[Pale-Suzie]'s diary

337314  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-08-30
Written: (7225 days ago)

Mirror, mirror on the wall, 
Do you have no heart of all?
To reflect my face so very plain,
Don’t you know my pain?
Don’t you see me crying?
Mirror say your lying!
Tell me it’s not true,
That the broken one is you,
That the shadow in my smile,
Hasn’t been there for a while,
That the hand that keeps on shaking,
I simply playing, faking,
Tell me that I’m pretty,
Tell me… tell me really!
Don’t make me take you down,
Don’t show my silly frown,
When I count the fat on my body,
Don’t show my wrists so bloody,
Whatever you do, don’t show me,
Cause I like to believe I know me,
The pain in my eyes and soul,
Don’t show me looking so very cold,
Don’t show me it’s true what they say,
That I’ll never be happy anyway,
Don’t tell me cause then I have to admit,
That there is something wrong with it,
That I have turned cold and stony,
That I really am that sad and lonely,
Cause then my happiness would truly die,
For I know that mirrors, cannot lie.

333826  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-08-27
Written: (7227 days ago)

When I was little I had it all planned,
I don’t think you’ll understand,
But I wanted to be a bitch, a real tough girl,
Paying back twice the pain in my world.

Had a plan of becoming a Goth,
Fascinated by all thing black, and blood,
Played it for a time, but found it fake,
Quit honestly it was a mistake.

Still like the spiked and black t-shirt,
The haunted eyes and the sarcastic words,
But the whole ‘wanna be Goth’ idea I ditched
Didn’t change my goal to become a bitch.

Then I took a 180 turn,
To the better girl in me I returned,
Had some goals and some plans to fulfil,
But for a time all my plans stood still.

Dropped the Goth and gave the bitch slap,
(Don’t worry folks the bitch is back)
Changed my clothes and changed my hair,
The old Suzie was no longer there.

And for it time it worked quit well,
I changed a lot even I can tell.
And some of those changes will never leave,
But that happy girl is no longer me.

Another person that I admired,
An image that I still desire,
Was the sporty me and active chick
It’s a dream of which I will never get sick.

A person that rows and looks stupid on top,
But she so sweet and funny that she’ll still be loved
It’s funny to think and I like the idea,
But that isn’t me… so yeah…

Sometimes I’m a punk with my black tops,
Sometimes I’m happy (al though I’m really not)
Always I row, cause that’s what I like…
But I’m nobody when I lay naked at night…

I want to be an outsider; I have respect for them,
Or maybe be a Goth but then again,
Sporty and funny would be awesome to,
Tell me what I can be to please you?

Cause I need you to tell me who I should be,
There’s no idea left inside of me…
Who I am, well I’m still not sure
Don’t even know who I want to be anymore

332822  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-08-26
Written: (7228 days ago)
Next in thread: 332932

bah... not even elftown seems to make me in a better mood at the moment... i'm totally happy when i'm in school, and i have fun and laugh, but the second i come home, sit infront of my computer or draw or write or whatever i do... bam. depression kicks in. why the fuck do my mood swing so badly at the moment? one moment i'm happy (that would be school i guess... funny eh? It's almost so bad that i actually look forward to school.) next second i'm so angry... i have never spend so much of my time being angry before, as i have lately... i just totally flip out. most the time sandie is the poor victim of my anger, and even though it some times isn't to weird i flip, it's still bad that i do. so apologises to her. anyways, that's where my poetrymania kicks in... then i write until there's no more anger left, i sit down and i cry... i go to bed and a new days starts... normally going in here and talking to ppl would cheer me up, but is it just me or is there just no fucking body in here? *wonders* apparantly... there's nobody... and then i write stuff like this and wonder how many ppl will read it, and how many ppl who will actually give a flying fuck... i think there might be a, 2-3 ppl... question is if i want them to read this? oh well, if you did, i dunno why i'm so moody, i apologise for being so moody, and now send me some fucking messages cause i'm feeling a bit lonely. many thankies, Spuz.

331660  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-08-25
Written: (7229 days ago)

The best of friends make the best of enemies,
That’s the thing about you and me,
Never quit forgave, never quite forgot,
Lift up my sleeves and show the bruises I’ve got.

