[Nevinz]'s diary

298506  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-07-25
Written: (7281 days ago)

Today i got up reformated the pc and reinstalled every thing, talked to angel and lisa on the phone, then went shopping with Mandi, we came back to my house watched a movie and talked alot..played with the blowgun and cookie, then messed around on the pc while i cooked pork chops, got made fun of...she left, got on the pc, talked to lisa, angel, whiitnie, and Mandi on yahoo...angel burst out with a bunch of shit, got me irritated, Mandi seemed really calmed..and i was embarassed....i hated it...made two pics for mandi today, and now im talking to Lisa again

296675  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-23
Written: (7283 days ago)
Next in thread: 299324

mii wedding to Whiitnie

Whiitnie(10:21:50 AM): hey kristen
Whiitnie(10:21:56 AM): kristin*
Kristin (10:22:01 AM): uh hey
Whiitnie(10:22:01 AM): dont leave!!
Whiitnie(10:22:01 AM): lol
Kristin (10:22:04 AM): y
Whiitnie(10:22:08 AM): ull see!
Whiitnie(10:22:09 AM): lol
Chris (10:22:10 AM): lol ok..whose teh pastor?
Kristin (10:22:10 AM): i gotta find a brace
Kristin (10:22:15 AM): for my knee
Whiitnie(10:22:15 AM): lol
Whiitnie(10:22:16 AM): ii cant be
Yvonne (10:22:17 AM): so when is ur wedding starting?
Kristin (10:22:18 AM): i cant hear u
Kristin (10:22:21 AM): u know that
Kristin (10:22:23 AM): brb
Whiitnie(10:22:28 AM): HURRY!!
Whiitnie(10:22:34 AM): we are having a wedding here lol
Chris (10:22:45 AM): lol
Chris (10:22:55 AM): we are just waiting on someone to become pastor
Whiitnie(10:23:08 AM): holli
Whiitnie(10:23:14 AM): haha
Kristin (10:23:35 AM): high
Whiitnie(10:23:39 AM): kristin
Whiitnie(10:23:42 AM): u wanna be pastor?
Whiitnie(10:23:43 AM): lol
Kristin (10:23:49 AM): hell fuckin no
Whiitnie(10:23:52 AM): lmfao
Whiitnie(10:23:53 AM): please!
Chris (10:23:54 AM): one sec
Kristin (10:23:58 AM): who r these people?
Chris (10:24:07 AM): hi im Chris
Kristin (10:24:08 AM): Whitney??
Whiitnie(10:24:11 AM): me and chris(mii fiancee)
Whiitnie(10:24:16 AM): and his friend
Kristin (10:24:16 AM): ohh
Whiitnie(10:24:17 AM): adn you
Kristin (10:24:18 AM): ur Chris
Kristin (10:24:19 AM): lol
Chris (10:24:22 AM): father of her baby!!
Whiitnie(10:24:23 AM): yah
Whiitnie(10:24:24 AM): lmfao
Chris (10:24:24 AM): yea i am
Whiitnie(10:24:27 AM): haha*
Kristin (10:24:34 AM): whos the other person?
Whiitnie(10:24:34 AM): kristin be the pastor
Whiitnie(10:24:35 AM): please!
Yvonne (10:24:36 AM): what's the baby name?
Whiitnie(10:24:38 AM): his friend
Chris (10:24:39 AM): brat
Whiitnie(10:24:44 AM): no it aint!
Kristin (10:24:47 AM): lol
Kristin (10:24:51 AM): omg
Chris (10:24:51 AM): i thought that what it was
Kristin (10:24:51 AM): lol
Kristin (10:24:53 AM): ok
Kristin (10:25:03 AM): yall want me to be the female pastor?
Chris (10:25:07 AM): yes!!!
