[Radagast]'s diary

680746  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-10-12
Written: (7089 days ago)


This lady is so cool, she looks like a pixie, plays the harp and sings about being a child.

667373  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-18
Written: (7113 days ago)


Maybe vicars will start wearing penguin suits? Urgh, I'm just about sick of religious maniacs. Life is beautiful and amazing, people need to take it for what it is.

662779  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-09-10
Written: (7121 days ago)

[.Whats the most exotic place you've been to?]

Indonesia, I lived there for a year!

[.Do you wear glasses?]


[.Have you ever planted a tree?]


[.Have you ever tried counting to a million?]


[.Do you read during the summer?]

Yes, nothing like a straw hat, a book and some tea!

[.What is one thing that is turned on all the time?]

Nothin, if it was anything it would me my computer or stereo.

[.Did you ever want braces?]


[.Did you ever cut your own hair?]

Haha yes, not quite as badly as some have. I'll never forget the day yaz was left alone with scissors at the age of about six.

[.What are you wearing?]

Blue velvet jacket, yellow t-shirt, black jeans, blue boxers and odd socks.

[.Have you ever roasted marshmallows?]

Damn right!

[.Have you made a snowman before?]


[. Do you have a secret handshake with someone?]

I'm not sure

[. Have you ever made paper?]

I've tried

661267  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-07
Written: (7124 days ago)
Next in thread: 661315, 661417

Argh! Death to stupidly thought out art projects! DEATH TO THEM ALL! Who in their right minds asks for their students to do a life size painting of themselves? Its pointless, fair enough if they want you to do a self portriat but a life size one?

Sorry, bad ranting.

659973  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-09-05
Written: (7126 days ago)

Billy Corgan's new album (all of it)


655751  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-08-29
Written: (7133 days ago)
Next in thread: 658763, 674583
652769  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-08-24
Written: (7138 days ago)

* Drinking song : the alabama song, Tolkein's drinking song

* Funny song: bobby brown goes down - Frank Zappa

* Inspirational song: across the universe - Lennon and Harrison, what a wonderful world - Louis Armstrong

* Mellow song: chello song - Nick Drake

* Nighttime song: Ahh the whole of Twilight to starlight - Smashing Pumpkins

* Sunshine Song: setting the controls to the heart of the sun - Pink Floyd, Teardrop - Massive attack and anything by Led Zeppelin

* Silly Song: funny little man - aphex twin

* Getting ready song: all around the world - Red hot chilli peppers

* Crying song: redemption song - Bob Marley, hallelujah - jeff buckley

* Heartbreak song: Cupid de locke - smashing pumpkins, Love will tear us apart - joy division

* Depression song: Lithium - nirvana, levi stubbs tears - Billy Bragg, everyboy hurts - REM and a pumpkins one I can't remember the name of.

* Dark song: where the wild roses grow - Nick Cave and Kylie, dead skin coat - khanate, the mercy seat - Johnny Cash (nick cave cover)

* Celebrating song: teenage kicks - undertones, all you need is love - Beatles

* Party song:

* Dancing song: the teaches of peaches (hahahah!) very ape - Nirvana, funky shit - prodigy, superstar dj - chemical brothers, anything by the levelers or lounge lizards

* Loved-up song: it must be love - madness, I hope that I don't fall in love with you - Tom Waits

* Nostalgia song: 1979 - smashing pumpkins, No woman no cry - Bob Marley

* Sing-along song: love will tear us apart, teenage kicks

* Know-every-word song: American Pie/Don McLean, tangled up in blue - Bob Dylan, wish you were here - pink floyd

* Uplifting song: Float on - modest mouse, sunshine underground - chemical brothers

* Angry song: wake up - rage against the machine, coma america - amen

651145  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-08-22
Written: (7140 days ago)

My god people! This video pretty much made my day! People in rabbit costumes playing music!


641094  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-08-07
Written: (7155 days ago)
Next in thread: 641476

Today I saw the most beautiful shooting star. It was big and orange and had a long tail!

640236  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-08-06
Written: (7156 days ago)
Next in thread: 640352

I'm missing my amazing friend and listening to mare with a headache. Check them out... http://www.mare.ca/mp3/Palaces2.mp3

They make me feel like I'm in a dark cave colours falling from the celling. What?

633213  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-27
Written: (7166 days ago)

It seems like all inspiration has left me today, and yesterday and quite likely the day before that. Life is lacking excess in everything but unexcess at the moment. I'm getting closer and closer to letting the poor love birds out of their cage. They are the result of my dad's discusting softness with my sister and her discusting want for anything cute (regardless of its wellbeing). I mean, I live in a family of vegetarians, surely my dad would have the ethical wisdom to know its wrong to keep birds in a small cage because they look pretty. They also got three of them, one female and two males! Now one of them is left on his own while the other two swoon, my dad has clearly forgotten the reasoning behind the name "love bird".

