[Nevinz]'s diary

281881  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-07-11
Written: (7297 days ago)

Last night was the last night i would see Lisa for about a week..she went to south padre for vacation...im going to miss her alot..we had fun last night...we went to alburtsons and shopped..and i said alot of old lady's were sexy and wrinkles turn me on lol...Lisa elbowed me in the ribs..and that really hurt..but im still alive..we talked to an old guy at the register who thought we werent old enough to drink fu fu berry soda....it was good...then we went back to her house and chilled out..attacked each other..flirted..all that good stuff Angel was there too..i forgot that detail..we playes with a blue rubber ball in the store...it got stuck on the top of a shelf...hehe what fun....and then...we sat on each other....then Larry got there....he pissed Angel of so she beat the shit out of him..and he cryed like a baby.....he kicked her in the stomach....she got really really pissed....then we hung out and did some other things which i will censor out of this diary....and then went to Davids and had some spehgetti..i thought it was great..as did Angel....im not sure if Lisa did or not...when we got back...i sat lisa down in the living room and talked to her...i told her i loved her...and i meant that....we layed down in her bed together for a little bit..i love being with her and holding her...she makes me feel alot better...i truly do
love her

280624  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-09
Written: (7299 days ago)

i really dont know what to think or do right now...The fling Lisa and i had is over....she still has feelings for Dale..and i dont know what to do or how to act around her now..its like..there wasnt a limit..and now theres a big brick wall.....Yesterday i met Angel and i kicked her ass on the trampoline..and sat on her and started teasing her about her black belt....i was asking her where she bought it and stuff like that....and she has problems with ppl touching her toes...so i took advantage of that.....and yea...i did flirt with her..and Lisa obviously didnt like that...i know its too soon to be trying to go after anyone else..but i hate being emotionaly alone..Lisa was someone i could hold..now i cant do that..i feel guilty when i do anything like that with her now....and when she looks at me her eyes glaze over..and she just looks into my eyes...i dont know what to think then...bc she did that alot when we could do things...i can really tell more of what shes thinking at the moment..then anytime else...I flirted with Angel alot yesterday..and at some points i didnt mean to....some things that ticked Lisa off about it were that i carrassed Angels side...and i dont mean to do that..its just that if im still for a long period of time..i have to do something with my hands...like carrasse her side..or pet Shanel or the other dogs..i mess with my watch alot..or something..or like now..im typing..bc i dont want to stop moving them...and the way i look at them both....Lisa used to be more to me then a good friend...now thats what she is is just a good friend...i cant look at her like i used to..it just hurts.......and Angel is a good friend too..thats why i look at her like that....i dont meant to do it..and yea theres a big dif....I didnt mean to do anything like that..its just that i really really do hate being emotionaly alone...it basicly kills everything about me...my whole personality goes to shit...and i know thats one thing they like about me.....some ppl have always told me to act like an ass..thats how everyone gets there girls.....i was like fuck that..and walked off..i cant be an ass to anybody unless i really try...so...Today im going with them to a bbq...i dont know whats going to happen....im just waiting for the phone call that says they're home so i can go..

277406  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-07-06
Written: (7302 days ago)

Well at the end of last week rocked...i hung out with Lisa and she rocks!!! theres more things id like to tell her then that but she wont let me until shes ready...so yea..im waiting on her....shes great....im at her house at the moment...weve had fun today...its Her, Susie and I we tried napping in her bed..that didnt work..then i started picking on them...i had fun....im still having fun..and now im stuck with her lil bro watching him..so i g2g for now...im having a very good day

267616  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-06-28
Written: (7310 days ago)