Whiitnie(10:25:07 AM): sure
Whiitnie(10:25:08 AM): lol
Kristin (10:25:17 AM): yes
Kristin (10:25:18 AM): ok
Kristin (10:25:24 AM): ill be the fuckin pastor
Whiitnie(10:25:28 AM): lmfao
Yvonne (10:25:29 AM): lol
Chris (10:25:29 AM): lol
Chris (10:25:35 AM): pastors dont curse!
Whiitnie(10:25:38 AM): haha*
Whiitnie(10:25:41 AM): this one does
Kristin (10:25:41 AM): but someone is gonna have to carry me to the alter
Whiitnie(10:25:41 AM): lol
Kristin (10:25:42 AM): i do
Kristin (10:25:44 AM): im special
Kristin (10:25:45 AM): lol
Whiitnie(10:25:56 AM): ::carries kristin to the alter::
Chris (10:25:57 AM): fucking pastors think they rule the earth
Whiitnie(10:25:59 AM): hapy!!
Whiitnie(10:26:04 AM): happy*
Kristin (10:26:06 AM): lol
Kristin (10:26:11 AM): my knee ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Kristin (10:26:15 AM): ok
Whiitnie(10:26:18 AM): hurry up dork!
Whiitnie(10:26:19 AM): lol
Kristin (10:26:19 AM): i dont rule
Kristin (10:26:23 AM): im just special
Whiitnie(10:26:24 AM): i got a baby on the way
Whiitnie(10:26:25 AM): lol
Whiitnie(10:26:30 AM): too much stresss!!!
Chris (10:26:33 AM): lol we only got 9 months
Whiitnie(10:26:38 AM): haha*
Whiitnie(10:26:40 AM): exactly
Kristin (10:26:41 AM): what
Kristin (10:26:45 AM): im lost
Whiitnie(10:26:52 AM): start the damn thing
Whiitnie(10:26:52 AM): lol
Yvonne (10:26:53 AM): so when is the pastor going to start
Chris (10:26:58 AM): now!!
Whiitnie(10:27:10 AM): ...?
Kristin (10:27:13 AM): oh
Kristin (10:27:14 AM): lol
Chris (10:27:17 AM): yea thats yoru que
Kristin (10:27:18 AM): dearly beloved
Whiitnie(10:27:31 AM): haha* this is fucked up!!
Kristin (10:27:35 AM): we r gathered here to day to join Chris and Whitney
Chris (10:27:37 AM):
Whiitnie(10:27:42 AM): lmfao
Kristin (10:27:42 AM): in holy matchramony
Kristin (10:27:44 AM): lol
Whiitnie(10:27:51 AM):
Yvonne (10:27:54 AM): lol
Chris (10:27:58 AM): she said matromony wrong!! this is a bad sign!!
Whiitnie(10:28:04 AM): haha*
Kristin (10:28:04 AM): Chris repet after me
Kristin (10:28:06 AM): hahaha
Whiitnie(10:28:06 AM): oo shit up
Kristin (10:28:09 AM): leave me alon
Whiitnie(10:28:10 AM): shut*********8
Whiitnie(10:28:11 AM): haha*
Chris (10:28:11 AM): shit up?
Whiitnie(10:28:15 AM): haha
Kristin (10:28:32 AM): LOL
Kristin (10:28:33 AM): OMG
Chris (10:28:37 AM): theres another bad sign!! she spelt repeat wrong!!
Kristin (10:28:38 AM): LOL
Whiitnie(10:28:39 AM): im nervious!!
Whiitnie(10:28:41 AM): can you tell
Whiitnie(10:28:42 AM): haha
Chris (10:28:50 AM):
Kristin (10:28:57 AM): SHUT UP
Whiitnie(10:28:57 AM): ...?
Whiitnie(10:28:59 AM): haha
Kristin (10:29:01 AM): LEAVE ME ALONE
Kristin (10:29:11 AM): OK
Kristin (10:29:16 AM): CHRIS
Kristin (10:29:23 AM): TELL THIS TO WHITNEY
Whiitnie(10:29:36 AM): hah*
Kristin (10:29:36 AM): HAHA
Whiitnie(10:29:38 AM): lmfao
Whiitnie(10:29:41 AM): OMG!
