Face Painting
I painted faces at the church fete today. I did 2 cats, 3 flowers, 1 star, 1 set of clown eyes, and 2 rainbows.
No one wanted a dracula, a rotting corpse, or an explosion victim. :(
Tomorrow is Federal Electorate Assembly Elections for the Labor Party... boy my life is non-stop fun. Maybe I should save this blog for when something interesting happens.
My wishes come true
I can't believe it. In one day, I got The Sims 2 for good (thanks to the kind work of Pezza and Nate-Dogg... I'm not sure if they want their real names on my blog), and saw The Proposition, the movie written by Nick Cave. And we also watched a LOT of episodes of Drawn Together! *So happy*.
I don't think I can rave enough about how good The Proposition was... I mean, the five stars the paper gave it is a bit of an understatement
Then, there's The Sims 2 - I rented it for $6.50, and now I have it forever. "There are some things that I can buy. For everything else, there's friends who know how to work CD cracks." ;)
My sims, Lady Chaos and Master Order, after their psychological distress discussed in my last entry, had a baby (called Martin) and then when Martin was a toddler, had another baby (called Kira). Master Order got a job as a political campaign advisor, and Lady Chaos got a job as a security guard. Great. Now both of them are "elder sims" (white-haired, fat sims with their pants pulled up way too high) and the kids are both teenagers.
I suppose you probably didn't want to know about my sims...
So Shall I Sing
Yes, I've been So Shall I Sing (socialising) a lot lately, and in many different forms... and I will be So Shall I Sing some more in the next few days.
It was great seeing my little second-cousins again... when one has grabbed one arm and the other one has grabbed the other arm and is trying to pull my head off my shoulders while smooshing my nose flat, all the while assuring me that they are protecting me from the sharks, it reminds me what it is to be alive. Life Is Pain. Yes, I also saw the Goth episode of Southpark at last! Ha ha ha ha! Funny! Conformists.
Anyway, I rented a copy of The Sims 2 and am hoping to get it copied or somehow playable without actually buying it, which is proving really difficult. But in the meantime, it's also proving difficult keeping my Sims happy/not crazy. I've finally got the girl and the guy to screw and get engaged (they both want a family) but the girl is always crying and they both play with a bag of flour and pretend it is a baby... The therapist came to see them after the second fire, but I really don't see what's so wrong with them. Sure, the guy collapses when he gets home from work, and I let them pee all over the floor, but so what? They should be grateful I let them walk outside in their underwear and cook with off milk. Ungrateful Sims...
It's censorship and it's just blasphemous
Apparently the banner for my Political Page breaks some kind of Elftown rules, because it got deleted from Elftown. Aw, dangit! I mean, come on, all it had was a few pictures that summed up politics perfectly: John Howard, the Eureka flag, George Bush, Che Guevara and a picture of a rat.
Then again I guess I didn't exactly make that picture of Che Guevara...
Boy, I just hope they don't find my picture of Amanda Vanstone's head on Android #19 from DBZ's body! :O
I have exams for the next two days... damnit... I probably won't be on Elftown for a while. Wish me luck!
Reading thru my last year diary and partying nutrimetics style
I've been reading through my diary from last year and it's surprisingly humourous... ha ha ha *cough* I wish I was still that cool.
On another topic, today was Nebby's Nutrimetics Party! It was pretty good. I put on makeup that is a little darker than my skin so now I look creepily healthy which is gross! Now where's my Revlon Ivory Colourstay and $2.50 black eye pencil? Anyway, so yeah, all went well and nobody brought a shotty to stick up the party. (That's a song lyric, by the way).
Last Day At Uni, Feat. Cyd Ouch
Yesterday was my last day at uni for the year! Yay! Although unfortunately I'll probably be back there for course advice when I can be bothered reinrolling (after the exams). Anyway, last day of uni, yeah. I brought Nebs to uni and we ate chocolate pudding at Wholefoods (the hippie restaurant) and then we went earring shopping at the market. We bought a black dangly pair (for me), a light blue dangly pair (for her) and a pink and orange dangly pair with keys on them (for both of us). Then we talked about Cyd Ouch (Brenda Strong/Captain Deladrier/Sgt. Dede Rake/Mary Alice Young... you can see why we gave her one name to cover all these) on the way home on the bus. If you're wondering, she is from Starship Troopers 1 and 2 (she played different characters in them!) and Desperate Housewives (she's the narrator). Anywhoo, she always dies a horrible death and usually kills some people, and we think she's cool. Go Cyd Ouch!!
Waking up next to the right faction
Something terrible happened today... I got mail. Now, I get lots of mail (snail mail) from the Labor Party, but this was something different. This was from Young Labor Unity! Labor Unity is - don't let the name fool you - the right faction of the Labor party! Aaaargh! Right! So yeah, I thought, this is the right faction, advertising for me to join... but no. It was an addressed letter about FEA elections or something, and their newsletter! How could this happen? I didn't join Labor Unity! Then I got this sinking feeling as I checked my phone and found the Young Labor Unity President's phone number on it!!
(Seriously, I remember how it got there, I went out to a function that I thought was just Young Labor... it must have been Young Labor Unity because half the people who were there are in the newsletter I got today), and I met and exchanged phone numbers with a nice lady who said she was the president of Young Labor... little did I know she was from the right faction! (Mind you, all the people I met there were really nice...)
Anyway, so yeah... it looks like somehow I've accidentally joined the faction that I least wanted to be a part of... I may as well have joined the left faction of the Liberal Party... :S