You know you want to.
At least click on the link. *pout*
You should join me.
I needs me some more friends.
And you love me.
Don't you?
"You haven't the vaguest conception under God of what you ask."
I love that line.
From Interview with a Vampire,. Claudia's new vampy friend Madeline's telling him to make her a vampire.. yeah. ^^; Anywho.
Why am I up at this ungodly hour?
First off, I fell asleep somewhere in the time frame of 12:30 and 1:30 this morning. So.. having only had roughly six hours of sleep, my body felt it was energized enough to start the day!
Oh, and that bad things regarding my current monthly dillema were happening in my sleep.
I've been moving around so much this morning, I didn't think I'd be able to go back to sleep.
There you have it.
This is why I'm up at seven A.M.
...god, I'm tired. >.<
How many windows do you have in your room?
What is the color of your walls?
Beige, Caramel, Creme, White, Tan, Brown, Sand, Ivory, etc. It's a weird little design. ^^;
Hardwood floor, tile, or carpet?
I was unlucky enough to sleep in what used to be part of an attic, but at least they gave me carpeting. :P XD
Do you get ready for the day in your room or the bathroom?
Bedroom, generally, although lately, I've been sleeping in the guest room downstairs because it's not as hot.
Is your room big?
What is your bedroom view out the window(s)?
A fence, a couple trees (I sometimes ponder to myself whether or not they're real), the neighbor's backyard, and sometimes the neighbor, who is a very scary, old, large disabled woman who's never heard of a bra. >.<
Do you have the following in your room(s):
[_] desk
[_] cell phone (Nope, it's always with me, actually. XD)
[_] chair/stool
[_] bookshelf (I did last week, and I will soon...just...
[X] dresser
[_] Computer/lapto
[_] bean bag
[X] pictures
[X] mirror
[X] bed
[X] clothes on the floor
[_] plastic flamingo (Quoi? o.O)
[_] guitar(s)
[_] lava lamp
[X] smoke detector
[_] piano/keyboard
[_] locking door
[_] can of soda
[_] bottle of water
[_] a blacklight
[_] medals/ribbons
[_] trophies
[_] awards
[_] water polo ball
[_] soccer ball
[_] volleyball
[_] basketball
[_] softball stuff
[_] track gear
[_] frisbee
[_] beach ball
[_] football
[_] tennis ball
[_] Hockey stuff
[_] lacrosse stick
[_] gymnastics stuff
[_] dance stuff
[_] cheerleading stuff
[_] horseback riding stuff
[X] swim stuff (What is with all the sports? XP)
[X] cd's
[_] Digital Camera
[X] sofa/futon/rou
[X] bottles of liquor (The bottles, but not the liquor. :P XD)
[_] flag
[_] stop sign/any sign
[_] caution tape
[_] paintball gun
[_] airsoft gun
[_] Real Gun
[_] Cigarettes
[X] Candles
[X] Books
[_] Nintendo
[_] Playstation 2
[_] Game Cube
[_] X box
[_] bike
[X] Stereo
[_] Lighter
[_] Visine
[_] your mom
[_] Gum
[_] a guy
[X] condoms (Hooray condom roses. XD)
NOW REPOST THIS AS "Bedroom Survey"
Stole this from [Jewl]. :P ^^
Useless crap about me I doubt you'll wanna' read.
-- Name: Deidre
-- Nicknames: Hiro, Boobs, Deids, Deidwa, “you” (in terms of people saying, “Hey… you.”), etc.
-- Birth date: August 29th, 1989
-- Birthplace: Medford, Oregon
-- Current location: Springfield, Oregon
-- Eye color: Blue
-- Hair color: Brown
-- Height: 5'4”
-- Righty or lefty: Right-handed. Aren’t I special? e.e
-- Heritage: Cherokee Indian, predominantly. Yay fer meh. ^__^
-- Weakness: Putting everyone else before myself.
-- Fears: Porcelain dolls and being alone.
-- Perfect pizza: Black olive and pepperoni with extra cheese and olives. ^___________^ Yummeh.
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Actually like something I make (artwise).
-- Most overused phrase on AIM: :P or XD
-- Most overused phrase: Vocally? Hm… Probably have to say slamming my fist on some hard surface and exclaiming, “Dammit.”
-- Thoughts first waking up: “Shit, it’s [ insert time ] already.”
---Best physical feature: Eyes, I guess.
-- Bedtime: Whenever I feel like going to sleep.
