[Nevinz]'s diary

377306  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-10-11
Written: (7291 days ago)

Well sitting in the library again..messing with the network configurations...im going to learn how to hack sooner or later..i sent some messages to Lisa..and we need to have a party or something this weekend....do something different....so yea..the bell rings in a few mins..and im bored..and lisa is not checking her elftown..i wish she would sign out when shes down with it..so i know im not talking to myself..anyways..talked to matt today about weird shit..i think..i really cant remember..stole a burger for him..or acually carried it in my pocket..i completely forgot about it until he asked for it..anyways....still bored..i have about 3 mins to the bell..and have nothing better to doe thatn to type in this damn thing.....still trying to get past all the blocks which will not work.......bell

377305  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-10-11
Written: (7291 days ago)

Well sitting in the library again..messing with the network configurations...im going to learn how to hack sooner or later..i sent some messages to Lisa..and we need to have a party or something this weekend....do something different....so yea..the bell rings in a few mins..and im bored..and lisa is not checking her elftown..i wish she would sign out when shes down with it..so i know im not talking to myself..anyways..talked to matt today about weird shit..i think..i really cant remember..stole a burger for him..or acually carried it in my pocket..i completely forgot about it until he asked for it..anyways....still bored..i have about 3 mins to the bell..and have nothing better to doe thatn to type in this damn thing.....still trying to get past all the blocks which will not work.......bell

377304  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-10-11
Written: (7291 days ago)

Well sitting in the library again..messing with the network configurations...im going to learn how to hack sooner or later..i sent some messages to Lisa..and we need to have a party or something this weekend....do something different....so yea..the bell rings in a few mins..and im bored..and lisa is not checking her elftown..i wish she would sign out when shes down with it..so i know im not talking to myself..anyways..talked to matt today about weird shit..i think..i really cant remember..stole a burger for him..or acually carried it in my pocket..i completely forgot about it until he asked for it..anyways....still bored..i have about 3 mins to the bell..and have nothing better to doe thatn to type in this damn thing.....still trying to get past all the blocks which will not work.......bell

377303  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-10-11
Written: (7291 days ago)

Well sitting in the library again..messing with the network configurations...im going to learn how to hack sooner or later..i sent some messages to Lisa..and we need to have a party or something this weekend....do something different....so yea..the bell rings in a few mins..and im bored..and lisa is not checking her elftown..i wish she would sign out when shes down with it..so i know im not talking to myself..anyways..talked to matt today about weird shit..i think..i really cant remember..stole a burger for him..or acually carried it in my pocket..i completely forgot about it until he asked for it..anyways....still bored..i have about 3 mins to the bell..and have nothing better to doe thatn to type in this damn thing.....still trying to get past all the blocks which will not work.......bell

377134  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-10-11
Written: (7291 days ago)

i love lisa..shes my BESTEST friend she does alot for me...and doesnt know half of it..she makes me happy, sad, rude, pissed, white trash..its so much fun..bell is ringing..bye

376906  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-10-11
Written: (7291 days ago)
Next in thread: 377091

yes well i didnt get anysleep last night..i fell asleep around 1 and woke up at 2 bc my fucking stepmother was balling over some stupid shit...something about her losing to babys and it hurting inside...say she wasnts kids...i almost felt sorry for her bc of that..but it pissed me off bc she wouldnt shut the fuck up..she repeated the same thing over and over and screamed and whined and bitched about it.....then she said she wanted to gorgous kids like diana and i...she said we were perfect...were she got that idea..i dotn knwo..then she said theres nothing wrong with us..but my dad always tries to tear us down..thats true..but then she said something about my mother which realy FUCKING pisses me off...she said she was some "ugly ass german chick from hell that you'd have to put a paper bag over her head to fuck"..and he said all my dads ex's were ugly....i wanted to say " hey you fucking bitch..notice a pattern? means your fucking ugly too!! go look past your outdated bigass red hair..and you pounds of makeup you wrinkly baggy ass peace of shit!!!' my dad was getting annoyed with her and told her to shut the fuck up already....he finally got to her shut up around 3:30 and i got some sleep....thank god...