Anger puts it mark on every body,
It leaves you brushed, ashamed and bloody,
Will the mirror brake when I show my face,
Will the sun burn my skin in distaste?

Never forgave and never forgive,
That’s the way I want to live,
You knew this I told you,
I told you the truth, don’t make me hate you.

I don’t think I’ll ever see you again,
We don’t hang the same places, but then again,
You never get rid of the scars that sting,
You’ll be following my thoughts in everything.

I know it doesn’t seem like I have moved on,
But I’m not blind you’ll never be gone.
Never have I bin hurt this bad,
And yet I don’t feel the slightest bit sad.

Never forgave and never forgive,
That’s the way I want to live,
You knew this I told you,
I told you the truth, don’t make me hate you.

Oh but I guess you’re happy where ever you are?
Because it’s true you wouldn’t have gotten this far,
If you mourned every person whose life you’ve destroyed.
Do you count all the lives with which you have toyed?

Nah I didn’t think so, because you really don’t care.
Bet you’re happy now that I’m not there?
And even though it hurts you should know everyone,
I thank all fucking gods that this bitch is gone.

Never forgave and never forgive,
That’s the way I want to live,
You knew this I told you,
I told you the truth, to late I hate you.

329308  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-08-23
Written: (7231 days ago)

Little girl across the ocean, please don’t ever cry,
Live life every day, and never wonder why
Smile your pretty smile, even though you feel alone,
Know that wherever you lay you’re head, you’ll never be alone.

I’ll wipe away your tears,
Even though I’m far away,
And I’ll whisper words of comfort,
Tell you it’ll be okay,

And when the night it way to tough,
I’ll set it right with an ounce of love.
And even though I can’t be there,
Remember you can’t find me here.

Right in the middle of your heart.

Admit I haven’t been thinking about you for a while,
Just the normal kind of things that would make you smile,
We’ve been apart for way longer then what we’ve been so far,
I’m pretty sure that this distance won’t tear us apart.
But then yesterday when the clocks stroke twelve,
I was sitting in the car and thought to myself,
This haunted little voice in my head; you know the way it speaks,
Said; fuck, I can’t believe it; she’s been gone for two weeks!

I don’t envy that you got America,
Okay I envy that to,
But what I envy most of all,
Is America getting you.

And when I laid myself down to sleep, and the voice I couldn’t hear,
It’s spoke six bitter words; she’ll be gone for a year.

329284  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-08-23
Written: (7231 days ago)

As I sit here writing my poetry,
Pouring out anxiety…
Wasting my creativity,
On something nice and pointless,

I wonder why I just can’t see,
Any light in front of me,
I wonder why it couldn’t be
Something nice and pointless,

I wonder why I just can’t write,
Something sunny something nice,
Cause this is wrong and that is right,
Why I want it nice and pointless?

But in the end I have poetry,
About depression and anxiety
You can call it pure stupidity,
I call it nice and pointless.

328358  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-08-22
Written: (7232 days ago)

Can’t pretend I’m happy, can’t pretend I’m fine,
I’ve got to many things on my mind,

My mind I dripping with poison,
My head is filling with doubt,
Let it all out, let it all out,

My tears are made of acid,
My mood is a rainy cloud,
Let it all out, let it all out,

Can’t pretend I like it, can’t pretend I’m pure,
I can’t even recognise myself any more,

I’m tearing out my hair,
I fucking scream and shout,
Let it all out, let it all out,

I’m not feeling any love now,
But I can live without,
Let it all out, let it all out.

I can’t pretend I regret, I can’t pretend I’m gonna change,
Fuck all of this, I’ll be crying just the same.

Fact is that I’m dying,
I’m dying right now,
Letting it all out, letting it all out.

Deep down, deep down, deep down in depression,
Deep down, deep down, got a funny expression,
Deep down, deep down, and I won’t stay around,
Deep down, deep down, look at the mess I found?

My heart feels like it’s been stepped on,
It seems my brain is ‘gone gone’ …
My face looks like a little kid made it,
Is it a big wonder I hate it?

My body is fatter than Mac-D food,
Can’t exactly call me cute,
My boobs are big, but my stomach is to,
Little bitch I envy you.