-- Most missed memory: I dunno. :/
I prefer…
-- Soda: Cherry Coke
-- Fast food joint: Carl’s Jr. or Taco Bell
-- Single or group dates: I’d like to go out on a group date sometime. It’d be nice.
-- Adidas or Nikes: I don’t like either.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton. Nestea tastes fake. >.<
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate’s always better. :P
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccinos have more flover. ^^;
-- Video Games: I dun play them. I watch my friends play ‘em.
-- Magazines: Seventeen, Cosmo (if I actually read them)
-- Color: Blue, red, purple, green, black
-- Foods: Mexican, Italian, hamburgers, pizza, and some seafood.
-- Drinks: Cherry Coke, water, milk, sometimes juice
-- Cars: El Camino
Do you…
-- Smoke: I don’t, but I don’t mind it.
-- Cuss: Yeah, I do. Probably a little too much sometimes.
-- Sing: Yeah, to myself, or in the shower.
-- Take a shower every day: Almost.
-- Have a crush(es): No, I have a boyfriend for that.
-- Think you've been in love: Yeah
-- Want to go to college: Eventually.
-- Like high school: It’s alright. I don’t like the homework, though.
-- Want to get married: Yeah, after college I do.
-- Believe in yourself: *shifty eyes* Sure..
-- Get motion sickness: As far as I know, I don’t.
-- Think you're attractive: No. Very no. :/
-- Think you're a health freak: HAHAHAHAHA! That’s funny.
-- Get along with your parents: More or less, I suppose.
-- Like thunderstorms: I love them! So pretty. ^^
-- Play an instrument: I wish.
In the past month, have you...
-- Drank alcohol: I don’t think so.
-- Smoked: Nope.
-- Done a drug: No.
-- Had sex: Nope.
-- Made out: Not this month, but in the past thirty days, yes.
-- Gone on a date: Not really.
-- Gone to the mall: Yeah. ^^
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Close. XD
-- Eaten sushi: Ew, no. XP
-- Been on stage: No.
-- Gone skating: Nope.
-- Made homemade cookies: I made cupcakes. ^^;
-- Gone skinny-dipping
-- Dyed your hair: I almost did.
-- Stolen anything: As far as I remember, I haven’t.
Have you ever...
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Not that I know of. O.o
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yeah, a couple of times.
-- Been caught doing something: Like…? ^_~
-- Been called a tease: Probably not.
-- Gotten beaten up: Yeah, a few times.
-- Shoplifted: Yeah, but 7-Eleven hardly counts, doesn’t it? :P XD
-- Changed who you were to fit in: I adapt, I don’t change.
-- Age you hope to be married: Around 25, or so.
--How many and names of children: 2 children, boy and girl, but I don’t know what their names will be yet.
-- Describe your dream wedding: Something beautiful, something to be envied. And a GIANT cake. XD
-- How do you want to die: I don’t care.
-- Where do you want to go to college: First, LCC to get the main stuff out of the way. Then, if I want to, I’ll go to either OSU or UofO or the Art Institute of Portland.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Graphic Artist or Author/Journal
-- What country would you most like to visit: Germany
In a significant other…
-- Best eye color: I adore green, but blue is pretty too.
-- Best hair color: I prefer darker colors. They tend to bring out the eyes more.
-- Short or long hair: Long. O.O I LOVE long hair.
-- Height: Either same height as or slightly taller. Of course, Jake failed to follow this rule. :P Stupid 5’11” e.e
-- Best weight: I actually tend to like bigger people. One, they usually have better personalities, and two, I just prefer that body type.
-- Best articles of clothing: I don’t care what they wear. If I love them enough, anything looks good. ^^
-- Best first date location: I dun care where. Anywhere is good if both are interested.
-- Best first kiss location: At night either in the rain or under the soft glow of a light.
Number of…
--Drugs taken illegally: None.
--People I could trust with my life: Three.
--CDs that I own: Too many to count.
--Piercings: None. :/
--Tattoos: None… yet. ^_~
--Times my name has appeared in the newspaper: The school newspaper? Everytime it comes out. ^_~ :P
--Scars on my body: About twenty.
--Things in my past that I regret: Too many.
"Alternate Life" - 8:33 AM
Do you hide when you're
forced to face loneliness?
Do you ever see a light
at the end of the tunnel?
Did you ever find an escape?
Do you scream when you
don't know what to do?
Do you cry when there's no
one left to care about you?
Did you ever want something more?
Do you ever daydream
about having a better life?
Do you ever wish for anything
you know you could never have?
Did you ever feel you were wasted?
Have you ever wanted
to be someone else?