376478  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-10
Written: (7292 days ago)
Next in thread: 376480

i think im single again?

376335  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-10
Written: (7292 days ago)

WOOOOT!!!! ITS ONLY 3 AND IVE ALREADY HAD A SHITLOAD OF FUN!! ok..well...i woke up early this morning, and sat up like i always do...(that kinda sounds like a song?) and got ready for church...Liz picked me up and i fixed her sliding glass door..then we, lisa, liz and i, went to church...it was boring...but i go for lisa and angel bc i love seeing them...and then...angel and i missed our date in the confessional..that sucked...and umm...well after church we went to a meeting..and the guy that was making the speach thing seemed a lil feminine to me and had a lisp...well im going to try and go with Angel and the youth to six flags on teh 24th....then umm...yea we were in teh car..and lisa started to doing her gay sex slave impression..it was funny as hell..according to her..she shouldnt have put all those small fuzzy animals in her ass...lol...we ate at the grand buffet..something like that....and had alot of chinese food....it was yum..until the squid came out...then it was deliscous...i hate around 12 squid..angel ate 1 and lisa got to gagging..lol...about 4 times.....awe..the fun i had...Angels parents are cool!! her lil bro is awesome...so well behaved..lol....he handed us all pennies for the fountain....and Angel had to dance for her money to go to the fair...it was funny..Lisa danced with her......and now im home..typing this

376333  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-10
Written: (7292 days ago)

WOOOOT!!!! ITS ONLY 3 AND IVE ALREADY HAD A SHITLOAD OF FUN!! ok..well...i woke up early this morning, and sat up like i always do...(that kinda sounds like a song?) and got ready for church...Liz picked me up and i fixed her sliding glass door..then we, lisa, liz and i, went to church...it was boring...but i go for lisa and angel bc i love seeing them...and then...angel and i missed our date in the confessional..that sucked...and umm...well after church we went to a meeting..and the guy that was making the speach thing seemed a lil feminine to me and had a lisp...well im going to try and go with Angel and the youth to six flags on teh 24th....then umm...yea we were in teh car..and lisa started to doing her gay sex slave impression..it was funny as hell..according to her..she shouldnt have put all those small fuzzy animals in her ass...lol...we ate at the grand buffet..something like that....and had alot of chinese food....it was yum..until the squid came out...then it was deliscous...i hate around 12 squid..angel ate 1 and lisa got to gagging..lol...about 4 times.....awe..the fun i had...Angels parents are cool!! her lil bro is awesome...so well behaved..lol....he handed us all pennies for the fountain.....and now im home..typing this

375846  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-10
Written: (7292 days ago)

well i had another awesome day hanging out with Lisa...i think i might have caused a few problems though..i didnt want to..i would have gladly gone home if need be....but yea..we went to the fair..and i got lisa to go on "freak out" which was fun..then she drug me to every other ride taht happended to spin..and i got dizzy, whoozy, and a lil sick...the gravitron took my brain and did with it...what meat does when it hits glass and slides down...she took me on that twice..the first time was willing bc i didnt think anything wrong..the second time was horrible...im still really dizzy from it...i can feel it.....i look down at my key board and my hands seem to be moving from side to side....i guess i jsut need to keep moving or something..like after that we went back to her casa and chilled until Alyssa got there and we went to the mall...shopped around and stuff..played spider man...the zombie game with lisa..and time crisis 3 with Alyssa..shes cool...like lisa says i say...shes cute...nice..and funny....to me..shes the hot girl on the refrigerator....anyways....then we chilled out in special FX for a while talking about sims 2 and the wild sex you can have in the game and other things of that sort....while reading a big ass book about it.....then we got free samples at dip and dots..and the lady got a free cell phone ..about the time we got close to lisa's...we realized there was no cell phone...so we tried finding it..remembering where we went and stuff..then i spit out..."dip and dots!!" and guess who called!! DIP AND DOTS!!...woot..im a freakin genius...but i was late..then we went back..i got a work out bc i ran to and from dip and dots..well back until i found alyssa...then we left..and got chinese food!!! it was great..we talked about all sorts of stuff..but then lisa got some soup that smelled and tasted like cow shit....gross as hell...im thinking the chef took a dump in it..but idont wnat to ..bc i tasted it..along with the rest of us..ewww....then they dropped me off after the waitress talked our ears off...and the whole tiem..she never made eye contact......ok well then we left...on the trip to mi casa...we all sang the "tar pangled banner" (star spangled banner with no s's), and lisa and alyssa sang moulin rouge songs..and told me not to sing..it was mean..and horrible sounding...but i sang anyways....then i made wolf noises,,and evil laughs and wind..and all that kinda stuff....to freak her out..after she said she was going to suck my blood dry....so ya....i had a shit loads of fun!!...and i still am...i dont feel like ive gotten off the ride yet..bc im still spinning...and it sucks..i want off...im dizy...still.....im dringing rootbeer and eating cheesecake at 1:40 in the morn..woot me!!!...oh and talking to Lisa...


