[Raziel Ahnara]'s diary

833795  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-08-02
Written: (6795 days ago)
Next in thread: 833814

[ Song ]: 5 and 1/2 Minute Hallway
[ Artist ]: Poe
[ Album ]: Haunted

I live
at the end
of a five
and a half
minute hallway
But as far as I can see
you are still miles from me
In your doorway

And oh
by the way
When the landlord came today
He measured everything
I knew he'd get it wrong
But I just played along
Cause I was hoping that would fix it all

But there's only so far I can go
When you're living in a hallway that keeps growing
I think to myself
Five more minutes and
I'll be there
Inside your door

But there's more
to this story
Than I've been letting on
There are words made of letters
And yes
I forgive you
For leading me on

You can think of it like this
When you can't resist
I'm in your hallway standing on a cliff
And just when I think I've found the trick
I'm tumbling
Like an echo

'Cause there's only so far I can go
When you're living in a hallway that keeps growing
I think to myself
Thirty seconds and
I'll be there

You never listen to me!

We cannot really experiment with love as freely as we wish
It is really a much more complicated... topic

If you read (or have read)
House of Leaves
you will understand.

828852  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-07-23
Written: (6805 days ago)

Join me in a game of monsters at the midnight hour.


Roam the night with me.

818547  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-07-03
Written: (6825 days ago)
Next in thread: 818554

I LOVE [Coheed and Cambria].

816930  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-06-30
Written: (6829 days ago)

Useless crap about me I doubt you'll wanna' read.


-- Name: Deidre
-- Nicknames: Hiro, Boobs, Deids, Deidwa, “you” (in terms of people saying, “Hey… you.”), etc.
-- Birth date: August 29th, 1989
-- Birthplace: Medford, Oregon
-- Current location: Springfield, Oregon
-- Eye color: Blue
-- Hair color: Brown
-- Height: 5'4”
-- Righty or lefty: Right-handed. Aren’t I special? e.e


-- Heritage: Cherokee Indian, predominantly. Yay fer meh. ^__^
-- Weakness: Putting everyone else before myself.
-- Fears: Porcelain dolls and being alone.
-- Perfect pizza: Black olive and pepperoni with extra cheese and olives. ^___________^ Yummeh.
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Actually like something I make (artwise).


-- Most overused phrase on AIM: :P or XD
-- Most overused phrase: Vocally? Hm… Probably have to say slamming my fist on some hard surface and exclaiming, “Dammit.”
-- Thoughts first waking up: “Shit, it’s [ insert time ] already.”
---Best physical feature: Eyes, I guess.
-- Bedtime: Whenever I feel like going to sleep.
-- Most missed memory: I dunno. :/


I prefer…
-- Soda: Cherry Coke
-- Fast food joint: Carl’s Jr. or Taco Bell
-- Single or group dates: I’d like to go out on a group date sometime. It’d be nice.
-- Adidas or Nikes: I don’t like either.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton. Nestea tastes fake. >.<
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate’s always better. :P
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccinos have more flover. ^^;
-- Video Games: I dun play them. I watch my friends play ‘em.
-- Magazines: Seventeen, Cosmo (if I actually read them)
-- Color: Blue, red, purple, green, black
-- Foods: Mexican, Italian, hamburgers, pizza, and some seafood.
-- Drinks: Cherry Coke, water, milk, sometimes juice
-- Cars: El Camino


Do you…
-- Smoke: I don’t, but I don’t mind it.
-- Cuss: Yeah, I do. Probably a little too much sometimes.
-- Sing: Yeah, to myself, or in the shower.
-- Take a shower every day: Almost.
-- Have a crush(es): No, I have a boyfriend for that.
-- Think you've been in love: Yeah
-- Want to go to college: Eventually.
-- Like high school: It’s alright. I don’t like the homework, though.
-- Want to get married: Yeah, after college I do.
-- Believe in yourself: *shifty eyes* Sure..
-- Get motion sickness: As far as I know, I don’t.
-- Think you're attractive: No. Very no. :/
-- Think you're a health freak: HAHAHAHAHA! That’s funny.
-- Get along with your parents: More or less, I suppose.
-- Like thunderstorms: I love them! So pretty. ^^
-- Play an instrument: I wish.


