[Make Out Kid♥™!]'s diary

406488  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-08
Written: (7145 days ago)

i love you so much ricky *kisses and huggles* you mean so much to me................. mean while, i am a dirty lap whore.... *cough...ahem* i mean cam whore *angel face* who said that *looks around* yeh .......... im bored.............so what MWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
Peace out!

399948  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-11-03
Written: (7151 days ago)

omg yesterday was so funny, me n sam skived off school and decided to start drinking, so we started drinking at half 9 lol we were downing shots of ouzo and bacardi and rum and we had a glass of champain and i had some wine, then we went round sams and had more alcohol. then ricky n blower came round and we drank more then i started to get tipsy and i fell over a few time then we just chilled in sams room we were goin down stairs and blower was tryin to push ricky down them.... in result blower fell down XD it was sooooooooooo funny me sam and ricky wet ourselfs!

397340  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-01
Written: (7153 days ago)
Next in thread: 397343

urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i have school today! WHYYYYYYYY? i hate school its so fuckin boring! plus... its the land of back stabbers and lyers! urghhhh oh and of skank ass rudes and townies! how i hate that hell hole! the only good thing is i get to see my friends (yes im n about my TRUE friends...well cept for andy n brandon..OH and daveid) and my friends from various other places.... you know who you are! .... but i get to see ricky :D thats the main thing! anyways im bored now byebyeeeeeeeeee

394652  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-10-29
Written: (7156 days ago)

hehe i was with davey and Ricky, callie sam and the 2 sophs wednesday and we played hide and seek in the ashby rd grave yard.... it was dark and i got paranoid! hehe then me ricky dave n soph went back to sophies watched tv and then crashed.... then on thursday soph sophie and daveid went lester so mne n ricky came back to mine dropped my stuff off and went back up town and met up with callie and sam.. we hung out then we all went home hehe.... fun fun fun tahas been a hectic week..... but a bloody fun one!!!! .... but personally tuseday was the best! noone beats andy in my eyes, hes the bestest mate anyone could ever have! anyways
Peace Out!

391718  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-10-26
Written: (7158 days ago)

omg today was soooooooooo amazing i went to nottinham and met up with andy and brandon. then we went back to andys house and went in andys room *feels priviledged* and and and we did stuffs and had a laugh. it was just soooooooo amazing. then we had to leave :( i cryed on the bus ...... it was so horribal leaving them ....... but dont worry im gonna go see em again soon!

389072  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-24
Written: (7161 days ago)

this is the longest time ive been away from ricky! 2 days! 2 fuckin days and i gotta put up with it untill wednesday! anyways weve been together 4 weeks today :D yayyyyy plus im seeing andy on tuseday! YAYYYYYYYYY and daveys coming down wednesday too! yayyyyyy

385391  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-10-20
Written: (7165 days ago)

ok so i guess everyones fed up with hearing abour ricky from me. yeh? well heres summert new, ive decided what tattoo im gonna get for my 18th, Andys designing it. were both gonna design each other a tattoo and get it and put each others names at the bottom of it ^_^ yayyyy hehe. He mes the absolute world to me. seriously, i whould of killed myself in the past few months if it wasnt for him! i know i seam like a happy person, but deep down there alot of proplems and i can get very insecure. and the only one i can openly talk about them to is andy.
YAYYYYYYYY me go see him next tusedayyyy ^_^
hehe anyways ive been with Ricky like just over 3 weeks now, its so amazing, hes another person thats made my life happyer LOTS more happyer, im so happy to be with him, weve seen each other almost everyday since weve been going out ^_______^.
but the thing is why are people suddenly turning into compulsive lyers and lying all the time to me...... well i guess i cant say people. its just one person really. someone i thought i could trust. the they go and really hurt me....... Thanks alot!
but i dont care. i have the main people in my life, my boyfriend, my well...Andy and my parents. thats all i want and its all i need, so peace out

384800  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-10-19
Written: (7165 days ago)

Rickys the best thing thats ever happend to me! i love him so much and i never wanna loose him!

383571  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-10-18
Written: (7166 days ago)

i hate you so much right now!.......................

i LOVE you ricky
and i love you andy
you 2 are the only people i want in my life atm..... i hate some people i really do

382836  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-17
Written: (7167 days ago)
Next in thread: 382839

I've been with Ricky 3 weeks today ^_^ and im the happyest ive even been. I love him sooooo much. todays been fun ... and cold :/ but ive had ricky to warm me up hehe. anyways ........ peace out

382097  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-10-16
Written: (7168 days ago)

being with ricky is sooooooooo amazing, im so damn happy im with him ^_^ id be so lost without him now. i love him sooooooooo much and i really mean that i love him.

380812  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-10-15
Written: (7170 days ago)

these are the people that mean something to me :-
Auntie :-
David S
and i'll carry this on later........
Caio for now!