But what looks worse then my body,
Is my heart that torn and bloody,
Is my soul that cruel and rotten,
Look at what a mess you’ve gotten!

Took a trip and found myself,
Would have liked to see anyone else,
Depressions makes you see so clear,
And I don’t like the person I see down there.

Deep down, deep down, deep down in depression,
Deep down, deep down, got a funny expression,
Deep down, deep down, and I won’t stay around,
Deep down, deep down, look at the mess I found!

327678  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-08-21
Written: (7233 days ago)

I’m not gonna say I’m sorry, I’m not gonna apologise,
It’s a fight between my conscience, my conscience and my pride.
My life is build on morals, they’re stronger then my blood,
When the world crumples around me, they’re the only things I’ve got.
You can trust me to be a fair player; I swear I’ll never lie,
Being week and cowardice, I’d much rather die.
And fuck it feels so wrong, that I try to throw them out,
Cause they tell me to forgive you, but I’m just too fucking proud.

Hey baby it’s a worthless fight,
Ain’t never gonna blow my pride,
My pride is built on ethic,
My morals are too strong,
This is so pathetic,
I know that this is wrong,
But I have no doubt,
I’m just to bloody proud.

I believe in being honest, I worship honesty,
Ignoring me and saying shit, I thought you knew me.
I was gonna take a lot of shit, but fuck when you ignored me,
I have a life without you, and you had one before me.
Perhaps it wasn’t supposed to end like this, perhaps I could have been better,
Can’t deny I feel relived, tired of the blame when we where together.
You could have told me to my face, what this was about,
But now it’s way to late, cause I’m just to fucking proud.

Hey baby it’s a worthless fight,
Ain’t never gonna blow my pride,
My pride is built on ethic,
My morals are too strong,
This is so pathetic,
I know that this is wrong,
But I have no doubt,
I’m just to bloody proud.

And you slip away from my thoughts, like a rock in the sea,
Sinking to the bottom, where you won’t be seeing me.
I don’t know if I miss you, I despise you too much to care.
Perhaps it’s a bit lonely, but it’s better then having you here.
I’ll rather bleed to death, then having you around again,
See there you saw my pride; you’ll never be my friend.
I’ll fight for what I believe in, I’m gonna set things right,
I’d love to die helping someone, but what will kill me is my pride. 

325606  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-08-19
Written: (7235 days ago)

don't ask me what went wrong, i'm not gonna tell you.
see it's way to late now...
don't put me to the test, i'm only gonna fail you,
see it's way to late now, it's getting way to late now, and i'm not gonna say a thing.

you keep on asking me,
you've done it twice today.
why aren't you friends?
and i have got my reason,
i'm not gonna share them,
accept some thing they end.

don't ask me what went wrong, i'm not gonna tell you.
see it's way to late now...
don't put me to the test, i'm only gonna fail you,
see it's way to late now, it's getting way to late now, and i'm not gonna say a thing.

stop asking me,
i've already told you,
ït's just simply over.
why won't i tell you why?
isn't that simpel,
you know her.

don't ask me what went wrong, i'm not gonna tell you.
see it's way to late now...
don't put me to the test, i'm only gonna fail you,
see it's way to late now, it's getting way to late now, and i'm not gonna say a thing.

i want to forget,
i want it closed,
i've moved passed it.
it's none of your buisness,
if i'm sad or not...
i've had it.

don't ask me what went wrong, i'm not gonna tell you.
see it's way to late now...
don't put me to the test, i'm only gonna fail you,
see it's way to late now, it's getting way to late now, and i'm not gonna say a thing.

i'm not gonna tell you.
if i'm sad,
it's pretty clear i am.
but i'm over,
your questions pull me back,
i fear i am...

above that.

don't ask me what went wrong, i'm not gonna tell you.
see it's way to late now...
don't put me to the test, i'm only gonna fail you,
see it's way to late now, it's getting way to late now, and i'm not gonna say a thing.

