[Nite_Owl]'s diary

611102  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-29
Written: (6941 days ago)
Next in thread: 611815, 626777

I've been doing some thinking lately. About all this talk of...Heaven, Hell, the end of days, death....it's all so dark and terrifying. I started wondering where will I be? What will happen to me? For all the things I've done in my life even this far, can I truly be forgiven for all these sins? Can I ever truly appologize for everything that happens, and be honest? I'm no longer ashamed to say that I'm agnostic (perhaps even atheist) to the world, but to my own family I can never admit such a thing. The Bible holds no truth for me in my mind; only pain and tears.

What kind of world is this now where everything we see we must scrutinize over, then pick at it's bones, until there is nothing left but fear? Where we can no longer trust what was once an immediate truth to all? And what kind of God - what kind of "Saviour" - tells us to beg for mercy on our knees and hope to become a part of their perfect Kingdom, or else be cast down through the clouds, to burn for an eternity in the fires of Hell? I cannot believe that such a place exists.

It frightens me though; I cannot believe in a Heaven, a place where all is beautiful and ideal in my own mind. It doesn't exist to me. But I can imagine Hell as clearly as if I were there.

I fear that if I do not see this Faith that is told of in the Bible that sits untouched on my shelf - as if the pages itself were set aflame and just one touch could kill - that I, too, will be cast down and never see light of day again, only the light of fire.

I know not what else to do. Do I follow what I truly believe, study science and all these things that I know in my heart and mind exist? Or do I follow what I would be forced to believe in?

I am lost, and I fear I cannot be found again.

188737  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-04-07
Written: (7389 days ago)

11:37 p.m.
  Tired and a little hungry. Mom's cryin' again (as usual) and acts like there's nothing going on. My bro's gone to Spain and won't be back til Sunday. Dad lives 2 miles away and it's almost midnight so if I tried to go over there, Mom'd freak out like always. *BIG sigh* Why the heck do I even WANT to live here anymore, it's friggin' pointless do just listen to everyone fighting all the time!

...you know? I think I'll write a poem about this...yeah...see if I might have it here by tomorrow morning...

173691  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-03-21
Written: (7407 days ago)

Drew my first picture tonight while everyone was out. So very proud of it :). I'm hoping that I can put it on the site but I don't know how yet. It's not too bad, if you ask me, though Sess' eyes and face were a little hard...

 The logged in version 

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