[Okami]'s diary

750202  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-02-18
Written: (6679 days ago)
Next in thread: 750213

oh my. i have just discovered that not all rap is bad ._.
Atmosphere is a good. . .whatever ye call rap people. do they still count as bands? *shrugs* anyway. . .they. . .he. . .it's good. mmmhm. and Cake, too.

but what's better. . .is 'you are sixteen going on seventeen" because i've. . .fallen into singing it at random again. i say again because i do it every few months. oooh i wanna saranade somebody XDDD

but everyone i know is oooolder than meeeee ;_; i cry emo tears of anguish because this is the only thing even mildly wrong at the moment.

i cry happy tears because there's a chance i'll get to attend a summer program at that . . .college. with sequencial arts. especially after that recomendation Ms. Holder wrote. almost made me cry. gods i love that woman.

aaaaaaaaaaand uh buh that's it? i'm working on lifting the extremely bad habit of chronic procrastination offa myself. by putting off school work and doing the art i've said i'd doooooo.

*reads porn for a bit and sleeeeeps*

748573  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-02-14
Written: (6682 days ago)
Next in thread: 748838


745933  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-02-09
Written: (6688 days ago)

GAH the F@#$ing FISH VIDEO!!


that was the first korean music-video i'd ever seen. . . way back when. and i just found it again. crap on a crapper. it's good. but. . . it made me cry. again. and i hate kids. so i cry for the FISH! GODS the director of that should win an award.

<3 silly Koreans and their fetish for hitting people with trucks in their music videos <3

anyhow. sorry. no arting got done tonight. . .i became all nastalgic and have been looking up every music-video i could think of. because i've naught known that one can easily gain access to such things before.


i also found http://www.youtube.com/w/Lee-Seung-Ki---%22-I-Said-Your-My-Girl-%22?v=NsWyYc34d74&amp;search=seung%20ki
which is the video that inspired a lot of Yoki/Singa's relationship <3 <3 <3

gods i'm a happy boy at the moment. but that damn fish movie made me cry and now i can't seem to get re-happy.

i wanna find that video with nice graphics and the white room and the veins that turn into vines and and and something about poison but i can't remember who sang it or what it was caaaallled ;_;

. . . i wish we still had the International Channel. *sniffles* i used to watch 'Korean Music Countdown' and that other one they had that was like. . .top 40 international <3 <3 <3 it was THE channel.

bloody government conspiracies to take away the culture in American youth e_e

744644  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-02-05
Written: (6691 days ago)


;_; i'm so sorry. but inspiration has struck. . .again. i swear, i'm on a inspiration-high! i've scanned in at least three pictures ever day this past week ;_; and left a lot unscanned. . .i know i was supposed to finish stuff this weekend. . .but. . but. . .

i just read Breath. . .and. . .now i need to do comic pages like woa.


read it. now.

baaaah i r sorry. things will get done eventually!

742603  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-02-02
Written: (6695 days ago)

mute-opera.com is officially mine. though it's not existing yet XD

http://restrictedsection.org/file.php?file=4601 is good. i hate the pairing (snape/sirius snape/lucius) but the plot is amazing, as well as the writing style. . .so i'll let it slide. the ending made me cry. happily. i guess. not really, but i would have if it were a crying-type ending.


haha ok. now that i'm done reading. . .it's time to get to work!! *scurries off to draw like the good little creature he is(n't)*

742535  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-02-01
Written: (6695 days ago)
Next in thread: 742537


i've always had an appriciation for anatomy. especially male. . .

but snot.

something about the PV for "Nightmare" by Sads. . . is beautiful. and it's not even porn!


*flabergasted* ye should watch it. just for the amazing male torso. . . gods i wish i were built like that *_*

737250  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-01-23
Written: (6704 days ago)
734951  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-19
Written: (6708 days ago)

"We are freaks we follow the code of freaks
We are freaks stand back and that's that
We are freaks we fuck who we please and do what we choose
We're not bad we're not diseased or confused

We are freaks we are butch we are fem
We are freaks look at him look at them
We are freaks I know this guy who can suck his own dick
And my mother has a friend who has 3 tits
T-t-t-true story

We are freaks we follow the code of freaks
We are freaks stand back and that's that
We are freaks we fuck who we please and do what we choose
We're not bad we're not diseased or confused
One of us one of us
One of us one of us
One of us one of us
One of us one of us
One of us one of us
One of us one of us
One of us one of us
One of us one of us
One of us one of us
One of us one of us
One of us one of us
One of us one of us

And then I thought I was a freak when I shaved my head and pierced my dick
Walks like a lumberjack and talks like a lady
With the flannel shirt, steel toe boots, Levi's faded
All hail
She's the king, she's the queen
All hail of the freaks, all the freaks on the scene
From the Bows of the Bowery to the bustle of Bombay
She's the bearded lady of Avenue A
That's the way God planned it
That's the way
That's the way God planned it
That's the way
That's the way God planned it
That's the way
That's the way God planned it
That the way

All hail
She's the king, she's the queen
All hail of the freaks, all the freaks on the scene
From the Bows of the Bowery to the bustle of Bombay
She's the bearded lady of Avenue A
That's the way God planned it
That's the way-ac

Freaks - Hedwig and the Angry Inch

just for the record, i know how annoying lyric diaries are. . .but god damn i love that song. almost as much as Sugar Daddy.

