i dont know what to do!
whats the best way to get somebody drunk.....hmmm
i could either
1) sneak it into his coke
2) inject it into his blood stream whilst he is asleep
3) Freeze it and pretend theyre ice cubes
4) put a tube down his throat
what do you think?????????
Im doomed....
diddley diddley dum
Today i have had a french exam and it totally sucked! I couldnt write anything...Ooo
Anyway..a quick story to get you all going....
Mr Boggles walked down to the sea one day.........
Then he drowned.......
The end.
Enjoy the rest of your day!
Good things about people i know on elftown
Fifi McFu
You are a ledgand baby! I love youI love you i love youI love youI love youI love you i love youI love you
Pillow hugger
your a wierd guy but i love you all the same! HUG!
Shade the elf fromme Valanar
your crazy...and i love you....coconut bum or not!
you are one cool dude! You are very special and you make me laugh! love ya babs
Everyone else i know
Good day today! I have found my true love! Yay!!! i love him but shhh! Its our little secret!! He he!