Music- electronics humming
thought- sims having sex?? hmmm
what goes here again?

372169  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-10-05
Written: (7297 days ago)
Next in thread: 372347

hmmm....got some feed back from ppl...should i talk to her about it first or dump her right after i get my shit?

370794  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-10-04
Written: (7298 days ago)

  ‹( •¿• )› ‹^› FuCK
   _\ ° / __//  YoU!
  //(  .  )
 °°°/ I  \

hmm..i found out some interesting things today..when i logged on e.t......my sisters a super slut...but anyways i had fun today with Lisa...as expected Shauna didnt call again today....if she doesnt call by tuesday im dumping her ass...umm..i need to get my hat and ps2 from them first...lets see....i went to church with Lisa this morning..wee fun....it was weird...Saw Angel...we were "misbehaving" during mass...then it was over....went back to lisa's casa...got on the pc..took a nap..woke up..got ready..went to the stupid sucky ass choir concert...left after i got done singing..went to teh mall..ate at wendy's....stayed there for a while...left...went back to her casa..back on teh pc..and talked to matt....now im home..and bored again

369194  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-10-02
Written: (7300 days ago)
Next in thread: 369196, 369422

Well another boring ass day..No i didnt get to see Shauna..i didnt even get to talk to her....she could call lisa back..but wasnt able to call her boyfriend back...there was a big lack of communication this week....i talked to her for about what??? 10 mins total the whole week..didnt see her once....going mildly insane..no big though....hoping to transfer asap....no job..no money...not much of a life....this so sucks monkey nuts

368446  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-10-01
Written: (7301 days ago)

lets see...i got grounded from my pc until monday..woopie...big deal..and umm....i talked to Shauna last night..im going to try to see her today or tomarrow..i havent talked to lisa, angel or carl in a while...blah blah..umm...someone broke into the green car last night while i was home..the dogs were going nuts..they had been since my rents left so i didnt think anything was wrong...i looked out side and saw no one...then my rents came home and the dome ligh tin the car was on..and naturaly my dad being the ass he is blamed me for everythign when i had no idea it was happening..i think it was bullshit..then he kept telling me to go to bed..so i would, then he would call me back out 5 mins later...how the hell am i supposed to go to bed if he wont let me..its bullshit..so i didnt go to bed until about 3 this morning..i had to stay on constant watch bc the ppl who broke into the car were still around..i could hear them walking around..my windows are the thinist so i can hear everything.,.the single crunch of a leaf..would wake me up..i can tell the difference between a dog or small animal in the leaves and a full grown human....the cops were snooping around too after we called them..i almost shot one with my blowgun..i didnt know it was him..lol..he didnt see me though..then my sister was all freaked out bc she found out the guy two houses up was a sex offender..woopie fucking doo....doesnt bother me any...yea..so im sitting in ms whittmers class during lunch..im bored..i have no money..but i have two oranges to eat..and im sure my teacher will give me crackers...so..yea..thats about my day for a while..umm..no reicher game today...so i might be able to see Shauna..theres one next week, but its home so i can still go....lalalalal i think im on a sugar rush bc im typing pretty damn fast...i dotn know why...why is it so hard for most ppl to learn how to type..i learned when i was six....its easy as hell..its like..ummm.....typing..i guess...its easier to me to type then writing..typing is a hell of a lot faster......schools need laptops...not binders..hand me a laptop and you will get all your works twice as fast as if i was writing..except for math..i excel in math..its easy as hell...10 mins and im done....then i have nothing to do...so i come in here..but im done typing now and i would like to go on and eat my oranges..and im sure i have messages so peace

