a nail. its not too pleasant, I suppose

462299  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-01-03
Written: (7121 days ago)
Next in thread: 469435

Famous last words;
       "Tomorrow never comes.
               "Will I ever know
                     "that I was in love...?"

A flower for your vanity
A penny for your thoughts
About the world's insanity
And how we've gotten lost
Strike up the band to play a song
As we go waltzing by
And fake a smile as we all say goodbye

i generally like to use Jars of Clay lyrics in a lot of things, so watch out for them! (yes, this was all Jars of Clay)

459278  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-12-29
Written: (7125 days ago)

As soon as I get my licence and some free time, I am going to drive down Hampden to the ramen shop, and conduct a lively chat with the other rameneers. On the way back, I will park at Denver University, and wait on the lawn by the science classroom for the boy of summer I waved goodbye to there...

452613  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-12-22
Written: (7132 days ago)

Sunny days, keeping the clouds away
I think I'm coming to a clearing in a brighter day...
So far away
Still, I think they say,
"The weight will make the heart grow stronger."
...or fonder, I can't quite remember anyway

So if you're waiting for love
Well it's a promise I'll keep
If you don't mind believing that it changes everything,
Then time will never matter

Winter, spring...
It's what love can truly bring
Ice turns to water, water flows to everything
You can lose your mind,
Maybe then your heart you'll find
I hope you won't give up what's moving you inside

So if you're waiting for love,
Then it's a promise I'll keep
If you don't mind believing that it changes everything,
then time will never matter

So if the car won't start

When you turn the key,

When the music comes on,

All your cold cold heart can do

is skip a beat

452065  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-12-22
Written: (7133 days ago)

wow...im feeling more depressed than i should be.

my issues have gotten to the point where if i even have a small glass of anything that contains caffine that i get really naseated, and at some point when i laid down, i got exteremely dizzy. i have also found that the only fast food i can eat now is mcdonalds (barely, and even though i have been repulsed by even hearing its name, now... you just needed to know all of that, didnt you?)

right now, it sucks being me

434389  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-12-04
Written: (7150 days ago)

"Sang the Bell"

There was singing near venders,
Up the rivers,
And through the stone-paved streets
Atop a great chapel,
Where it was heard close,
A song; of mourning and heart;
Chimed of a large, silver bell
It sang, how it sang
Of long summer gone
It sang of short springs past
Of Autumn and fall,
Of the great winter thaw,
That comes to leave every year
In the youth of morning sun,
this very day,
It sang of only one thing
Of joy
Of hope
Of love
And how it was swept and gone
"Sleeping heart joys
for the sake of none
or so, it is nevermore"
The bell sang
"Only petty things
Replace what was true
never here, never gone
elsewhere they flew"
The vendors, they listen
The rivers, they too
And everyone all through the streets
To the sad song,
For the pidgeons that cooed,
Sang the bell
On that cold Christmas morn

430629  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-12-01
Written: (7154 days ago)


please read:

i want to go on a mission trip to Thailand this coming summer with my church, helping families there to build houses, serve food to them, community service things like such. now, im not completely sure that i can go yet, and if it happens that i cant, i would still need a donation, as i am wanting to become an exchange student in Japan for a semester to a year one to two years from now, and i am trying to save enough money so i can buy the tickets and bring it to Thailand/Japan to buy food, suveniers, gifts, etc. The trip to Thailand costs $1,500, not including other expenses (food, shelter, etc), and Im not sure how much Japan will cost yet.


403373  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-11-06
Written: (7179 days ago)
Next in thread: 414748

I miss my good friends. two i left after fourth grade, two i left after sixth grade, one i left after eighth grade, and another i've seen off and on (mostly off) for the two weeks (more? i dunno...). i talk to them, but it isnt the same. i miss them all...(if i have separation issues with two weeks imagine how four years must seem...) I think that is why my stomach condition has been getting worse...hum...im just having a bad...er...year....

