[tuck you in with bloody kisses]'s diary

243763  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-06-03
Written: (7311 days ago)
Next in thread: 243796

I may live...and help others live...But i'm not alive.
I may make others life better...At the expence of my own.
I may keep others from dissing themselves...But right after I dis my self.
I may tell others "Suicides no the answer...But after think...It would solve everything
I may tell others hurting yourself will not help anything...But again I hurt myself
why do i saythings to others and then contridict myself
is it because I lie to them? Or is it I lie to myself?
Could I just be in the same sence a lier? Or am I a lifesaver
I tell them drugs aren't the answer and then think...That would be pretty cool.
I tell them looks don't matter...But then I worry about how I look
and again I lie to them. Is it for their own good? or is it so i can feel that I made a difference
I say cheating on a test or on their lover is bad but again I know I have or that I might again

240931  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-01
Written: (7314 days ago)

Some people cheat on games
some cheat on tests
some cheat on death
some cheat little things
but yet some...
some cheat...
some cheat on other things...
I know what some people cheat on..
I have cheated on tests
i have cheated on games
i have cheated on death
i have cheated on the little things
i never cared when i cheated
nor did i care on what i cheated
untill that day...
untill the day
i cheated...
on you

218665  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-05-10
Written: (7335 days ago)

What I think is right might not be in everyone elses eyes but in my eyes it is but sometimes i can give in and change waht i think is right bit sometimes i can't sometimes sometmies i just feel so strongly about something that it will take control of me and i will stick with it no matter what the consiquences are this is one of those situations that i will not change my mind on

218652  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-05-10
Written: (7335 days ago)

You can hate...
and not care
you can be hated...
and not care
you can hate...
your relitives
and not care
you can hate...
a loved one
and not care
you can hate
your friends
and not care
you can hate...
anyone in the entire world without caring
but one...
and the one...
the one you can't hate
without caring...
is yourself

210751  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-05-01
Written: (7345 days ago)


as our relationship grows
we get closer
as we get closer
we get farther
as we get farther
we get older
as we get older
our relationship grows
as our relationship grows
we get closer
as we get closer
we get farther
as we get farther
we get more personal
as we get more personal
our relationship grows
as our relationship grows
we get closer
as we get closer
we get farther
as we get farther
we get more trusting
as we get more trusting
we become more
of one
we get
more love
we give
more love
we have
more love
we will
always be

207273  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-04-27
Written: (7349 days ago)

"without you"

without you
i am sad
without you
i am worried
without you
i am scared
without you
i am not me
without you
i don't live the same
without you
i can't live
without you
i can't focus
without you
i can't hope
without you
for just one day
seems like
an eternity
without you...
just for today
i wonder
where are you
what has happened to you
why you aren't here
but yet i think
you will just appear...
just appear in my arms

201736  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-04-22
Written: (7354 days ago)

We have a trip to a game
But i can't enjoy the scenery
Because i'm not with you
When we get there
I can't focus on the action of the game
All i can focus on is you
The game
Doesn't matter
The music i listen to on the road
Doesn't matter
All that matters is you
I don't care about anything
But one thing
And one thing only
And that one thing is

199938  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-04-20
Written: (7356 days ago)


Love is...
Love is...
Love is...
Love is...
Love is...
Love is...
Love is...
Love is...
Love is...
Love is...
good and bad
thats why
we have it
those that find
true love
can deal with the
the tuff times
and all the good times
I truly beleive
we have found it
we have found true...
in each other

197622  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-04-17
Written: (7359 days ago)


You are deserving of
Much better than me
Someoe more loyal
Someone more trustworthy
Someone more honest
Someone... anyone but me
Yet you love...me
I am deserving of
To be alone
Never to love
Never to be loved
Yet i love...you
I don't want to be alone
Neither do you
I don't want anyone but you
Yet i don't deserve you
You don't want anyone but me
Yet you deserve better than me

197616  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-04-17
Written: (7359 days ago)


Death brings peace
Death brngs pain
Death brings hate
Death brings healing
Death ends pain
Death ends hate
Death ends peace
Death ends healing
Death is so complicated
Death makes people think
The pain will stop
Death makes people think
They will make others lives easier
Death makes people think
The wrong things
Death accutally brings
Jail time
But most of all Death is mainly responsable for more... Death

190162  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-04-10
Written: (7366 days ago)

if someone insults you
it hurts you
if someone insults me
it hurts me
it doesn't matter how you put it
if someone hurts you
they hurts me too
if someone hurts me
they hurt you too
if they insult us
it hurts us
its this way
as we are one

190161  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-04-10
Written: (7366 days ago)

"No answer"

What is it?
What is the matter?
Why are you mad?
What can i do to help?
Why won't you help me help you?
What is up with you?
What do you want me to do?
Why won't you answer me?
Do you want us to break up?
Fine were through if you don't answer me...fine were threw bye

190160  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-04-10
Written: (7366 days ago)


If they take ones breath
they take the others breath
if they kill one
they kill the other
we can not help
what they do to one
but they should know
what you do to one
they do to both
because we are
in our life one
just one life...together
were LIFE

190159  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-04-10
Written: (7366 days ago)

"Field Trip"

On the road again traveling without you
Traveling away from you
Miles away from you
Hours away from you
Goin farther and farther away
Willingly leaving you
Then we stop
An hour goes by
An i can't take being away from you
Mile by mile i get closer and closer
Hour by hour i get closer and closer
Coming closer and closer to you
Then i'm back and i tell you i'll never leave you again
Then we stare at the sky together and just lie there

190156  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-04-10
Written: (7366 days ago)


sometimes i think it would be easier to run
sometimes i think it would be easier to die
sometimes i think it would be easier to cry
sometimes i think it would be easier if i were alone
then most times i think and want to run to you, for you to be my savior
now that would be easier

190155  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-04-10
Written: (7366 days ago)
Next in thread: 297201

"Our Life"
I was your everything for so long
But yet you were nothing to me
when i first saw you i fell into something that i never want to climb or be helped out of
you never let your love fade
but i let mine just enough to forget
but then we became our everything
I never want this feeling of safety and care to end or so will my life.

 The logged in version 

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