364191  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-09-27
Written: (7305 days ago)
363697  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-09-26
Written: (7305 days ago)

I have nothing better nor anyone better to talk to ....i sit here alone listening to the beat of music created by the band linkin park...i have no better ideas of what to type or what to see....im bored as hell and yet..im still hungry...i have school tomarrow and the labour of cleaning the house before my parents get home....then another yet unchanged day of school..the only unordinary fact of that day is taht i have to go in for oriantation for the new job i have recieved....for some reason the girl i am dating doesnt like the fact that i am employed at such and establishment..even though i repeat the statement that the only reason i labour for such a place is for the income it provides....the day that is now had its akward moments....as in teh moment on the couch where there was not contact, no dialoge of any sort.....the feeling i had done something unjust to cause such an unabundance of human interaction...i have yet figured out why i am encripting text in such a way, i believe it makes me fell less...bored as hell...i have an assumtion that i am being a little at a time distanced from friends..should it be my fault? my guilt? i have the disire for revenge on one i had not much trust in but yet..went behind the promises............i have planned on products to purchase with the currency i recieve from the labour that will be occuring soon....one a notebook laptop....wirless internet router...then others on the one ive entrusted my heart to...like many others it has yet been used against me.....its been about a weeks time since i asked her to be mine..little has changed..but soon i wont be capable of seeing her when i need...it may be for the better..some distance may further the realtionship...i must depart now.and find other activites to occupy my wastefull time

362337  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-09-25
Written: (7307 days ago)
Next in thread: 362808

umm i was bored most of yesterday...after school i went over to Shauna's even though she wasnt there...i set up my playstation for trevor and showed him how to work it
came home..was bored....went to sleep...Shauna called around 1:30 am...and i was more asleep then awake....and i didnt know who i was talking to until about half way through the convo....at first i thought it was god...for some reason....and i remember something about camo boxers.......and then telling her i needed to talk to her.a.nd her telling me i needed to go back to sleep...so i cant wait until she comes back... i know what i need to talk to her about...hopefully this time i will be awak

361181  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-09-24
Written: (7308 days ago)

Last night i went to Shauna's..i had alot of fun....we helped Trever with his homework....and i assisted Shauna in making the football name tags....i never knew how much work went into those...the looked awesome..no matter what she says about them.....then we watched a lil of 50 first dates..then blue collar comedy tv....ate pizza....and another good thingy......then Shauna..had her shower....she smelled, looked, and tastes SEXY!!...lol...i had fun...then i got a ride home around 11:30pm......this morning i woke up at 6 to get ready for Mcdonalds with Shauna and the little dude..lol...umm.....She told me i make her feel inferior and stupid...but i really dont mean to...i honestly dont....i have alot of fun with her and i dont want to lose her over my own stupidity..im going to watch what i say now..and talk to Shauna about it...if she feels that way i really do need to talk to her......well about Mcdonalds....we got in..ate....i got hired..^_^ im happy! i finally have a job..i can get money..and i can do things....like afford to go on a date with Shauna...among other things...im still in debt for shooting my air conditioning unit with a crossbow....that was around a $400 repair...i have about $20 left to pay...maybe my dad forgot...but i think i will still pay when i can..i start next week..and my starting pay is about $5.50 but when i turn in my health form stuff...i get a 25c raise....thats 25 cents more than i made at starplex..and i dont have to pay ppl for rides....its right down the street..i can take the bike...lock it up on the fence..and ride it home around midnight...it will take me 5 mins both ways..so yea...im glad.....im going to miss Shauna today..i know its a quick change of subject and its sappy and all that but i will....i couldnt find a way to get to the game...so im going over to her house..even though shes not there and trever and i are going to play the playstation...im going to teach him how to play most of the games....its fun...i need another controler though.....im going to try and borrow one from scott..i dont think he ever plays his ps2 besides ddr...and i plan on trying to borrow that.....i dont know how late im going to be at Shaunas....maybe until she comes home...around 2 am..lol...i dunno..it all depends...she goes to a gunshow tomarrow in Dallas and comes home around 4ish...which means...6 or 7....i dont know what else to write...im probably going to get in trouble for something ..but i dont care....im going now..peace nigga!!

