Too awesome.
I have expensive tastes
The "Looking like you stepped into shit, all the time" +$1000
And the "Sweet fucking Jesus does it plant nukes, shoot lazors and magnetically attracts throwing knives?"
(You too can throws your glasses in disbelief with):
The first time I applaud CNN.
Drunken violence means knife pulls, throwing up, and questionable friendships.
On the bright side, System Shock 2 is an old, but amazing/addict
Episode 5 is teh epic lulz. But watch the whole series :P
Hope comes in the form of: lol66% transfer average from Arts to Science.
3 day retreat to cabin by lakeside. I didn't get my head chopped off on the busride there :D.
Was okay at Freeboarding
No skill involved in Tubing
Rocked Wakeboarding
Blew chunks at Waterskiing
PS The faceplants were spectacular.
Kill Windows Activation before it shuts down my computer and renders all my files inaccessible tomorrow. Check
Fixing Steam. Check
Batman was awesome.
It was so worth going to a sold out show, buying tickets for 9:00 on the Sunday morning and waking up at 7:30.
The "good" ending to Bioshock was beautiful T-T.
(This is a long entry. A good song would be Radiohead's Idioteque: "This is really happening, happening").
Last night was by far the worst night of my life.
It started off wrong with partying on a Sunday. Who the hell parties on Sunday? Anyway.
We decided to hit up the beach with our alcohol. Typical guy shit with shot for shot and wrestling.
I wrestled one of my best friends, who has about 100 pounds on me. He ripped off my necklace (which was shark tooth, so it cut my neck) and I bit him when he had me in a chokehold.
After all that shit we head back (me and my friend Julian were in the bed of the truck). We get fuckin' pulled over. Jordan gets a DUI because he fails the breathalyzer, gets fined $109 and loses his car for 24 hrs. Actually the cop was pretty nice considering he started the deal with:
"Why are you in the bed of this truck?"
We could've been much more fucked over. Jordan has no points so he doesn't lose his license yet. But...It is now 1am and we are a 3 hr walk away from anywhere. All of us are still drunk and it is cold for May.
Julian, Antonio and Jordan have the brilliant idea of taking a hallucinogenic drug called Salvia in an underground parking garage. I guess since the night has already been so shitty they decided to fuck it up even more.
Anyway, Julian took a hit and we pushed him around in a cart we found. It was quite entertaining and he seemed to be having a good time of it.
He gets off and we're all standing in a circle. Then he charges me and throws me to the cement. He jumps on me and Antonio has to pull him off me. I hit my head, which is the second time this week. I constantly worry about my cumulative head traumas, so the hit instantly sobers me the fuck up.
Julian, meanwhile was screaming, raging, and running down the underground parking lot. He falls and just keeps screaming "What the fuck?" It was like he was having surgery without anesthetics.
I sit behind a pillar, hiding, because I'm too weak from working all day to put up any kind of fight. Antonio takes off his jacket and basically tries to protect me from Julian. Jordan attempts to talk to Julian, who was still on the floor.
Julian jumps up suddenly and charges Antonio, who is about to sock him in the face. Julian serves out of the way and continues running around screaming.
After a bit more of this, he finds me behind the pillar and piles his fist into the space where I just was. I got the fuck out of there and Antonio gets Julian to the ground.
Julian just starts crying and freaking out. So we leave him there for a bit.
He gets up again and goes through the routine again, with more crying this time.
After 20 minutes (Jordan said the trip should only last 10). Julian sobers up. We give him back his belt. 10 seconds later he rages with his belt and smashes it on the ground. We all back off and he runs out of the garage.
We're all worried he's going to run into traffic or jump off something so we chase him. He's just walking down the street crying so we follow him. It was a long walk, eclipsing the other longest, worst walks of my life.
A long walk off a short pier.
I made Julian promise not to do fucking drugs again.
So I blew a freaking vortex (http://pbfcomi
And this http://www.ops
(Does this make me seem like a kid? I really don't care :P).
I guess I made it up by buying nice tarts for mah Grandma and friend.
And taking my parents out for dinner.
Goodbye paycheck D:
So the other day I approach a bank machine and WOOT! $20.
Some lady just left the bank machine, so it was probably her. So I followed her with her twenty until she goes into the freakin' washroom.
If she makes me late, I'm going to keep the goddamn 20. To not be a creepy stalker standing outside the women's washroom, I look at Volunteering opportunities and think about cognitive dissonance.
She comes out, I give her her (not sic) twenty, she says thank you in a British Accent (intelligence stereotyping: certain accents make you seem smarter [PS: this is MOAR cognitive dissonance]).
Teh karma polices thxz mii.
So at 6:30 the neighbour's dogs started barking.
"Argh, shut the fuck up..."
Then came the thunder.
This is irony, right?
All work and no play makes Davis...
Go to a cold, cold hotel with my wife and kid who writes redrum on the wall, along with a typewriter so I can write:
All work and no play makes Davis...
I was cautious about eating/drinkin