[Nite_Owl]'s diary

890864  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-12-25
Written: (6393 days ago)


An extremely interesting insight into what REALLY lies ahead in the "afterlife."


Now I must admit, this version is a bit more believeable than most I've heard. However, if this is true (no offense in advance), then Jesus and David and all them are a bunch of bastards! I'm sorry, but if this is what the afterlife will be like I know sure as shit I don't want to die--not that I wanted to before but...you get it. I've always said people misinterpret the Bible A LOT, but this is pretty bad. So basically we're all going to rule over Earth Mark II if we believe God resurected Jesus--boy, that sounds like fun! And if we don't, I guess we get to be slaves! Yippee!! (>,<) Fucking world rulers--God must not be the brightest crayon in Heaven...but then again we are made after his image so maybe we just rubbed off on him the wrong way, eh? But basically...it's gonna be one Hellish-Heaven-on-Earth afterlife.
889644  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-12-21
Written: (6397 days ago)

Just a Few of My Thoughts

(Warning: somewhat-intriguing rant ahead!)

I believe that although peace is impossible it is never worthless to continue to strive for it. It should never be bargained for something else or be forgotten and abandoned. There is always time to try.

I believe that true love doesn't exist as others say it does. I believe that love is simply an illusion that people create to give them the hope they need to live on, an illusion pieced together from little fragments of anecdotes in storybooks and verses that only tell you the little happenings of a year or two. But this hope is something that all need and strive for, and that I do believe in--despite the illusion, it is necessary.

I believe that if love does exist, one can only give one's heart away so many times before it shatters under the pressure of uncareful hands.

I believe that people are remarkable beings with the power to change not only their peers and the world they live in, but also themselves--but it is a power that often goes underestimated until it is too late.

It is never too late to appolgize, however simple or complicated the matter may be.

I believe that it is the simple things that drive men mad, not the incredible ones. Despite a lifetime of invisibility to others or of bloodshed, a single flutter of a passing butterfly's wings may drive a man to do the worst in the end.

I believe that if there was a God who created us all in his image, he was no better a being than the average human despite all his power. Like any human would do, a world is only created to watch it's population evolve, flourish, and then dwindle away and become wiped out before creating a newer, better world--simple trial and error without point.

I believe God needs to exist to give people hope as well. Without it, the world would perish under the weight of so much pressure placed solely on their shoulders and no light in the dark to turn to--however, perhaps without Him, many things that make man as terrible and wonderful a thing that he is would never have happened.

I believe that the church, no matter which one or where, has become corrupt over the years into something evil. You can only speak so much of the devil before you realize you are only describing yourself.

I believe that a person's life and all they do is their choice and their choice alone. The world will go mad the day that this does not stand true--in fact, it already has.

I believe we've lost sight of the things that truly matter to us in a foolish search of something better. Sometimes others must be put forth before yourself, and sometimes not. Sometimes it is simply more important to follow your own futile dreams and in the end smile and say you tried, than to follow the broken dreams of others and die in silence, without a single word to say, only thinking one thing--What happened to my life?

I believe that dying with a dream in your mind, a song in your heart, and a smile on your face is infinitely more noble than dying with a sword in your hands, blood on your soul, and a face that none will remember in ten years.

I believe too much time is spent understanding the world and people around us than understanding ourselves.

Am I a cynic...? If you didn't already know the answer to that you weren't paying much attention, were you?
889247  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-12-20
Written: (6398 days ago)

:D I'm finally creating a roleplay of my own! It's not too terribly original....but I'm still proud of it. hehehe

I was reading a bit of Stephen King when I recalled one of my favorite movies, The Storm of the Century. The line "My name is Legion, for we are many." kept running through my mind and slowly a little idea dropped out of it. So, I wrote it down. I couldn't decide if I wanted to write it or make an RP out of it, but I decided to start with the RP and go from there.

I'd like some help from other peopl if you're willing. I've only got the main storyline up for the most part, but you can find it at The Legion. :) I'm quite looking forward to it....

883528  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-12-06
Written: (6411 days ago)

The Masochism Tango - Tom Lehrer/Dr. Demento

I ache for the touch of your lips, dear,
But much more for the touch of your whips, dear.
You can raise welts
Like nobody else
As we dance to the masochism tango.

Let our love be a flame not an ember,
Say it's me that you want to dismember,
Blacken my eye,
Set fire to my tie
As we dance to the masochism tangeo

At your command,
Before you here I stand,
My heart is in my hand...eww...
It's here that I must be.
My heart entreats,
Just hear those savage beats,
Then go put on your cleats
And come and trample me.