In the past month, have you...
-- Drank alcohol: I don’t think so.
-- Smoked: Nope.
-- Done a drug: No.
-- Had sex: Nope.
-- Made out: Not this month, but in the past thirty days, yes.
-- Gone on a date: Not really.
-- Gone to the mall: Yeah. ^^
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Close. XD
-- Eaten sushi: Ew, no. XP
-- Been on stage: No.
-- Gone skating: Nope.
-- Made homemade cookies: I made cupcakes. ^^;
-- Gone skinny-dipping: Nopes.
-- Dyed your hair: I almost did.
-- Stolen anything: As far as I remember, I haven’t.


Have you ever...
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Not that I know of. O.o
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yeah, a couple of times.
-- Been caught doing something: Like…? ^_~
-- Been called a tease: Probably not.
-- Gotten beaten up: Yeah, a few times.
-- Shoplifted: Yeah, but 7-Eleven hardly counts, doesn’t it? :P XD
-- Changed who you were to fit in: I adapt, I don’t change.


-- Age you hope to be married: Around 25, or so.
--How many and names of children: 2 children, boy and girl, but I don’t know what their names will be yet.
-- Describe your dream wedding: Something beautiful, something to be envied. And a GIANT cake. XD
-- How do you want to die: I don’t care.
-- Where do you want to go to college: First, LCC to get the main stuff out of the way. Then, if I want to, I’ll go to either OSU or UofO or the Art Institute of Portland.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Graphic Artist or Author/Journalist
-- What country would you most like to visit: Germany


In a significant other…
-- Best eye color: I adore green, but blue is pretty too.
-- Best hair color: I prefer darker colors. They tend to bring out the eyes more.
-- Short or long hair: Long. O.O I LOVE long hair.
-- Height: Either same height as or slightly taller. Of course, Jake failed to follow this rule. :P Stupid 5’11” e.e
-- Best weight: I actually tend to like bigger people. One, they usually have better personalities, and two, I just prefer that body type.
-- Best articles of clothing: I don’t care what they wear. If I love them enough, anything looks good. ^^
-- Best first date location: I dun care where. Anywhere is good if both are interested.
-- Best first kiss location: At night either in the rain or under the soft glow of a light.


Number of…
--Drugs taken illegally: None.
--People I could trust with my life: Three.
--CDs that I own: Too many to count.
--Piercings: None. :/
--Tattoos: None… yet. ^_~
--Times my name has appeared in the newspaper: The school newspaper? Everytime it comes out. ^_~ :P
--Scars on my body: About twenty.
--Things in my past that I regret: Too many.

808980  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-15
Written: (6843 days ago)

Nicht [ sprechen ]. Nicht [ denken ]. Nicht [ atmen ].

807694  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-06-13
Written: (6845 days ago)

"Alternate Life" - 8:33 AM

Do you hide when you're
forced to face loneliness?
Do you ever see a light
at the end of the tunnel?
Did you ever find an escape?

Do you scream when you
don't know what to do?
Do you cry when there's no
one left to care about you?
Did you ever want something more?

Do you ever daydream
about having a better life?
Do you ever wish for anything
you know you could never have?
Did you ever feel you were wasted?

Have you ever wanted
to be someone else?

© Deidre Jones, 06/13/06
804850  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-08
Written: (6850 days ago)
Next in thread: 804852, 805076


This is my friend. His name is Aaron. He turned seventeen the other day, so I felt compelled to make something for him. ^^


So I made him creepy and bloody and vampire-esque (unbenkownst to me at the time, he actually has a thing for vampires; bonus).

What do you think?

801590  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-01
Written: (6857 days ago)

1:51 PM

It's agonizing to simply
wait for a revelation to
come. It's frustrating
to see what you've done
wrong, and know you don't
have a solution. It's
aggravating to know that
you don't deserve what
you have, and someone
is there to remind you
all the time. So you're
waiting for someone to
put you in your place.
Someone to set you
straight. Someone to
say "It'll be okay...
eventually." When does
"eventually" come? When
can you finally smile
and say, "I've made it
all right again."

