[Nevinz]'s diary

173536  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-03-21
Written: (7503 days ago)

Today was a boring day, i went to pick up an application for HEB, i was bored the rest of the day, i got asked a wierd question, but im not goin to mention it. well that was the day, night

172848  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-03-20
Written: (7503 days ago)

i had lots of fun today, even though the bestest person in the world left for OK. today and i dont get to see he until monday, maybe sunday. i had fun though, i went to her house at about 9 in the morn, the first thing i noticed is how funny she looks in the morning!! then we went to her room and she layed back down and i climbed up and layed next to her and we talked for about 30 to 45 mins. while we talked i noticed she still had my dog tag on, she had slept with it, that meant alot to me, i dont think anyone has slept with anything i ever gave them on, i always thought they put it on when i was around, but i know Shannon doesnt do that, its always on her. then she took a shower and i watched her put on makeup, she takes forever!!!, she got nervous bc i was watching, i peeked up over the bed rail to spy on her some of the time, she laughed, then we ate, i had a Fajita!!!(thx Shannons mom!!) and she had a sandwich, and we both had a glass of milk, b4 we watched bill and teds exellent adventure we went into her room and i turned on Evanescence's "hello" and danced with her, i had fun she thought it was retarded, then we went back to the movei,during that i took over her slippers and tickled her feet, she got used to it after a while, so i bit her leg, and told her it tasted like chicken!! then we watched final destinations 2, now that was gruesome, i was saying "SHIT!!" through out the movie, i layed on her too, her leg started gettin numb, and i bit her shoulder, muahahahaha *cough* then we finished the movie, after i got off her and tried tickiling her again, didnt work, then we left, and i got a ride home, i gave her a hug and my cd player. then they drove of into the day, and i miss her already :'( but i get to see her soon!!

171840  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-03-19
Written: (7505 days ago)

i didnt have any fun today, i went to Sara and Marys to see them, but Mary left with Drew about 5 mins. later, i had a chance to go but i didnt feel like walking, i stayed with Sara, who i acually went to see, Courtney and JB, but yet boredome set in from the lack of conversation, or lack of anyone caring what was goin on, i got a ride home from JB's mom, stuck here, and yea, no fun at all today!!!! im still in pain and it sucks, ummm..........i guess help is all i can say, but it wont do any good, never does, umm...yea...bye

171085  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-03-18
Written: (7506 days ago)

I love spring break!!!!!! Today i went with Shannon and Whitney and her bf and his friends to the lake, i rode in the trunk, i fell asleep some of the time, it was so lonely no one to talk to :( , but then i was free and a bright light came raining down upon me and flooded into my eyes, and it BURNT LIKE HELL!!! you try being in a trunk for 30 mins and then opening it and lookin at the sun, if fuckin hurts!!!! then we went to the waters edge and it was cold as hell, i no longer had a lovely bunch of coconuts they were peanuts :'( , then we had a sand fight then me and Shannon went to the playground was having fun then Whitney and her bf joined us, we messed around for a while then went back to the table and ate, layed down for about 20 mins, then went back to the waters edge messed around until about 4 30 and then left, i rode in the trunk again, but this time i got Shannon's PUNK ROCKER SNOOPY!!!! got out about 10 mins later then we went to Shannons house, they left and we played cards, then went to Max's, was there about 30 mins then went back to Shannons, had a staring contest, then rock paper scissors, then thumb war!!! we talked a little bit, then my dad showed up, and she walked me to the car, i gave her a hug, and my day ended there, it was a good day, i will always remember it, Thx Shannon

170148  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-03-17
Written: (7507 days ago)

okies, today i had fun again, Shannon and Candice came over, and we beat the shit out of my lil bro, and just chilled, we went from trying to push a bolder off a small cliff, which landed in roots and we couldnt get it out, one day we will, to running around in the yard, then into my room were they trashed it, but i dont have much to trash so it was easy to clean up, we had a pillow fight, then dinner, then my rents left and we were all alone, then we just got on the computer and now i have a video of Shannon punching Candice in the boob, oh and my lil bro is crushing on both of them, well its hard not to, especially when ur 10, then we messed around on the net with an old friend of miine and my brother, Candice and him got into and arguement, Candice won, my bros a dumbass, then we watched some tv and Shannons mom picked them up, Tomarrow we go to the lake!!!

169029  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-03-16
Written: (7508 days ago)

Dear diary, i hate you stinkin guts you make me vomit your the scum between my toes love Bob

Well i had alot of fun today, i got to hang out with the bestest Friends i haved, she is coolest, i r likeing her, we took pictures, killed my lil bro and sent him to tiwain, but they sent him back bc we didnt have enough stamps, damn postal service, so picky
oh she is scared of roaches, i ran my finger tips up her arm like bugs were crawling up them and she freaked!!! it was funny, then i walked her to her car and slipped, that was a good impression, and my dog poppy, got the special treatment from Shannon, oh and Shannon she took advantage of u.......i cant believe u made out with my dog and not me :'( i guess that makes her a lesbian since she is a female dog, anyways, she is cool, and i definetly need to spend more time with her

168180  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-03-15
Written: (7509 days ago)

umm.....yes a simple math problem that all should learn
Skateboard+Hill+Road/Dumbass= Serious Road Rash*Hospital Bill

If u dont understand that then i might as well tell u, i got grabed a skateboard, walked up my hill, stood on the skateboard began rolling, skateboard stops i go flying, land head first on road, tear up shoulder, back, hip, knee, there is blood on the hospital wall, they made me wait to long so i thought i would bleed on there stuff,and im still bleeding, this bandage wont stop anything, it just keeps coming, so if i dont drown in blood by tomarrow i will go do something else stupid, oh yea, im hurt someone comfort me, come to my home (plz be someone i know) or call me 755-6892 rather the first one, well now that im done being pitifull, um goodnights

