[Pale-Suzie]'s diary

354222  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-09-17
Written: (7207 days ago)

ah, this is my newest english essay... i think i'll delete soon again, but i just have to find away to get it from my computer at school till my own computer.. and if everything fails i can do it through ET. so enjoy it while it's here... i bet you wont.

When Teasing becomes bullying:

Why do people tease and bully? I wish I knew. I don’t know, maybe they do it cause they feel insecure, that’s the reason my parents gave the first time I came home crying… and the third… and the hundred… but I don’t think the people who used to ‘bully’ me seemed the least bit insecure… more like bored. Perhaps they do it because they’re bored, and have nothing better to do. Seriously, if that’s the case, this place, and the world in general, needs to motivate its youngster… because, it can’t be fair that so many have to suffer because of pure boredom…!

In a way it’s a cycle, I think it is anyway. I know from personal experience, that it keeps on following you, no matter where you are. But that’s the thing they all say, with ‘all’ I mean teachers, parents, and other clever heads shouting out on TV about how unfair it all is… I know it’s unfair, tell me about it.

What really makes it a cycle in my eyes it that it’s a bit like the domino effect… someone from the higher layers of the class say something, to someone a bit lower, who then in return teases someone even lower, and the finally the next bullies the final one… if that made any sense. When you get bullied, I think it’s that much easier to fall in the category of someone who will bully to get revenge, or to feel better about themselves. 

What is the difference between teasing and bullying? I remember back when I was little I thought the lines were very clear. The name calling and the punch from time to time was teasing… it HAD to be teasing, why else wouldn’t anybody help me? Bullying was when you got beaten up everyday, if it was just once every second day, it wasn’t bullying. Very very naïve way of looking at it I think now, but it was my way of dealing with the lack of help.

Then I grew a bit older and the lines blurred, I met a lot of people who were worse of then me, where they had gotten beaten up everyday, but I also met people who’s life had been a piece of cake compared to the rest of us. The funny thing is that, a lot of the people that I met who’d only ever experienced being called names, and names being fat once a week, claimed they got bullied. But if that was bullying… what was it that I had went through then? Was that bullying?

It’s all about how you tackle it. There’s people like me who learned to shrug it of (don’t get me wrong, it hurt as hell, but there’s just a limit to how much you can hurt) and then there’s… well, in my eyes the weak ones. The ones who got called fat twice a week for a year, the ones who’ve time and time again told me how hard their life is, how they want to die. And then I sit back and think, wait… what did I go trough compared to them?

Okay, so they’re not necessarily weak, but in my eyes they are… why? I don’t know why. I guess it’s just when you’ve back on top, it’s hard to feel sympathy for someone you feel doesn’t have a real reason to claim they’ve been bullied. So now, years after, or actually more like, one or two years later, I’ve changed my mind. I was bullied, because if half the female population can claim they’ve been bullied, I sure can to.

Now, how do we stop bullying? Fat chance mate. There is absolutely NO chance of that ever happening. That sounds cynical but it’s the truth… it’s just not going to happen.

I don’t know HOW many times I’ve read in the papers that now was going to be the end; they would change the system, so it would be like in Sweden. How many times the politicians have talked about stopping bullying. (And that’s all it ever gets to… talking.) How many times teachers have promised to help, my parents have told me to just stand up against them… and it doesn’t work, and it never happens. NEVER.

That leads us back to the ‘they’re just insecure’ theory… ask any person who’s been bullied, they’ve heard that phrase tons and tons of time. And they’ve been told to stand up for themselves… maybe it helps some people. It didn’t help me. It didn’t help anyone I know who’s been bullied. That it all goes away if you stand up, it a myth, a legend, a nice little fantasy that bullied and parents a like, like to nurse and carry around in there little hearts, like a little torch of hope.

Extinguish the fire; it’s not going to happen.