"I've got a sweet tooth
For licorice drops and jelly roll.
Hey Sugar Daddy,
Hansel needs some sugar in his bowl.
I'll lay out fine china on the linen
And polish up the chrome
If you've got some sugar for me,
Sugar Daddy bring it home.

Black strap molasses,
You're my orange blossom honey bear.
Bring me Versace blue jeans
And black designer underwear.
We'll dress up like the disco-dancing jet set
In Milan and Rome.
If you got some sugar for me,
Sugar Daddy bring it home.

Oh the thrill of control,
Like the rush of rock and roll,
It's the sweetest taste I've known,
If you've got some sugar bring it home

When honey bees go shopping
It's something to be seen.
They swarm to wild flowers
And get nectar for the queen.
And every thing you bring me
got me dripping like a honeycomb,
And if you've got some sugar for me,
Sugar Daddy, bring it home.

Oh the thrill of control,
Like a Blitzkrieg on the roll,
It's the sweetest taste I've known,
So if you've got some sugar
Bring it home.
Oh come on, Sugar Daddy, bring it home!

Whiskey and French cigarettes,
A motorbike with high- speed jets,
A Waterpik, a Cuisinart,
And a hypo-allergenic dog.
Oh, I want all the luxuries of the modern age,
And every item on every page
In the Lillian Vernon catalogue.

Luther: Oh baby, something's crossed my mind.
I was thinking you'd look so fine
In a velvet dress
With heels and an ermine stole.
Hansel: Oh, Luther darling, heaven knows
I've never put on women's clothes!
Except for once
My mother's camisole.

So you think only a woman
Can truly love a man.
Then you buy me the dress
I'll be more woman than a man like you can stand.
I'll be your Venus on a chocolate clam shell
Rising on a sea of marshmallow foam,
And if you've got some sugar for me,
Sugar Daddy, bring it home.

It's our tradition to control,
Like Erich Honecker and Helmut Khol, (remember him?)
From the Ukraine to the Rhone.
Sweet home uber alles,
Lord, I'm coming home.
So come on, Sugar Daddy, bring me home.

Sugar Daddy - Hedwig and the Angry Inch

GODS i love that movie and it's songs. i can't stop grinning and singing.
731153  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-01-11
Written: (6716 days ago)


we went and saw the Braodway virsion last night. . . it kicked major bum. like. . . MAJOR bum.

all the scenes having to do with Angel were 200% better. . .and. . . and. . .just EVERYTHING.

OOOH lavibohem was SO Sexy ;_; again 200-bazillion times better. and smuttier. the entire play was smuttier.

Angel's Death, for instance. . .was a demonstration on how everyone's passing AIDS around. . .which is basically. . . smut. mmm <3

not to be taken lightly, though. i wanted to curl up and cry. it wasn't a normal oh boohoo someone died . .. it was a feeltheurgetogofetusRIGHTNOW cry. it was pretty funny. everyone in the theatre crying at once. fags and non-fags alike.

oooh so good. all the actors/actresses were different and better than the movie. much more real. but then, that's pretty obvious and should be expected.



we went in early this time, so we had plenty of time to walk around. . . XD

however, we were trying to go to a drawing gallery in SOHO (which is absolutely fascinating. wanna live there BAD). . .and we thought it was found. . .but it turned out to be there live-action gallery instead!! we were supposed to stay outside and look in at the acting from the windows, but mum and me just waddled in!! xD

kudos to the actor though, he didn't falter for a single moment, which is saying something, cause we were inspecting everything, poking, prodding, mum was asking stupid questions. . .oooh it was horrid. apsolutely mortifying.

but really awesome, too. we were eventually shooed off by an office-worker-person. haha.


and NYC gangsters are a lot nicer then they are around here. . . or maybe we just happened across all the gay ones?? i swear i saw four gangsters walk by us, talking loud enough for me to hear:

"why you always walking in front of me, man?"

"well if i walk behind you, i step on yo shoes. and i don't wanna step on yo shoes, man~"

"alright. dat's fine then, ma~n"

and that was it! XD it was so funny.

i'll probably get shot one day for laughing at people. especially gangsters.