Your heart's hard as ston or mahognay,
That's why I'm in such exquisite agony.
My soul is on fire,
It's aflame with desire,
Which is why I perspire when we tango.

You caught my nose in your left castanet, love,
I can feel the pain yet, love,
Everytime I hear drums.
And I envy the rose that you held in your teeth, love,
With the thorns underneath, love,
Sticking into your gums.

Your eyes cast a spell that bewitches,
The last time I needed twenty stitches
To sew up the gash you made with your lash
As we danced to the masochism tango.

Bash in my brain
And make me scream with pain,
Then kick me once again
And swear we'll never part.
I know too well
I'm underneath your spell
So darling if you smell
Something burning, it's my heart.

Take you cigarette from it's holder
And burn your initials in my shoulder.
Fracture my spine
And swear that you're mine
As we dance to the maso--chism tango.

tee-hee! XD

882475  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-12-04
Written: (6414 days ago)
Next in thread: 882529


*ahem* Allow me to explain a bit.

For those of you who don't know, University of Southern California (USC) and Univeristy of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) are bitter archrivals in everything they do, especially in football. Unfortunately, my team (UCLA) isn't the best ot football, while USC generally wins too much.

Today's game was HUGE. Rose Bowl was packed to the brim and then some to see UCLA fight off USC. And you know what? For the first time in seven years...UCLA WON, BABY! It was amazing! The perfet interception that turned the tables completely and the spirit of the game....wow. My brother was there, and they were partying before they got back on the bus back to UCLA and didn't stop until 3 AM this morning XD I heard it was pretty insane, the police got involved in the appartment areas with the riots (see http://dailybruin.com/news/articles.asp?id=39216). But it's all worth it for our victory! (^,^) HUZZAH!!

878405  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-11-24
Written: (6424 days ago)

4:30 pm is one of the most beautiful times of day. It's that time just before sunset, when the sun comes in just perfect over the hilltops, lighting everything up so pale and mellow, so peacefully...and yet so menacing. As if just around the bend there is something lurking, waiting, something that no being could ever comprehend. But for those few moments, the world is lit by the lights of the heavens filtering just barely through the veil of clouds and sin to give we the living a ray of hope.

And yet...just as day follows night, the night must always fall. And when that glorious sun begins to fade, turning the world a blood red as it breathes it's last, the world is once more cast into darkness so bitter and cold and alone. When all ties made before are broken, when friends depart, disease spreads, and Death persues tirelessly. And this land, this place we know of that consumes us when the lights go out...there is no escape from it.

876637  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-11-19
Written: (6428 days ago)

Well I've finally began playing FFX, which I got for my birthday back in early September (O,o) Quite amusing game though, what with the slang being a few years out of date XD But I'm actually okay at this one for once. I usually suck ass at turn-based RPGs heh Like that f***ing LotR: Third Age game (>,<) That was crap--how the hell are you supposed to get through Mordor and then beat Sauron with out saving?! You can't! >-( Bleh....anyways...

Sooooo....new poem or two since the last diary entry (which, if some of you are still confused by the shortness of it, you obvoius didn't read my updated House before arriving here) which you can find at Nite Owl's Poetry, like always :D *nudgenudge, winkwink, say no more, say no more*

853943  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-09-18
Written: (6491 days ago)

Someday I will come back. Yes...I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieies. Just go forward in all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.

~Doctor Who~
849575  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-09-06
Written: (6503 days ago)

I would rather be ashes than dust.
I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze
than it should be stifled by dry rot.
I would rather be a superb meteor,
every atom of me in magnificent glow,
than a sleepy and permanent planet.
The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.
I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them.
I shall use my time.

-Jack London-

849139  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-09-05
Written: (6504 days ago)

Yay for Owlie's birthday! *throws confetti for self* (^,^) Well, even though September 4 is me b-day, we almost never celebrate it today, and this was no exception--in fact, I'lve been doing homework a good few hours, and still got more left to do -_-' But Saturday and especially Sunday were a lot of fun! I've never actually had people spend the night at my house, so that was spiffy hehehe

Things Owlie got for hers birthdayness :D
- Ditge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
- V for Vendetta (awesome movie, by the by)
- A lot of piano books, including Phantom of the Opera, RENT, and the Beatles :D
- Final Fantasy X
- To Kill a Mockingbird (book)
- Kingdom Hearts II
- Sea-Monkeys XD hehehe
- The Producers (both new and old, and both are great movies/musicals)
- spiffy black and red *cough*dominatrix*cough* boots ;)
- a Nintendo wallet that looks like the controller (very old-school, I loveles it :D)
- a Sprint cell phone (sorry I'm not more enthusiastic, I just don't like talking on the phone much, but I did need one...)
- a Chuck Norris T-shirt--yay for Chuck Norris!!
- the black-opal bracelt I picked out in Australia (^,^)
- a Japanese-style fan