Chris (10:29:48 AM): Whiitnie BABY I WANNA BE UR SPURM DONARER
Kristin (10:29:52 AM): HAHA
Whiitnie(10:29:54 AM): haha
Kristin (10:29:55 AM): HAHA
Yvonne (10:29:56 AM): haha
Kristin (10:30:01 AM): WHITNEY TELL CHRIS
Kristin (10:30:08 AM): UR GONNA HAVE ALL 100 OF HIS KIDS
Chris (10:30:12 AM):
Whiitnie(10:30:27 AM): chris UR GONNA HAVE ALL 100 OF HIS KIDS
Chris (10:30:29 AM): thats alot of sex
Whiitnie(10:30:32 AM): LOL
Whiitnie(10:30:35 AM): too many chaps
Yvonne (10:30:36 AM): lol
Kristin (10:30:37 AM): LOL
Kristin (10:30:41 AM): OK
Whiitnie(10:30:43 AM): im getting scared
Whiitnie(10:30:46 AM): kik
Whiitnie(10:30:48 AM): lol*
Chris (10:30:49 AM):
Kristin (10:30:50 AM): CHIRS U MAY KISS UR BRIDE
Chris (10:30:55 AM):
Whiitnie(10:31:03 AM):
Chris (10:31:04 AM): how much are we paying this pastor?
Whiitnie(10:31:06 AM): we are married
Whiitnie(10:31:09 AM): its free!
Kristin (10:31:14 AM): 5000000 DOLLARS
Chris (10:31:16 AM): no wonder the service sucked
Whiitnie(10:31:18 AM): haha u wish
Yvonne (10:31:23 AM): WOW you two are finally married
Kristin (10:31:25 AM): hell naw my services cost
Whiitnie(10:31:28 AM): haha
Kristin (10:31:37 AM): yay im a sister in law
Kristin (10:31:38 AM): lol
Kristin (10:31:39 AM): haha
Whiitnie(10:31:41 AM): you can have half the cake we dont mess up ::wink:: and come to this party with me
Whiitnie(10:31:43 AM): haha*
Chris (10:31:50 AM): wooot...i love ya baby!!! lets have hot wild sex now!!
Whiitnie(10:31:54 AM): haha*
Whiitnie(10:31:57 AM): oo baby!!
Yvonne (10:32:02 AM): so where the party going to be at?
Kristin (10:32:04 AM): yeah
Whiitnie(10:32:05 AM): lol
Chris (10:32:08 AM): i got the saddle ready
Yvonne (10:32:13 AM): lol
Whiitnie(10:32:14 AM): lmfao
Whiitnie(10:32:15 AM): aww!
Chris (10:32:29 AM): you got the jumper cables and oil?
Whiitnie(10:32:34 AM): lol
Whiitnie(10:32:35 AM): yah
Chris (10:32:54 AM): wooot!!! now no one leave
Whiitnie(10:33:05 AM): ))))))))))))))))))))))
Whiitnie(10:33:08 AM): WAIT
Whiitnie(10:33:09 AM): YOU CAN!
Chris (10:33:25 AM): have you found out were your moving yet!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Whiitnie(10:33:46 AM): NOPE!
Kristin (10:33:49 AM): lol
Whiitnie(10:33:52 AM): as soon as this baby is born
Chris (10:33:53 AM): thats crappers!!!
Yvonne (10:34:00 AM): lol
Chris (10:34:01 AM): 9 months!!
Kristin (10:34:04 AM): yeah
Whiitnie(10:34:05 AM): lmfao
Whiitnie(10:34:06 AM): yah
Chris (10:34:13 AM): i wanna be there!!
Whiitnie(10:34:17 AM): kristen.. lemme call grandma real quick
Kristin (10:34:24 AM): lol
Kristin (10:34:25 AM): kk
Chris (10:34:32 AM): are you telling ppl you got married?
Chris (10:34:44 AM): they are going to think we are messed up?
Yvonne (10:34:49 AM): lol
Kristin (10:34:57 AM): haha
Kristin (10:35:02 AM): whats ur name?
Chris (10:35:05 AM): bob
Yvonne (10:35:05 AM): how can u say that about ur marriage sirhc
Yvonne (10:35:14 AM): lol
