[f.u.c]'s diary

106563  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-11-30
Written: (7519 days ago)

   OK. time to write in my JOURNAL again. The greatest thing happened to me tonight... i asked my love to date me. Of course she said yes, but i think that she might think that i was somehow forced to ask her out, which is definetely not the case. I love her more than the word love can describe... i want us to be together forever, as dramatic as that may sound... but its the truth.
   I heard alot of upsetting news today, mostly about how her friends and family are rejecting our being as one. But of course, she doesnt care; and her parents really cant stop me. I guess that they think that im a really old perverted person that is going to stalk her. How amusing could this possibly get. 
   Her mother thinks that im going to end up like my father; he is an abusive, self-consious, arrogant fool that doesnt learn, along with abusing drugs and alcohol. I do my best to stay away from him at all times, when he calls and whatnot; but you know there are times that i have to see him... like on holidays. Anyways, my loves mother, said that im going to end up just like my dad, even though i dont drink or do drugs and the majority of all times i am not in that situation... and when i am, i could give a fuck less about "pure pressure", i do what i want to do, no say about it... and that would be to stay away. I know that i used to do bad things but, im not like that anymore... and everyone else knows that along with myself, and frankly i dont think that any of my 'bad' friends give a flying fuck about what i do and what i dont. Well, her mom said "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree", and all i have to say is it does if its at the top of a hill. Those days of 'experimentation' are over, no doubt about it. Guess what i bought with my money, stupidity, and it only costed me about four years of my hard earned money. I hope you like, because i dont. Yeah so im done with tall that SHIT.
   All i have to say is that i love this woman with all of my heart and nothing will stop me from loving her beyond!! We may not see eachother for a while, but we both made that decision and we're sticking to it. Im loyal, and from what she says so is she. I have no reason to NOT believe her so why have doubts. Exactly, i dont. I think that today was one of the greatest days of my life, until the day comes when i get to actually hold her in my arms. I could care less about the first kiss, i just want to be able to hold her, and thank someone for what they have given me. And if it wasnt for my wack friend Jason, i wouldnt even of met this wonderful person, so i definetely have to thank him.
   I love you babe...

106242  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-11-29
Written: (7520 days ago)

   Alright... so i told her that i love her, and she does have the same feelings as i do. But again i am faced with a decision... she lives in Tennessee and i live in minnesota and i want to finish school here, cause my intentions are to move down there.
   She has told me that she loves me and doesnt plan on trying to find a different guy; the feelings are mutual(i dont need ne other woman). But i told her that i dont want her to have to wait for me, that upset me greatly...
   I really screwed things up when i said that i was having thoughts about how long it will be for us. that realy upset her and she told me that she would probably cry if i let her go(talking on the phone) at this point. That made me feel horrible. That was definetely not my intention. But i got over it and told her the trueth. I said not to worry because i love her... i made sure the point was clear.
   Another thing that she told me was that she thinks that the reason that she is so upset is because we're not dating... i have the same thoughts, but what am i supposed to do? Ask her out and then make her wait the time? i dont want that for her...
   All i have to say is that i love her with all of my heart and that is that, im not going to let go no matter what crosses my mind, for both her security and mine... 

105553  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-11-27
Written: (7521 days ago)
Next in thread: 105556

   I met this girl right, and shes everything that i've been looking for... shes beautiful, shes fun to talk to, she portrays herself to be pretty smart; also, it seems like we both have the same feelings towards one another.   
   The ONLY problem(from my perspective) is that she lives a little ways away. She doesnt live impossibly far away, but its far enough for me to contemplate about what I should do with her. I feel like im in love, I think about her constantly... when im at home, when im at work, when i get home from work; and when we're talking i think about her ten times as much. Her and I have know eachother for a couple weeks now, and we're not dating... but we've gotten along so well that when we hear about the relationships that we have with the opposite sex's, we both get jealous.
   I want to say that i love her, but i dont know how shes going to react.
   Someone please give me some suggestions.

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