When you come along peoples houses on any heddate site do you ever grow annoyed when you see a banner saying for example "This member is protected by so and so, be nice or suffer their wrath"? I most certainly do as these people are usually older than me who are posting this crap *sighs*
Woot! Monday in the world of Coombeshead College is over at the tone of the bell huzzah! And what a boring day it has been *le sighs* First off I have my Scottish Psycho of a Sociology teacher (God bless her and may she remain mad for the rest of her years), so of course no works actually gets done in that subjects as per normal which means lots and lots of making notes homework for us all to enjoy *grumbles about why can't the bloody woman give us decent notes to revise from* heh, then we had the tossers from year 12 being total wankers making a ton of noise in the study room and would not listen to any yr13 or 14, so in the end I toddled off to see Mr Smith our fab head of 6th form to complain about them and they got kicked out the room so homework could actually be done, whee! Lunch was evil...we were told we had an assembly but we didn't so I stayed up college house for no reason *bastards not telling me it wasn't on* Heh, anyway had Mr Hartley last two lessons for psychology and that was amazingly boring...biolo
Oh well that is my day over with, now for work, feck!
Whee! Internet is fixed at last after a few days ^_^ Woohoo!
Well I have got the parts that I think need replacing for my internet to work at home once again, so am going to replace those pieces tonight when I get home from work, whee! But if it isn't those piece I will flip!
Fecking internet, bastard bloody phone! I have no fucking internet because of my mothers bastard phone fucking up. I now have to purchase cables, ADSL filter and a new piece for my internet to work again *kills mother* So I will only be on and off until my net is fixed...
I am sorry but I need to vent somewhere at how shite and pissed off I am this week, as literally everything has gone to the dogs and it is beginning to really cheese me off.
First thing that went wrong this week. I went to work on Tuesday, am currently putting in over time because they are short staffed and the fact ASDA (American owned Supermarket aka Wal-Mart owned) trashed our fucking theatre which is huge! Takes 3-4 days to scrub down properly. Went to clean the male toilets and they were just foul, found vomit in the urinal and blood in one of them, it made me sick that adults did this and never cleaned it up *sighs* well on the way back from the cleaning cupboard on the far side of the theatre which is a several flights of stairs away from the toilets, I managed to fall down the final flight with a scaulding hot bucket of water full of a really strong cleaning agent. From that fall I managed to break a rib, break two fingers on my right hand and scaud my entire left hand side from where the water came on me. This my friend is damned painful and lucky enough I had my panic alarm on me and help came soon. I spent the rest of the day in hospital, had 2 sets of xrays and was treated appropriately. As soon as I get home, I get a phone call from work, "Oh Kelly can you still come into work tomorrow?" For fucks sake no I can't! They're lucky I even came in God damnit!
Next thing that has pissed me off this week is the fact a certain someone is causing so much shit it is unbelievable! They have only been back for a couple weeks and have already been threatened to be booted from the site *sighs* You know who you are and as I have told you, you need to start behaving and stop acting so abrupt towards people, yeah they dislike you because of previous actions, now you are just giving them more reason to hate you, I am sad to say.
Third thing that is starting to piss me off is the amount of people stalking me, it is stupid! Get a life and haunt someone else damnit...
At this point in time I just feel like giving up, no point continuing the voluntry work I do here, no point in doing anything, so literally bugger it, I am tired and have just woken up, so am going to go to Torquay for some retail therapy...that should cheer me up a little and hopefully the tingling sensation down my left had side will go to *sighs and dies*