Nope, that, stand up once and you will succeed theory… I can’t relate to it, or believe in it, not even one second. Nope, it’s a long battle it is. It’s not about defending yourself every time someone says something; it’s about taking it all with a laid back relaxed look. There’s not much fun in bullying someone who just couldn’t care less. And that’s the thing, it’s not about looking like you don’t care, it’s about really not giving a shit. Personally, they didn’t stop bullying me, before I became so cynical, cold, and unsympathetic that I really didn’t care if they bullied me or not.

And then it stopped. Imagine my surprise then. Now, I’d gotten to the point, were all I wanted to do was die really, but I was to proud to kill myself, and when people called me names I shrugged it of… bang. Right then and there… it was over. Okay, it’s a bit much saying it just stopped like that, but slowly the names went from intending to harm, till just out of pure habit.

And then I did one think I swore would never do, but I think it helped me a lot. I befriended the people who used to bully me, on my premises. I didn’t let them call me names. I made it clear I didn’t need them. If they called me names, I just stopped talking to them, and that worked. When I had, after years of trying, made it absolutely clear I didn’t need them, they didn’t need to bully me anymore. So now, I have the time, the energy, and the will, to not only make new friends of my own, bullies and bullied alike, but also help the people I feel need my help.

So I don’t believe you can stop bullying, or prevent it… but you can live through it. It takes time, way to long time, and yet… for some it just takes the glimpse of an eye… for me it took more then a glimpse of an eye and it will affect me the rest of my life. I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of that cynical way of thinking, and cold way of viewing people that I gained when I got bullied. On the other hand, it takes way more to hurt me now, and I can handle a lot of things other kids my age might not be able to…

In the end… bullying is a part of life. Deal with it. I’m not saying you have to step down or just accept it, but, it’s there. You can’t change that, I can’t change that, and the many teachers and concerned parents have only been known to make it worse, in my experience anyway. Bullies have worried parent’s as well after all… that’s, by the way, a thing not to forget, bullies are people to… People I have on occasions thought about brutally assassinating, but people just the same.

So, the conclusion? I don’t know why people bully, boredom or insecurity… I don’t care and I don’t know. I will never understand it, and I have come too far to want to know. And how to prevent and/or stop bullying? Now let’s finish it of with a nice cynical sentence to make sure it’s still the right person writing this… I was thinking about ‘bullying is a part of live, deal with it’ but I’ve already said it. So instead, I think I’ll finish of with one of my favourite quotes for any bullied person who has considered suicide.

Suicide - A permanent solution to a TEMPORARY problem...

And that wasn’t even half cynical.

Suzie Duncan - Bendix, Jupiter, 17/09/04.

353674  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-09-16
Written: (7208 days ago)
Next in thread: 354322

i've finally pulled myself together to starts making the 'poems of a year' collection.... this entire year i have sorted my poems after which month i wrote it in... january march so on... and now i'm starting to put them all together. the best from each month... and damn there's a lot of them, no matter how much i cut of, i still end up with like, 41 pages of poetry, and the year isn't over yet! i seriously have to cut down on something... but what? i like all of them, that's why they're there... someday i might post it here on ET... but i'm thinking about showing it to one of my new teachers frist, at the moment... and then perhaps i'll get it published... i dunno yet. wish me luck with it all. ^_^ i need it. :P

352497  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-09-15
Written: (7209 days ago)


It’s okay you’re alive, I’ll allow you to breath,
Just stay the fuck away from my friends and me,
There’s plenty of kids on this school, so why?
Can’t you fuck away from friends of mine?

It can’t be that hard to see they’re my friends,
We chat and laugh and joke, get it then?
I’ll accept that you talk to them but don’t ever try,
To become friends with anybody who’s a friend of mine.

Or you will… die.

I don’t want to see you; I don’t want to hear you talk,
Little bitchy bitch it’s time you walk.
I don’t want to see you; I don’t want to hear you talk,
Little bitchy bitch it’s time you walk.