Kristin (10:35:15 AM): whats ur name?
Chris (10:35:18 AM): its Chris
Kristin (10:35:19 AM): i wanna know ur name
Yvonne (10:35:24 AM): who?
Whiitnie(10:35:25 AM): lol
Kristin (10:35:27 AM): u
Yvonne (10:35:32 AM): im a girl lol
Yvonne (10:35:34 AM): yvonne
Kristin (10:35:40 AM): oh
Kristin (10:35:44 AM): lol
Yvonne (10:35:48 AM): lol
Chris (10:35:52 AM): hey weres our honey moon?
Whiitnie(10:35:57 AM): lol
Whiitnie(10:35:59 AM): i dont know
Kristin (10:36:03 AM): sowwy
Kristin (10:36:10 AM): WHITNEY
Whiitnie(10:36:15 AM): what!
Whiitnie(10:36:16 AM): lol
Yvonne (10:37:15 AM): lol
Whiitnie(10:37:21 AM): he aint right!!
Kristin (10:37:23 AM): high
Whiitnie(10:37:24 AM): why did i marry him!!
Whiitnie(10:37:25 AM): ahh!!
Kristin (10:37:29 AM): i was talkin to muh mama
Kristin (10:37:35 AM): cuz u love him
Chris (10:37:35 AM): bc..you cant resist my sexymuss
Kristin (10:37:41 AM): like i love all 4 of my bfs
Kristin (10:37:44 AM): lol
Kristin (10:37:46 AM): im a whore
Whiitnie(10:37:47 AM): lmfao
Whiitnie(10:37:49 AM): oo yeah!! sexy!!
Yvonne (10:37:50 AM): lol
Chris (10:37:54 AM): lol..i only have 3 gf's
Kristin (10:38:01 AM): i have 4
Chris (10:38:01 AM): and 1 wife
Kristin (10:38:03 AM): bf's
Whiitnie(10:38:03 AM):
Kristin (10:38:08 AM): i have a lil nose
Chris (10:38:12 AM): no!!!1
Kristin (10:38:17 AM): lol
Chris (10:38:17 AM): i didnt marry them
Kristin (10:38:19 AM): hahahaa
Kristin (10:38:23 AM):
Chris (10:38:34 AM): i lvoe the way you talk!!!
Kristin (10:38:38 AM): i was a pastor
Kristin (10:38:40 AM): haha
Chris (10:38:49 AM): funnnnniest
Kristin (10:39:01 AM): life fuckin sux
Chris (10:39:08 AM): why?
Kristin (10:39:29 AM): cuz muh fuckin knee hurts
Yvonne (10:39:31 AM): is that u singing
Chris (10:39:42 AM): ummmm noooo
Chris (10:39:46 AM):
Yvonne (10:39:47 AM): sure
Chris (10:40:00 AM): yea..its horrible
Yvonne (10:40:10 AM): not really
Yvonne (10:40:11 AM): lol
Chris (10:40:18 AM): i cant believe she married a dork like me!
Yvonne (10:40:33 AM): hey she luvs u
Kristin (10:40:40 AM): yeah she does
Chris (10:40:47 AM): i told you they would think your nuts!!
Yvonne (10:40:58 AM): who?
Chris (10:41:04 AM): shes telling them about the wedding
Yvonne (10:41:08 AM): oh lol
Yvonne (10:41:14 AM): i know i can hear her
Chris (10:41:28 AM): can i wear your clothes?
Kristin (10:41:29 AM): KISS MY ASS WHITNEY
Kristin (10:41:35 AM): lol
Kristin (10:41:38 AM): haha
Chris (10:41:53 AM): hey ive seen whitneys ass..sorta..its nice and round
Kristin (10:42:03 AM): lol
Yvonne (10:42:11 AM): lol
Kristin (10:42:41 AM): thats fuckin great Chris
Chris (10:42:43 AM): no i didnt
Yvonne (10:43:07 AM): lol
Chris (10:43:17 AM): bite me you fat ugly biotch!!
Kristin (10:43:19 AM):
Kristin (10:43:33 AM): im so lonely
Chris (10:43:42 AM): i loveth you Whiitnie!
Chris (10:43:53 AM): you must be like brittany spears
Kristin (10:43:59 AM): ill be the judge at the divorce
