[Q_Q]'s diary

1131577  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-03-11
Written: (4942 days ago)

hello how are u doing these days

1129788  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-02-03
Written: (4978 days ago)

Viktoria Border why do i miss u so vary much what am i going to do my heart still hurts because of u go do i miss u

957126  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-07-11
Written: (6281 days ago)
Next in thread:

look all i am doing is looking out for people well no fucking more i am not going to be fucking nice fuck this shit i am tierd strested out because i worry about u a lot u know who u are i have know u for sume time and this shit in the past is in the past u know sume day i go to work i hope i have an outeg and it fucking kills me why because i dont think the popel that i care about the most wold even go to my fenureal and then i wll not be a fucking burdeon on this shit hole u want to know how i fell ask ok

950779  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-22
Written: (6300 days ago)

You're a practical one, Bull, which provides just the supportive foundation a dreamy Pisces needs. Your watery Pisces thrives in a private world - a world of fantasy and imagination. Your lover is sensitive and compassionate. Sometimes, two signs who see the world so differently can't make it work. In this case, your down-to-earth sensibility and your fish's attitude toward love blend surprisingly well. Your ruling planet is Venus and Pisces' is Neptune. These two planets play well together - both in the physical realm and the land of fairy tales

If there's one thing a Bull hates, it's having your senses rattled by uncertainty. You like to know where you stand. You need to know. Unfortunately, the eccentric ways and strange ideas of an Aquarius won't give you the security you crave. On the bright side, it's possible for you to be a soothing, grounding influence on airy Aquarius. Since you're both fixed signs, you're both set in your ways. This can cause a problem when you argue -- your stubbornness is no match for Aquarian's know-it-all attitude. See, your partner actually does know everything.

Capricorn and Taurus are both Earth signs, which means you have a lot in common and get along with each other quickly and easily. You're both hard-working, stable and patient. There are a few important things you don't have in common, though. Goats can be control freaks, preferring to always have the upper hand when it comes to relationships. You're likely to go along with as long as you get your way when it comes to important matters of the heart - and you usually will. You admire your Capricorn and will always be loyal, which means the world to a Goat.

A relationship between a Taurus and a Sagittarius isn't easy, that's for sure. You move slower than goal-oriented Sagittarius. In some cases, your no-nonsense personality can inject your Sagittarian lover with much-needed stability, practicality and focus. In many others, though, you end up looking like a big old party per who is dragging down your more adventurous partner. When you two hook up, the restless archer will either settle down for good, or get bored and point that arrow in the direction of bigger dreams and greener pastures instead.

Scorpio and Taurus are both fixed signs, which means you both have a stubborn streak. You both sulk when you don't get your own way, too - the difference is that you're more likely to let the other person know what they did wrong than your Scorpio, who will remain quiet and moody. You aren't one to hold a grudge - you air your complaints and move on -- but your partner is. When you're faced with a Scorpio's silent treatment, you may try to push your way in. This may work on other signs, but it will be hard - if not impossible - to break down that wall

Taurus and Libra are both associated with Venus, which means you both seek out love, beauty and good communication. You're an Earth sign, though, making you far more sensual than your Libra lover. You need to feel things in order for them to mean anything to you. A Libra, on the other hand, is more intrigued by the idea of love than the feeling itself. This could create problems when it comes to physical love - you want to be showered with affection while Libra would rather read, paint of talk about showering you with affection than actually do it.

Taurus and Gemini have a lot in common. You both love
Cancer knows the way to your Taurus heart - through

Taurus and Virgo are both Earth signs, but they couldn't be more different. Your Virgo is ruled by the mental planet of Mercury, which means an obsession with details and perfection. This is a person who edits life with a fine-toothed comb. Your planet, Venus, is the love planet. That doesn't mean you're a hopeless romantic, though - it means you understand the realities of love. When you hook up with a Virgo, it's the perfect blend of head and heart - you make a great team. Not to mention the fact that you'll have a whole lot of fun, together, too.

