[Gunila]'s diary

366201  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-09-29
Written: (7197 days ago)


my brother, my friends and i were at the soccer match last night (Dynamo-Bayer) and our team won 4:2
we have had a lot fun!

275843  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-07-05
Written: (7283 days ago)

This was strange week-end both funny, sad and annoying.
We were so happy that Friday has finally came to rest from work ;) it was so much happening lately ;)) so we’ve visited my friends with my brother, Pavel, on Saturday we went to market and bought the bag for him and sunglasses fro me ;) I was so eager to got them since I lost my previous one about month ago ;( and then Pavel has gone to his pre-exams courses and I was walking around. It was so great, the best all-alone walk I’ve done for last half a year. Maybe I was just in right mood. And then we’ve been walking together. By the way he’s in ET already, [Cantat] ;).
On Sunday we’ve been to church in the morning. I’ve started getting bored by the moment he said? Ok, we may leave before Te Deum (praying fro health and RIP for people who’s names their relatives had put on to the paper sheets).
Then we went to Inna’s place to help her with some cleaning and jobbing. We have lots of old things to throw way and while being carrying heavy old radiators her bf hurt his backbone so hard that he could hardly walk now and today they went to the hospital ;( 

268937  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-29
Written: (7289 days ago)

I’ve got my bachelors degree on Friday. ;)) on Saturday we went to Uman. That’s a city 280 km from Kiev with a beautiful park some very rich gay has founded for his lover in 1800’s. on Sunday we celebrated my friend’s birthday and yesterday my brother has came.

254609  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-06-14
Written: (7304 days ago)

This Saturday we’ve great open air party. I’m very happy cause over 20 people gathered to celebrate my birthday and everybody I suppose enjoyed it. We’ve took a lot of photos and I hope to put smth in my house.
In the evening we were going to move home but smb proposed to go to the nightclub in the other part of the city so we did. There were only 6 or so of us then. But I was in the same clothes guys had thrown me to the water, with two paper bags, very dirty feet, weird hair and a lot of fading flowers (they were already ripe for compost heap after all ;))) … but anyway I enjoyed that day very much was a lot of funny moments and adventures and nobody was too drunk and nobody fight ;)
On Sunday I was preparing for today’s exam on TV and Radio Broadcasting all day ;(( and get A in the morning.

248332  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-08
Written: (7310 days ago)

Yesterday was my birthday and I’m 21 now. It sucks, I want my 12 back ;) I’ve had a bag of sweets last day to give everybody in the library and then we set with my friends on the grass in front of our studying building talk and drink and then we went to the cinema for Harry Potter Azkaban Prisoner. Generally the day was great and I liked it. And more fun we’ll have on Saturday when I hope to make open airs party on the river side.

247235  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-06-07
Written: (7311 days ago)

This week-end was so long and cool with lot of curious adventures!!!
On Friday I went to inna’s place and we watched new movies she had downloaded from campus net.
Next morning I had to go my other friend house to take some books she had left for me. After that Inna and I went to the center of the city (her flat is far away from center). We had to visit that clinic for my dad. He had passed me his x-rays. after that I was going to the bank to get money there but we missed the building ;)))) then we went to cool Second Hand market where we’ve got dress for Inna and present for my BD from her and her bf (we’ve chose it together). When we sat down on the bench to it some sandwich I suddenly started nose bleeding and just in time turned a side not to spoil all our clothes. It was so weird to sit in very cozy park where kids with moms and grandmas play and with dirty in blood face ;)))
An our way back home when we where already in metro had changed the line I suddenly recognized that we haven’t x-rays with us no more (it was quite big A2 paper). We jumped out being closing door and rush to the place where we thought it was possible to find it. Made 2 stops, then changed line, then 2 more, than take a trolleybus, then I run cause cant wait and … they were still on the street bench after 2 hours passed! It was great filling!
And on Sunday I was studying for tomorrows exam and then in the evening visit my friend and we talked a lot about his work and money and studying ;)))

241187  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-01
Written: (7317 days ago)
Next in thread: 242184

I wander if my elbow is broken again ;(( it haven’t hurt me first few days I fall while rolling but now really feel the same type of pane just not so hard as half a year before but it swells every morning I hate it!!! And I don’t want to go to students hospital cause it means wasting time in a long long line

232723  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-05-24
Written: (7325 days ago)
Next in thread: 232728

This week-wend we’ve had great cleaning the flat at my friends’ place. We’ve cleaned the hole app and two carpets and the balcony. It was the hardest cause it was really very dirty and fool of different stuff and empty beer and vine bootless ;))) Now I even have a little back pain after it all. But Inna’s bf shouted at us that we’d better work on our bachelor’s diplomas (it’s just because his so lazy) ;)) But now all their app is so nice.

