[kittygirl1017]'s diary

799331  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-05-28
Written: (6610 days ago)

poring cold water in Shujin's boxedrs when he is a sleep....

won't wake him up...

772860  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-03
Written: (6665 days ago)

I love you shujin!

758759  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-03-05
Written: (6694 days ago)
Next in thread: 759507

I'm not sure if I want to put stuff down on her about what happenend at [drummerchick0440] birth day party....

ummmmm... lets just say this......


sorry forgive me and the barbie song.....

731494  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-12
Written: (6746 days ago)
Next in thread: 734344

I'm like so totally happy! Micah perposed to me. Will, not really but yeah. He asked me if I would marry him! oh it was so cute. I allmost cryed.

689940  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-10-30
Written: (6820 days ago)

I like totally miss micah last night!
I was at a party with my friends, and they were all like talking about makeing out and shit. And I'm just by myself with people making out next to me
and I'm like 
"Were the fuck is micah when I need him"

Agh who cares..... me and him had sex earllier that day anyway.

Fuck YEAH!

683824  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-10-18
Written: (6832 days ago)

I fooked micah on saturday!
Mua ha ha ha
And it was goood =)

644388  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-08-12
Written: (6899 days ago)

I'm waiting for Micah to call right now
we did something the other day.

         "oh that feels good baby."

"Do it again."
                     "oh yes!"


                 " I forgot the condom"

         "Bad Micah!!"
"I should be spanked."

something like that..

                        I love him!!

637547  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-08-02
Written: (6909 days ago)

I'm so bored right now. I just got back from band camp because I got the stomach flu and I'm grounded tell sunday.
I don't get it.
If someone is sick they don't get grounded because they left a week earlier than the regular time. I can't talk to anyone, I can't go outside and I can't go on the computer.
so yeah, if any one reads this please SAVE ME!!!

~please do.....

604234  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-06-21
Written: (6952 days ago)

I miss my friends!! \
I wish they were here.
Damn Summer vacation.....

Heather don't forget me this summer!
micah don't masterbat to me, then tell me....
(It's not to apealing to know)
Haley I can wait to go to blue lake with ya!!

~so true ....so true

591204  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-06-05
Written: (6967 days ago)
Next in thread: 594157

today I finally came home to tokyo. Michigan is fine and dandy. wile I was in America I saw my Boyfriend Micah!! His siter had a wedding. now I can't wait for my own. lol
And now I finally got to "do it" with him. WOOT !! will not really

 The logged in version 

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