Taurus and Leo both have a childish streak, which could make it nearly impossible for you to resolve issues. You'll have to work together to rise above petty fears and emotions - something that won't be easy for either one of you. The Lion can be self-centered, always needing your love and adoration, which can be frustrating for you. You need love too, after all, and you deserve it. If you and your Leo can learn to take turns, you can focus on the positive things you have in common - passion and a romantic streak. Much more fun than arguing, isn't it?

your stomach. This Crab will woo you with domesticity, and you'll be more than happy to be on the receiving end. You both strive for luxury and comfort in your surroundings, and together, you could create a living space that would be the envy of your friends and neighbors. Cancer needs security first and foremost, and luckily, that's your middle name. When you meet, you'll trust each other almost immediately. If you hit it off early in the relationship, it's a good sign you're headed for forever.

the arts, and can spend endless amounts of time talking about and enjoying them together. You prefer art forms that encompass more than one of the senses, like massage or music. Your Gemini, on the other hand, is enchanted by words - poetry, riddles and light-hearted banter. You both appreciate the beauty of your surrounding, too, and have an intense love of nature. Gemini's flighty behavior might be a challenge for someone as grounded as you, but it could also be just the excitement you need.

If there's one thing you love, Taurus, it's having a routine. It brings you security and comfort. And if there's one thing an Aries hates, it's being bored. To a Ram, routine = boredom. So does security and comfort, for that matter. Likewise, you'll have a hard time accepting your partner's halfhearted commitments and inability to finish anything they start. Is it doomed? Maybe, but maybe not. If you can accept your Aries' enthusiasm - however impractical - instead of trying to talk them out of their latest hair-brained scheme, it might just work.

If there's one thing you love, Taurus, it's having a routine. It brings you security and comfort. And if there's one thing an Aries hates, it's being bored. To a Ram, routine = boredom. So does security and comfort, for that matter. Likewise, you'll have a hard time accepting your partner's halfhearted commitments and inability to finish anything they start. Is it doomed? Maybe, but maybe not. If you can accept your Aries' enthusiasm - however impractical - instead of trying to talk them out of their latest hair-brained scheme, it might just work.

950771  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-22
Written: (6300 days ago)

looked in to it dont know why

Taurus and Virgo are both Earth signs, but they couldn't be more different. Your Virgo is ruled by the mental planet of Mercury, which means an obsession with details and perfection. This is a person who edits life with a fine-toothed comb. Your planet, Venus, is the love planet. That doesn't mean you're a hopeless romantic, though - it means you understand the realities of love. When you hook up with a Virgo, it's the perfect blend of head and heart - you make a great team. Not to mention the fact that you'll have a whole lot of fun, together, too

865368  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-10-19
Written: (6546 days ago)
Next in thread: 865516, 865941, 866167, 868178, 868746, 886654

every one i like like girls sem not to like me what the hell have i done am i am freek ?? i think so

858588  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-10-01
Written: (6564 days ago)

Hole shit waht was i thinking why did i let her go why did i fuck up?

Most days i fell like i cant go on with out some one but mostly her but what ever i dont know what to do any more o well life gose on and ill have to finsh this later

857579  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-09-28
Written: (6567 days ago)
Next in thread: 857581

my life i am so lost on women i dont know any more what to do with them some of them i am faling for when all i want to do is be firends why is my heart doing this to me i dont know whats worng with me and then theres my x and she thinks we are still the way we where wne i left but we are not i need to get a way for this place i need to run fast and far why i dont know but i need want fell i need some one to hole me close kiss me deeply and love me for me why i just dont know but most of me hates all womne for this shit viki put me through and it hurts not know whats next for me i am sorry i know i normly dont like bitching but yeah her i am o well if u see the let me know if not i dont carte ok

705186  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-11-26
Written: (6873 days ago)

wow thats fun in an odd way

well nothing realy to be happpy about life is the same darg as eveery feel like i am being used for sex bye this girl and being used for my muny but i no way to find out if she is and i think her dad hates me i dont know why but just the looks i get from him are not the nicest but o the a good not i am practing my relgon more doing a lot more studing i am moveing in two weeks to go to school to luren to be a welder or something like that i still love your art just leting u know that it is i cant think of a word to say but i like it a lot some times i wish i did not live in the us people her are not as open as thay are in the eu and i feel like the eu is mre home to me then any outher place o well thats al i want to type sorrry its so long