378033  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-10-12
Written: (7173 days ago)

Thismorning i woke up to this song and sang it ^_^ it means so much to me cuz it reminds me of my cousin gracie



Your arms are warm but they make me feel
As if they're made of cold, cold steel
A simple kiss like a turnin' key
A little click and the lock's on me
Can't move my arms, can't lift my hands
I won't admit to where I am
But I know baby, I'm in chains
I'm in chains

I pretend I can always leave
Free to go whenever I please
But then the sound of my desperate calls
Echo off these dungeon walls
I've crossed the line from mad to sane
A thousand times and back again
I love you baby, I'm in chains
I'm in chains
I'm in chains
I'm in chains

Should have known passing through the gate
That once inside I could not escape
I never thought this could happen to me
Never thought this is where I'd be
But baby, baby, baby, look at me
Baby, baby, look at me, I'm in chains
I'm in chains
I never thought this is where I'd be
Never thought this could happen to me

Also thismoring ive thought about Ricky... as i do every morning.... and probably every minuet im apart from him :/ i hate leaving him him and i love being with him . i


him lots n lots!
376826  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-10-11
Written: (7174 days ago)

its amazing how being with someone can make your life so happy, Rickys made me so damn happy over the past 2 weeks. I love him sooooooooo much!!!! i love spending time with him. i love my hugs off him. i feel safe when im with him, I just wish all my friends could be as happy as i am. i want them all to feel the love that i feel. i get so upset when my friends are unhappy :( but i know that there all there for me. and im so lucky for what ive got. i love you ALL every single one of you!

thats all for now....

Peace out (as aley whould say)

372392  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-10-05
Written: (7179 days ago)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KLEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! hehehehhee pissed off yet very happy, because i have the bestest ever guy in my life ^_^ i love him sooooooooooooooo much, i dont know what id do if i lost him :/ which hopefully.... hang on a minuet.... i WONT :D hehehehehee <3 Rickyyyyy <3 my loves him lots n lots n lots. i also love Sammy-Jo. shes like the only one i can chat to about my shit ^_^ weeeeeeeeee so happy yet pissed off, i wish kelly n klee whould drop it *kicks them* hehehehhee im also hyper, sam just ate my chocolate and left..... (again) hehehehehhe anyways, school is yet again.... BORING. me n Steven were discussing in maths while i was stabbing a compass in my hand that the works so damn easy, esspeshally if you know the answers are in the back of the book. French was so damn boring today, we were on the computers. All me n Sam Goode did was sit and look at pictures of Brandon Boyd hehe. urmmm Science is piss easy aswell. it gets so boring after youve done everything about 100 times before, and yet ive got another year or so to go at school..... GREAT, yesh this is a ramble but the result is good cuz i get out alot of stress! hehe.
AND OMFG. Danni had the cheek to wolf whistle and say "awww bless" at me and Ricky today. fuckin bitch shouldnt dare fuckin look at me let alone speak to me, .... yeh you really cause shit about your 'best' friend and then fall out with em cuz ya boyfriends told you too.... then start being nice to em again..... well put it this way, she can FUCK OFF, and that way put in the nicest possible way...... ^_^
ive ran out of things to rant about so
bye for now and remember ...... Laura loves you!

366661  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-09-29
Written: (7185 days ago)

hello everyone! today was great, i spent all my breaks with ricky! i love him ^_^ hes amazing! hehe you all better be nice to him else i'll beet your weany ass!

364342  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-09-27
Written: (7187 days ago)

ok ^_^ so my life is great! hehehe im going out with ricky and its made me really happy :D weeeeeeeeeeeee cant think what else to put. talk soon!

360390  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-09-23
Written: (7191 days ago)

OMFG i cant stop shaking, ive just been told the best thing ever!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEE love you sam (pay)!!!!! *cuddles and steals her hair*

360157  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-09-23
Written: (7191 days ago)

ok school was boring, people should join The Indigo Storm cuz shes cute! and also join her wiki for ricky the virus of life hehe eeeeeeeeeeeee omg cant wait to meet andy, <3 i love him

OMG YOUR NIPPLES! are you cold?

XDD made you look made you stair made you loose your underwear ................

ok im retarded :/

355167  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-09-18
Written: (7197 days ago)

Ok so its a saturday and im doing fuck all ...how boring is my life!!! lol nvm, ill live i should be goin to see my cousin tomoz! wah hey i love her soooooo much!
OOOOOOOOO oh oh oh yeh! new years eve non of you will guess where im going! ok so i'll tell you! im going round andys for his new years party :D omg fuck september and bring on december!!! i like soooo cant wait!! i love andy too bits!!! hes like the best friend anyone could ever have!
omg klee yesterday tottally embarassed me! she went up to ricky and poked him i was like arghhh it was really funny but really embarassing at the same time! hehe i have warped friends. klee and kelly were out of order on the way home yesterday. they were calling danni a slagg. that was so unfair :(  SOMEONES SCRATCHED MY NIRVANA CD! :( poop tis unplugged in newyork aswell! darn! weeeeee callie [Candy Coated Corpse] is cute, people you realy should tell her! and aswell as being cute shes a great friend too! anyways ima goona stop my ramble and get sorted! byebyeeeeeee

353356  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-09-16
Written: (7199 days ago)

why is it when i change/like something sam has to do it too? i mean i changed to being alturnative ..she did too. i fancy a guy at school and suddenly shes hanging round with him linking arms. news for you sam. i dont like him no more so stick that up your ainal pipe!!! i like another guy :\ so yeh fuck you peopleeeeeeeeee, cept the coolios ones i wuvs ^_^, you know who you are

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