So don’t stand there looking innocent, you know how I feel,
With this “oh but I’m so nice!” I just can’t deal.
Don’t you think my friends they heard me when I said I hate your guts?
If you think I’ll let you in my life, little bitch you’re nuts.

I’ll do my very best, to keep you far from me,
I no longer want to be a part of your fucking fantasy,
So go to your friends, I bet you have A LOT.
And let me appreciate the friends I’ve got!

I don’t want to see you; I don’t want to hear you talk,
Little bitchy bitch it’s time you walk.
I don’t want to see you; I don’t want to hear you talk,
Little bitchy bitch it’s time you walk.

So don’t come crying, I don’t care about tears on your face,
I really didn’t want you here in the fist place,
I don’t like you much anymore; I think you can tell,
But it’ll all be okay, if you stay away,

And if not I’ll make it HELL.

So stay away from my friends!
I’ll stay away from yours!
Keep away from my friends!
I don’t want to befriend yours!
Stay away from my friends!
There’s plenty other ppl around!
Or I WILL shot you down!

O_o Spuz Poems. 15/09/04

351825  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-09-14
Written: (7210 days ago)

Life possesses a sad kind of irony….

I sit in my room, while I think my about this world…
Scribbling on Elftown and copying and URL.
Pasting it as picture, a wiki, a political statement,
Ripping out my hair as my mood hits the basement…

Isn’t this just the saddest kind of irony?
I say, all day, tearing my own happiness away
Isn’t this just the saddest kind of irony?
I scream, cause it seems, like a waking dream…

And I ain’t never gonna wake up…

And when I think about the things I’ve done,
I don’t even bother to check if it was right or wrong,
Cause in the end some one will say you were incorrect,
Misguided, disillusioned, pathetic and without respect

Isn’t that just the saddest kind or irony?
I yell, I can’t tell, my heaven from my hell,
Isn’t that just the saddest kind irony?
I feel, I deal, with emotions unreal,

And I ain’t never gonna get up…

As I walk down a street with memories strong,
I wonder why this is right when it’s wrong?
It ain’t never gonna be a shit like so called harmony,
As I look at my friends I scream irony.

And this is the saddest kind of irony,
I know, can’t show, were these feeling make me go,
And this is the saddest kind of irony.
I shout, so loud, feel so embarrassed when I should be proud…

And I ain’t never gonna give up…

Cause this is the saddest kind of irony...

349565  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-09-12
Written: (7212 days ago)

this poem is very cruel... i mean, be warned from the start, i diss a lot of ppl in here, and i sound rather arogant... but hey, we all feel like that sometimes... don't we? *looks around hopefully* it was supposed to be a "love song", (no, not that kind of love song, just about how i look at love... which is the closest you can get to a love song coming from me...) but ended up being more about love poetry in general... i just... have a problem with some of the poetry i read sometimes... uh never mind, read it if you dare! MUAHAHAHA! look at evil me!! XD

my version of a love song

A song about love, I don’t ever think I’ve written,
It’s not that there are any emotions that I try to keep hidden,
There’s just a limit to my world of fantasy,
It would be deluded to imagine someone in loved with me.

So I won’t talk about his blue eyes, or his blond hair,
Not that I couldn’t do it, it just really don’t care,
Don’t write something that’s a lie, and simply it’s a fact,
That I’ll be single, and forever at that

It doesn’t matter how much I change, or how I look,
I’ll never get a single guy caught on my hook,
So I’ll be forever sitting, fishing on this rock at the sea,
I don’t think I envy love THAT desperately.

While my friends they write about a kiss, a sensual touch,
About how they dream of that one guy, I can’t be bothered much,
‘He kissed me in the moonlight, so pale and…’ god that’s corny,
I’ll just be here plotting my revenge, while my friends sound rather… horny.

I mean have you EVER read true teenage poetry?
I smile and say that pretty good, but it hurts my eyes just to see,
‘He is my shining knight, nobody’s ever felt such love!’
You met last month when he puked on your dress, what a hero you’ve got!