630623  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-23
Written: (7170 days ago)

My body is telling me I'm addicted to caffine again. Oh joy, headaches all 'round!
Tell me, am I wrong to be angry with my dad for searching through my things for his CDs (which he NEVER plays) when my back is turned? I mean for a start he could just ask me for them back and secondly what about my damn privacy! Its just not something you do, unless you are a communist. Perhaps my dad is a communist!

628443  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-21
Written: (7172 days ago)
Next in thread: 630183

Today ain't so interesting but I feel like writing anyway. I've just realised I've been singing almost every other day for the last six months and my voice has hardly improved, its quite pathetic. What a waste of time. I'm also partly writing this entry because I have no idea what day it is, if its friday, its possible that I'm going to the pub. We'll have to see. Tea, yes tea, isn't it brilliant? It always leaves you wanting to drink more, it warms you up, it wakes you up with its little dose of yummy caffine, its a good social activity, its neither sweet or savory so you can have it with almost anything. This is especially good if you don't like the taste of whatever it is. It contains anti oxidants which help preven the corruption of cells which slows down the process of ageing and decreases your risk of getting cancer. On the whole I think tea is amazing.

620812  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-11
Written: (7182 days ago)
615420  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-04
Written: (7189 days ago)

Boring would not be an apt word for today. Today I didn't do a single thing worthy of note. I feel compelled to head butt the keyboard...tgyh6g5huji8kkkkyhguyhujjjjjjjjjjjjjjjyt6ht6hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

614298  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-02
Written: (7191 days ago)
Next in thread: 614501

Ahh! There are insects on my monitor! Don't leave windows open at night with computers on, this is what happens! Mass bug invasion! Why do they want to be on the moitor? They can't read can they? Oh no! Perhaps they can, perhaps they are reading these very words! Oh yes, as I was saying, I LOVE it when insects crawl on my monitor. Delightful beasts!

On to more important matters...
Live 8! Bob is a saint, listen to him and do what he tells you, the world will be alot better.

Pink Floyd! Music dosen't get much better kids. Those who did not watch it are very silly indeed.

I'm tired now, the bugs have gone to sleep and so sould I, buh bye.

610797  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-06-28
Written: (7195 days ago)

The night the music died  part 1

Those two colours remind me of
that special christmas feeling,
I stood, watching them,
transfixed on the oily swirls,
gliding across the glistening
trampled, over and over,
those feet still massage its surface
milling across the projection,
they turn their heads to
laugh at my smile,
the look of child like awe,
posessed, hypnotised and intoxicated,
the swirls, toxic looking themselves,
a trigger happy poison,
not smoked, injected,
snorted or injested,
through large, dark
and dliated eyes.

The trees leaned over,
comforting and parental,
dowsed in that toxic light,
alive and warm,
a peaceful nook in chaos,
their arms beckon me futher
into my fungal stupour,
there I was led away,
I held hands like that fascinated
child who cast its shadow not so long ago,
pulled into the cold and chaotic
current of the hysterical night,
it was a feaver,
no one could see it,
or Identify.

their wide,
dark and crazed eyes
glinting like rocks in the stream,
they welcomed me,
we all understood
that none of us did,

An epic,
living line,
swooping like a
streak of matt paint
across a glazed plate,
veering to an uncertian halt,
where elusive shadows,
celebrated their uncertain and
sinister cause.

There it was, there,
hit by nothing,
silent and dead,
thrown away,
I slipped back into the current,
silent and dead,
an empty shell,
refracting empty light,
I felt it, this was,
the night the music died.

610424  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-06-28
Written: (7195 days ago)

Today I invented an almost-perpetual machine (perpetual machine of the third kind for anyone who knows what that means). I'm going to draw the plans neat sometime so I can show people. I want to make the damn thing but I can't be botherd right now. It dosen't do anything, its completely pointless because it has no output, its true art! It will be a sculpture at some point, its a shame someone else has already done a perpetual sculpture although mine is different.

609957  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-27
Written: (7196 days ago)
Next in thread: 609979

Well...Glastonbury festival was interesting. I woke up at about six in the morning on the first day to anh angry sounding thunderstorm, alot of mud followed. I did, as strange as it may seem, enjoy the mud. I want to continue writing but I didn't sleep last night and I also ate some special fungus and met strange people, now I'm pretty spaced out, I'll finish this later.

605267  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-22
Written: (7201 days ago)

Oh no, what am I doing inside? This is terrible, its sunny outside! Damn it elftown, why'd you always do this to me?!? Ahh thats better, a good it of the ol' stairway. People; listen to lez zeppelin, you have to because its summer. I'm going to turn this up full volume and open my window so I can enjoy it outside...

601454  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-17
Written: (7206 days ago)

In that tree,
the pol pit,
1000 years old I said,
it fitted perfectly,
like an egg in a cup,
smooth and soft,
that bottle,

sitting on steps looking down,
thinking of the man,
standing with dusty book in
sunlight and
sunday morning serenity,
not now,
sitting here in the twilight,

its been for so long,
feeling relaxed
in the comforting
dependancy I have
for its exsistance,

and him too,
all drinking the whisky,
in that tree.

 The logged in version 

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