729258  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-01-08
Written: (6719 days ago)

i'm such an pervy idiot XD

my current term paper is on the slippery slope. spacifically how it's used in Fahrenheit 451 and Tommy's Tale; "A Fairy Tale About Fear". . .

but. . . Tommy's tale, as ye mayormaynot know. . . was written by Alan Cumming.

i. . . it. . . it's too much. to get to write 'Cumming' in a term paper. . . i find. . . that while i didn't think about it while writing the rough draft. . there's all kinds of smexual inuendo spewn throughout my paper !!!

the worst is likely, (and i quote directly from the paper) "Cumming comes right out" that paragraph in particular uses the words 'cumming' and 'comes' so many times. . . my english teacher wrote 'WHAT?!' in the margin. . .!!

and i, being the sick bastard that i am, 'm gonna leave it in, too. because it makes perfect sense in the paragraph, and is not gramatically incorrect. . . i will have to remove some of the exessive 'comes' in the paper though. . .

oh this is too much for my humor sensors to handle. . . i'm gonna explode! AAAAH CUMMING!

*snickers and runs off*

gods i love this term paper. i'm gonna fail.

727530  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-05
Written: (6722 days ago)



. . . i don't care if ye're not into Snape/Draco. . ! XD it's so perfectly cannon. . . and well written. . . and . . and. . .!! <3 <3 <3

the fact that S/M is my "OTP" (one true pairing, so i've learned ;D) . . .and that that is exactly how i precieve their relationship to be. . . oooooh it's goooooooood!

oh, and it's got the ending to HBP how i believed it to be, as well~~~ OOOOH GOOD GODS I MUST DRAW FANNART NOOOOOOOOOOW

719692  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-12-22
Written: (6736 days ago)

aaah the solstice is almost through. 3:23 in the morning, and i just finished my Book Report <3 <3 <3 i fecking love it at the moment. but that's probably due to my inhalation of insense and candle-smelly-goodness for the past. . . while.

haha. welp. gonna go translate Julius Caesar now. *hops off all giddy-like*

hope ye creatures are having a good time, or a good sleep (hopefully a nice dream to go along with a good sleep, if ye are indeed sleeping)


aaawe. suns gonna come up soon. 6:07. . .gonna have to go to schule :/ fooey.
717534  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-12-18
Written: (6740 days ago)


. . .


(weasley is our queen, potter is our king. . .)

706465  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-11-28
Written: (6760 days ago)
Next in thread: 706579, 709215

the artist who does the 'Neville Sucks' comics made a sight for them so i can jam it into yer heads. . .!!

;_; it's so good i can't express my pain from laughing so hard. . .


of course Y!hosting still has more recent stuffs. . . and more in general. myr. ("woofles!!" http://yaoi.y-gallery.net/view/81998/ )

Hagrid (H) - "Neville Longbottom!"

Neville (N) - "ee!"

H - "How're ye doin' me boy?!"

N - "oh h-Hagrid."

H - "what's wrong?"

N "Uhm-uhm. . . you're not going to-to rape me or-or tell me i suck are y-you?"

H - o_o ". . ."
  "hohoho! don't be silly! why 'ould i do that? yer a good boy!" *pat-pat*

N - <3 <3 <3 "i love you hagrid!!" <3 <3 <3

H - "hohoho"

*Hagrid gets hit with a moose*

N - "HAGRID?!!"

Sirius - "you shouldn't listen to him, 'cause you DO suck."


Harry - "will he be ok?"

Hermione - "i'm afraid not. the moose is the giant's only weakness."

Moose 1 - "Red, are you ok, mate?"

Moose 2 - "Man. wizards are such hosers."

702408  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-11-21
Written: (6767 days ago)
Next in thread: 702430

holey crap. i'm bloody crying. a freaking story is making me cry . ..and it's not even sad. WTF?


. . .i think this Author may be rising the ranks of my mental list of favorites. . . her stuff is different, well written. . .and craponnacracker. . .it gets to me.

701651  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-11-20
Written: (6768 days ago)
Next in thread: 701829

oh my FUDGING gods!!!!!!!



*cries* no, mista fred and george, butt-humping is GOOD

XD if ye read the comments, ye find out they have no idea what twincest is, and that some fangirl just made them hold up the signs. . . but still *cries tears of laughter*

700813  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-11-18
Written: (6770 days ago)
Next in thread: 700871

Weasley cannot save a thing!
He cannot block a single ring!
That's why Slytherins all sing:
Weasley is our King! (queen!!)

Weasley was born in a bin!
He always lets the quaffle in!
Weasley will make sure we win!
Weasley is our King! (queen!)

Weasley is our King! (queen!)
Weasley is our King! (queen!)
He always lets the quaffle in!
Weasley is our King.