Well im finaly glad elftown is back up...i was about to go nuts....well heres all i can remember...about 2 weeks ago i met Sarah, Emily, and Jose...there pretty awesome..better then most ppl i have met.....i found out that Sarahs birthday was on the 26th of June so we wanted to plan something for her...but through my own stupidity the whole thing fell apart and we ended up baking a really retarded cake...and i bought her flowers bc i didnt know what else to get her...i wasnt trying to earn brownie points...i just feel like she fears me for some reason....maybe i come on to strong...im not trying to..anyway then yesterday i went with Scott and Mick to Target and the mall..and had so many ppl staring at us...mostly at scott's mohawk...and im glad Mick knows so many ppl...someone who knew him was there...so we hung out with them...there names were Cali, Lisa...and some guy they had just met Scott...who asked Lisa out in spencers...Cali rocks....we say we recognize each other...but i have no idea were i recognize her from..its a puzzler....they invited me to go with them to grams central..but i forgot to ask what time and were its at...yea..im a loser....so i sat around the house last night doing nothing....that bugs the crap out of me...so yea...last couple of weeks have been good and bad..and somewhat confusing..but enjoyable..

256023  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-15
Written: (7323 days ago)

i had a great day yesterday...i went with Sarah, Emily and my sister to the movies and watched Garfield...Emily screamed and ppl busted out laughing....i thougth the scariest part was when he grabbed his butt dancing.....after the movie we hung out in the lobby and played some airhockey and fun stuff like that...i tried getting Sarah a Garfield but failed....then we went outside where it was hott as hell..and talked about church and stuff...then their ride showed up and we said our goodbyes..mean while Diana and myself were melting while waiting for my dad to show up..then i got a lecture..i have to quit my job and find one closer to home....i found one that pays 7 an hour and i work with scott so im going to see about that one...i wouldnt depend on my father for transportation..i would on scotts mom though....but its all good she likes me...and plus i will pay her gas money if need be..

241031  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-01
Written: (7337 days ago)

i had fun today..i had a kick-ass time..i saw Salem at the mall..met Heather for the second time..dont think she remembers me...Matt made an ass of himself at the mall..by yelling "I cant get it up!! it never gets hard!! its always soft!!" the funny thing was he got stopped by a security guard and some dude...they thought he was mad and yea he was talking about his hair.. i hung out with Scott..Mik and Carl..had fun..mik is jumpy and hes a talker but not a walker....Carl is kick-ass..hes awesome...him and Scott went around shooting each other in the front yard...and Scott is just Scott..
i saw Krystal and Jackie there too....
I need to find something to do tomarrow..i dont want to stay home and be bored and since i am leaving on wensday for arkansas and wont be back until the fifth i want to spend some time having fun....

239468  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-05-30
Written: (7339 days ago)
Next in thread: 240389

ok this weekend..........on thurs i hung out with a girl from mcc..then previewed the day after tomarrow....fri. i bought Janis a graduation gift and some stuff for my room then i worked.. sat. morn i went to Janis' graduation.. then to work..then i cut my finger open.it was deep but i didnt feel anything and it didnt hurt..bled alot though.....worked for another hour then went home early with the girl from mcc.. and now im here

235912  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-05-26
Written: (7342 days ago)
Next in thread: 236389

well today was an interesting day..i got my life threatened...busted 3 guys with marijuana and nearly got my ass kicked...yea it started out when my friend p (as i will call her) saw two guys pass a dime bag of marijuana and then give some to another guy. thats were me and m come in..we both knew something had happened so we operated covertly and wrote a note and had coach h take it up he never read it so when i got done with my test i wrote a note on the bottom of it saying read the note m gave you..he did then he sent m with a student failure notice to the office to talk to the police who then acted on it and arrested 1 guy and like the idiots they are let the other 2 go to threaten us...they got pissed and stormed out of the class and stuff like that. after that m left to use the bathroom and never returned..to this moment we dont know what happend to her....after the bell rang one of the idiots was out there trying to fight me..so i slammed the door in his face and its a good thing we were the only two left in the class..so we stayed until it was clear and talked to the police would didnt do jack shit..and yea we have to get escorted to and from class tomarrow