395427  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-10-30
Written: (7186 days ago)

i feel nauseated...maybe cause im sick? oh...god knows what...maybe its something else, too...feel like singing one of those slow, beautiful love songs. problem is i dont remember any...

I was alone in my room
Because You left me
I was turned around
Because You left me
I was depressed
Because You left me
I had misunderstood
Because I left you

I feel...tired. like everything is sucked out of me. At night, I do nothing but think, and sometimes my eyes are open, even though I thought they were closed. I sing to myself, in songs that I made up myself, about things that dont really matter, but really do. I question my abilities. I am not moving forward. I feel sometimes as though everyone has left me. When I am alone, it is like the life is sucked out of me. My eyes water. Sometimes I wonder when I'm going to die. And if I really want it or not. When my parents or brothers aren't home and their cell phones are turned off, I start to get anxious about whether they are lying in a car wreck somewhere with police officers and medical teams standing around them. But when they get home, my life is restored. Sound familiar? it should.
392225  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-10-27
Written: (7189 days ago)

"I've Always Loved You"
By Third Day

I don’t know how to explain it
But I know the words would hardly do
Miracles and signs and wonders
Aren’t enough for me to prove to you

Don’t you know I’ve always loved you
Even before there was time
Though you turn away
I tell you still
Don’t you know I’ve always loved you
And I always will

Greater love has not a man
Than the one who gives his life to prove
That he would do anything
And that’s what I’m gonna do for you

Don’t you know I’ve always loved you
Even before there was time
Though you turn away
I tell you still
Don’t you know I’ve always loved you
And I always will

Don’t you know I’ve always loved you
Even before there was time
Though you turn away
I tell you still
Don’t you know I’ve always loved you

Don’t you know I’ve always loved you
Even before there was time
Though you turn away
I tell you still
Don’t you know I’ve always loved you
And I always will

I've always loved you
and I always will
I've always loved you
and I always will
I've always loved you
and I always, and I always will
I've always loved you....

391297  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-10-26
Written: (7190 days ago)
Next in thread: 391300, 392366, 393379

  What made her do it the first time? Was she given too much, or did she take on too little? Was it for many of her "friend's" pressure, or the betrayal of the single good one? The curiosity or the lust? The need or the want? The thought of it, sitting tidy in the wooden drawer, needing to add a touch of iron flavor the the bland meals cooked daily? None of those. Excuses could not release her, she thinks as she hears the wheels of the drawer turning.
  Stop!! She screams. Her throat closes with the thirst for more. Just one! She thinks. I'll stop tomorrow.
  Her hands cease their inward motion.
  What if there is no tomorrow?
  They inch it back a few centimeters.
  A crack and a whip shudder across her mind. She clenches her teeth. The hunger of her dry soul takes her hands, pleading for her to end its painful misery, alone and driven with an empty, savage hunger.
  The drawer stops. It is completely open.
  She hears a noise, whipping about her ears and the clumps and strands of soiled hair. Only the rain. Just rain.
  It was dark inside. The windows were sealed shut.
  Where did everyone go? When she wants...when she needs them...to come back; to steal away the suicidal means of her thirsty addiction.
  No one is there. Not even inside her sunken shell.
  Hot tears taxed long past due fill the resevoirs of her face and flood in waterfalls off her chin onto the white tile of the kitchen floor, diluting the drops of cherry red that leaked like a broken faucet from her cloven heart.
  Is it a dream?
  A dizzy spiraling dance through the kitchen fills the depths of her eyes.
  She lifts her hands to her face, bitter sweet release of all her emotions flowing down the bridge of her nose, dripping off the tip and filling the corners of her mouth.
  She coughs.
  Just one more...
  A glimpse she catches, of a face that is not hers, staring through the window of her microwave. It is pale, and far beyond sorrow. Her orange-brown freckles seem to stand up and dance in the pale moon of her silky, stained skin.
  More...another...just another...
  Painstakenly, her rusted finger moves, one knuckle creaking, then popping to a deathly rythm as four others follow it. The dead weight of her black solace clangs amongst its puddles of pain that it took all its tainted pleasure in reaping.
  What next?
  She sniffs and wipes her tears, smudging the crimson that had begun to crust over below her eyes.
  Still, there was no one.
  They were severed, all around. All but one. They moved and squirmed as she slowly ascended the stairway, the pumping red avoiding its target and spilling into the canyon of beige carpeting outside the bathroom floor.
  She undressed, and turned the knobs, and as the water filled the porcelain tub, she bandaged her crying wounds, as tightly as she could, shoving the massacred tissues back where they were so brutally dislodged from.
  The water was warm. It seeped through the tightly bound cloth to her naked skin, drawing the anguish, the frustration, the utter loneliness the drove her broken soul out, staining the water a clear, blooming rose. Her empty eyes lay watching as a horde of angels gathered her floating soul from the drain for a funeral procession into the clouds.