- And one dead hero :(

Steve Irwin sadly died on my birthday, something I probably won't forget for quite some time. We all sat in my room talking about him after the five of us woke up this morning when Amanda's mum called about it. I used to watch him all the time; he was such a great guy, it was hard not to like him :) It's a shame that he's gone, I know I'll miss him. Animal Planet will never be the same.

"WE LOVE YOU STEVE IRWIN!!" (^,^) ~ The Circle

838946  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-15
Written: (6524 days ago)
Next in thread: 838947

GADSDAMNIT!! (>,<) I missed school--and it's only the second fucking day!! GAH!! I bet all my teachers hate me now, I bet I just ruined my entire sophmore year, I'm gonna get killed by Mr. Lenaway, and I don't get the 10 ONLY extra credit points EVER in ALG 2/Trig!! *cries* I really wish I knew if I could still get tehre somehow, just have mum come and tell them I was sick or something :( Owlie's sad, and not in an especially good mood, so please be wary of Owlie's temper.....grrrrrrrrrrrrr....*goes to sulk in a corner*

835834  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-08
Written: (6532 days ago)

Everyone must visit the awesomeness that is this site!! http://www.angryalien.com XD They're hillarious! It's movies re-enacted by bunnies in 30 seconds hehe They have the classics - Titanic, Scream, Shining, etc. - and a lot of new ones too, like Brokeback "Bunny" lol Very amusing, and sure to put all in a good mood!

834761  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-08-05
Written: (6535 days ago)

From "The Prisoner" series

Retiring Number 2: I can think of better ways to die.

Number 6: And better causes to die for.

825278  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-07-16
Written: (6554 days ago)

Owlie ish going Down Under! (^,^) For all those reading this (most of me buddies hopefully), I will not be back for TWO WEEKS! We get back on July 31st, but don't count on seeing me here until August 1st probably, since we'll have just gotten off a 15 hour flight (O,o) Anyways, I give me best wishes to all, and I'm sorry to me RPing mates that I won't be able to RP for a while, but you'll live...whether I will or not is another matter though lol I'll take lots of pictures and suchand maybe post them on a wiki here as an album. I'll miss youse all! *huggles and loveles upon everyone* So this be Owlie saying


821381  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-07-09
Written: (6562 days ago)

Well...today has been both bad and good. First off, I woke up at about 7 am (which is too early for me since Owlie is most definitely not a morning person) feeling, frankly, like shit. Half hour later, I'm sitting on the toilet with a trash can on my lap with the shits and puking my brains out at the same time -_-' Thankfully, it didn't last nearly as long as my sicknesses usually do, so by 10:30 I was back in bed and fell asleep again for about hours--and I felt just fine. But, this meant I had to cancel my piano lessons, again, for the third time in a row :(

However, I did feel good enough to go see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest with aaallllll me buddies (^,^) SO much fun it was, yisyis. Awesome movie too! Just as good as the first, if not even better! HUGE cliffhanger though, so be warned and don't be disappointed. Also, if you feel like staying til after the credits, there's a short little scene at the end that was rather amusing :D

Ah, and then, just a little bit ago, our swamp cooler decided our house wan't wet enough and started spewing water into the main room by the stairs and front door (O,o) If Owlie hadn't've heard it from up here, we could have all drowned! But, now the floor's all wet and Debbie (my step-mother) is frankly pissed at the whole ordeal -_-' But well, at least Owlie was there: saving the world one malfunctioning cooling device at a time. (^,~) Huzzah!

Now Owlie's off to read smutty fanfics--tata!

795225  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-05-20
Written: (6612 days ago)

hehehehe Since I'm in an odd/hyper/very good mood, I decided to post this random ammusing song by an equally ammusing band called Lemon Demon--you may know them by their steadily increasingly popular Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny (with Chuck Norris of course!) (^,^) This is only one of several, most of which I keep on my iPod for such moods as...well, now lol

Outrageous Orange, Laser Lemon, and Jungle Green.
That’s what I said.
Wild Watermelon, Midnight Blue, Atomic Tangerine…
Radical Red, Sky Blue, and Shamrock too,
and Gold so true it glows.
I love the Razzmatazz, and Purple Pizazz,
and Razzle Dazzle Rose.