232524  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-05-24
Written: (7345 days ago)

i had a great weekend!! friday i went and spent time with Janis and we had alot of fun..we went to the mall and then i bought her dinner to partially pay back what i owe her witch i could never pay her back no matter how much i make... then we went to hastings and got some movies and messed around with the instruments..then we went back to her house and watched two of them until about 3:30 in the morning,i listened to funny noises in her stomach....and did some stupid things that made everything akward and made me feel like a fool, then she gave me a ride home. the next day we went and saw Troy..i had fun i dont know if she did...she forgot her wallet in the theatre so i ran back in from the parking lot, into the theatre,, down the hall into the movie, up the stairs and pack to the front lobby and gave it back to her..we had alot of fun. then i had to work..i stoped by to see her today and talked shortly then left...not the kind of visit i wanted but she had work to do and i can understand that.. well im tired so ill be back later

223153  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-05-15
Written: (7354 days ago)
Next in thread: 224440

ok the damage toll is one dropped hotdog!! for my first day..oh and a ruined bun...the first day was pretty easy exept for cleaning the popcorn popper i dont like that much.....it takes way to long...the fun part is the floors there all greasey and buttery you can slide to were you are going...like when i get someone water or poweraid i slide to the fridge...its fun...but theres alot of hectic work to be done...break was nice...had bush's chicken...its good..then back to work....i made 40+ dollars last night and i will do the same today and tomarrow...so im good....

222655  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-05-14
Written: (7355 days ago)

I talked to Toni today at lunch..and she acually thinks im kinda strange...she expects every guy to eventually hurt her....and the only reason she thinks im kindof strange is bc im too nice...she said shes not used to it and she will adjust to not being used.... i told her i wasnt that kind of person and i would use her or hurt her on purpose, im guessing that kindof reassured her.....shes grounded at the moment so we dont see each other much outside of school...she lives half a mile away from me and less then 1000 yards...so after school is over i will get to see her alot...this doesnt mean i have forgoten about Janis..i still think she rocks...she has helped me soo much and there is nothing i can to repay her that will equal what she has done for me.....i hope to get to know her and grow close to her..she is a good friend...well im about to go to lunch again and have to work at Galaxy after school so i wont be on until tomarrow...good day

222099  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-05-14
Written: (7355 days ago)

today i had an interview and no i have a job..i work tomarrow at 5:30 to 1 i hope i have fun...yaya...

219029  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-05-11
Written: (7358 days ago)

today i hung out with Janis, i dont think she feels so comfrotable around me anymore...i didnt get to hug her goodbye...i think it was an akward day..but the coolest thing happend..my yard was lit up by hundreds of lightning bugs around 8:30 literlally hundreds..Janis just saw the beginning of it

217550  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-05-09
Written: (7360 days ago)

I had a great night...i bought Janis a crosage...and when i saw her in her dress i nearly collapsed...she looked amazing, i had told her before that she would look more dazzaling then the stars in the night sky..i soon found out that was an understatement...I had alot of fun even though i cant dance...after prom we went to change and i had a conversation with Janis that lasted a little over an hour...when im with her i cant stop talking...i have so much fun with her...after we changed we went to IHOP with Naomi and Kyle and talked about aliens, Naomi's penis, and so many other obsene things...it was fun...but the quesadillas had to much grease and didnt make me feel good at all..i sang my latin opera in the bathroom and when i walked out i got weird looks..what fun..then the gas hit me and i didnt feel so well..Janis told me to sit straight up with my head up and burb...so i did and i felt alot better..yay!!....after they dropped us off i talked to angela for a bit...then we left and talked all the way to my house...had an akward moment of silence at my house and hugged each other goodbye...and said our confusing goodmorning/night it was all great fun...

