[fortunato]'s diary

465827  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-01-07
Written: (7099 days ago)
Next in thread: 468378

i'm bord so i'm just gona right as much as i can, ad you'll probly get my hole outlook on wut's goin' on and shit, neway here i go,(btw if you dun like it you can suck a big fluffy ducky dick!)

i'm pissed, confused, depressed, w/e haha monkies, haha kill the war, not the people fighting it; those chains suck the ribon one haha wut losers!!!the war shouldn't be going on! it's wrong! not just ethicly, it sux!!!!!!!!!!! ****** dumped meh and now i'm all fuckin' depressed, i thought bout killing ma'self, then i thought, it's the easy way out of nothing, it may seem like the only posble solution, but then i rememberd my old saying, "suiside is the perminent solution fore a temporairy suchuation!" YAH, IT REELY IS, anyway;.... yay kinkie pink monkie *poke*..........wut?
oh btw......w8 wut was i gona say??? oh fuck it skip this part!!!
yay the distillers rock, i just got 3 more copeys of sing sing death house, i got the cd, the record, and the tape, wow they actuly made a tape, that kinda surprized meh, oh well they rock and that proovs it, yay i also got the nirvana box set! it was bout $100 but it's not like it was my money!!! i got a new belt buckle 2, am i typing this, is my teacher waching me?!?!?!? is the hokey pokiey reely wut it's all about??? hmmm..... ok i'm not geting botd but i g2g kuz i'm in school, ttyl....shit

462413  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-01-03
Written: (7103 days ago)

"Don't blaim us if we eva' doubt ya BOSTON we couldn't live without ya, Boston you are the only only o-nly, don't blaim us if we eva' doubt ya RED SOX! we couldn't live without ya' Red Sox you are the only only o-o-nly"
sry i'll stop now...

kk heres another 1:
[ I'm gonna tell you a story
I'm gonna tell you about my town
I'm gonna tell you a big bad story, baby
Aww, it's all about my town

Yeah, down by the river
Down by the banks of the river Charles (aw, that's what's happenin' baby)
That's where you'll find me
Along with lovers, fuggers, and thieves (aw, but they're cool people)
Well I love that dirty water
Oh, Boston, you're my home (oh, you're the Number One place)
Frustrated women (I mean they're frustrated)
Have to be in by twelve o'clock (oh, that's a shame)
But I'm wishin' and a-hopin, oh
That just once those doors weren't locked (I like to save time for
my baby to walk around)
Well I love that dirty water
Oh, Boston, you're my home (oh, yeah)

Because I love that dirty water
Oh, oh, Boston, you're my home (oh, yeah)

Well, I love that dirty water (I love it, baby)
I love that dirty water (I love Baw-stun)
I love that dirty water (Have you heard about the Strangler?)
I love that dirty water (I'm the man, I'm the man)
I love that dirty water (Owww!)
I love that dirty water (Come on, come on)

462410  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-01-03
Written: (7103 days ago)
Next in thread: 463464, 465246, 470006

i've lost all will 2 live. ashley left me, and i'm compleetly lost.
i honestly don't know wut 2 do. i think i'll curl up into a ball and go to sleep, never to wake up.

459451  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-30
Written: (7107 days ago)

Yeah, down by the river
Down by the banks of the river Charles
That's where you'll find me
Along with lovers, muggers, and thieves
Well I love that dirty water
Ohhh, Boston, you're my home

459427  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-30
Written: (7107 days ago)

[the dictonairy deffinition of "punk" is a new and original person]

the following is a message my good friend sent meh bout the pole defining "punk"

(for your oh so lovley poll)
Punk is a lifestyle which include that you listen to punk music of any kind (often punk rock or progg)
You often have great political knowleges and know whats happening in the world.
Many punk's are vegetarians and such and plenty fight for human or animal rights..

Punk's are often involved and active in some political group or any group were they can get their voice heard and say exactly whats wrong in this frikkin world.

punks rock!

