[f.u.c]'s diary

105553  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-11-27
Written: (7521 days ago)
Next in thread: 105556

   I met this girl right, and shes everything that i've been looking for... shes beautiful, shes fun to talk to, she portrays herself to be pretty smart; also, it seems like we both have the same feelings towards one another.   
   The ONLY problem(from my perspective) is that she lives a little ways away. She doesnt live impossibly far away, but its far enough for me to contemplate about what I should do with her. I feel like im in love, I think about her constantly... when im at home, when im at work, when i get home from work; and when we're talking i think about her ten times as much. Her and I have know eachother for a couple weeks now, and we're not dating... but we've gotten along so well that when we hear about the relationships that we have with the opposite sex's, we both get jealous.
   I want to say that i love her, but i dont know how shes going to react.
   Someone please give me some suggestions.

 The logged in version 

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