Chris (10:44:00 AM): expet our wedding was shorter than 1 day
Kristin (10:44:19 AM): IM THE JUDGE
Chris (10:44:19 AM): ok...what if you cheat on me?
Chris (10:44:31 AM): i need to sue yvonne
Yvonne (10:44:52 AM): why? what
Chris (10:45:02 AM): ew...i kissed her and she had throw up in her mouth...thats worse them burping in it
Yvonne (10:45:10 AM): lol
Kristin (10:45:21 AM): hahaha
Chris (10:45:35 AM): want me to kill him?
Chris (10:45:40 AM): ill do it
Chris (10:45:44 AM): ok
Chris (10:45:47 AM): wait...i cant
Chris (10:45:55 AM): im going to the movies with Mandi at 2
Yvonne (10:46:03 AM): who's mandi?
Chris (10:46:14 AM): no..im not dating her
Chris (10:46:22 AM): im going on a date..but im not dating her
Chris (10:46:29 AM): ill pretend like its you
Kristin (10:46:33 AM): i wanna call somebody
Yvonne (10:46:46 AM): lol
Kristin (10:46:53 AM): im bored
Chris (10:46:54 AM): shes mad after a joyess occasion
Kristin (10:46:55 AM):
Kristin (10:46:58 AM):
Chris (10:47:03 AM): lol
Kristin (10:47:04 AM): monkey
Kristin (10:47:05 AM): lol
Chris (10:47:11 AM): im a monkey
Yvonne (10:47:14 AM): lol
Kristin (10:47:18 AM): haha
Kristin (10:47:24 AM): im the
Kristin (10:47:44 AM): lol
Chris (10:47:52 AM): so you rhorny?
Chris (10:48:02 AM): no..kristin
Kristin (10:48:03 AM): who?
Kristin (10:48:15 AM): WHAT
Kristin (10:48:20 AM): MAN IM NOT HORNY
Yvonne (10:48:24 AM): lol
Chris (10:48:24 AM): hey baby!! do you wanna make out
Kristin (10:48:29 AM): lol
Chris (10:48:36 AM): lol...thats what i love about her
Yvonne (10:48:40 AM): lol
Kristin (10:48:44 AM): lol
Chris (10:48:54 AM): lol ok
Kristin (10:48:59 AM): shit fire
Kristin (10:49:00 AM): brb
Chris (10:49:06 AM): hot wild pic sex on the dance floor!!
Chris (10:49:14 AM): pig
Chris (10:49:18 AM): if you want
Chris (10:49:34 AM): put those things on elftown
Chris (10:49:50 AM): the pictures of our hot wild pig sex
Chris (10:49:55 AM): well then put it on there
Chris (10:50:12 AM): im sure if we recorded it we could make millions on that porno
Kristin (10:50:15 AM): what
Kristin (10:50:16 AM): ok
Kristin (10:50:19 AM): well look chics
Kristin (10:50:23 AM): imma go lay down
Chris (10:50:25 AM): lol
Yvonne (10:50:27 AM): lol
Kristin (10:50:29 AM): if u wanna talk call the cell
Kristin (10:50:31 AM): love ya
Chris (10:50:32 AM): byes!!
Kristin (10:50:34 AM): later dayz
Yahoo! Messenger (10:50:42 AM): Kristin has left the conference.
Chris (10:50:52 AM): so..were do you wanna go for our honey moon?
Yvonne (10:50:59 AM): i guess i'll leave yall alone then
Yvonne (10:51:01 AM): ok
Chris (10:51:07 AM): im not cheatin on you
Yvonne (10:51:14 AM): nice meeting u
Chris (10:51:27 AM): i didnt have sexual relations iwth that woman
Yahoo! Messenger (10:51:27 AM): Yvonne has left the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger (10:52:09 AM): Whiitniehas left the conference.

