Darkness within heavens a lie 5/17/2004
we alll have personal demons hell we confront from time to time scared cos they sound right and makes sense sometimes. They whisper to us our fears and tells us to do things making them seem right> They torture us by making relive pain from past mistakes or recent ones making us replay it over and over like madness that trips til we feel like we have to cut ourselves to break away from this nightmare we wish to awake knowing we already are to huddle in corner to hide but we cant cos the voices are within us clawing at us our demns our darkness. I know this cos ive suffered and suffer from this ive walked too far down this road of darkness i know i can find a way out if i try but its hard not to give up or despair
I tried to be good and turned bad i worry sometimes about letting go on myself on my inhibitions but knowing if i did id be irrideemable to this world and everything to it, its why i keep to the past to ideals like bushido or knights code its my security blanket my piece of the world my net.
Im starting to ramble here so ill stop for now
hmm first time ive written a proper entry in here i usually right in my ohter diary but im compelled to ladywood wrote i was knight in shining armour am i? ive done a lot of things in my past some im not too proud of am i truly deserving to be called a knight i wonder, i just help ppl like we are all supposed too so i care for others without caring for reward does this makes me a knight? have i earned my redemption or am i foever dammned? i dont know but i stand in the light now foerever guarding myself and other aginst harm, i lived in the shadow being light for others can someone be the light for me!!!! sorry if this weirds anyone out ive having a rough day and just running words off my head to make me feel better
if you are interested in the silent thoughts and musings of lttle old moi checkout knightslostdre