406199  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-08
Written: (7159 days ago)

ok this is something i wrote fore Ashley, but i think i beter give it to all of my friends....(just to cheer em up)

let me live to see the day
that pig eets man, and man eets hay
and cow eets fish with rice and beens, and chille made with loads of greens
(not to menchin cheep sardeens)
oh i reely want to see the day that pig eets man and man eets hay

391324  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-10-26
Written: (7173 days ago)
Next in thread: 409724

yo yo yo check out my new pet

his name is jack

371027  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-10-04
Written: (7194 days ago)
Next in thread: 373654

8/9/04 is the day me and ashley fell in love

370165  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-03
Written: (7195 days ago)
Next in thread: 371640

i just found out that -b- is alive hehehehehehehehehe i'm soooooo happy you can't even amagin, and what makes things even better it's me and ashley's 2 month aniversory in 6 days*jumps up and down* i'm soooo exited because no one but us thought it would last this long and we showd them alright, haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*twirls around in cerkals*

368655  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-10-01
Written: (7197 days ago)
Next in thread: 368719, 369561, 369739, 369784

now i'm not only scaird depresed and sad i'm also mad as hell at my mum and at evryone els in the world who thinks i'm a nobody wen i pull the triger and end it all they'll remember me fore shure as the one who never would be a somebody at least they will remember that it was them who ended it all

368589  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-10-01
Written: (7197 days ago)
Next in thread: 368635, 368871


sorry but if you have the time i reely need to tell someone and seing as youre like the onlyone who i have any chance of geting to lisin i figured i might tell you...

my friend brittany(but evryone calls her -b-) looks like she is about to comit suiside, actuly fore all i know she could be des now as i'm telling you this. i was talking to her yesterday and she seemed to be alright but then tonight i got an IM from my friend tabbi that she was gona comit suiside and as i was trying to help keep my -b- alive my mom comes over and tells me i hafto say goodbye and go to bed and evryone knows that a parent is the last person you want to involve if youre friend is about to kill herself, so i just say no but evenchualy i get off because tabbi (who i was talking to) had to hang up so i got off right and me being of the vampire religon was gon'a cast a spell of protection fore her =, and to do that i needed salt but my bitchin' mom(who if i havn't alrady told you is not my reel mom infact my friends are all the family i have so if one of them dies it's harder then if one of the people i live with dies) wouldn't let me have any because she hates my guts all the way to hell and thinks i need salt to put out a fire that i might start because i usto start small controled fires in tin coffe cans in my room and now i have absolutly no way of knoing if my friend (who as i said meens alot to me because my friends are the only reel family i have) is alive or not or even if she will make it thru the night and i'm so scaird and sad and distrowt and i reely needed to tell someone so thank you fore lisning thats all

368192  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-10-01
Written: (7198 days ago)
Next in thread: 368881

heres a reely bad poim by me...

y must i be the one,
the one who stands alone,
the one who crys alone,
the onw who lives alone,
the one who dies alone,
y must i be the one,
the one without love,
the one without life,
the one without happynes,
the one without sleep,
y must i be the one who lives but is not happy,
y must i ve the one who crys but may not die,
y must i be the one who can't sleep nor can be awakend,
y y must i be me

367628  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-09-30
Written: (7198 days ago)
Next in thread: 368879

i love you ash i don't know what i would do without you. youre the moste inportint thing in my life and if i didn't have you i would probibly kill myself. and as my last wish it would be fore you to se me and one hug is all that i would need... i love you and nothing can ever change that, nothing. i hope you reed this i don''t even know y i'm typing this, it's probly because i'm reely sad right now i think i will go to my room and not come out intell the day i die and just play the guitar to pass the time. oh i don't know i'm sad, bord, distrot, tired, scaird, evrything

i love you

362114  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-09-25
Written: (7203 days ago)

to each his own life

362113  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-09-25
Written: (7203 days ago)

those are all i can think of

361150  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-09-24
Written: (7204 days ago)

life is water in the oshen, if even one drop is removed the oshen shrinks

361148  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-09-24
Written: (7204 days ago)

death comes in time don't dwell in it when youre alive

 The logged in version 

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