292811  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-07-20
Written: (7286 days ago)
Next in thread: 292859

i had a sorta good day...exept for that fact that Angel hates my guts and would rather me bleed to death than ever forgive me....i spent the day with Lisa....even when in pain..i still have fun with her....i was attacked...it hurt...Angel broke a nail..and did something else to her hand in the process of choking and digging her nails into the back of my neck....i didnt try to stop her...i know i deserve every bit of it for what i had done to Lisa....i love her..and im sorry for what i did....but sorry will never be enough in this world we live in...someone i love hurt themselves today..i will add to their pain...by causing my own.

292417  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-07-19
Written: (7286 days ago)

Yesterday was one of the most amazingly odd days...i expected not to come home in one piece...of all the things i was thinking..i wanted Lisa to take out all her anger on me...i caused her alot of pain...and i didnt want to be teh cause and not get my own....i tried to get her to take it out on me....i put her hands around my throat..and she kissed my forehead....i put her hands on my mouth and nose so she could smother me...she carrassed my cheek...i had her hands beat me up...and she laughed....i wanted her to guage my eyes out...and she held me....i love her alot...it hurt when she first told me she hated me....and she has a reason too....i made a big mistake.....i took what i had for granted...and i dont ever want to do that again...Lisa means alot to me and i dont want to lose her...it confuses me that she would rather hold me..than killl me...for what i did...i truly do love her....

290721  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-07-18
Written: (7288 days ago)
Next in thread: 290732

Today i woke up and scott ran into me in the hallway..i guess he woke up about the same time..anyways...the furniture dudes came and gave my sis all this furniture crap she doesnt need...so..then we were trying to make plans for the day with Mandi and Bri...first it was going ot the lake...then we decided to go to her house..and watch a movie..and swim we had lots of fun..i drowned in the pool a few times....Scott and Bri's lips were attached the whole time....i dont really want to say much of what Mandi and i were doing..i may edit this diary and put it in later...all in all i had a shitload of fun...i felt a little guilty through all of it bc of what i had told Lisa..so as soon as i got home..i got online and talked to her..she seems ok about it..but id rather her try to kill me, yell at me or something....shes eeriely calm...its kinda scary...im going to her house tomarrow...i hope everythings ok..

289647  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-07-17
Written: (7289 days ago)

i had a lot of fun today...we went to hero records for a concert and it got cancelled by the fire marshal..so i had some peoples come over to my house...we had a small party...it was Mandi, Briana, Hannah, Kb, Chris, Scott, Trent, and i..we had alot of fun...we pooled our money together and went on a food run..watched jeepers creepers and some other stuff...cant really say...i dont remember much..

289089  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-16
Written: (7289 days ago)

yea...so Angel told me to write in here so i am...Scotts over at the moment..and hes talking to Angel on the phone..im washing clothes for the show tonight.....and i rode to Shannons house and back this morning..i went to sleep at dawn and woke up 4 hours later....soo...ive got nothing to do

288468  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-16
Written: (7290 days ago)

talked to Lisa from 12:30..to 3..combine that with the time before is about 6 or 7 hours...woot!!..i owe alot of money!! damn phones bills....and i need a job!! im going to appy at sonic tomarrow

288380  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-16
Written: (7290 days ago)

hmm...Today i woke up..washed the car..and then was left home alone until sunday..with virtually no food..or money!!! so..its a game of survival...i talked to Lisa for a little over 3 hours tonight...blah!! i love her! and i want her back now!...umm im talking to Angel right now..and ihave no idea what else to write so byes1

286968  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-15
Written: (7291 days ago)
Next in thread: 287718

yea so today i woke up around 12...went to scotts...hung out and talked to angel for a few hours...left with mick and scott and rode to the mall to meet angel..she could go..so we walked around...meet up with Mary..and brendon and porto-matt..and then went to brendons..watched a lil jay and silent bob....left....talked to Angel on the cell while trying not to it telephone polls..got an ice tea at bushes..road home in under 15 mins....went home...called Lisa....talked to her for a bit..accidently read Angels status message out loud..and now...i started something...it would have been better if i didnt ruin her vacation by reading that....now theres a sitiuation afoot about Dale might be cheating on her...which sucks ass...i dont want her to get hurt at all....i wish she want hundreds of miles away..or i would be with her right now....this fucking sucks...and its my fault she knows....im sorry..

