[..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]'s diary

912418  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-02-20
Written: (6335 days ago)

So it seems that Travis doesn't have a crush on me but he's not sure if he would kiss me or not... How is that logical? He continues to confuse me and I hate him (not really). So much so that I can't even work side by side with him now... I couldn't get any of the orders right today! It could have been because I was soooo tired but I think it was a little bit of both Travis and my energy. That boy will never cease to amaze me. I actually found myself staring at his gluteus maximus today for the first time... 0.o That must mean somthing! I shall ponder the meaning after I kill my cute kitty!

On a more happy note, I think I'm becoming a little bit of an ET diary whore... I got the idea from [Delladreing] and I'm actually liking it. Now instead of writing all my deeeeep dark thoughts down only when I get tired of carrying it all around in my head, I just write down everything one day at a time... xD Although I will probably still have my deep & dark moments. It's only natural for a crazy and depressed person like mee!

912084  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-02-19
Written: (6336 days ago)

It now seems that I have scratches on my face to go with the rest. Bloody Cat.... But it's so cute!

912076  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-02-19
Written: (6336 days ago)

So while I'm writing this, my hands are a little stiff from being all bloodied and bandaged.... I swear that cat is the devil! Also, don't ever try to cut cheese while holding it in your hands! Not to mention it's bloody cold out and every inch of ground (including the roads) is covered in ice. That being said, Friday I took quite the fall on the ice and I've been in pain ever since. But yesterday it spread from my back to my neck. It's fine when I don't move though... xD

Trish hired a new girl today and I'm to train her so she can replace me on days that I'm sick and don't come to school. Oh, in case you're wondering, I work in the cafeteria at lunchtimes in my school. So anyways, this new girl tries to take orders while I'm taking orders and it totally confuses me to the point where I don't know who's ordered, who hasn't and what dish is for what person! All she was supposed to do was dish the pasta out into the bowls... >.< So needless to say, I was very behind today and since I had forgotten a hair elastic and my hands weren't functioning...I was sweating to death. God damn cat!

510525  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-03-01
Written: (7056 days ago)

Too Fast

It sounds so fun, driving around in the sun.
She was so innocent, young, and sweet.
She had the world right at her feet.
Who would have known that she would die,
leaving everyone she touched to grieve and to cry?
Into the car she got so fast,
She didn't know that today was her last.
It all came up to fast for sight,
But she didn't give up without a fight.
Her funeral was the saddest day of my entire life.
Reality cut through me like a knife.
In another place in another time,
Her life no longer a part of mine. 
459147  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-30
Written: (7118 days ago)
Next in thread: 470708

Niente non duole piĆ¹ di realizzando che tutto ha significato a lei, ma lei non ha significato niente a lui.

Nothing hurts more than realising he meant everything to you, but you meant nothing to him...

212507  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-05-03
Written: (7358 days ago)
Next in thread: 216413

I haven't written in a long time....Not much to say, life sucks, school is boring and "friends" ditched me this weekend. Hung out with the boy next door. *Sarcastic* Yah! ....*Cries* Goodbye elftown....I think....

187346  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-04-06
Written: (7385 days ago)
Next in thread: 187372

I gave him my heart and he tore it apart, now he's asking for more. I want to stop the feeling, it has to meaning anymore. I feel so lonely in the world now that he's gone...

~Something I wrote~

180778  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-03-29
Written: (7393 days ago)

So excited!!!!!!!! Don't know why!??? Do you know why? Tell me! Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! I think maybe because it is finally SPRING! and SUMMER is coming soon and WINTER is gone, done, nada, fini, adios! FALL is gone too!!!!!!!! *Jumps up and down* YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! Oh yah, *Kiss me, I'm Canadian!*

177731  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-03-25
Written: (7397 days ago)

Here is a snatch of a sotry I wrote. It sort of goes along with my mood....except the end.

   I wish I could have seen his eyes one last time, before death's icy cold hands tore hime away from the pains of this world. His muscels relaxed and he sagged to the ground. How cruel the mind of every curseded man must be to cause grief such as this. Tears flowed silently down my cheek before I plunged the cause of my pain into my chest. The life slowly drained from me as a blurry and hazed figure ran towards me. In my last moments of life I shouted out to the figure. " When shall we 3 meet again..." That was all that came out of my mouth before I too sagged to the ground as I listened to the screams of my son.

Tell me what you think!??

174851  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-03-22
Written: (7400 days ago)

My new quote I just made up,

"Pity me for my misfortunes, but do not envy me for my joys."

Take whatever meaning out of it you want to.

172593  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-03-19
Written: (7403 days ago)
Next in thread: 172710, 173032

Through the dark of the night,
a sad wailing can be heard,
the start of a fight,
has begun,
to save a life long gone,
it has ended,
at the begining of dawn,
the poor lone life of a wolf

<<<My first try at writing a poem! It sux I know but I'm working on it.

 The logged in version 

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