(queen? hahaha he is SUCH a woman.)

aiiiiii the best movie EVER!!! i swear it will satisfy the hearts/lusts of het and slash fans alike :heart: :heart: :heart:

no spoilers, cause i'm that kinda jerk (unless ye want, in which message and wheee. dicussion dicussion dicussion!)


. . . on a more sombre note. they put me in the bloody ensamble (left-over) section of the musical. and thus i'm thinking about not doing it. buuh.

*beeps and pops back into wired, no sleep for 24+ hours, harrysnotterhigh mode*

699422  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-11-16
Written: (6772 days ago)

aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!! <3 <3 <3


X3 Severus/Remus animation (no sound, and short) but crap on a crapper. it's cleanly done (vecter) and. . .and. . . eek <3

it's not my personal fave. with character-styles, but i like it anyway. eeek *munches on the rest of their gallery, too*

and if ye don't like slash, then just for comedy:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


on a fluffier note, YAY midnight showing going~!

688330  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-10-27
Written: (6792 days ago)



i was looking up pictures of urRu for [Kileaiya]'s new contest (i thought it'd be neat to make a toy-maker mystic and pass it off as Mr. Claus)


there's gonna be a bloody manga of 'The Dark Crystal'!!
and it's published by TOKYOPOP!!

and a sequal movie, as well.

and a manga of the Labyrinth, too?!

. . . and now i cry. because i wish i was the one drawing 'em. dammit *gnaws own arm off in frustration*

and yet i'm so excited. . . <3 <3 <3

(in case ye didn't know, 'The Dark Crystal' is an old movie before computer-graphics that is created all through puppetry. . .but it all looks so real! <3 <3 <3 i love it more for the insanely detailed fantasy world then the plot, and it's one of my apsolute favorites)

urm. . .ja. next year me and Ashley (the femme staying with us) are gonna cosplay the two main characters. she'll be the femme and i'll be the male (Jen. . .but i can't remember the femme's name at the moment. . .damn i'm bad with names)

AAANYhoo. other than that. . .nothings been happening. i'm skipping school today, because i'll go more insane if i have to spend yet another consecutive day surrounded by people 24/7.

hopefully i'll see ye soon. if not, then i send my wishes to yer well beings.

especially to the [Kileaiya] in hopes of a speedy un-tired return-of-happy. . .
and [Rambert] in appology for anti-rp situations.
and urm. . . ja. lurverly to the rest of ye. or something. i dunno.

*popps off*

oh, and 'Death Note' rocks my socks. or some other slang that similarly illustrates my positive-acceptance of the manga.

681869  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-10-14
Written: (6805 days ago)

eek <3

Mrs. Geffers braught in her daughter today. . . XD

her Daughter is a director.

we acted/rped the whole class (i looked at it like one big messed up and fragmented rp) <3 <3

a few weeks ago we read 'Mask of the Red Death', by poe, and had to 'create' a character to put in it. . . . i used 'Rosaline', Desya's ex.

so all of English class today, i was playing him. it was really fun. wooohooo it makes me wish we had a drama class somewhere in our school :/

gaaah i love Rosaline. the selfish bastard. *gnaws on him, but then breaks into laughter, sobers up, and does his swooshy bow thing* <3

sorry for all the journals lately. it's been an odd week. negative--->neutral---->positive!

hopefully i'll remain semi-positive or neutral. and stop bothering ye with my blather. mmmm blather.

i've been talking about myself too much lately. sorry. *shuts up* trying to start conversing more fluidly has bad side effects >.<

681425  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-10-14
Written: (6806 days ago)

good Ren-faire today. . . XD

again, most of my friends didn't go in character. :/

BUT the actors were great, and i was in character (oi, if Desya can go into current times in the RP, he can in LARP, as well, right?!) it was rather fun. ^^

got three tails, and plan on taking them apart, and sewing them all together to form one longer one :3 probably won't work, but i'll try it anyway.

i got away for an hour or so, in which time i got REALLY in character. . . *_*

and. AND. *falls over with excitement*

during the super-IC time. . there was a preformance. not just any preformance. . .but Much Ado About Nothing!!!

i almost started crying. XD it was horrible. it was identical to the first scene of a story i wrote for Desya back when i was thinking of doing a manga of him for Grad. Prodject.

*melts* of course the play left out loads of the story (they had to fit it into half an hour, poor buggers)

i can't even begin to describe how awesome it felt to be that in character. yes, yes, i'm a freak. but I DON'T CARE! it was 'teh sex' >.<


the jousting was pretty bad, though. we didn't even watch the whole thing. :/

who cares though?! AAAH! i got a good hour. that's all that matters. mmmm.

consiquently i didn't draw today. . sorry >.<

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