285894  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-07-14
Written: (7292 days ago)

ok so..im bored nuts agian..the only person keeping me sane at the moment is Angel...shes entertaining to talk to...and yea..i still miss Lisa...i ran out of o.j. and peanuts.....i went to see Anchorman today with vincent....umm....went to scotts before that...chilled with him for a bit...and now im here...

284463  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-07-13
Written: (7293 days ago)

Im sitting here drowning myself in orange juice and peanuts....i tried calling Lisa today around ten..but shes probably out having fun in Padre...so ill try again tomarrow....i miss her like crazy..i hope shes having fun and im going to try to see her as soon as she gets back..

284061  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-07-12
Written: (7293 days ago)

going nuts..missing Lisa....going even more nuts

281881  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-07-11
Written: (7295 days ago)

Last night was the last night i would see Lisa for about a week..she went to south padre for vacation...im going to miss her alot..we had fun last night...we went to alburtsons and shopped..and i said alot of old lady's were sexy and wrinkles turn me on lol...Lisa elbowed me in the ribs..and that really hurt..but im still alive..we talked to an old guy at the register who thought we werent old enough to drink fu fu berry soda....it was good...then we went back to her house and chilled out..attacked each other..flirted..all that good stuff Angel was there too..i forgot that detail..we playes with a blue rubber ball in the store...it got stuck on the top of a shelf...hehe what fun....and then...we sat on each other....then Larry got there....he pissed Angel of so she beat the shit out of him..and he cryed like a baby.....he kicked her in the stomach....she got really really pissed....then we hung out and did some other things which i will censor out of this diary....and then went to Davids and had some spehgetti..i thought it was great..as did Angel....im not sure if Lisa did or not...when we got back...i sat lisa down in the living room and talked to her...i told her i loved her...and i meant that....we layed down in her bed together for a little bit..i love being with her and holding her...she makes me feel alot better...i truly do
love her

280624  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-09
Written: (7297 days ago)

i really dont know what to think or do right now...The fling Lisa and i had is over....she still has feelings for Dale..and i dont know what to do or how to act around her now..its like..there wasnt a limit..and now theres a big brick wall.....Yesterday i met Angel and i kicked her ass on the trampoline..and sat on her and started teasing her about her black belt....i was asking her where she bought it and stuff like that....and she has problems with ppl touching her toes...so i took advantage of that.....and yea...i did flirt with her..and Lisa obviously didnt like that...i know its too soon to be trying to go after anyone else..but i hate being emotionaly alone..Lisa was someone i could hold..now i cant do that..i feel guilty when i do anything like that with her now....and when she looks at me her eyes glaze over..and she just looks into my eyes...i dont know what to think then...bc she did that alot when we could do things...i can really tell more of what shes thinking at the moment..then anytime else...I flirted with Angel alot yesterday..and at some points i didnt mean to....some things that ticked Lisa off about it were that i carrassed Angels side...and i dont mean to do that..its just that if im still for a long period of time..i have to do something with my hands...like carrasse her side..or pet Shanel or the other dogs..i mess with my watch alot..or something..or like now..im typing..bc i dont want to stop moving them...and the way i look at them both....Lisa used to be more to me then a good friend...now thats what she is is just a good friend...i cant look at her like i used to..it just hurts.......and Angel is a good friend too..thats why i look at her like that....i dont meant to do it..and yea theres a big dif....I didnt mean to do anything like that..its just that i really really do hate being emotionaly alone...it basicly kills everything about me...my whole personality goes to shit...and i know thats one thing they like about me.....some ppl have always told me to act like an ass..thats how everyone gets there girls.....i was like fuck that..and walked off..i cant be an ass to anybody unless i really try...so...Today im going with them to a bbq...i dont know whats going to happen....im just waiting for the phone call that says they're home so i can go..