166962  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-03-13
Written: (7510 days ago)
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"I cant love what i dont know?" how the hell am i supposed to get to know someone thats never around?
All i know is that i loved the time we had together, if i could try to spend more time with you, i would have, but now i know that wouldnt have made a difference, you made up your mind about me a long time ago, i wouldnt have done wat i did if i didnt care about you, but now i know i shouldnt have, i have learned more than you think about what happend that night. maybe it was for the best, you hurt me more with those few words than i could have ever hurt you, i know what i did was immature, but i was nervous and scared, sometimes i think you really never cared, through our so called "relationship" i loved you, but i always ended up gettin hurt, im not saying u never go hurt, but i dont think u did, it was a short lived relationship, all i have ever wanted is a relationship like Mary and Drews, i want someone i can hold, kiss, cherish, and love more than anything, i know when i find that person i wont be nervous around them, i can tell them anything, u were that person for about 20 minutes that friday night, after that i felt guilty, i fucked up 2 peoples lives, i should have just left everyone alone, kept it to myself, like i do everything, i expect you are critizing me by now, if only you knew the truth, but you wouldnt listen. i know theres no second chance, even after i know only a fraction of what u really thought of me, how come you never told me that? You lied to my face, and i dont like that, i never lied to you, i said i was sorry and i was, but now im not so sure, if u want we can talk but i doubt that will ever happen, have a nice day

165983  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-03-12
Written: (7511 days ago)

Well i lost the wonderful person, at least she had the guts to tell, me, i think those days of her not acknowledging me were meant to prepare me for what was coming, she left me, which im glad she did, i hate breaking up with ppl, its feels so much better when she broke up with me then i thought, at least now im free. i can be myself again, instead of being worried and nervous all the time.....I still love her, i love her even more than i did b4 now, bc of how honest she was, and the favor she acually did for me, she reminded me of what love and pain felt like, i hadnt had a relationship in a long time, bc i move around to much, but i believe my final stop is here at least until college, i thank her for what she has done and given me, i still love her and i will always be here for her, but yes i will move on.......................thank you Becca

165660  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-03-12
Written: (7512 days ago)

Today i finally learned wat i did wrong, guys talk to ur g/f about your problems, its best to talk to them then someone else. tomarrow i will try to patch the hole i created between me and Becca, i love her alot, and i need her, she is my everything. i think of her all the time, theres nothing more i cherish. i love her and respect her, she is my one and only, and if i screw up again i will fix it, i told her i was sorry for what i did and wat i will do, im glad im not goin to lose such a wonderful person

164782  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-03-11
Written: (7513 days ago)

ok ive been thinking for a while, and i think that, maybe i should keep trying, she came back toMary, maybe she will come back to me, i miss her alot. tomarrow morn im going to try and talk to her, i just need to be alone with her, but i think that will be the hard part, getting her to be alone with me. i love Becca, i want her to be happy, and i want to be happy, if wat she wants is not me, then i will leave, if it is something else i will stay if i can. all i want is a relationship like Mary and drew have, thats wat i need. right now im dying inside, ive wanted to just break down all day, i cant think of anything else but becca and wat i did wrong, and if its not me then why do i have to suffer...................however it turns out i thank you for your support, your an awesome friend no matter wat happens. take care
- :'( Topher

161094  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-03-07
Written: (7517 days ago)

I dont really keep a diary, but i feel i need to write this down.

Becca i feel like ive torn you apart, and im sorry, i love you very much. Lately ive been feeling that what i did my not have been the right thing to do. I made you stretch you heart into two directions, and made you choose, which i really didnt want to do, im sorry. Becca your the only person who can really make me truly happy, and i want you to feel the same way. I love everything about you, the way your so curious about things, and you could take the most serious thing and turn it into something funny, the way your eyes wonder when you are thinking, i love the feel of you in my arms, i love spending time with you even if we havent got to spend any outside of school yet, i love the feeling of your soft lips pressed against mine, i love how you think making out in the rain is romantic (Personally i think anything involving water is romantic), i love the way you can say or do anything spontanious, i love the way you act when your embarresed, i love protecting you when someones chasing you, most of all i just love you for you. I would tell you that everyday if you wanted me too. I care for you alot, more than you think, I just love being with you, you can ask Mary, shes always hearing about it. Just one day dont be surprised if i walk up to you and just take you away so we can be alone for a little bit. We havent had anytime alone since that friday night. Becca i love you, be good, you can talk to me about anything, im always here for you. -Christopher

161093  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-03-07
Written: (7517 days ago)
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I dont really keep a diary, but i feel i need to write this down.

Becca i feel like ive torn you apart, and im sorry, i love you very much. Lately ive been feeling that what i did my not have been the right thing to do. I made you stretch you heart into two directions, and made you choose, which i really didnt want to do, im sorry. Becca your the only person who can really make me truly happy, and i want you to feel the same way. I love everything about you, the way your so curious about things, and you could take the most serious thing and turn it into something funny, the way your eyes wonder when you are thinking, i love the feel of you in my arms, i love spending time with you even if we havent got to spend any outside of school yet, i love the feeling of your soft lips pressed against mine, i love how you think making out in the rain is romantic (Personally i think anything involving water is romantic), i love the way you can say or do anything spontanious, i love the way you act when your embarresed, i love protecting you when someones chasing you, most of all i just love you for you. I would tell you that everyday if you wanted me too. I care for you alot, more than you think, I just love being with you, you can ask Mary, shes always hearing about it. Just one day dont be surprised if i walk up to you and just take you away so we can be alone for a little bit. We havent had anytime alone since that friday night. Becca i love you, be good, you can talk to me about anything, im always here for you.

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