Will you hate me when
you see my face? Will
you know me when you
speak my name? Will
you love me like you
did before I destroyed
everything we know?

"Eventually" © Deidre Jones, 06/01/06

793297  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-16
Written: (6873 days ago)
Next in thread: 793305, 796265, 796704

So, another day without lunch. That's fun. Maybe I'll buy something later.

Probably not.

I should just be anorexic.
Maybe I'd look better.

793038  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-16
Written: (6874 days ago)

[1] I have read a lot of books.
[_] I have been on some sort of varsity team.
[_] I have run more than 2 miles without stopping.
[_] I have been to Canada.
[_] I have been to Europe.
[2] I have watched cartoons for hours.
[3] I have tripped UP the stairs.
[_] I have fallen down an entire flight of stairs.
[_] I have been snowboarding/skiing.
[4] I have played ping pong.
[5] I swam in the ocean.
[_] I have been on a whale watch.
[6] I have seen fireworks.
[7] I have seen a shooting star.
[_] I have seen a meteor shower.
[8] I have almost drowned.
[9] I have been so embarrassed I wanted to disappear.
[10] I have listened to one CD over & over & over again.
[_] I have had stitches.
[_] I have had frostbite.
[11] have licked a frozen pole and got stuck there.
[12] I have stayed up til 2 doing homework/projects.
[_] I currently have a job.
[13] I have been ice skating.
[14] I have been rollerblading.
[15] I have fallen flat on my face.
[16] I have tripped over my own two feet.
[17] I have been in a fist fight.
[18] I have played videogames for more than 3 hours straight.
[19] I have watched the power rangers.
[_] I attend Church regularly.
[20] I have played Truth or Dare.
[21] I have already had my 16th birthday.
[_] I have already had my 17th birthday.
[22] I've called someone stupid. And meant it.
[23] I've been in a verbal argument.
[24] I've cried in school.
[_] I've played basketball on a team.
[_] I've played football on a team.
[_] I've played soccer on a team.
[_] I've done cheerleading on a team.
[25] I've played softball on a team.
[_] I've played volleyball on a team.
[_] I've played tennis on a team.
[_] I've been on a track or cross country team.
[26] I've been swimming more than 20 times in my life.
[_] I've bungee jumped.
[27] I've climbed a rock wall.
[_] I've lost more than $20.
[28] I've called myself an idiot.
[29] I've called someone else an idiot.
[30] I've cried myself to sleep. 'Cos I'm emo like that. XD
[31] I've had (or have) pets.
[32] I've owned a spice girls CD.
[33] I've owned a britney spears CD.
[34] I've owned an N*Sync CD.
[35] I've owned a backstreet boys CD Egh... Alright, that's enough of making me feel like a loser. e.e
[_] I've mooned someone.
[_] I have sworn at someone of authority before
[36] I've been in the newspaper.
[_] I've been on TV.
[_] I've been to Hawaii.
[_] I've eaten sushi.
[_] I've been on the other side of a waterfall.
[37] I've watched all of the Lord of the Rings movies.
[38] I've watched all the Harry Potter movies.
[_] I've watched all of the Rocky movies.
[39] I've watched the 3 stooges.
[_] I've watched "Newlyweds" Nick & Jessica.
[40] I've watched Looney Tunes. Hellz yes!
