[fortunato]'s diary

322804  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-08-17
Written: (7347 days ago)

somthing reesantly reeminded me of the time i was out and away from the house fore 1 1/2 days. it was almost christmas and i was grounded fore breaking cerfu because i was w/ my girlfriend. i snuk out and went 2 her house and she dumped me
anyway i was so sand and mad and distrawt that i just left her house and started walking and walking i walked 4 about 12 houres w/ a swetshitrt and shorts, nothing els but my chuks, and it was snowing reely hard at the times i was walkind in-2 it it felt like the little ice christils wer so sharp they could cut a cinderblock in half, i know they couldn't but they stung so bad and i was soooo cold i felt like i was gona freeze soled. i walked acros 304(a neer bye highway) and to my friend's house i left there because he was not home and i kept walking and walking i had 2 lighters so i could stay a little warmer than i could have if i diddnt' have em evenchuly i went 2 my other friend's house and called marc 2 come pic me upso then i went home and marc and diane wer so strange about it they didn't say anything about it i just wasn't aloud out of the house 4 like 2 months.

321622  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-08-16
Written: (7348 days ago)

hiya i woke up at like 6am and i'm actuly not that itred, it's still dark thow so i can hardly se the keebord so that + my not being able 2 spell i'll probibly make on or twentey mistakes, lol.
so i don't reely have much 2 say but i reelycan't do much today seing how i have only 2 days left tek' i leav to go to disnyworld, lol. so if anyone neads 2 contact me just leave a slightly long message and i'll reply as soon as i get home,(i'm only gona be gone 4 a week).so that's pritty much all i have 2 say so bye be

320750  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-08-15
Written: (7349 days ago)


this is a vid. that ansers alot of people's questions about beeing a reel vampire so if anyone want's 2 lern more about vampireisim thay can just go to the link as seen above

317233  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-08-12
Written: (7352 days ago)


Deep within my hungry soul raged a tormented beast

Who yearned for freedom, wings to fly; its moaning never ceased.

In darkest hours of sullen nights as shrouded as the dead,

Tears sprang up from my fragile wounds and drowned me in my bed.

I cried out in vain.

The beast won again.

The beast made no sound.

All sorrows had drowned.

317178  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-08-12
Written: (7352 days ago)

Memories of You

Cloud full of poison
Gentle rain burns my skin.
Memories of you,
Permanently marked for all to see.
My damaged fragile body.
The canvas you used
To show your pain.
Gashes formed from scarlet openings.
Incisions gave a river that helped
Rest your mind.
Destroying mine.
White scars left from blazing blades
Forced upon my brittle skin.
Burning my visage to give you
More confidence in your own

317176  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-08-12
Written: (7352 days ago)

Dreams and Nightmares

Feed my dreams of nightmares and shadows
Obscenities twisted by a mind of sin.
A parasite feeding on trial and retribution
Taking and destroying your mind from within.

It waits and beckons when in slumber you lie,
A temporary coma of Death's favourite daughter.
Unable to resist the sweet sleep of sadism,
Willing falling like a lamb to the slaughter.

Flashing images turn common visions
To masocistic horrors of subconscious mind.
Childhood fears resurected with malice
You have no where to run but are easy to find.

Taunted by demons you long to forget,
Insignificant pictures distorted to memories.
Nightmares returned from connotations of fear,
Disturbingly telling your long lost story.

The rocking horse's severed head
Floating in a bath of blood.
Stare into it's hollow eyes
See the demon you keep locked inside.

317175  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-08-12
Written: (7352 days ago)


He sat alone without a light,
Moving for no one
He was curled up tight.
The room was pitch black and littered with leaves,
The dark poured in
Given by trees.

The moon was full;
From what he could see.
Round and yellow
But no mystery.
Spiders danced around him;
Delighting in their craft.
His eyes followed intensely,
As he wondered to see them laugh

317146  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-08-12
Written: (7352 days ago)

Red sun rising in the sky
Sleeping village, cock'rel's cry
Soft breeze blowing in the trees
Peace of mind, feel at ease

317140  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-08-12
Written: (7352 days ago)

Goodbye My Friend

Who can tell me who I am
who I am my friend
I'm an Alien so they say
a risk to everyone

NO - Tell me what do they see
NO - Tell me what do they feel
NO - Tell me what do they fear
NO - Tell me what do they see

I'm a dwarf but I know more than You
and I'm the key to a better life
from terror I could escape
but I need your helping hand
so far from home where I'm left alone
Did You hear my crying?
Did You hear my crying?