Bah, not that it isn’t good… some ppl write it well,
Some on the other hand don’t, it’s a wonder they can’t tell.
That this they call poetry (I’ll call it culture crime)
It doesn’t make it good, just because two words they rime.

“I sit in my bed, I feel alone, naked without his touch!”
Gee, being in love sounds really nice, I envy you so much!
“His made me the person I am, healed my broken soul!”
Your pet cat died when you were ten, I bet you feel SO old.

“I feel so much pain, you couldn’t understand!”
“I’ll simply have to kill himself, if he no longer was my man!”
You also said that about the last, you would kill yourself from pain
But didn’t cause cutting would give you scars, now THAT is bloody vain.

Okay I know I’m sounding really cruel, I know you really try,
I know that there are ppl out there who really wanna die,
But pretty little girl with mister perfect dude,
Please stop your pointless nonsense before I say something very very rude.

Now when I started writing this, I thought, “love poem it is!”
Instead I see more irony and mock, about ppl I like to diss…
I’ll never write the poetry, hippy teachers like to read,
But in the end, I write cause I feel, and I write with dignity.

O_o Spuz poems. 12/09/04.

ps. when i talk about ppl who write it well, i thought about adding a [QueenShell] afterwards cause i really like her poetry... so incase you read this (nobody except me actually read diaries do they? o_O) go check out her house!!

342439  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-09-04
Written: (7220 days ago)

heh, looking thru some of my older poems i found this one:

There was a time so long ago,
Where I thought life's only gift, was sorrow.
There was a time so long ago,
Where I used to fear tomorrow,
But now I know that life is best,
When you take things as they're coming.
I now know life's greatest gift,
Is to wake up feeling loved, in the morning.

There was a time so long ago,
It seems it's best forgotten,
But trees won't grow and cannot hide,
If the very core is rotten.
So instead of hiding all those things,
I'll rather try to learn from it,
Knowing that in the night I can hide,
But only in the sun I can live.

i still kinda like it, but fuck i was naive... bah, what the fuck happened to that happy bunny feeling i had at the time? i think this has to be one of the only positive poems i have ever written... hm, dunno why i keep thinking of it, guess it's because of what it USED to mean to me, and who it used to remind me of... trust me, it doesn't anylonger, or well, it still reminds me, but now i feel bitter and pissed and annoyed and revengefull instead of happy... hm, remind me not to look thru old poems...

341111  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-09-03
Written: (7221 days ago)

The golden rule of revenge: Do onto others what they tried to do onto you.

(me likies :P)

All racists who are prepared to die for their country, please do so now.

The moon may kiss the stars so high
The sun may kiss the bright blue sky
The dew may kiss the morning grass
But you my friend, can kiss my ass

Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up too...

Who discovered that you could get milk from cows, and what the HELL did he think he was doing at the time?

When you don't like your job, you don't strike. You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way. ~Homer Simpson

I just wish some one would call me "sir"... without adding "you're making a scene". ~Homer Simpson

The only real proof that there is intelligent life in outer space is that they have never tried to contact us. ~Bill Watterson

I'll keep it short and sweet: family, religion, and friendship. These are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business. ~Mr. Burns

Suicide is a way of telling God "you can't fire me... I QUIT."

"..a third had died in his bunk of natural causes - for a dagger in the heart quite naturally ends one's life.."

Truth hurts... Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with a seat missing, but it hurts.

i've found these at Funny quotes

337370  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-08-30
Written: (7225 days ago)
Next in thread: 337655

wow, first day in a long time where i haven't been seriously depressed... i can sit infront of my computer and just chat around, eventhough ET is still empty (RRR) i dont' mind to much, i can sit and draw, i can write poetry, and i don't feel like killing myself and everything around me... isn't that just nice? :P i think it is, back to normal, at least for a while, it really helped to talk to somebody who could relate, and hug and comfort me when i felt like crying. Thank you my buddie, i know you won't be reading this, but you have no idea how much that helped me... so now i feel like i can face another day, maybe another week, or a month, or a year, or maybe even a lifetime... i don't feel like crying right now, wow, weird, and... yeah, i feel good... of course that doesn't change the fact that things are still fucked up, but at least i feel like i can live with it now... so hurray for my sanity, which has returned, if only shortly, and thanks to whoever bothered to read this. bye bye...