[_] I've been stuffed into a locker/I have stuffed others into lockers.
[41] I've been called a geek.
[42] I've studied hard for a test and got a bad grade.
[43] I've not studied at all for a test and aced it.
[_] I've hugged my mom within the past 24 hrs.
[_] I've hugged my dad within the past 24 hours.
[_] I've met a celebrity/music artist.
[44] I've written poetry.
[_] I've been arrested.
[45] I've been attracted to someone much older than me.
[46] I've been tickled till I've cried.
[47] I've tickled someone else until they cried.
[48] I've had/have siblings.
[_] I've been to a rock concert.
[49] I've listened to classical music and enjoyed it.
[50] I've been in a play.
[51] I've been picked last in gym class.
[_] I've been picked first in gym class.
[52] I've been picked in that middle-range in gym class.
[53] I've cried in front of my friends.
[_] I've read a book longer than 1,000 pages.
[_] I've played Halo 2.
[54] I've freaked out over a sports game.
[_] I've been to Alaska.
[_] I've been to China.
[_] I've been to Spain.
[_] I've been to Japan.
[55] I've had a fight with someone on AIM
[56] I've had a fight with someone face-to-face.
[57] I've had serious converstations on any IM.
[58] I've forgiven someone who has done something wrong to me.
[59] I've been forgiven.
[_] I've screamed at a scary movie.
[_] I've cried at a chick flick.
[60] I've watched a lot of action movies.
[61] I've screamed at the top of my lungs.
[_] I've been to a rap concert.
[62] I've been to a pop concert.
[63] I've lived in more than 2 homes.
[64] I've driven on the highway/been on the highway
[65] I've driven more than 40 miles in a day/been in a car that went more than 40 miles in a day
[_] I've been in a car accident
[_] I've done drugs.
[66] I've been homesick.
[67] I've thrown up.
[_] I've puked on someone.
[68] I've been horseback riding.
[69] I've filled out more than 10 myspace surveys.
[70] I've spoken my mind in public.
[71] I've proved someone wrong.
[72] I've been proven wrong by someone.
[_] I've broken a leg.
[_] I've broken an arm.
[73] I've fallen off a swing.
[74] I've swung on a swing for more than 30 mins straight.
[75] I've watched Winnie the Pooh movies.
[76] I've forgotten my backpack when I've gone to school.
[77] I've lost my backpack.
[78] I've come close to dying.
[79] I've seen someone die.
[80] I've known someone who has died.
[81] I've wanted to be an actor/actress at some point.
[82] I've done modeling.
[83] I've forgotten to brush my teeth some mornings.
[84] I've taken something/someone for granted.
[85] I've realized how good my life is.
[_] I've counted my blessings.
[86] I've made fun of a classmate.
[87] I've been asked out by someone and I said no.
[88] I've slapped someone in the face.
[_] I've been skateboarding.
[89] I've been backstabbed by someone I thought was a friend.
[90] I've lied to someone to their face.
[91] I've told a little white lie.
[92] I've taken a day off from school just so I don't go insane.
[93] I've fainted.
[_] I've had an argument with someone about whether cheerleading is a sport or not.
[94] I've pushed someone into a pool.
[95] I've been pushed into a pool.
[96] I've been/am in love.