296108  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-22
Written: (7263 days ago)
Next in thread: 296429

I got big news today about who I really am,
Sat on the grass, cried my eyes out, said damn
I'm not very nice; apparently, I'm selfish like hell
But I guess everyone in here can tell
So be warned before you approach me
If you only care about yourself you don't wanna know me
I talk about my problems to the ppl I trust,
About the things I've gain and the things I lost,
I need attention because I've always been over looked
Then started promoting myself, and got hooked
I need to prove myself, if you want to know why
You can always ask but I won't lie,
If been hurt by ppl I thought understood
But now realize that they never could.
Understand what's it like to have to survive
With no one to trust only the will to fight,
I have a brother; we're a lot like eachother
But I'll never beat him, so why bother?
He's one of the reasons I try to prove myself,
But comparing myself to him is bragging as well
So leave me alone, don't talk to me,
You'll be better of with out me
I'm not very nice, or some it seems,
I need to boost my self-esteem.

23/07 2004

279331  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-08
Written: (7277 days ago)


Never quit sure what to do,
When I am around you,
Always afraid, to push that button,
Treat you like a prinsses wrapped up in cotton.
You act like princesses, stuck up and snobbish
With an interesting view on being loyal and honest
Your life is a theatre a one-man show
But what role you are playing we never know
Sweet and innocent and a loyal friend
Or the one who doesn't want to be hurt again
The one who doesn't speak, but says it in gestures,
Question is who can live up to your measures
I surely can't and when I try
You never stop to wonder why
I try to be there and help you thru
But all you care about is you
Try looking at my advices to what was within
All I ever tried was to be your friend
But you take it to personal, every joke, and every detail
All I could ever do in your eyes was fail.
I would help you with anything you asked,
Poetry, drawings, stories… all that my way passed.
Most of the time, you just got annoyed or something
When I asked for the favour back, most of the time I got nothing.
Bet you forgot that and I bet you would cry,
If you ever saw this… and why?
Because you think I'm lying or is it the truth?
Or does none of this make sense to you?
I wish we could go back and just talk it up,
But I won't say sorry cause YOU fucked it up
I heart that you want an apology
And yes, some one should apologize, but not me.


279304  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-08
Written: (7277 days ago)
Next in thread: 279799

It's Never Over

Don’t I look awfully depressed?
Yeah I think I do…
A bit like, what do you call it?
Heart broken?
Maybe I look like that.

Maybe, maybe I look like…
Like I’m happy… or something
Like it isn’t all bad all the time,
But it IS

Don’t you know that?
Haven’t you heard?
Once again I’m alone
I had hoped it was my last time
Last time

It wasn’t though.
It hurts to change your life,
Big time and…
All the way…
But what do you know.

I changed every single part of me
For happiness
Thought it was worth it
It was,
For a while…

I still don’t regret,
If I had kept on like that…
I would have been dead.
Thank you for being there

You, I changed on my own,
You helped…
I guess I owe you a thanks, but…
It’s not over.

Every time I think…
Wow, it IS over…
Some one reminds me…
And this time…
You did.


276050  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-07-05
Written: (7280 days ago)

Return of my anger

Creativity, on an all time low,
Why it happened I don't know,
All the words they just left me somehow,
Now they're gone, now they're gone now.

Poetry used to be my realise,
But now I can't find any ease,
My angers bubbles below the surface,
And it will hurt us… it will hurt us.

And the sun rises before I go to bed,
All those thoughts they flee my head,
When I'm so tired I'm about to pass out,
There is no more room for doubt.

I try to hide it, but can't find rest,
Wonder if it is a test…
To see if I I've really changed…
I guess I failed, what a shame,

I've changed a lot, that is true
Mother anger, I don't recognise you,
I thought I was passed those feelings,
But now they're back and for what reason?

And the sun rises before I go to bed,
All those thoughts they flee my head,
When I'm so tired I'm about to pass out,
There is no more room for doubt.

Sleep deprived and isolated,
Tried to forget why I hated,
When you burry the feeling that haunt you,
People turn around, come back and taunt you.

And the sun rises before I go to bed,
All those thoughts they flee my head,
When I'm so tired I'm about to pass out,
There is no more room for doubt.

I put my money on the wrong horse,
I regret that now, of course,
You treat my unkind, just like a kid,
Now my anger is back I have to deal with it,

I gave you my friendship; you abused it,
I gave you my trust; you used it.
Thanks to you and all your crap,
I have to rebuild myself, once again, from scrap.