337314  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-08-30
Written: (7225 days ago)

Mirror, mirror on the wall, 
Do you have no heart of all?
To reflect my face so very plain,
Don’t you know my pain?
Don’t you see me crying?
Mirror say your lying!
Tell me it’s not true,
That the broken one is you,
That the shadow in my smile,
Hasn’t been there for a while,
That the hand that keeps on shaking,
I simply playing, faking,
Tell me that I’m pretty,
Tell me… tell me really!
Don’t make me take you down,
Don’t show my silly frown,
When I count the fat on my body,
Don’t show my wrists so bloody,
Whatever you do, don’t show me,
Cause I like to believe I know me,
The pain in my eyes and soul,
Don’t show me looking so very cold,
Don’t show me it’s true what they say,
That I’ll never be happy anyway,
Don’t tell me cause then I have to admit,
That there is something wrong with it,
That I have turned cold and stony,
That I really am that sad and lonely,
Cause then my happiness would truly die,
For I know that mirrors, cannot lie.

333826  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-08-27
Written: (7228 days ago)

When I was little I had it all planned,
I don’t think you’ll understand,
But I wanted to be a bitch, a real tough girl,
Paying back twice the pain in my world.

Had a plan of becoming a Goth,
Fascinated by all thing black, and blood,
Played it for a time, but found it fake,
Quit honestly it was a mistake.

Still like the spiked and black t-shirt,
The haunted eyes and the sarcastic words,
But the whole ‘wanna be Goth’ idea I ditched
Didn’t change my goal to become a bitch.

Then I took a 180 turn,
To the better girl in me I returned,
Had some goals and some plans to fulfil,
But for a time all my plans stood still.

Dropped the Goth and gave the bitch slap,
(Don’t worry folks the bitch is back)
Changed my clothes and changed my hair,
The old Suzie was no longer there.

And for it time it worked quit well,
I changed a lot even I can tell.
And some of those changes will never leave,
But that happy girl is no longer me.

Another person that I admired,
An image that I still desire,
Was the sporty me and active chick
It’s a dream of which I will never get sick.

A person that rows and looks stupid on top,
But she so sweet and funny that she’ll still be loved
It’s funny to think and I like the idea,
But that isn’t me… so yeah…

Sometimes I’m a punk with my black tops,
Sometimes I’m happy (al though I’m really not)
Always I row, cause that’s what I like…
But I’m nobody when I lay naked at night…

I want to be an outsider; I have respect for them,
Or maybe be a Goth but then again,
Sporty and funny would be awesome to,
Tell me what I can be to please you?

Cause I need you to tell me who I should be,
There’s no idea left inside of me…
Who I am, well I’m still not sure
Don’t even know who I want to be anymore

332822  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-08-26
Written: (7229 days ago)
Next in thread: 332932

bah... not even elftown seems to make me in a better mood at the moment... i'm totally happy when i'm in school, and i have fun and laugh, but the second i come home, sit infront of my computer or draw or write or whatever i do... bam. depression kicks in. why the fuck do my mood swing so badly at the moment? one moment i'm happy (that would be school i guess... funny eh? It's almost so bad that i actually look forward to school.) next second i'm so angry... i have never spend so much of my time being angry before, as i have lately... i just totally flip out. most the time sandie is the poor victim of my anger, and even though it some times isn't to weird i flip, it's still bad that i do. so apologises to her. anyways, that's where my poetrymania kicks in... then i write until there's no more anger left, i sit down and i cry... i go to bed and a new days starts... normally going in here and talking to ppl would cheer me up, but is it just me or is there just no fucking body in here? *wonders* apparantly... there's nobody... and then i write stuff like this and wonder how many ppl will read it, and how many ppl who will actually give a flying fuck... i think there might be a, 2-3 ppl... question is if i want them to read this? oh well, if you did, i dunno why i'm so moody, i apologise for being so moody, and now send me some fucking messages cause i'm feeling a bit lonely. many thankies, Spuz.