96 out of 158. Hm. 61% >.< Bleh.

792786  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-05-15
Written: (6874 days ago)
Next in thread: 792803

Supposedly, if I have 35 or more of the listed things, I'm spoiled. Let's see, shall we?

[_] own car
[X] cell phone
[X] own phone line (if the cell counts)
[X] bf/gf
[_] own bathroom
[X] own room
[X (kinda)] 2 or more story house
[_] built-in pool
[X] guest house (room? o.O)
[_] game room
[_] tv in your room
[_] Double Bed
[_] more than 20 pairs of shoes
[_] 10+ things from a designer store
[X] good grades (how does this make you spoiled?)
[_] Dior sunglasses
[_] louis vuitton purse (No, my mom has one, though. XD)
[_] iPod
[_] XBOX
[X] PS2
[X] mp3 player
[_] Mercedes Benz (yours or family car)-
[_] basketball hoop
[_] air hockey table
[_] pool table
[_] ping pong table
[X] trampoline
[_] live ON a lake or pond.
[_] own a pair of skiis
[_] own a snowboard
[_] has a boat
[_] has a jet ski
[_] has a beach house/ cabin
[_] only child
[X] stereo system in bedroom
[_] DVD player in bedroom
[X] 100+ dvd's
[_] gets $50+ for allowance each month
[_] goes shopping every month...or every week
[_] shops at abercrombie
[_] goes snowboarding/ skiing every weekend
[_] makeup
[_] cologne/perfume (...my sister-in-law gets it free from her work! x_x)
[_] Yahoo
[_] 5+ trophies
[X] own digital camera
[_] walk-in closet
[_] electric scooter
[_] dirt bike
[_] 4X4 truck
[_] guitar/drums
[_] hammock
[_] been on a cruise
[_] traveled out of the country ("Clooney"! ...and Canada.)
[X] weight set/ workout set in house
[_] personal fit trainer
[_] expensive jewerly
[_] met a celeb
[_] straightener/ curling iron
[X] gets hair done/nails/spas
[_] on/was on a team for the school college
[_] own batting cage
[_] 100+ in wallet/ purse right now
[_] own savings account
[X] 1+ BEST friends (That makes you spoiled? O.o Maybe you're just really good with people. e.e)
[_] been to the carribean
[_] been to europe
[_] been to hawaii
[_] been to NY
[X] shopped in seattle
[_] eaten at the space neetle in seattle
[_] been on the eifel tower in paris
[_] been on the statue of liberty in NY
[_] been on the honor roll for 2+ years
[_] went on a trip for sweet sixteen birthday (I stayed home! XD)
[_] lives on a private property
[_] license
[X] moved 3+ times
[_] sports car
[_] hot tub
[X] pet(s)
[_] ranch
[_] verizon
[X] cingular
[_] virgin mobile
[_] been to 5+ states in the US.
[X] don't have a job
[_] 100+ buddies on messenger
[_] alarm clock (... Okay, now it's just getting ridiculous. e.e)
[_] home-cooked meal almost everyday
[_] lunch (Honestly e.e)
[_] been in a limo (For a funeral >_>)
[_] own camcorder
[_] own laptop
[_] own computer
[X] someone who loves you

Total: 24

789337  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-05-08
Written: (6881 days ago)
Next in thread: 797079

"A Beautiful Lie"
[ A ] [ Beautiful ] [ Lie ]
30 Seconds to Mars

Lie awake in bed at night
And think about your life
Do you want to be different?
Try to let go of the truth
The battles of your youth
'Cause this is just a game

It's a beautiful lie
It's a perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful lie
Makes me

Its time to forget about the past
To wash away what happened last
Hide behind an empty face
Don't ask too much the same
'Cause this is just a game

It's a beautiful lie
It's a perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful lie
Makes me

Lie ... beautiful ... ohhhhh

Everyone's looking at me
I'm running 'round in circles (plagued with)
A quiet desperation's building higher
I've got to remember this is just a game

So beautiful, beautiful
It's a beautiful lie (x4)

It's a beautiful lie
It's a perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful lie makes me

787489  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-05-03
Written: (6886 days ago)
Next in thread: 787674

*epileptic strobes*
*theme music*

Welcome back to another round of "Haha! You Said the Wrong Thing!"

Our subject this afternoon is Nicole Leupold.
Hi, Nicole, how are you doing this afternoon?
". . ." *giggling*
Well, I suppose that answers our question, right folks?
*audience laughs*
So, tell us, Nicole, what brings you to "Haha! You Said the Wrong Thing!"?
". . ." *giggling*
Ohhhh, it must be a big one, folks!
Let's go to the I-Spy-Stupidometer!

*whirring, beeping, machiney noises*
*image shows up on screen*

"So, hey, you know what's hot?"
"Drowning Pool!"

"So, hey, you know what's hot?"

*audience laughs*

Hahahaha! Oh, my, Nicole my dear, you silly girl.

*audience shouts*
"Haha! You said the wrong thing!"

That's right!
Thank you everyone, and join us next time for another episode of "Haha! You Said the Wrong Thing!"

*exit song*
*fade to black*

786992  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-02
Written: (6887 days ago)

Keep telling myself
that it won't take long 'til
I'm [ free ] of my [ disease ].</center></b>

Missing: </b>
Missing: </center>
786551  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-05-01
Written: (6888 days ago)

Hey! I totally won
Second Place (art) in the
Seven Deadly Sins Contest!

