27 Lohv-Iveye, 1654th Asden Getera
Ah, wandering in the faded footsteps on mine own peace of mind. Can any quest be more difficult, I wonder. My journey has brought me nearly full circle and once again I find myself at the crossroads. Change is once again on the horizon and I find myself wondering, why cannot the world remain the same forever? Simple. Peaceful. Is it selfish to wish for such a thing? Well, is it?
18 Lohv-Iveye, 1654th Asden Getera
I arrived in an interesting village today. It was bright and cheerful, but also dark and mysterious, but the people seem friendly enough. I wonder, if perhaps I can find peace here... for a time, anyways.
I havn't heard any news of Father, nor of my faraway home; I can only hope things havn't gotten worse...