Every color’s like an old friend.
Hot Magenta is a godsend.

(Chorus 1)

I took the factory tour.
It really opened the door, and I at once became transfixed.
I know they’re pieces of wax,
but I can never relax without my box of 96.

(Chorus 2)

Crayola, Crayola’s all that I know.
The colors, delicious, making a rainbow.
Crayola, I love you so.

I love them so much, every shade, every gorgeous hue.
It’s no surprise
they’re taking over everything that I say and do.
I’m gonna rise at dawn with no clothes on,
and color on my skin.
Colors of life and love from Heaven above,
absolve me of my sin.

I would wear them like a nightgown,
but they’re getting kinda worn down.

(Chorus 1)

I love you Vivid Violet.
I love you Robin’s Egg Blue.
I love you Screamin’ Green,
and Purple Mountain’s Majesty too.
I really love my babies
I really love my babies
I love my crayons and I love the way they taste

(Chorus 2)

I'd recommend "Dance Like an Idiot" and "Your Evil Shadow Has a Cup of Tea" too if you found this one even slightly entertaining, since both of those are even better ;)
787673  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-05-04
Written: (6628 days ago)
Next in thread: 788021

Alright, these people must all be retarded to be in college and not know what suffrage is.


Only one person actually refused to sign. That's just plain sad. People like that are what gave blondes and women in general a bad name -_-' Just thought I'd share it with everyone else.

750670  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-02-19
Written: (6702 days ago)

Finally, I have figured out all my personalities and complied a list of them all :D For your convenience, I've posted it here; that way you always know who you're talking to ;)

Me Personalities

   Most normal. Intelligent, very mildly sadistic, unnervingly serious. Music–-Rock, New Age. (fem.)

Owlie: (^,~)
   Eccentric, not so bright, way too hyper. Lovels the hugglesness. Usually out during the day and ET. Music–-Rock, Techno, J-pop. (fem.)

Mr. Schnuffles:
   Extremely sadistic, homicidal criminal mastermind. Keeper of the Official Hit List. Also yells the loudest. May come out during roleplays. Music-–Metal, some Rock. Location–-brain. (m.)

Mr. Shanghai:
   Never speaks. Like weapons....a lot. Causes headaches, hates Tylenol. Roleplays fight scenes only. Music–-Oldies, Country. Location–-brain. (m.)

Mr. Schneekins:
   Normally depressed, likes food. Easily angered, but lets Mr. Schnuffles handle it for him. Loves Socks a la Arsenic. Music-–Rock, Oldies. Location–-stomach. (m.)

   Always tired, sleeps a lot, and rarely moves. Despises exercising with a passion unmatched. Music-–New Age, some Classical, some Smooth Jazz. Location–-left leg. (m.)

   Very active, Schnackles’ exact opposite. Insomniac. Plays the awesomeness of piano and listens to all types of music.. Music–-Techno, Rock, Metal, Country, Classical, J-pop, Jazz. Location–-right arm. (fem.)

   Too smart. Loves computers. Most insane. Talks too much and too fast, but despises phones. Usually the one to answer the most random questions. Music–-Techno, J-pop, some Jazz Fusion/Modern Jazz. (fem.)

   Obsessed with manga, anime, doujinshi, fanfiction, shounen-ai, and yaoi. Extremely sadistic/kinky. Also insomniac. Music–-J-pop, Classical, some country. (fem.)

   Poetic, intellectual, Official Giver of Advice. Knows the purpose and meaning of life, but refuses to reveal it. Music-–Classical, New Age, Smooth Jazz. (m.)
746520  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-02-10
Written: (6710 days ago)
Next in thread: 746521

We often forget that love is not that the person has saved you in ways that you yourself could never have done alone, but rather that they have kidnapped you and you never want to return--nor will they allow it.

(^,~) Just a short rambling there I wanted to say is all hehe Ta-ta!

713740  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-12-11
Written: (6771 days ago)
Next in thread: 713751

Hey peoples!! If you're reading this, and you're my friends, then good job! You actually listened to me!! :P

Anyways, just to let everyone know, today marks the first day that I am officially busy!! Not as in I procrastinated for a month before starting either. I've got a paper for Health on Amphetamines, and another paper for Pre-IB Biology on Parinson's Disease as well as a project, all due tomorrow. So, I'll probably be on Elftown today for a while, but there may be long lapses of absence. Hust letting everyone know so you don't all freak out :P Especially Sequeena-person!! *huggles sequeena* hehehe

~Niteness (^,~)

 The logged in version 

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