228063  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-05-20
Written: (7329 days ago)

One little girl at our internet-class told me she's learning to right with her left hand. And how is it?- I asked her. Very hard and ugly was the answer. So I wonder why is she doing so. I can't stand to write with my right. - Why?! And she answered – I'm fool of it enough with me ;))))))))))))

224967  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-05-17
Written: (7332 days ago)

I think that has finally started – the approach of the exams! We have to do lots at the university maybe that’s why we where doing nothing all the weekend ;))))
On Friday that was our Faculty Day (I’m studying at Electronics Faculty). There was a Concert, organized by students (funny but same jokes over professors as last 3 years). Then we went to our my friends’ flat and had a party and everybody have got terribly drunk and stuff
The next day it was also nothing special trying to study and on Sunday evening I went to my friend Inna and we were watching movies as usually ;)))
I finally sow Interstate 60 and like it very much!!!

221259  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-05-13
Written: (7336 days ago)

Yesterday was terrible evening cause I stuck for 2 hours in a traffic jam on the way to my fiend Inna place and the weather was so cloudily that you feel not enough space and air to breath. But then we’ve bought 1 kg of ice cream and almost completely eat it watching animation movies.

220197  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-05-12
Written: (7337 days ago)

I just wanted to tell there that I’ve seen Dream of a warrior and Naked weapon

220195  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-05-12
Written: (7337 days ago)
Next in thread: 220199

I’ve made dairy note yesterday but I wander where is it? I hope it hasn’t appear in smb’s massage or guest book ;))) if it’s so anyway I’m a little sorry lol

214490  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-05-06
Written: (7343 days ago)

It's raining now and so cool to sit all alone in my office room by the computer doing nothing special ;) So it's cool I'm at work now cause at home I need to study lots ;o) But I was trying to do it yesterday evening and it was completely nothing ;( I decided that I was so tired and so missing forest and so that it would be too hard too work ;) so I was wandering the streets, reading, eating cookies and cheese, talking by phone, just daydreaming and very early went to bed. I hope this will not repeat tonight ;) !!! But it's so cool to sit on the bed with a cup of tea and SF magazine! Anyway I planned yesterday to meet with my friend Inna and to drink bottle of Crimea vine I've brought from my trip with her. But she's out of the city with her bf.
One more very important!!! Tomorrow my best favorite bro is coming to have his entire test to the University!!! I'm so much nervous! it will be very important day for him = for all our family. Everybody! wish him good luck!!!

213606  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-05-05
Written: (7344 days ago)

I'm just back from a wonderful vacation I've been for 5 days in Crimea it's a peninsula in the south of Ukraine. Really great! We spend all this days together with another 11 guys in the wild nature walking all around the woods and mountains ;) I hope it would be lot of interesting photos and I'll upload smth here
We've made our trace from Bahchisaray to Big Canyon then i need to leave them all on their way forward to Yalta cause i need to be at work today ;(
I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M HOME IN kIEVE and they are still in Crimea!!! It was so cool!
you may see map: http://travel.kyiv.org/crimea/map/crmap_l2_e7.htm

193261  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-04-13
Written: (7366 days ago)

I’m back from wonderful week-end! Have had very good rest with my family and friends. Get a lot of presents from my mom (she’s always happy I’m coming) and all services in a beauty salon with her. Also was at our country hose. To be honest we were just eating, drinking vine and sleeping there during almost all day. But it’s also some kind of rest :)

149655  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-02-22
Written: (7417 days ago)

Hello! Finally I get to Wright in my dairy couse usually I prefer to read others? Some times could find there something interesting from some nice people.
My weekend was great! Yesterday in the morning I had my aerobics class and after that it was the great cleaning the flat in my room at the students hostel I live in. Couse I was in a hurry for a party I was eager to finish it as quick as possible. As far as my roommates are quite slow I had to do the great amount of all job myself. By the time I finished cleaning the carpets with snow and washed the flour and shelves one of them, Rita, only cleaned her PC’s keyboard. Then I went to my friend’s birthday party. It was really funny and without any sad accidents & finished only by 5 at the morning. So I’m still a bite tired...
Tomorrow the Great Easter Fast (Lent)? So it was my last gating drunk for a long 40 days period. Also I will start my new job tomorrow what I am eager to do but a little nervous about.
So, hope to hear from anybody, who read all this

124969  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-01-12
Written: (7458 days ago)

I'm really happy That holidays are finally over and I’m back to my usual life cause it’s also nice after so long.
I’ve been to the mountains but unfortunately we hadn’t got skies there wasn’t enough in for rent there. I was afraid that my friend are going to kill me cause it was me who brought them there of New Year holidays but everything was ok even so.

118462  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-12-27
Written: (7474 days ago)

Finally I am in net!
The weather is cold but no snow as far as I’m going to sky in Karpathian mountings next week...
I’ve bought the New Year present for my brother – very big map of France and pink funny sleeping dress for my friend

115514  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-12-20
Written: (7481 days ago)

hello my dear reader:)
Nice to get here...
Today is a darck wet cold evening but I'm still quite happy:)

 The logged in version 

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