359035  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-09-22
Written: (7310 days ago)

Yesterday i went to the dentist and then went home...they told me i needed to stop with the altoids...like im going to......anyways....i called Shauna when i got home..no awnser....i tried again ever hour or so..and she was at her bros game...so she didnt call until about 7:30..i talked to Lisa and Carl until then.....my parents are going out of town and im thinking of having a get together or something on saturday..like a movie night or something.....im trying to go with the Reicher band to fort worth for the game friday...ive got nothing else to do..and why not support them and my girlfriend all at the same time.....well..anyways...i went to her house...to help her and Trever decorate the house for Mona's b-day..i left my gift and blew up alot of ballons..and hung streamers.....then Shauna and i did a bit of her homework....well she did some of it..then i was just messing around with her alegebra....we spent an awesome 45 mins on the couch..then i had to go home..we spent about 10 mins on the porch...i didnt want to leave....it was around 10 so i had to..i ran home got there in 13 mins and 34 sec...my dad said he doesnt care if i come home when its dark bc she only lives down the road......then i called her to let her know i was alive..bc she told me to...im expecting her call today around 5:30ish....and im wanting to know what Mona's responce is.....yea...Trever rocks..Massie is cool..but annoying...the dog never stops licking or biting....so..im in my lunch..i need food..so i will depart ...gooday....you have just read....a clip from the moments that make life great, by Christopher Nevins.......yea..i know..stupid..corny...cheesy..im bored...leave me alone....go fuck a tree...or a dead body.....goodbye

357601  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-09-21
Written: (7311 days ago)
Next in thread: 357605

hmmmmmm...lets see.....today i fell asleep at 1:30 am...after laying in bed around 10 and not being able to sleep......i woke up at 5...worked on my essay...then i took a shower...went to school...all that good stuff.....came home..eager to see Shaunna...mowed the lawn..then called her....she wasnt home...waited 30 mins..tried again..no luck..waited an hour...called again..she was there that time...turns out she got home right after i called the last time..around 5:30....i was talking to lisa, kb and Jackie until then..and i had just got done talking to bri.....Shauna called and i rode to her house... i found a shortcut...i think ill use it now...got to her house and we talked while she was doing homework....i went outside to find a flower to give her when i asked her to be my girlfriend..but i had no such luck, i was looking for one in the neighbors yard and then the dog, Massie, comes out and we chase her for a good 10 mins....we went inside tired...we saw court, and mick, and 2 other guys...they asked if Shauna and i were dating...at that time..we werent....after we got inside..i stole a peice of paper and since i wasnt able to find a flower i drew one..it was orange, purple, blue, and green...i wrote "Be Mine?" at the top of the paper and gave it to Shaunna....she said of course..gave me a hug and a kiss...then we watched some tv...talked to Trever, scared her mom, by my deep voice....yea..scare ppl 4 hours from there 43rd birthday while they are sleeping on teh couch is fun...then we danced...after playing thumb war for a while.....her bro asked her if she had a bf and i raised my hand..he said he thought we were friends..and i said " yea..about 20 mins ago"...and then i had to go..i got a kiss goodbye..she has my dogtags....i had a kick ass time..i must see her tomarrow it was only an hour and a half but i still had fun....went home..ate ice cream...called her...no one home..so yea...thats my day up to now

 The logged in version 

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