Goodbye my friend
I found you at the end
I say Goodbye to all
Goodbye my friend
thanks for your helping hand
I say Goodbye to all my cries
just say Goodbye

No returning nevermore
No returning nevermore

And I'll remember
Communication to you is so strange
you I trust to noone no warmths reach your heart
to you I'm the stranger but you're strange to me
You destruct all what is unknown to you
We are together now
and don't you know I'll come back again
I must go now



I will go home now
I will go home now
much too long I'm forced to stay
in visions I see
so dark and so deep
mankind will destruct all life
See you again I hope I will
see you again at the end?
My tortured soul cannot forget the pain
now I find my way back


315143  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-08-09
Written: (7355 days ago)
Next in thread: 317172

i try to give out as much ove as i can but nowbody reeturns it evryone just uses me to feel les sorey fore themselvs. they say they love me but i can tell they don't meen it. i reely nead someonw who reely loves me fore who i am intell next time(if i make it that far) goodbuy

265314  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-06-25
Written: (7399 days ago)
Next in thread: 347065

sweetangelbaby is so nice

264655  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-06-23
Written: (7401 days ago)

yah!!! i got piked to be in ozz-fest w/ my band talk about kick-ass luck...uh I meen talent

263920  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-06-23
Written: (7402 days ago)

i'm still reely sad that rosy dumped me, and that was lase christmas. i don't think i'll ever get over it. the funny thing is, the day she dumped me is the day i turnd goth i guess sum things reelly do turn out ok in the end naw all i can do is think about the night that wee spent out in the snow, and the fooloing day when i went over and she said she "hated my guts!"

261756  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-06-20
Written: (7405 days ago)

damn i'm tired, i got no sleap at all last night i was at a gig w/ my band and after that i just kinda hung around a while. but hay as long as we are havin' fun, as misrubul as my life is, I honistly don't cair at all. i'm still reely sad about rosey leeving me *wimpers* but i guess she has beter things to do than listin to me talk about my 3 famos relitivs.

261750  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-06-20
Written: (7405 days ago)

R.E.M. rox dudes and dudets

231003  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-05-22
Written: (7433 days ago)


We'll be singing
When we're winning
We'll be singing

I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down

Pissing the night away
Pissing the night away

He drinks a whisky drink
He drinks a vodka drink
He drinks a lager drink
He drinks a cider drink
He sings the songs that remind him
Of the good times
He sings the songs that remind him
Of the better times:

"Oh Danny Boy
Danny Boy
Danny Boy..."

I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down

Pissing the night away
Pissing the night away

He drinks a whisky drink
He drinks a vodka drink
He drinks a lager drink
He drinks a cider drink
He sings the songs that remind him
Of the good times
He sings the songs that remind him
Of the better times:

"Don't cry for me
Next door neighbour..."

I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down

We'll be singing
When we're winning
We'll be singing

228127  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-05-20
Written: (7436 days ago)

lonly, tierd, sad, depresed, me

219819  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-05-11
Written: (7444 days ago)

God Called In Sick Today

219815  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-05-11
Written: (7444 days ago)

Aftershave and smoke
And the same unfunny jokes
They say they'll take you "Anywhere
But there"
Believe every half-whispered
Half-remembered lie
Where truth is a luxury
They can't afford to buy

Looking for a scapegoat

There's always someone else for you to blame

Backed into a corner
He barricades his life
Fastens up the shutters every night
This island is big enough
For every castaway
But most of us are looking round
For someone else to blame

Looking for a scapegoat

There's always someone else for you to blame

219813  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-05-11
Written: (7444 days ago)

This is the Goodship Lifestyle
All my friends jumped ship
I elect me the captain
This is the loneliest voyage
I've ever been on
Up in the crow's nest -
Over there! I see land!
First mate? There is no First Mate...
This is the Goodship Lifestyle

Sail away from the world

So steer a course
A course for nowhere
And drop the anchor
My little Empire
I'm going nowhere
I'm going nowhere
I'm going nowhere
I'm going nowhere

This is the Goodship Lifestyle
I fly my very own flag
TV dinners for one
At the captain's table
Repel all boarders!
Draw the curtains tighter!
Where's the crew? There is no crew...
This is the Goodship Lifestyle

So steer a course
A course for nowhere
And drop the anchor
My little Empire
I'm going nowhere
I'm going nowhere
I'm going nowhere
I'm going nowhere

(I'm almost broken)

 The logged in version 

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