[XTomorrow's TragedyX]'s diary

416522  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-18
Written: (7167 days ago)

my parentz r gettin worse. they made me dress preppy again. 2marrow im wearin my feel goods shirt!

415350  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-11-17
Written: (7168 days ago)

today i was in a SUPER crappy mood. i woke up and my parentalz made me weaR this preppy outfit and i hate preps. then i get 2 school and every1 makes fun of me...ok, then i get in choir and this kid getz me mad so i throw a chair. now, u have 2 relize there was onlty 5 ppl in the room (with me and that kid) cuz the teacher and other ppl went sumwhere else. but im still mad!

414179  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-15
Written: (7169 days ago)

went to the good charlotte, sum 41, aqnd hazen street concert on friday. it was so cool. joel saw me in the crowd in the middle of "predictable" and just started laughing. it wuz hillarioius. i got to meet the guyz from sum 41 and it rocked. they r so cool. me and the lead singer dude(i 4get his name!0_o) were fighting over whos chucks looked better, but he had the same ones on. anywho, i had a fun weekend. spent the ngiht at nates. went over to marks and jammed with his step dad. he wants me and nate in his band!haha!anywayz....im bored.....l8ter

404204  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-11-06
Written: (7178 days ago)

went 2 the mall....was actually kinda fun. i took 10 buxs cuz im so cheap, and i blew it on 2 anarchy wristbands. yea..lol....then i saw SLC punk at Hot Topic and i wanted it, but i had no money!grrr! so im gonna get that and suburbia(another punk movie) 2marrow..i think.hehehe.

woke up at 10:30 cuz sum chick her called sayin she thought i was hott. i said, "wow, ur the one milionth chcik to say that." yea, i maen. i hate when ppl wake me up early..anywhoo..l8ter

<3 zeek

400833  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-11-03
Written: (7181 days ago)

im back my bitches!!!haha! the tour rocked. anyhoo, thats our last gig...FOREEVER! Im tryin 2 move back 2 fremont, but its hard. dont ask y...my bass is al screwed up. the input fell out and im soooo pissed!!!grr!anywayz im gonna go eat pizza..l8ter pplz

385187  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-10-20
Written: (7196 days ago)

holy crap, that kid who hates "emo kids" got milk spilled on him, and nachos! it was soooo hillarious!!!

385184  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-10-20
Written: (7196 days ago)
Next in thread: 397107

o jeez, i think i still luv rachel. seriosuly..anywho, alyx hates me now and idk y...so yea....but ill be on here soon cuz i gotta go2 a stupid show and lpay 1 time with sum weir dband called Granger's Field.I heard their cd and they sound like Hawthore Heights and My Chemical Romance...anywayz...sum1 call em if they have my #...pleez..cuz im bored sumtimes...just make sure its after 4:00 and before 9:00 at night..

373867  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-10-07
Written: (7208 days ago)

alright, so im sittin in my algebra class(my 1st one on the cmputer) and i was pullin out pics of the feel goods(see www.thefeelgoods.com) and this guy looks at me and says, "I hate emo bands" I got so mad.

 The logged in version 

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