[SkyLynn07]'s diary

441341  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-12-11
Written: (7111 days ago)

I wish my life could end this very second. My mom never is there to listen to me.She ignores me all the time. She never has enough time to listen to me or my feelings. I wish i could die. I hate my life and mostly everyone and everything in it. Don't message me with yuor problems anymore anyone. I'm not a conselor and not your cre-taker so leave me alone.

384012  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-10-19
Written: (7165 days ago)

I was asked out by a sweetheart and god I'm happy! And I think that I'm datin [Your Worse Nightmare]....he asked and I said yeah...

362695  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-09-26
Written: (7188 days ago)

Met this guy! I really like him! He's hot and really sweet! Hope we keep talking! He cheered me up after two ten page reports! Later people!

314811  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-08-09
Written: (7236 days ago)
Next in thread: 318897, 323944

I think I am in love with this guy. I really do think I am. You know what I know I love this gu. But I moved so it's a distance thing that bothers me. He says he loves me.....what should i do?

306130  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-07-31
Written: (7244 days ago)
Next in thread: 323946

Lets see?!?!? Well I got my hair cut yesterday, and I think it looks so much better. It's shorter about my shoulders a little before that. It is soooooooooooo comfy. Well I got highlights too. It looks great. I only got them in the front because the back would have looked really freaked up. Well I'm totally hyped. I miss Stevn, Dessi, David, Jessica, Lara, Lydia, Becky, Danny, Rocco, Anthony, Anthony, Charles, and every one else that is my friends or well I consider them.....I'm really out of it today so excuse it!

302162  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-07-28
Written: (7247 days ago)
Next in thread:

Okay this collides with the last entry......sorry about that. But at this moment all guys are rude except a few like ben, stider, and d_vamp.......the ones I truly are upset at know it. Sorry to all guys I don't talk to that read it.

301364  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-07-27
Written: (7248 days ago)
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For everyone else that reads this......men are a**holes.....all of them except Ben so far. They don't have the guts to speak their mind or from their heart!

290900  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-07-18
Written: (7257 days ago)

I want to go back to Florida......but I can't. Because I've moved I've lost friends and my boyfriend. This has to be the suckiest thing ever. Errrrr.....I want to kill my mom. Not really, but I'm very very very made at her.........What can i do.......*looks outside at Larry* It has potential up here!!!-lol-

289072  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-16
Written: (7259 days ago)
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Hello to anyone who reads this thing!
Today wasn't that bad. I still don't get guys. One minute the like you and want to talk, the next the hate you and ignore you. It gets me so confused. Well I do like a certain guy that way and I think he likes me back. I'm for sure he does. His best friend said he did. Me and this guy are friends and we have been for a while here so we know alot about each other.(Lets call the guy I'm talking about first Bob and the second one Joe---not their real names)
Well me and Joe did date for a while and we really loved each other. We had broken up for the summer and I just recently talked to him and just talking to him made me cry. I miss him alot. I love him and he'll always be in my heart. Well lets move on. I like Bob but I still love Joe. I won't see Joe till next summer, maybe christmas vacation. I'll see Bob everyday. If your reading this and you can give me some advice, please message me and tell me what you think I should do. I really miss all my friends from Florida. I miss the school too. I hated that school but now i wish I was there. All my friends are there. Well we live in a apartment now and it's really nice. The school is smaller than my old one and it is about the same on the outside. There are TONS of hot guys here. I went to this party with some new friends I made and met alot of people. I made a couple of friends too. The party was awesome. There was tons of dancing and people got thrown into the pool. I had alot more fun than I've had in a long time. Until I feel like writing in here again. PeaceOut!

P.S. I'm in a very flirty mood this week!!!

203271  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-04-23
Written: (7343 days ago)
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Well like today sucks because Erin is upset again about soemthing stupid she is just to much I swear she is retarded beyond control and I hope she reads this because she truly is a witch I won't cuss on here because it's so not kewl and I'm trying to quit anyway she is a blank blank blank blank...........laterz

163738  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-03-09
Written: (7388 days ago)
Next in thread: 207353

hello there everyone well today sorta sucked well because it was just boring and nothing happened really. Well I like I said today was oring except we got a new boy at school.....aaacccccccccckkkkkkkkkk.........can you spell Ugly he has cursed me because me and my friend Jessica were in Mr. Dempsey's class when Timmy went to get him and he came in with him and showed him the rest of his classes then the boy was in my 4th and 5th classes to and I think he likes me....aaccccccckkkkkkkk.......again..........he kept staring at me the whole time.~Magen~

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