[YHWH]'s diary

344947  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-09-07
Written: (7326 days ago)

I haven't written in here if in a while so I am writing again. It is like I said a LOONG time ago, I absolutely MUST write in here! I have no choice! Oi... that's no good...

328720  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-08-23
Written: (7341 days ago)
Next in thread: 330459

Ok,I have decided to scrap that thing I am working on down there... so... Um... there...

325443  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-08-19
Written: (7345 days ago)
Next in thread: 379138

Ánováóó'o hóxe'óó'o
éšestsé tséhnéehóvéto.
Mo'on, tsé'tóhe

It is a slow process of writing in a language you don't know, so this might not ever be finished because I keep having to retranslate things... lol

312858  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-08-07
Written: (7357 days ago)


Where the wind blows true, the sky whispers to
Itself and the trees can't see, there is a
River that goes on, unending. The riv-
er passes beneath a bridge made of pure
White marble that is tainted by the Sun/
Moon that never sets and never rises.
The bridge is a part of a road that goes
On for an eternity, an unend-
ing path of nowhereness. The path goes through
A deadlands forest, of trees, gravel and
Of starlight too. The deadlands forest is
An unending eternity of un-
growing mortality, reflexious of
A world that once was but nothing at all.


Some notes: it may not seem to mean anything at first, but try to see what it tells you and message me with what you see, I am truly want to see how people interpret it.

309966  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-08-04
Written: (7360 days ago)
Next in thread: 378819

I apologize for the previous two entries, I seem to have lost my mind, but I have found it again, so, no worries there...

309965  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-08-04
Written: (7360 days ago)

But if you DO sign my guestbook, I WILL sign yours.... Haha!

309964  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-08-04
Written: (7360 days ago)

Ok so... if you don't sign my guestbook... I won't sign yours! Haha!

309085  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-08-03
Written: (7361 days ago)

This is a diary entry, for all of those unaware. This is where I put all sorts of crap that nobody cares about... So... there....

302063  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-07-28
Written: (7367 days ago)

Did you know that to buy a book to learn Norwegian, it cost almost one hundred dollars?! That is like... The essence of absurdity! I mean, come on! It's just insane! How am I going to come up witht that kind of money? Oh, that's right, I won'! Looks like I am stuck with tiny little booklets that don't teach grammar or anything and asking my friends how everything is pronounced... Oh well, at least it is way cheaper than actually buying a book on it (for buying a book would waste money otherwise spent on a flight to Europe...)

297745  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-07-24
Written: (7371 days ago)


Shady Grove my darling
Shady Grove my little miss
Shady Grove--

*Stops singing*


*Starts singing again*

Mothers not dead
She's only a-sleepin'

*Stops singing*

Why can't I remeber any of the lyrics to any song?

*Starts to sing again*

... Goodbye Earl--

*Stops singing and walks away*

297740  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-07-24
Written: (7371 days ago)

My Poll! Vote on my Poll!!!!

296963  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-23
Written: (7372 days ago)
Next in thread: 296967

I would write a diary entry in some cool language that I made up except that the language I made up to write my diary entries in is sort of... Not yet made... So, that is why this entry is not in some cool language, though I ought to put this so that anyone and everyone can read it... So, it shall be a friends only entry as well as a public entry. Ain't that swell?

(This is the public entry, just so that everyone knows)

(I only just realized that EVERYONE who reads this will know that it is a public entry...)

296944  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-23
Written: (7372 days ago)

I can fly! Well, not really... But... Um... I sort of can stay in the air if I jumpt from raelly high up... but... I can't RAELLY fly...

295540  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-22
Written: (7373 days ago)

I met another Dancing Lunatic yesterday... Yeah, he was pretty nice but i think that he'd had a bit to much to drink because he kept tripping while he danced and all of his words were slurred... He was a Story Teller in a past life, but he said that he was happy with his current incarnation... Well, that is that...

294500  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-07-21
Written: (7374 days ago)

Nevermind, I was wrong, this can't be the end.. lol, sorry, my bad...

294499  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-07-21
Written: (7374 days ago)

This is the end. Well... Um, I guess I should re-word that:

"This could be the end."

There, that is better...

 The logged in version 

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