[HardKore]'s diary

641152  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-08-08
Written: (6873 days ago)

Don't ever take my music away from me. I would die without it. You think i'm over-exxagerating, you think i'm being too dramatic. Try having the ice cream without the ice, or the sunshine, without the sun. Don't tell me that we could "survive" without music. You'd be stupid, and a liar if you think for one second that the world would be fine, if all melodic tunage would be disposed of. So take another tuning check. My favorite time of day is song time.

That's what she said.

The Strokes, never get old!
\m/ ( >< ) \m/
Rock ON!

607892  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-25
Written: (6917 days ago)

  If i was happy for a split moment, it wouldn't be because of you. I find no regret in leaving. This earth casted shadows more than the clouds residing in the skies. There is nothing I miss. No favorite sound, or face. I couldn't dwell on the past, or wait for the future. Both were empty, and seemed an eternity from my grasp. Simple wishes were based upon dreams. What of dreams imply that any of them can come true? Where is truth lying? And why does it hide from our seeking eyes. Our ever watchful, starving eyes. Maybe life was never meant to be this complicated. I've spent my life wanting to be somewhere else, something else, SOME ONE else. But who would rather be me? I suppose we'd agree to TRADE our lives with each other. But who would end up with the shorter end of the stick?

  I can't deny my love for you. The one I've never seen, or met, or heard with my own ears, that voice that already some one else is all to familier with. Love is an emotion, a trait grown from a seed, a spark of interest. It grows like a flower towards the sun where soon, it will wither, and wilt. What is the concept by which we are abiding with? To love and to be broken. To be a mirror, then to be shattered? 7 years bad luck? or eternity with no memory... A life without love is AGONY, but lust is never far away... why settle for lust? Why wait day after day for a glance. A smile could do it, but why smile back? Knowing that smile was not meant for you. Nothing is yours. Nothing is mine. We are poor, and alone. We have nothing but our minds to control. It's true. We have no feelings, we rely on our senses, we act on impulse, we try to find a crowd to fit in, we try to be LOVED.

You say i'm beautiful. Why do you judge me? Tell me I'm smart, or that you love how you think. My eyes have nothing to say, they cannot speak. If you are searching for the answer, look to my mind, not to a part of my body. It is far to round for you to be able to find anything anyways. If you look away, know that it is for good. I've been shut out before, you don't have to worry. I don't need your guilt, your concern, or your help. I don't want a friend, they're replacable and never what you quite wish them to be. I'll cry, but i'll be the last to admit it. You can't see where i'm coming from, because you're not looking at my past. You want to know me now, a clear path to the chase. The search has been called off.

  Before i knew what life was like, i dreaded days like these. As life unfolds, i see now that all of what composes each day, is the things i wished never existed in the first place. I am a liar, and a theif.
I need to be reassured by you, i have stolen your point of view. Turn the table back now, and think for yourself. Who am I? Why have you read this? If you haven't then great, i have deprived myself of time. The essence, the beauty, the longing minutes draining, killing life. I love you. But i wish the most, out of dreams and lust, out of eyesight and hearing, out of guilt and regrets, in this lifetime and the next. I wish for you to love me back. Don't say it. Mean it. I will know for sure.

Just a brush on the cheek, a hand holding mine, I could never wish for anything else, but your touch, your grace, and your love.

605140  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-22
Written: (6920 days ago)

Good night diary.
I shall tell you of my new great friend, Logan. I realize that's his middle name, but it fits him dandy. What a sweetheart! A true gentleman. If you are reading this, you must meet [Panic!at the disco.]. I command you to!

If you're reading this Logan, I love you, sweetie!


Sweaty palms, and throbbing temples.
Another restless night.

570551  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-05-06
Written: (6966 days ago)

May 6th, how many days has it taken to get to this day. How many years, and hours. Why have they been wasted so?

Something has been taken away from me. I know i'm missing something, but i'm not quite sure what is was.
I've forgotten what happiness was, i have a tear in the corner of my eye. For eternity it waits, holds to me tightly, but constantly being released.

458402  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-12-29
Written: (7095 days ago)

hey there diary,
how have you been, i cannot wait to tell you all about my life... actually, wait. yes i can wait... that's what i shall do...

427759  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-11-28
Written: (7126 days ago)

the sun drenched in teardrops rain with perfection.
a knight with no k is deep in reflection.
as moody as moody can obviously seem,
far noble though troubled i fairlessly dream.

418937  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-11-19
Written: (7134 days ago)

Yesterday was my birthday. It was the best day of my life to say the least. HOORAH. It was just great, crazy in fact. But moving on, i do feel older, non the most wiser, and grouchier by the minute. Headaches aren't helping anyone. LOUD VOICES neither...
tomorrow, i am going to the Mall Of America, in the Twin Cities... on a coach bus, with 160 other noisy "creatures" and then to The University of Minnesota for the epic indoor marching band concert. I am ecstatic. can't you tell.? I'll be in the Mall for 5 hours, if i don't die, i'll shoot myself. It's going to be hainess. yes, that's the word. Hainess...

have a hainess day.