331660  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-08-25
Written: (7230 days ago)

The best of friends make the best of enemies,
That’s the thing about you and me,
Never quit forgave, never quite forgot,
Lift up my sleeves and show the bruises I’ve got.

Anger puts it mark on every body,
It leaves you brushed, ashamed and bloody,
Will the mirror brake when I show my face,
Will the sun burn my skin in distaste?

Never forgave and never forgive,
That’s the way I want to live,
You knew this I told you,
I told you the truth, don’t make me hate you.

I don’t think I’ll ever see you again,
We don’t hang the same places, but then again,
You never get rid of the scars that sting,
You’ll be following my thoughts in everything.

I know it doesn’t seem like I have moved on,
But I’m not blind you’ll never be gone.
Never have I bin hurt this bad,
And yet I don’t feel the slightest bit sad.

Never forgave and never forgive,
That’s the way I want to live,
You knew this I told you,
I told you the truth, don’t make me hate you.

Oh but I guess you’re happy where ever you are?
Because it’s true you wouldn’t have gotten this far,
If you mourned every person whose life you’ve destroyed.
Do you count all the lives with which you have toyed?

Nah I didn’t think so, because you really don’t care.
Bet you’re happy now that I’m not there?
And even though it hurts you should know everyone,
I thank all fucking gods that this bitch is gone.

Never forgave and never forgive,
That’s the way I want to live,
You knew this I told you,
I told you the truth, to late I hate you.

329308  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-08-23
Written: (7232 days ago)

Little girl across the ocean, please don’t ever cry,
Live life every day, and never wonder why
Smile your pretty smile, even though you feel alone,
Know that wherever you lay you’re head, you’ll never be alone.

I’ll wipe away your tears,
Even though I’m far away,
And I’ll whisper words of comfort,
Tell you it’ll be okay,

And when the night it way to tough,
I’ll set it right with an ounce of love.
And even though I can’t be there,
Remember you can’t find me here.

Right in the middle of your heart.

Admit I haven’t been thinking about you for a while,
Just the normal kind of things that would make you smile,
We’ve been apart for way longer then what we’ve been so far,
I’m pretty sure that this distance won’t tear us apart.
But then yesterday when the clocks stroke twelve,
I was sitting in the car and thought to myself,
This haunted little voice in my head; you know the way it speaks,
Said; fuck, I can’t believe it; she’s been gone for two weeks!

I don’t envy that you got America,
Okay I envy that to,
But what I envy most of all,
Is America getting you.

And when I laid myself down to sleep, and the voice I couldn’t hear,
It’s spoke six bitter words; she’ll be gone for a year.

329284  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-08-23
Written: (7232 days ago)

As I sit here writing my poetry,
Pouring out anxiety…
Wasting my creativity,
On something nice and pointless,

I wonder why I just can’t see,
Any light in front of me,
I wonder why it couldn’t be
Something nice and pointless,

I wonder why I just can’t write,
Something sunny something nice,
Cause this is wrong and that is right,
Why I want it nice and pointless?

But in the end I have poetry,
About depression and anxiety
You can call it pure stupidity,
I call it nice and pointless.

328358  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-08-22
Written: (7233 days ago)

Can’t pretend I’m happy, can’t pretend I’m fine,
I’ve got to many things on my mind,

My mind I dripping with poison,
My head is filling with doubt,
Let it all out, let it all out,

My tears are made of acid,
My mood is a rainy cloud,
Let it all out, let it all out,

Can’t pretend I like it, can’t pretend I’m pure,
I can’t even recognise myself any more,

I’m tearing out my hair,
I fucking scream and shout,
Let it all out, let it all out,

I’m not feeling any love now,
But I can live without,
Let it all out, let it all out.