258376  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-06-17
Written: (7299 days ago)

Orden er for de primitive - kun genier behersker kaos..... de beskriver mit værelse tror jeg... :P tak for dem cecil!

244608  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-06-04
Written: (7311 days ago)

apparently i'm worth: $1,748,758.00.
hm.... i sure ain't cheap... lol.

242593  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-06-02
Written: (7313 days ago)

new poems... yay! one in danish and one in english.... i hardly ever write poems in Danish but i've made an exception today.... so here goes:

What A Shame:

No one gives a fuck about you
When you die they’ll live without you
Don’t get your hopes up they wont last
You’ll be going down and fast

Hopes are for the foolish foes
Who always thinks but never knows,
Future isn’t worth the trouble,
And hopes for it’ll just hurt you double.

Live in present not in past
If you’re looking back you’ll finish last
If you look ahead you’ll lose it to,
Cause you’ll se that fate that awaits you

Love is only imagination
On the ride it’s the ending station
Foolish hopes is the ticket
To the bottom, you just hit it

What a shame to know the truth
Then letting love get to you
To suddenly have to think and feel,
What a shame to be real.

Jeg er vokset op et sted, hvor livet tit er hårdt,
Folk er temmelig voldelige, for lunten den er kort.
Det er det multikulturelle samfund.
Hvor folk bliver slået ned, for det meste uden grund…

Bandekriminalitet… det vender man sig til.
Så når du går ud af døren… så tag pepper sprayen med.
Kære bonde jyde, din skræk den er til grin,
Du er aldrig blevet slået ned, fordi du er et dansker svin…

Så hvordan kan du fortælle mig, at du hader indvandre?
De bor alle sammen i Hedemarken, hvordan truer det Danmark?
Kære bonderøv, lad dog være at være sur,
Bare fordi de du kun har en bondemark, og vi andre lidt kultur.

Hele mit liv har jeg fået at vide, at invadere er et pak,
At de er nogen møg dyr der burde sendes hjem straks.
Så ryster jeg på hovedet, og svarer vemodigt igen…
Sig det til Tahani, hun er min allerbedste ven.

Så når nu en flok jyder, siger send dem alle hjem,
Så spørg jeg hvor mange indvandre, der lever rundt om dem,
Når de så siger ’to i byen, og det må være mere end nok’
Sir jeg ’vi har 81%’ og så dør de sku af chok.

Så hvordan kan du fortælle mig, at du hader indvandre?
De bor alle sammen i Hedemarken, hvordan truer det Danmark?
Kære bonderøv, lad dog være at være sur,
Bare fordi de du kun har en bondemark, og vi andre lidt kultur.

Jeg har altid været klog, min karakter den er top,
En af få der kan slå mig, hun er kurder pudsigt nok.
Hun ville være læge, og hjælpe mennesker hver dag,
Men det bliver nok aldrig til noget, for de sendte hen’ tilbage.

Når man lever hvor jeg gør, så bliver man tolerant,
Man kan jo ikke ændre mennesker, sådan er de nu engang.
Og nå jeg kan sige sådan, på trods af hvor jeg bor,
Så synes jeg lille bonderøv, at du skal sluge dine ord!

for hvordan kan du fortælle mig, at du hader indvandre?
Du har aldrig været i Hedemarken, aldrig set Danmark!
Der er så mange ting, jeg kunne fortælle dig til sidst,
Men jeg gider ikke spilde vejret, på en fucking nynazist.

so that's all.... see you around.

226866  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-05-19
Written: (7328 days ago)

hi.... so.... it's the last day of school today....
i'm pretty tired cause i've just gotten home from school where we, like it's tradition to do, covered the smaller children (and ourself) in 'skum'.... it's that white stuff you use when you shave... and we were dressed up to.... i was dressed up as a punk.... nina actually screamed when she saw me... told me she couldn't recognise me... had a good laugh out of that.... everybody seemed to think i looked cool.... well, camilla (our school punk and my former best friend) kinda frose... and when i asked her later why she did that... cause i mean she looked like she'd seen a ghost or something... she said that 'you used to dress like that, THAT was your stile... now you wear it like a comstume'.... hm.... now there's something that makes you think a bit.... anyway... i might have lost my blue book in school.... i'm gonna cry if i have.... that took me ages to get ppl to write in... urgh.... hate that sort of stuff.... anyway... i'm gonna go now.... bye.