215254  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-05-07
Written: (7362 days ago)

Today was another great day...school went as usuall i stole Marlenas glasses and i could see!!! after that when i was home she called and asked if i wanted to swim and i said sure..my dad let me drive there!!! i dont have a license or anything!!! well i left after about 30 mins and went to see Janis, we met up at Taco Bell just as soon as i was about to pull out and try to find her house...we drove to her house and left the cars..then walked to the mall...we talked all the way there..and i still have short term memory problems... :'( i forgot her favorite movie and color..i dont remember if she told me her favorite song..but im thinking she did...i feel bad for forgeting it but i will remember...we walked to TILT and played DDR and i created a massive vacume( for those who dont know what that mean its "i sucked big time!!")..and she did good....after that we walked around a bit and went to Spencers and one of her favorite stores which i now like also..its got swords and stuff!!! after that we walked back to TILT and played DDR again..and i sucked a lil less this time...after that we were walking through Sears about to leave and an old friend spotted her..while they were talking i went and filled out the employment machine thingy....then when i was done with the first part i went back and they said there goodbyes...Janis said i look nervous....do i? maybe just around her....i really dont want to screw up..after that we walked back to her house and talked on the way like usual i dont think there is a single moment when we are together that we dont talk...we got to her house and we said our goodbyes.....she gives great hugs...i had to get two..after that i spent a lil bit infront of her house trying to find the headlights..i drove of and a cop turned around right in front of me....scared the beejjjjjezzuz out of me!!! then some jerk didnt use his blinker and turned less then 10 feet in front of me..i didnt curse when i yelled at him i said "Use your blinker you idiot thats what its there for!!!" and then another guy ran the stop light right next to me...i didnt say anything that time....yay!! i got home and told my dad were i was and told him the truth and he was a little disappointed but i think a little proud at the same time...i had a great day with a great person....

214544  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-05-05
Written: (7363 days ago)

Yesterday i spent the day with someone extremely awesome...i dont see how anyone would want to leave her...i dont know the guy but he must not have been very honest...i dont see how anyone could mistreat and cheat on someone so intelligent, beautiful, kind, and there is so much more i could say about her that wouldnt even be understandable in words..because there are no words to describe her....I am greatly honored to accompany her

212169  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-05-03
Written: (7366 days ago)

Well ive had a great weekend..full of fun and surprise....well now im all alone for 3 days...and it kinda weird how you get freaked out by normal sounds in your house...so i finally let my dog back in my room for the night...bc i figured if shes in tehre with me..she wont make so much noise and freak me out...i had both my knifes out ready to use on something or someone..im glad no one decided to come over that early...hmm well i still have a Spanish report due today that i cant find anything on...its the history and uses of maracas....cant find #$%^.....stupid internet...i found plenty of ways to make them........

205131  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-04-24
Written: (7374 days ago)

its almost midnight...i just got back from the show..Garage 34, ju jitsu and someone else..i cant remember...i met Brandi and talked to her for a while..shes cool....walked around bought some camel reds and marbrouls for about a 1.50 about 6 of them..anywyas i got involved in the mosh pit and was freaked out bci had no idea what the fuck was goin on so i just split and went into the back room..i got in free bc i knew the guy at the front..and yea had fun..now im here and now im goin to bed goodnight...

204370  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-04-23
Written: (7375 days ago)

yesterday it started out shitty after school, im pretty much forgettin about Julie...i went to the mall with a friend of mine and saw Sara, Courtney, MaryEllen, April..and numerous other people i know..they made us go into all these chick stores and even through victorias secret. i dont know about you but i feel like a pervert when i see thongs laid out on a table..after that we got ice cream and drinks then went to jc pennys then got a big cookie...left the mall with her parents and went back to there place i played Halo with her dad..which wasa good thing..he likes me now...then watched soem of Texas Chainsaw Massacre until she sat on the remote and the dvd player froze up and we couldnt get it working agian..then came home..got on for a while and went to sleep...

202978  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-04-23
Written: (7376 days ago)
Next in thread: 203024

do i have a sign on my back that says "use me"?

 The logged in version 

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