I can’t pretend I regret, I can’t pretend I’m gonna change,
Fuck all of this, I’ll be crying just the same.

Fact is that I’m dying,
I’m dying right now,
Letting it all out, letting it all out.

Deep down, deep down, deep down in depression,
Deep down, deep down, got a funny expression,
Deep down, deep down, and I won’t stay around,
Deep down, deep down, look at the mess I found?

My heart feels like it’s been stepped on,
It seems my brain is ‘gone gone’ …
My face looks like a little kid made it,
Is it a big wonder I hate it?

My body is fatter than Mac-D food,
Can’t exactly call me cute,
My boobs are big, but my stomach is to,
Little bitch I envy you.

But what looks worse then my body,
Is my heart that torn and bloody,
Is my soul that cruel and rotten,
Look at what a mess you’ve gotten!

Took a trip and found myself,
Would have liked to see anyone else,
Depressions makes you see so clear,
And I don’t like the person I see down there.

Deep down, deep down, deep down in depression,
Deep down, deep down, got a funny expression,
Deep down, deep down, and I won’t stay around,
Deep down, deep down, look at the mess I found!

327678  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-08-21
Written: (7234 days ago)

I’m not gonna say I’m sorry, I’m not gonna apologise,
It’s a fight between my conscience, my conscience and my pride.
My life is build on morals, they’re stronger then my blood,
When the world crumples around me, they’re the only things I’ve got.
You can trust me to be a fair player; I swear I’ll never lie,
Being week and cowardice, I’d much rather die.
And fuck it feels so wrong, that I try to throw them out,
Cause they tell me to forgive you, but I’m just too fucking proud.

Hey baby it’s a worthless fight,
Ain’t never gonna blow my pride,
My pride is built on ethic,
My morals are too strong,
This is so pathetic,
I know that this is wrong,
But I have no doubt,
I’m just to bloody proud.

I believe in being honest, I worship honesty,
Ignoring me and saying shit, I thought you knew me.
I was gonna take a lot of shit, but fuck when you ignored me,
I have a life without you, and you had one before me.
Perhaps it wasn’t supposed to end like this, perhaps I could have been better,
Can’t deny I feel relived, tired of the blame when we where together.
You could have told me to my face, what this was about,
But now it’s way to late, cause I’m just to fucking proud.

Hey baby it’s a worthless fight,
Ain’t never gonna blow my pride,
My pride is built on ethic,
My morals are too strong,
This is so pathetic,
I know that this is wrong,
But I have no doubt,
I’m just to bloody proud.

And you slip away from my thoughts, like a rock in the sea,
Sinking to the bottom, where you won’t be seeing me.
I don’t know if I miss you, I despise you too much to care.
Perhaps it’s a bit lonely, but it’s better then having you here.
I’ll rather bleed to death, then having you around again,
See there you saw my pride; you’ll never be my friend.
I’ll fight for what I believe in, I’m gonna set things right,
I’d love to die helping someone, but what will kill me is my pride. 

325606  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-08-19
Written: (7236 days ago)

don't ask me what went wrong, i'm not gonna tell you.
see it's way to late now...
don't put me to the test, i'm only gonna fail you,
see it's way to late now, it's getting way to late now, and i'm not gonna say a thing.

you keep on asking me,
you've done it twice today.
why aren't you friends?
and i have got my reason,
i'm not gonna share them,
accept some thing they end.

don't ask me what went wrong, i'm not gonna tell you.
see it's way to late now...
don't put me to the test, i'm only gonna fail you,
see it's way to late now, it's getting way to late now, and i'm not gonna say a thing.

stop asking me,
i've already told you,
ït's just simply over.
why won't i tell you why?
isn't that simpel,
you know her.