277406  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-07-06
Written: (7299 days ago)

Well at the end of last week rocked...i hung out with Lisa and she rocks!!! theres more things id like to tell her then that but she wont let me until shes ready...so yea..im waiting on her....shes great....im at her house at the moment...weve had fun today...its Her, Susie and I we tried napping in her bed..that didnt work..then i started picking on them...i had fun....im still having fun..and now im stuck with her lil bro watching him..so i g2g for now...im having a very good day

267616  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-06-28
Written: (7308 days ago)

Well im finaly glad elftown is back up...i was about to go nuts....well heres all i can remember...about 2 weeks ago i met Sarah, Emily, and Jose...there pretty awesome..better then most ppl i have met.....i found out that Sarahs birthday was on the 26th of June so we wanted to plan something for her...but through my own stupidity the whole thing fell apart and we ended up baking a really retarded cake...and i bought her flowers bc i didnt know what else to get her...i wasnt trying to earn brownie points...i just feel like she fears me for some reason....maybe i come on to strong...im not trying to..anyway then yesterday i went with Scott and Mick to Target and the mall..and had so many ppl staring at us...mostly at scott's mohawk...and im glad Mick knows so many ppl...someone who knew him was there...so we hung out with them...there names were Cali, Lisa...and some guy they had just met Scott...who asked Lisa out in spencers...Cali rocks....we say we recognize each other...but i have no idea were i recognize her from..its a puzzler....they invited me to go with them to grams central..but i forgot to ask what time and were its at...yea..im a loser....so i sat around the house last night doing nothing....that bugs the crap out of me...so yea...last couple of weeks have been good and bad..and somewhat confusing..but enjoyable..

256023  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-15
Written: (7321 days ago)

i had a great day yesterday...i went with Sarah, Emily and my sister to the movies and watched Garfield...Emily screamed and ppl busted out laughing....i thougth the scariest part was when he grabbed his butt dancing.....after the movie we hung out in the lobby and played some airhockey and fun stuff like that...i tried getting Sarah a Garfield but failed....then we went outside where it was hott as hell..and talked about church and stuff...then their ride showed up and we said our goodbyes..mean while Diana and myself were melting while waiting for my dad to show up..then i got a lecture..i have to quit my job and find one closer to home....i found one that pays 7 an hour and i work with scott so im going to see about that one...i wouldnt depend on my father for transportation..i would on scotts mom though....but its all good she likes me...and plus i will pay her gas money if need be..

241031  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-01
Written: (7335 days ago)

i had fun today..i had a kick-ass time..i saw Salem at the mall..met Heather for the second time..dont think she remembers me...Matt made an ass of himself at the mall..by yelling "I cant get it up!! it never gets hard!! its always soft!!" the funny thing was he got stopped by a security guard and some dude...they thought he was mad and yea he was talking about his hair.. i hung out with Scott..Mik and Carl..had fun..mik is jumpy and hes a talker but not a walker....Carl is kick-ass..hes awesome...him and Scott went around shooting each other in the front yard...and Scott is just Scott..
i saw Krystal and Jackie there too....
I need to find something to do tomarrow..i dont want to stay home and be bored and since i am leaving on wensday for arkansas and wont be back until the fifth i want to spend some time having fun....

239468  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-05-30
Written: (7337 days ago)
Next in thread: 240389

ok this weekend..........on thurs i hung out with a girl from mcc..then previewed the day after tomarrow....fri. i bought Janis a graduation gift and some stuff for my room then i worked.. sat. morn i went to Janis' graduation.. then to work..then i cut my finger open.it was deep but i didnt feel anything and it didnt hurt..bled alot though.....worked for another hour then went home early with the girl from mcc.. and now im here

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