411393  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-11-13
Written: (7141 days ago)

ALRIGHT! WHO GOT TO GO TO THE RELIENT K CONCERT THE 30TH?!?! I DID! that's right, William took me, he's a hero ain't he? WEll. life is good, couldn't ask for anything more, don't want anything less. So it's been a great 14 years of my life and the 18th of November will officially make it 15 years that i've been harassing the people of this earth... that's why we celebrate... so for my 1st birthday... (i have 2 birthdays, this is my first, my second birthday is May 1st) but for this up coming birthday...i ask of you lesser beings... jk... BEEF JERKY!!!!! How does one live without it... it's purple to me...
But give me a number between 1 and i'll give you a lollipop.
Some ask me why i am like this, and i wish i could answer but i'll give you a Jack Sparrow... CAPTAIN, Jack, and be on my way.
Sprite is right, when light in sight, i'll fly a kite, and wish in spite of the dark cold night and take wing in flight.
Well, Chris just told me to tell him when i finish... does he expect me to openly tell him when i've finished so he can read my deep thoughts... they are afterall deep.... yeah DEEPLY RETARDED.... but that's what makes me me. right? or does that not make any sense because i just said me twice in a row... i have repeated myself once before and then twice again... i wish for the people of this world to just quickly vanish leaving me behind alone to think about all the pain i've caused the environment... wouldn't take long, it's either a lot or a little right?
well anyways, i just need to get this off my chest... I"M GOING TO THE MALL OF AMERICA NEXT SATURDAY!!! that would be saturday the 20th... because i knew i have to be at Franklin Junior High at around some time in the morning... The day will be great, i'm celebrating my birthday right? which was actually the thursday before hand... the 18th 2 days before... here's a short story, when we get there, i'm going shopping right? even though i hate it, but i'll have money and OOOOHHHH DON"T TELL ANYONE>>>!!!! but the night before i'm getting my hair highlighted!!!! but anyways, i'll have money to spend at the mall FOR ONCE, it's going to be great... I"M BUYING William the Great a present... belated beyond belief i mean, his birthday is in june... HA, and then a bunch of us are going out to lunch at THe RainForest Cafe... great but...Why are you still reading this?
Get a rolling pin, hit the bowl, and knock over the grapes, spilling them into the lake and say it was the dog...
good night... GO TO BED... it's past your bedtime isn't it.

387704  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-10-22
Written: (7162 days ago)

Got internet yesterday... yay for little miracles.

Relient K is coming in concert at Concordia College St. Paul, on the 30th of October. They're performing their new cd, (not out in stores yet, nov. 2nd) (www.mmhmm.com) but guess who can't go. yeah, it's friday and i don't have school, so i'll go wallow in the paradise called the couch.

347945  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-09-10
Written: (7204 days ago)

okay, so i don't have a computor and i won't be on for long periods of time... i'm sorry for everyone who has to read this, but no, i have not died...

please excuse my absenses...

school started... can't remember, keep forgetting that i'm in 9th grade. it's nice here, at the top. (6-9) grade school. I love seeing everyone everyday except weekends. it's a blast... i've only gotten in trouble once in every class so far... sounds like perfection to me. I'll try and be on more, my sister just got home for the weekend from college and the first thing i do is plug in her computor.


332475  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-08-26
Written: (7220 days ago)

After years of expensive education
A car full of books and anticipation
I’m an expert on Shakespeare and that’s a hell of a lot
But the world don’t need scholars as much as I thought
Maybe I’ll go travelling for a year
Finding myself, or start a career
Could work the poor, though I’m hungry for fame
We all seem so different but we’re just the same
Maybe I’ll go to the gym, so I don’t get fat
Aren’t things more easy, with a tight six pack
Who knows the answers, who do you trust
I can’t even seperate love from lust
Maybe I’ll move back home and pay off my loans
Working nine to five, answering phones
But don’t make me live for Friday nights
Drinking eight pints and getting in fights
Maybe I’ll just fall in love
That could solve it all
Philosophers say that that’s enough
There surely must be more
Love ain’t the answer, nor is work
The truth elludes me so much it hurts
But I’m still having fun and I guess that’s the key
I’m a twentysomething and I’ll keep being me
-Jamie Cullum 'Twentysomething'

302232  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-07-28
Written: (7248 days ago)

Okay, this lady came in yesterday, and whenever she talked she sounded like she was about to cry. I know, not that interesting but it's all i know...

what's new? i'm going to go to a Minnesota Twins Baseball game the 31st, i'm playing the organ for Prince of Peace church the 8th... and i'm dying because i haven't been to the skatepark for a day...

we just built one... Jaycee's park, injuries, whining, and 100,000 dollars later, we finally got one...
Skatepark Build Day July 22nd was a blast... and i was there everyday after that for 5 days... and yesterday i was unable... i'm have a mental break down... go shoot a squirrel.