225032  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-05-17
Written: (7330 days ago)

another poem... this time about my 'wall'... it kinda descripes the kinda wall i have build to protect myself... this all came out of a discusion my friends and i had about how peoples 'walls' looked like... and mine looked like an old castle... at least that what i thought... so here goes....

To protect myself I built a wall,
That surrounded my inner self.
I build it like a very old castle
And then build a labyrinth around that as well.

It looks kinda crumpled from the outside,
And people took it for a game.
Joking: we'll get right passed that!
And failed it just the same.

There are no lions in my labyrinth,
There is no haunting ghost,
Just a lot of empty words,
Once spoken by its host.

If you can make sense in my riddles,
Then you got a map to get thru.
And in the end you'll find a row of pictures,
Find mine and I will grant entrance to you.

So far no one has made it thru.
But if it has worked well I cannot tell.
Cause maybe it worked just a tad to good.
Cause I have gotten lost in there as well.


and one for my friends and me:

There's a wall of glass that'll fool you,
To believe that you can pass,
And lets you see what is behind it.
But never let you pass that glass.

There's a wall made of metal,
Where the lines are very clear,
It seems it very purpose is to tell,
You're not welcome here.

There a wall that's really not.
More like a castle with a labyrinth around it.
Where you'll get lost in empty words,
Said by the host and the ppl who have found it.

All these walls are very different…
Depending on our different taste.
They hardly have a thing in common.
Except the reason they where build in the first place.

221381  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-05-13
Written: (7334 days ago)

Another poem I just wrote.... it's about how so many people, my mom is one of them, believe that pills can fix everything. I’m not saying there's anything wrong in taking painkillers and stuff; I’m just saying that some people do it too much. Sometimes just eating something or going for a run can fix that headache... oh well.... here it is:

Momma I don’t want that pill.
It feels like I’m on dope.
I know I’m pretty sick.
But momma I can cope.

Momma I don’t want that painkiller,
It’s just another drug.
Momma it’s my body,
And now it’s got to stop.

I know it’s not nice to have asthma,
I suffer from it myself,
But just because yours is really bad,
Not necessarily like that for everybody else.

I can deal with a runny nose,
And hard breathing from time to time.
As long as I can do what ever I want.
I think I’m gonna be just fine.

I know that I can drop dead one day,
I know what the chances are.
But heck mom it’s properly more likely,
That I’ll be hit by a car.

Momma I know you’re trying to help me.
I think I know how it feels,
But momma don’t you realize.
Not everything can be fixed with a pill.


221314  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-05-13
Written: (7334 days ago)

and once agin more poetry.... i'm pretty busy with that at the moment... got in a bit of a fight today... i hate girls that just don't udnerstand thet they can hurt peoples feilings.... fuck you nina, this one is for you, i've never writen anything about you before, but i guess i'm jsut tired of you always jumping to the chance of back stabing somebody.... what are you afraid somebody might notice you're a bitch if you don't keep reminding them that they hate somebody else? well guess what, i know... you're a false little snake.... i feel sorry for you.

I don't like you very much hence,
You always laugh at other people's expense.
Why do you like to tyrannize?
Being evil and telling lies,
People seem to think your charming,
But I know better sweet little darling.

You don't give a shit about anyone.

You don't have an opinion on any subject.
When something's unfair you'll never object.
You seem so bored you seem so unfazed.
But I see a spark of malice in your gaze.
You're a funny little monkey,
Round and sweet and chunky,

You don't give a shit about anyone.

Why do you hide beneath your layers?
More empty words, more hollow prayers?
Do you do it for self-protection?
Just can't stand one more rejection?
Why do you laugh so loudly?
Why do you do it proudly?

You don't give a shit about anyone.
No no no no.
You don't give a shit about anyone.
No no no no.
Nina, you don't give a shit about anyone.


 The logged in version 

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