[kittygirl1017]'s diary

836243  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-08-10
Written: (6625 days ago)


Name : Kathryn/Kat/Kitty

B-Day : december 26

Age : 16

Eye Color : change with my mood

Hair Color : dark brown

Height : 5'7

Best Feature : ummm -i dunno people tell me?-

Shoe Size : 8 1/2 (american)

Ring Size : 5 1/2

Addictions : Elftown, drawing, gaming in the middle of the

Pets : 2 dogs 2 cats

Piercings : 4 (on my ears)

Tattoos : none

Nickname : Kitty ([Amadeo Armand] calls me that ^^)

Car : 2007 Mustang

Parents still together : yes

Siblings : 1 sister

Live with Parents? : no

Favorite/Most Important

Feature of the opposite sex : every girl knows what i'm going to put down. :P

Spot to be kissed : neck/shoulder/lips

Sports Team : vollyball/golf/ football

Holiday : Halloween

Alcoholic Drink : vitika, Mike's hard. (No BEER)

Non-Alcoholic Drink : energy drinks mostly


Lesson Learned : i dunno, depends what i did on the day

Thing a friend has done for you : Turned me on to rock and roll!!

Thing you have done for a friend : been there for them when they need to talk

Baby names (girl) : huh?

Baby names (boy) : huh again??

Ben & Jerry's Flavor : Cookie dough!! :D

Starbucks Drink : iced Mocha latte

Season : Winter/ summer <--Japanese zodiac

[Have You Ever]

Wished on a star : yes <---they work! really, they do!

Been in love : yes

Been out of the country : heck yes!

Talked on the phone all night : no, not really...

Bungee jumped : Agghh no! Scary stuff there

Driven cross-country : yep! And it was a 3 day trip too!

Had surgery : yep! 2 times

Been told you might die : no

Told someone you love them : yes

Wished you HAD told someone you loved them : i want to soo bad!

Asked someone out : yep!

Kissed someone (made the first move) : yep!

As a child, had a skip-it : WHAT DOSE THAT MEAN?!?!?!

What about a sock-em-bop : HUH?!

Kissed the same sex : nop, and never going to!

Gone out in public with you PJ's on : I try not to, but some times I do.

Laughed so hard that a liquid came out of your nose : no

Had sex in a car : no

[Past Relationships]

Who is the person you last broke up with : Alec Flowerday

How long did you date that person : 1 day (I did so he would stop stalking me!!!)

Was it love : hell no!

Did you have sex with them : AAAGGHH NO!!

Were they older/younger : younger

Were they shorter/taller : shorter

Have you had other boy/girlfriends? : yes

Any you wish you could talk to : I would talk to the person I first fell in love with.

Any you hate : i hate one of my ex's/ Paris Hilton!!

[Current Relationship]

Do you have a boy/girlfriend : yes aka Husband

Where did you meet : A school bus on the first day of school

How long have you been together : 2 years

What is your anniversary date : September 17th

What is his/her full name : Micah Alexander Dumas

Were you attracted to them from the first moment you saw
them : yes (awwww love at first sight!)

Do you trust him/her : I did....once

Have you cheated on him/her : no -he cheated on me-

Is it love : kinda/ ask his afair

What's his/her favorite meal : Choclatte cake

What's his/her favorite band : Metalica

[High School]

Public/Private : Private

Best Friend : [Amadeo Armand]!!!

GirlFriends : Kim Davis and Jessica Billups

Job : Accontant

Prom Date : hasn't happened yet.

Best Memory : When Jessica & kim & I were running away from the teacher, we were hiding from him! :P

Worst Memory : i dunno

Graduate(?) : 2009

Leave a virgin : no

[This or That]

Strawberries/Blueberries : Strawberries

Meat/Veggie : ummm both

TV/Movie : movie

Hugs/Kisses : kisses

Guitar/Drums : guitar

Chinese/Mexican : Chinese

Day/Night : night

Cheerios/Corn Flakes : Corn Flakes

Snickers/MilkyWay : niether

Gold/Silver : silver

Black/Brown : black

Elvis/Beatles : neither

Sprinkles/Icing : both please? :P

Cookie/Donut : Donut!

Cake/Pie : both

Coke/Pepsi : Coke


am : a lover

thought : he loved me...guess not.. :(

need : a man

want : [Amadeo Armand]

love : Someone on Elftown

hate : a few people

wish I was : Pretty

will always : bethere for a friend
836228  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-08-09
Written: (6625 days ago)


would you rather...

[] Ask someone out.
[x] Be asked out.

[] Have a sunny day
[x] Have a rainy day

[x] Have a computer
[] Have a cell phone

[x] be poor & live till you're 100.
[] Be rich & live till you're 30.

[] Be blind.
[x] Be deaf.

[x] Have it be Winter all year round.
[] Have it be Summer all year round.

[] Be beautiful.
[x] Be loved.