don't ask me what went wrong, i'm not gonna tell you.
see it's way to late now...
don't put me to the test, i'm only gonna fail you,
see it's way to late now, it's getting way to late now, and i'm not gonna say a thing.

i want to forget,
i want it closed,
i've moved passed it.
it's none of your buisness,
if i'm sad or not...
i've had it.

don't ask me what went wrong, i'm not gonna tell you.
see it's way to late now...
don't put me to the test, i'm only gonna fail you,
see it's way to late now, it's getting way to late now, and i'm not gonna say a thing.

i'm not gonna tell you.
if i'm sad,
it's pretty clear i am.
but i'm over,
your questions pull me back,
i fear i am...

above that.

don't ask me what went wrong, i'm not gonna tell you.
see it's way to late now...
don't put me to the test, i'm only gonna fail you,
see it's way to late now, it's getting way to late now, and i'm not gonna say a thing.

296108  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-22
Written: (7264 days ago)
Next in thread: 296429

I got big news today about who I really am,
Sat on the grass, cried my eyes out, said damn
I'm not very nice; apparently, I'm selfish like hell
But I guess everyone in here can tell
So be warned before you approach me
If you only care about yourself you don't wanna know me
I talk about my problems to the ppl I trust,
About the things I've gain and the things I lost,
I need attention because I've always been over looked
Then started promoting myself, and got hooked
I need to prove myself, if you want to know why
You can always ask but I won't lie,
If been hurt by ppl I thought understood
But now realize that they never could.
Understand what's it like to have to survive
With no one to trust only the will to fight,
I have a brother; we're a lot like eachother
But I'll never beat him, so why bother?
He's one of the reasons I try to prove myself,
But comparing myself to him is bragging as well
So leave me alone, don't talk to me,
You'll be better of with out me
I'm not very nice, or some it seems,
I need to boost my self-esteem.

23/07 2004

279331  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-08
Written: (7278 days ago)


Never quit sure what to do,
When I am around you,
Always afraid, to push that button,
Treat you like a prinsses wrapped up in cotton.
You act like princesses, stuck up and snobbish
With an interesting view on being loyal and honest
Your life is a theatre a one-man show
But what role you are playing we never know
Sweet and innocent and a loyal friend
Or the one who doesn't want to be hurt again
The one who doesn't speak, but says it in gestures,
Question is who can live up to your measures
I surely can't and when I try
You never stop to wonder why
I try to be there and help you thru
But all you care about is you
Try looking at my advices to what was within
All I ever tried was to be your friend
But you take it to personal, every joke, and every detail
All I could ever do in your eyes was fail.
I would help you with anything you asked,
Poetry, drawings, stories… all that my way passed.
Most of the time, you just got annoyed or something
When I asked for the favour back, most of the time I got nothing.
Bet you forgot that and I bet you would cry,
If you ever saw this… and why?
Because you think I'm lying or is it the truth?
Or does none of this make sense to you?
I wish we could go back and just talk it up,
But I won't say sorry cause YOU fucked it up
I heart that you want an apology
And yes, some one should apologize, but not me.


279304  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-08
Written: (7278 days ago)
Next in thread: 279799

It's Never Over

Don’t I look awfully depressed?
Yeah I think I do…
A bit like, what do you call it?
Heart broken?
Maybe I look like that.

Maybe, maybe I look like…
Like I’m happy… or something
Like it isn’t all bad all the time,
But it IS

Don’t you know that?
Haven’t you heard?
Once again I’m alone
I had hoped it was my last time
Last time

It wasn’t though.
It hurts to change your life,
Big time and…
All the way…
But what do you know.

I changed every single part of me
For happiness
Thought it was worth it
It was,
For a while…

I still don’t regret,
If I had kept on like that…
I would have been dead.
Thank you for being there

You, I changed on my own,
You helped…
I guess I owe you a thanks, but…
It’s not over.

Every time I think…
Wow, it IS over…
Some one reminds me…
And this time…
You did.


 The logged in version 

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