WARNING: BEFORE YOU READ THIS YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT SAM IS [SaiyanPride], AND JAYME IS [spazmaticmachine], AND OF COURSE I AM [Cynical] please read on
Cynical: wow ya know what? visual communications and law are REALLLYYYYY boring! lol
Sam says: You smell like moldy cheese and rotten eggs! Go rape a donkey! :D
Cynical: my ODD friend from skool if ya know what i mean
Sam says: Odd is SOO right...possib
Cynical: understatment?
Sam says: shut up you can fix it. Eat lots of penis wrinkles! Their good for our health...I think...I must go now for I am...BALLERINA MAN! <pirouettes away>
Cynical: um...okay then.....noooo
Sam: Ok...these keyboards are fucked up and I can't type so just dismiss my spelling mistakes and such. Meow!
Cynical: i'm sure it's only the keyboards hey?
Sam: That and I'm mentally unstable. ^^
Cynical: Oh so THAT'S why.....lol
Jayme: I say BOO! and how are YOU!
Sam and Cynical: Jayme you stupid kid!
Jayme: SO! Have a problem with me and my invisible friend BOB?
Cynical: yeah..NO! GOOD - BYE!!!
[Jayme has been removed from this conversation]
Sam: Yes well...I must go to a recital of some sort and cook small children then feed them to the homeless. :D Byez!
Cynical: Sam you're nutzo!
Sam: I'm so creepy it's fun! ^^
Cynical: yeah okay we're done now
Sam: I think i have a wedgie...
Cynical: NO SAM!! BYE!!!
my diary is sad and empty..oh wow!