302218  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-07-28
Written: (7248 days ago)

Somebody convince my mum to let me get a Skate board... Black Roxy, black wheels, just do it... call me... talk to my mom, she's being a bucket about it.

278802  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-08
Written: (7269 days ago)

You can cry all you want, but you'll never get the fuzzy pinkish purple-ish bunny back... ha ha ! NEVER! you have scared him away! HA HA, he is never going to come back! WOO WOOO..... so i saw the Go-At, and it was so Cu-At, and i just wanted to hug it and pinch it's pinchable cheeks. But shortly after i would get an upset stomach and become anerexic and be able to read minds and see into the future. Today is Wed-nes-day. and neither me or myself have found anything fun to do exept take candles and spray smelly stuff at it... it makes a torch thingy that's big and pretty like. I was in the fourth of july parade... that was fun, and yeah, i don't remember much of it... yeah. :) it was fun. NO I"M NOT A CHEAP HORE!!! ask your mum, she'll fend for me.


278799  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-08
Written: (7269 days ago)

Why is it, that whenever i state the obvious i get sent to the principles office? Shouldn't i be rewarded? i know i might've made you feel like crap in front of Middle school kids, but if i know more than you shouldn't i stand up for my intelligence? I know there's a reason why the desks aren't facing me or each individual but why try to make me keep my mouth shut when it's obvious adults don't know everything, they can't force me to listen or learn, and if i say it's a waste of my time sitting and drooling 7 hours of my day, i mean it. it's a waste of my time... i could be sleeping.

I'm constantly overwhelmed by the nerve an adult gains once they earn a title... whether it be "Principle", "Teacher", "Mr. Mrs.".
I've come to the recognization that once a person has developed their term, their manors go to the poo and their egos go so far up their butts their nose hairs singe. I am willing to agree with a leader if they are capable of understanding that they aren't a perfect law abiding citizen, and they don't and won't have the knowledge of everything.

One needs to give respect to get it. I don't see myself being held in contempt over the little unsatisfactual mishaps in society. I truly don't. I am not prejudice in any behavior. I just don't understand why teachers have to be such pricks.


238368  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-05-29
Written: (7309 days ago)

LDOS Finally, i can't believe i passed all my classes. my worst grade is a B- inn accelerated geometry... yay... not. now that school is over, i can watch anime and get fat. i've been looking forward to this since i was born. well, i'm bored, and my sister's graduation commencement thingy starts soon, so i think i just might have to sleep through the whole thing.

-go jump off a bridge... i'm right below you-

korbob loves animals... like Kyle Brenizer... what a secksy beast...

238367  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-05-21
Written: (7309 days ago)

yeah thanks, i've had such a bonerific day, i think i'll pass out now.
Tomorrow i go to Valley Fair with like 300 other loud obnoxious kids in 8th and 9th grade... the kids in these grades are so wierd, i admit i am one of the wierd ones in 8th grade, but at least i don't eat color crayons...
anyways, i'm gonna have a migrain for the next week, until thursday at least, the last day of school... who the heck kind of people pick a thursday for the LDOS for crying out loud! Thursday is like so uncool...

238369  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-05-19
Written: (7309 days ago)

5/19...i broke up with Tom, he broke up with me, he doesn't want a girlfriend now... okay... we went out for 49 days.
boo hoo... i'm totally not a whiner and could care less about the whole situation. good bye.

Have you ever noticed that everyone says "i live in the most boringest town ever". now, i really don't wanna hear that the whole world is a bore... no, I LIVE IN THE MOST BORINGEST TOWN EVER! Don't believe me? Come visit, and bring some board games.

238366  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-05-13
Written: (7309 days ago)

if someone was to ask you to eat the crap from your own butt, would you do it for $100.000? now say it was toxic, like you just ate your mothers green bean casserole, and you died shortly after, was it worth it? OF COURSE NOT! SO DON'T TAKE CANDY FROM STRANGERS... not only with they rape you later, they'll get to keep the 100 bucks, that's right, it was only for $100! wish you hadn't eaten your crap huh?!.... yeah i have problems so what?to bad we're related huh?

215134  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-05-07
Written: (7331 days ago)
211938  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-05-03
Written: (7335 days ago)

Saturday was AWESOME! i saw <img:img/drawing/39747_1083544894.jpg>
THESE GUYS IN CONCERT! it was awesome! along with Feedback Syphony... <img:img/drawing/39747_1083545228.jpg> isn't he gorgeous? and We 3 Kings! <img:img/drawing/39747_1083545384.jpg>

Please, Listen to these guys, and others! they are one of a kind, All Bringing the Word and Truth of God in an awesome Radical way.

God Bless,

 The logged in version 

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