391248  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-10-26
Written: (7190 days ago)

i had the cutest poem about dog hair, but now i cant find it...so ill tell a story that i wrote over the summer instead...

  She was the shy girl. She didn't talk to no one, so no one talked to her. She had asked special permission from the teacher (after hours of lecturing from her mother) if she could sit in the corner, meekly claiming she could see better from there. She reminded me of a little mouse--straight brown hair cut in an even line at her shoulders, little eyes you could barely see the pupils of, a nose stained with a rosey pink at the tip, and she stood at 5'3", five whole inches beneath me. I didn't know her name, since I always spaced out during roll call. The only name I heard was my own. To be frank, I didn't care, either. No one did.
  My reason for remembering her was that I sat in the back as well, at her right. She never looked up. It was as if someone superglued her line of vision to the desk. I rarely saw her pencil move, either. By the looks of it, she must have had a F average.
  I had seen her after school in the parking lot, too, while I was waiting for my mom, who was late. Her mother slapped her, then screamed at her to get in the car.
  I almost felt sympathetic. But not quite.
  One day, she didn't come to school. It happened the next day, too. And the next. I was probably the only one to notice. After she had been gone for a week, I came to class on monday and went straight to the teacher. "Where's the girl who sits next to me?"
  "You mean Chassity?"
  So that was her name..."Yeah."
  "She's sick." The teacher said, shrugging me off for a pile of homework that needed shuffling.
  I wasted no time getting to my assigned seat, where I sat the rest of the school day, doodling.
  The next morning, when I dragged the newspaper inside fromt he rain and unrolled it, one of the smaller headlines caught my eye; "Murder in Suburbs: Girl Drowned". Obviously, it was just one of those things I was used to seeing in the news, but right next to it, the picture was blurred by a water stain, as was the description.
  I sat down with my Mini-Wheats and, with only a mild curiosity, turned to the page as suggested by the headline. There, I saw the picture: brown hair, slits of eyes, and the little red nose. My eyes widened. I directed my attention to the picture below it. A woman, much resembling Chassity, stared back.
  The caption read the the girl's mother had dropped her in a bathtub, holding her small head underwater until her flailing arms fell motionless in the water.
  Now, the empty seat next to me screams. Every day, it tells me how she may have been alive now, if only i had said a tiny "hello".

380522  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-10-14
Written: (7201 days ago)


A rose, a rose
sitting on my window sill
A scent so pleasing to my nose
invades the air so gracefully
Days, days
They pass by
Leaving me in a haze;
Not one leaf has moved
Now, now
Now i see
The rose who had come so gracefully
Its edges are dry,
One pedal is torn
A tragety, a tragety
My poor rose is dying!
The one who came so magically
Is passing me by
A sign, a sign!
Wait! i sigh
Not that it and i have fallen out of line
But that it will stay
the way it was
it was, it was
the way it was
on that special day


 The logged in version 

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