[Ravindel]'s diary

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Written about Thursday 2004-06-03
Written: (7327 days ago)

Wow I next to never do these journal things...cuz I always forget to keep'em up...but I figure I come here often enough...might actually keep this one going...

Ok..well since this is my journal about me and its my first entry..think I'll start off by saying hi to me.. So..."Hi me!"

Been a rough day...think thats why folks do these journal things...just to have somewhere to vent....Got off work at 8 this morning....and drove straight down to Terre Haute for a Dr.'s appt with my ex...She's still desperate for me....even to the point that it blinds her about how badly we got along as a couple....as friends...we do great....but as a couple...regrettably...we just never worked...I cant argue that much and keep my sanity...And I refuse to let my daughter grow up with all that anger around...I'd give anything to be able to live in harmony with her mom.....but....Some things just dont go perfect...So the best I can do for my daughter is maintain a friendly relationship with her mom so she can grow up knowing us both....

God I know its going to hurt so badly after shes born and I spend the first night at my house away from her....I'm not a religious man...but I'm going to need so much help that night.....

Well now that I've got myself all emotional and shit thinking about it....I'm gonna wander for now...

Ciao self...

 The logged in version 

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