784192  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-04-26
Written: (6893 days ago)

Day of Silence

Be Silent

For the prejudice.
For the anger.
For the pain.
For the hatred.
For the suffering.
For the shunning.
For the imprisonment.
For the discrimination.
For the misunderstandings.
For the misunderstood.
For the harassment.
For the injustice.
For the silence.
For the abuse.
For the loss.
For me.

Deidre C. Jones - April 26th, 2006 - Day of Silence
783561  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-04-25
Written: (6894 days ago)

Conversation between Amanda and Deidre:

[A] "Deidre! Being on Elftown is not responsible!"

[D] "I know! That's why I'm on DeviantArt!" *grin*

[A] "...we're done."

783119  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-24
Written: (6895 days ago)

Matchbox 20
[Rest] [Stop]
Mad Season

Just three miles from the rest stop
And she slams on the breaks
She said, I tried to be but I’m not
So could you please collect your things
I don’t wanna be cold
I don’t wanna be cruel
But I gotta find more
Than what’s happening with you
And if you’d - open up the door

She said - while you were sleeping
I was listening to the radio
And wondering what you’re dreaming when
It came to mind that I didn’t care
So I thought - hell if it’s over
I had better end it quick
Or I could lose my nerve
Are you listening - can you hear me
Have you forgotten

Just three miles from the rest stop
And my mouth’s too dry to rage
The light was shining from the radio
I could barely see her face
But she knew all the words that I never had said
She knew the crumpled-up promise of this
Broken down man - and as I opened up the door

She said - while you were sleeping
I was listening to the radio
And wondering what you’re dreaming when
It came to mind that I didn’t care
So I thought - hell if it’s over
I had better end it quick
Or I could lose my nerve
Are you listening - can you hear me
Have you forgotten

She said - while you were sleeping
I was listening to the radio
And wondering what you’re dreaming when
It came to mind that I didn’t care
So I thought - hell if it’s over
I had better end it quick
Or I could lose my nerve
Are you listening - can you hear me

While you were sleeping
I was listening to the radio
And wondering what you’re dreaming when
It came to mind that I didn’t care
So I thought - hell if it’s over
I had better end it quick
Or I could lose all my nerve
Are you listening - can you hear me

Matchbox 20
Mad Season

It’s amazing
How you make your face just like a wall
How you take your heart and turn it off
How I turn my head and lose it all

It’s unnerving
How just one move puts me by myself
There you go just trusting someone else
Now I know I put us both through hell

I’m not saying there wasn’t nothing wrong
I just didn’t think you’d ever get tired of me
I’m now saying we ever had the right to hold on
I just didn’t wanna let it get away from me

But if that’s how it’s gonna leave
Straight out from underneath
Then we’ll see who’s sorry now
If that’s how it’s gonna stand, when
You know you’ve been depending on
The one you’re leaving now
The one you’re leaving out

It’s aggravating
How you threw me on and you tore me out
How your good intentions turn to doubt
The way you needed time to sort it out

I’m not saying there wasn’t nothing wrong
I just didn’t think you’d ever get tired of me
I’m now saying we ever had the right to hold on
I just didn’t wanna let it get away from me

But if that’s how it’s gonna leave
Straight out from underneath
Then we’ll see who’s sorry now
If that’s how it’s gonna stand, when
You know you’ve been depending on
The one you’re leaving now
The one you’re leaving out

The one you’re leaving now
The one you’re leaving out

I’m not saying there wasn’t nothing wrong
I just didn’t think you’d ever get tired of me

But if that’s how it’s gonna leave
Straight out from underneath
Then we’ll see who’s sorry now
If that’s how it’s gonna stand, when
You know you’ve been depending on
The one you’re leaving now
The one you’re leaving out

Tell me is that how it’s going to end
When you know you’ve been depending on
The one you’re leaving now
And the one you’re leaving out

The one you’re leaving now
The one you’re leaving out

Sing the song of the moment
while the tears slide down your face.

 The logged in version 

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