702882  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-11-22
Written: (6877 days ago)
Next in thread: 702912

i get used al the time now all i ask for is a girl that love or likes me for me i have been used 4 times in the last mounth and it is pissing me off i cant tack this munch more why cant i get respct liek i desurve i treat girls like thay need to be treated like they meen the world to me and when i am dating u u do meen tohe world to me but now a days trust is a buing thing for me i ask the to be open with me and not to lie and what have thay alll done is lie to me time and time agane i am sick of it thay say i am sweet kind and nice guy that i am cute and good in bed no the bst thay have ever had and the i still get uused wtf grr can any of u hlp me figer out why i get used all the time ??? talk to me tell me its going to be ok or something thats all for nowe

645406  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-08-13
Written: (6978 days ago)

a day in my life a life of hell and hurt

just people at work are being bitchs and i was so close to nocking a lot of people out to day it start when i got to work the guy the closed last night did a shit job,no water for the cutrt guys hot a hotday like to day u need cold water but there was not so ilost 1 1./2 cleeing up and geting water / then we opend and a shit storm of people came in then i had to run around in the het sweeting like crazzy helping ever fuck ass in new egleand
and all most geting run over so many times it was not funy so then i got more pissed then i whent to lunch came back had to to come work (more traning for shit i dont need to know to do my job ) so when i was doing that i was out for an houre some guy had to lod all this shit i missed he got made because i was doing my fing job and doing what i was told to do and the guy that hade the rado never listens to it so i got bitched out bye my boss for takeuing to long on the com (the programwell notlet u go faster it was half an houre program o and one cart guy was three houres late so there where no carts in side so the cart guy biched at me because i was i was not there to do my job but i was the hole time he dose the same job as me yet he is lazzy neevr gets yelled at just all that shit and yestrday my gf's x huben came over on my one day this wek i get to see my gf and got all mad at her because she did not want to go out with him or have sex with him o and he has a new gf and a new kid fucking ass i was going to kill him he hade my gf balling for two fing houres and all the shit in one big ball o and i am runing out of muny so i well be hoemles soon ................... and my x i miss more and more one more then most but w/e thats the same as every day u know i still cry for her but shell nver grow up like my gf's x maybe ill huk them up lol i know it wold be a blast to see i need a hug and to get my life up and runing soon i wel i just nee muny but whatis muny its nothing but prity stons or cloth with i pic on it its gay and yeah people kill for it think love is muny muny is whats killing thsii world and it makes me sick and i hate that mother ewrth is geting hurt bye man kind well whatthe fuck can i kid like me do idk i wish i did but well ido but ull all think i am crazzy so yeah if u want to knwo what i like to listne to right not its system of a down because thay talk abotu how the world realy is i say no morelies wel u stioll needlies but not like how natshions are doing it welli beter stop because i well just keep going and going u know there so mucn that pisses me off thes day some many people need a good asskiking u kno what i am saying .. .......... o and if u read it tewll me what u think

613765  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-02
Written: (7020 days ago)

my cell 1 603 318 1775

597508  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-13
Written: (7039 days ago)

right now i am lost in my mid some munch in there lost confused sade cold happy at times but lost most of the time and i dont know why just lost wishing things had not hapend and i got what i dremted about now i right in this place so u dont see not like u read it because i suck at speeling and writhing and a lot more i just need to be me that what i am but no one likes it well fuck thwem i help all and if u dont like me fuck u ill kill u and no i am me i have many siodes three to be exat and one i dont even fuck with the deepset hate come for this side and if u stand in my way i well not stop till u are out of my way now if u need help dont stand in my way stand next to me and ask for help not in frunt of me i well not stop for u if u are with me then u are with me if i leve u dont think i have left u i i hate u then u dont hate me if i love u i love u if i yell at u i am sorry please there so munchh hate for this all all of it and theres love i wish to know u i and in knowing u ull know me and ill know me ...............

564696  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-29
Written: (7084 days ago)
Next in thread: 565158

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