[] Take a bath.
[x] Take a shower.

[x] Be born poor and die rich.
[]Be born rich and die poor.

[] never have to go to school.
[x] never have to go to the dentist.

[x] Never feel physical pain
[x] never feel emotional pain

[x] Wear contacts.
[] Wear braces.


You are

[] 5'0 & Shorter.
[] 5'1 - 5'3.
[] 5'4-5'6.
[x] 5'7 - 5'9.
[] 5'10 - 6'1.
[] Tall. 6'2 & Taller.


[] Blonde.
[] Strawberry Blonde.
[] Redhead.
[] Auburn.
[] Brunette.
[] Dirty blonde.
[] Light Brown
[x] Dark Brown.
[] Black.
[] Don't Remember.

[] Blue-Eyed.
[] Brown-Eyed.
[] Green-Eyed.
[] Hazel Eyed.
[] Gold|Gray-Eyed.
[] Silver|Gray-Eyed.
[] Blue|Green-Eyed.
[] Blue|Gray-Eyed.
[x] Change Colors
[x] Brown|Green-Eyed

You Have/Had

[x] Glasses
[] Contacts.
[x] Braces.

Hair Length

[] Short.
[] Medium
[x] Long Hair

You've Done

[] Rafting.
[] Water Skiing
[x] Camping.
[x] Horseback Riding.
[] Surfing
[] Water Polo.
[x] Skateboarding.
[x] Skiing.
[] Street Luging.
[x] Cheerleading.
[] Lacrosse.
[] Street Hockey.
[x] Gymnastics.
[x] Martial Arts.
[] BMX.
[x] Tubing.
[x] Rock Climbing

You Can't Stand Listening To

[x] Country
[] Classical.
[] Techno.
[] Oldies.
[x] Opera.
[x] Reggae.
[] Emo.
[] 80's.
[] Disco.
[] Metal.
[] Hardcore.
[] Rock.
[] Rap|HipHop.
[x] R&B
[] Classic rock.
[x] Polka.

Clothing Brands You Like

[] American Eagle.
[] Hollister.
[] The Buckle
[] Abercrombie & Fitch.
[] Wet Seal.
[] O'Neill.
[] PacSun.
[] Aeropostale
[x] Dickies.
[x] Roxy.
[] Guess.
[x] Hot Topic.
[x] Spencers.
[] Tripp
[] Champs.
[] Old Navy.
[] Volcom.
[] Forever 21
[] Limited Too.
[x] Salvation Army|Goodwill.
[] Other thrift stores.
[] Wal-Mart.
[x] If I like it I'll wear it.
[x] Other.
[x] Target

Your Confessions

[x] I am really ticklish.
[x] I've collected comic books.
[] I read and watch the news.
[x]I LOVE Disney movies!
[] I don't like killing bugs.
[] I have/had x's in my screen name.
[x] I cook well.
[x] I have worn pajamas to class
[] I like Martha Stewart .
[] Ozzy is my hero
[x] I always do my homework
[x] I still have my pokemon cards
[]x I've cut myself before
[x] I like sneezing

834823  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-08-05
Written: (6629 days ago)

92% percent of the teen population would be dead if Abercrombie and Fitch said it wasn't cool to breathe anymore. Repost this if you are one of the 8% who would be laughing your ass off.


834627  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-08-05
Written: (6629 days ago)

please oh please,

what is with that stupid "a boy and a girl are speeding down a highway" story??

At first i thought "Oh, thats cute" but "why didn't he just pull over?"

but on like every fucking house i see has the stupid story!!!!!!!!!!

ARGH!! STOP THE TORCHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the stupid "if amberblahblah and fitch said it was stupi8d to breath-"

WHO THE HELL ARE THAT AM,BER DUDE AND FITCH????????????????????????????


thanks u Forsaken

814126  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-06-25
Written: (6670 days ago)

Me gusta tocino!

don't ask...just do it..
804506  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-06-07
Written: (6688 days ago)

I'm tired of school finals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

802491  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-06-03
Written: (6692 days ago)

What is wronge with Shujin latley? He's been acting like he's seeing someone. I'm not sure if I should tell Daddy or Mom. That might have them bring disspointment on me. And may have them thing I'm not able to be by myself.

The other night Shujin went on Elf town in my name. He pretended to be me. he spyed on Forsaken, and then he fought with him. Now forsaken distrusts me. And he would not acept my appolgey. I'am losing a friend? I'm so scared.


please love me agian...

799331  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-05-28
Written: (6698 days ago)

poring cold water in Shujin's boxedrs when he is a sleep....

won't wake him up...

772860  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-03
Written: (6753 days ago)

I love you shujin!

758759  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-03-05
Written: (6782 days ago)
Next in thread: 759507

I'm not sure if I want to put stuff down on her about what happenend at [drummerchick0440] birth day party....

ummmmm... lets just say this......


sorry forgive me and the barbie song.....

 The logged in version 

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