A man without a clue, in a war without a name,
No battle ever fought reared any fortune or fame.
Weaponless he stands, no one left at his side,
They've taken all he's had and now they want his pride.
His shallow wounds sting deep, his Family's demise,
A sword grazes his arm, he stifles back his cries.
A powerful blow he lands, a crushed skull strikes the ground,
He charges down the hill, the captain's tent he's bound.
A cloudy sky above, a blood soaked ground below,
Another skull he cracks, an archer fires low.
The shaft within his leg, fills his mind with pian,
His bloodlust urges on because the warrior's insane.
He barrels past the Guards, His fate's asleep inside,
A snapped neck end all grief, His nemesis has died.
His war is now complete, He cannot battle on,
A metal wound does land, the warrior is gone.
No One sheds a tear for the warrior thats' lost,
He's a casualty of war that has paid his final cost.
His spirits laid to rest, His vengeance has been done,
His war is now complete, the warrior has won.
well a other morning of waking and fighting sleep. oh wait... its the week end *does a silly dance and falls down.* i can go back to sleep